The case of Cooper the dangerous dog finally gets its hearing in circuit court, the Flagler County Commission decides whether to appoint one of its most generous financial contributors to the planning board, November Great Kids.
News Briefs
Weekend Briefing: First Friday, Freedom Fest at Airport, Navy Jazz Ensemble, Tommy Tant Classic
Freedom fest brings a couple of dozen aircraft to the Flagler Airport, the Tommy Tant Surf Classic takes Flagler Beach after First Friday there, the Navy’s Jazz ensemble is at the Auditorium.
Paul Peacock of Indian Trails and Cara Cronk of Buddy Taylor Are District’s Administrators of the Year
Indian Trails Middle School’s Paul Peacock is this year’s Principal of the Year in the Flagler district, and Buddy Taylor Middle School’s Cara Cronk is the assistant principal of the year.
Thursday Briefing: Joseph Bova Status, Critics Choice Dinner, Palm Coast Finance’s Winners
The case of Joseph Bova, accused of gunning down store clerk Zuheili Roman Rosado at a Palm Coast gas station in 2013, is back in court, Palm Coast’s finance department wins two awards.
Wednesday Briefing: Halloween, Canvassing Board, Stetson Woodwind Ensemble, Trump in Lee County
It’s Halloween: be careful out there, the Flagler Canvassing Board meets again to go through mailed-in ballots, the Stetson Woodwinds Ensemble is in concert, Donald Trump is in southwest Florida.
Tuesday Briefing: $28,000 Raised For FHF’s Hospice, Taste of Fun Coast, TNR, Bunnell Town Hall, Hall of Terror
It’s Taste of the Fun Coast, a fund-raiser for the Flagler County Free Clinic, at the Hammock resort, Palm Coast talks trap, neuter and release and dangerous dogs, Bunnell hosts a town hall, Fire Station 21 hosts its annual Hall of Terror.
Monday Briefing: PCAF’s Latest Turtles, Rotary Club Looking For Bands, Leslie Pitter in Court, Eric Holder on Voting Rights
The Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s community public sculpture project dedicates its latest at Long Creek Nature Preserve, the Flagler Rotary is looking for musical acts to play at Fantasy Lights, corrections as a people skill.
Thursday Briefing: Fruehan in Court, Holden House on National Registry, Innovative Workforce, Early Voting
Holden House in Bunnell lands on the National Register of Historic Places, ex-physician Florence Fruehan attempts to get a criminal charge dropped, the Flagler Beach commission meets.
Wednesday Briefing: What Kind of Manager for Palm Coast? Great Kids Awards, Gillum-DeSantis II
Palm Coast government hosts two public workshops to hear from residents what kind of city manager they want next, Gillum and DeSantis debate again, early voting continues at three locations.
Tuesday Briefing: D’Marcus Boyd Plea, Stetson Guitar Ensemble, Moody-Shaw Debate, Ocala Forest Bombing
D’Marcus Boyd appears in court to tender a plea on charges of rape, burglary and grand theft, Attorney General candidates Ashley Moody (R) and Sean Shaw (D), debate on News 13, some bombing in the Ocala forest.
Monday Briefing: Early Voting Begins, Bunnell’s Meet-and-Greet, Sea Ray Boats Yard Sale
Early voting begins at three locations for all registered voters in Flagler, Bunnell government hosts a meet and greet for all, the Stamp and Coin Club meets.
Weekend Briefing: Rocky Horror, Holler-Ween Fest, NAACP Freedom Fund, Sea Ray Boats Sale, Brass and Opera
The Rocky Horror Show at City Repertory Theatre, Holler-Ween Fest at the Agricultural Museum, the NAACP hosts its Freedom Fund evening, Sea Ray has a yard sale.
Thursday Briefing: Chamber’s Candidate Forum, Resource Fair, Intracoastal Bank, Inspired Mic
The Chamber of Commerce hosts a candidate forum at the Hilton, a community resources and college financial aid fair, the Inspired Mic returns.
Wednesday Briefing: Wawa, Town Center Apartments, Fearless and Focused Women, Wellness
The Bulldog Drive Wawa takes a gulp closer to reality, the Palm Coast planning board approves a site plan for Town Center apartments, fearless women talk at a chamber function.
Tuesday Briefing: Canales Trial, Education Foundation, Palm Coast Electric Tax, Relief Truck, Gillum-DeSantis Debate
Gubernatorial candidates Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis debate, the Palm Coast council talks electric tax, the Flagler Education Foundation recognizes its donors on a new wall.
Monday Briefing: Relief Food Truck, No School, Candidates at Tiger Bay, Trial Week, Biometric Rifle Safes
The Flagler Tiger Bay Club hosts congressional candidate Nancy Soderberg, the county commission approves biometric safes and flack jackets for the sheriff’s school deputies, Ken Starr in palm Beach.
A Note to Readers on Our New Server
FlaglerLive switched to a new, more powerful server Saturday morning. But it takes up to 48 hours for the new Domain Name System (DNS) to propagate around the globe. That could create some confusion for some readers.
Weekend Briefing: Rocky Horror Show, FPC Homecoming, Soprano Anna Maria, Bike MS, Pink Army 5K, Pet Blessing
Another weekend very rich in all sorts of activities, musical theater, the Pink Army 5K, a pet blessing and fair, a soprano’s performance at the Arts Foundation, movie in the park, and plenty more.
Thursday Briefing: National Coming Out Day, Heat Index to 103, Flagler Beach’s Comp Plan, Road Closures
The Flagler Beach commission discusses its comprehensive plan, lecture series at the Whitney in Marineland, National Coming Out Day everywhere, another scorching day in Michael’s wake.
Flagler Sheriff’s Kershaw and Sabatini Win National Award For Bridging Gap Between Cops and Citizens
Brittany Kershaw and Shannon Sabatini of the sheriff’s public affairs office were recognized for a series of videos intended to bridge the agency’s ranks with the community.
Wednesday Briefing: Lots of Cancellations, Heat Index to 102, Sunshine Seminars, Intracoastal’s 10th
Hurricane Michael’s outer bands is provoking a series of local cancellations, Intracoastal Bank marks its 10th anniversary, the First Amendment Foundation’s seminar in Deerfield Beach.
Tuesday Briefing: Palm Coast Drones, a 350-ft Cell Tower, Party Registration Deadline, What Russia Wants
Last day to register to vote, rules for Palm Coast government’s drones, Flagler County seeks a permit for a 350-foot tower, a lecturer on what Russia wants.
Monday Briefing: Robert Tarczewski, Trump in Orlando, Bunnell’s Charter Review, Containers as Business
The Bunnell City Commission considers charter changes to put before voters, Donald Trump speaks min Orlando, it’s homecoming week at FPC, Palm Coast has a couple of road closures, Mencken on lying presidents.
Weekend Briefing: Creekside Festival, Pan-Am Dance, First Friday, Drug Court Fall Ride, Linda Cole
The Creekside Music and Art Festival at Princess Place, Hispanic-American Club’s Pan-American Dance, bikers for Drug Court, learning about the amendments, the Rotary’s Community Stars.
Creekside Festival at Princess Place This Weekend, In Its 14th Year, Stages Rich Varieties
From live music to art shows, free kid zones, varieties of food and innumerable art and crafts vendors, the Creekside Music and Arts Festival is a tradition made of traditions.
Thursday Briefing: Active-Shooter Training, Wetlands Restoration Meeting, ITMS Band Fall Concert
The St. Johns Water Management District holds a community meetings on the controversial Flagler County Wetland Restoration Project, the Indian Trails band in concert, Mencken on art.
Wednesday Briefing: Hurricane Irma Rebuilding Grants, Starlight Parade Sign-Ups, John Legend on Amendment 4
Palm Coast takes applications for the holiday Starlight parade, a University Women of Flagler workshop on traveling with confidence, musician John Legend campaigns in support of Amendment 4 in Orlando.
Tuesday Briefing: Palm Coast Futures, Lenhart at Hammock, 2020 School Calendar, Nelson-Scott Debate
The school board discusses its 2019-20 calendar, the Palm Coast council sets a course for its next manager’s search, Bill nelson and Rick Scott debate, Flagler Sportsfishing Club meets.
Monday Briefing: Pink Army Flag-Raising, Help for Hurricane Irma Repairs, $39,000 in Tax Subsidies to a Private Company
The County Commission ratifies $39,000 in subsidies from tourist development taxdollars to Triple Crown Sports, a for-profit private company, for events scheduled this fall in the county.
2 Teens Arrested on Burglary and Grand Theft Charges Following Morning Sweep in Palm Coast’s B-Section
The 16-year-old boy arrested this morning on grand theft and burglary charges, along with his cousin, had been arrested days ago on similar charges and had pledged to turn his life around.
Thursday Briefing: Common Ground, Staly Subpoena, Drug Court Graduation, Beadle to Forte, NAACP
The sheriff is in court twice–for drug court graduation and for a potential showdown over a subpoena, Sweeney Todd opens at the Playhouse, Chief Beadle passes the torch to Jerry Forte at the Palm Coast Fire Department.
Wednesday Briefing: Bunnell’s Newest Park, National Guard Airport Facility, Football Prayer Case
Bunnell dedicates its new Louis L. Jackson Municipal Park on South Pine Street, a beer tasting at the Humidor, the National Guard facility at the county airport comes along.
Tuesday Briefing: Banned Book Week, Whitley Sentencing, Palm Coast’s Future Manager, Beach Management
A visual commemoration of Banned Book Week at the Flagler Public Library, the Palm Coast council discusses what kind of manager it wants, a child molester recorded by his victim is sentenced.
Missing and Endangered: Ricky Wheeler, 17, Who Has Diminished Mental Capacities
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is seeking public help in locating 17-year-old Ricky Wheeler, who went missing Friday (Sept. 21) and may be endangered.
Monday Briefing: Mosquito Control and Bunnell Budgets, Stamp and Coin Club, Moonrise at Gamble Rogers
The Mosquito Control District sets a higher tax rate, Bunnell does not, Moonrise at Gamble Rogers Recreation Area, the Stamp and Coin Club meets, Víkingur Ólafsson plays Philip Glass.
Weekend Briefing: Linda Cole, Sweeney Todd, Jim Canfield Farewell, Longineu Parsons Jazz
Linda Cole’s jazz ensemble at Cue Note, Flagler Playhouse’s “Sweeney Todd,” Arts Foundation presents Longineu Parsons, Palm Coast says farewell to ex-Mayor Jim Canfield.
Thursday Briefing: Inspiring Bathrooms at Imagine School, Uninspiring Flagler Taxes, DCF Refugees
Imagine School students brighten up bathroom stalls with positive quotes, Flagler County passes its budget, DCF has refugee services, Anita Hill speaks.
Wednesday Briefing: Ocean Palm Golf, Heat Index to 103, Free Wellness Screenings, DSC Job Fair, Genealogy Society
Daytona State hosts its fall job fair, Florida Hospital Flagler offers free health screenings, Flagler Beach’s Ocean Palm Golf Club lifts its profile, a free legal clinic on landlord and tenant law.
Tuesday Briefing: Heat Index to 105, Palm Coast Rezoning, School Board Talks Security, Bunnell Containers
Another scorcher, the school board hears from a school-security group that emerged out of the Connecticut school shooting, Palm Coast talks rezoning.
Monday Briefing: Heat Index to 106, Tiger Bay’s 1st Lunch, Wetlands Restoration, Charter Schools
Another scorcher with temperatures well into the 90s, Integrity Florida releases a report on charter schools, Flagler’s new Tiger Bay Club hosts its first luncheon with guest Husein Cumber, a rail executive, the Flagler County Commission talks wetlands.
Weekend Briefing: Nesbitt in Court, Bunnell Bonanza, Basketball Registration, Puppy Pub Crawl, Branford Marsalis
The first annual Bunnell Bonanza, the first Annual Flagler Redfish Tournament, coastal clean-up, Flagler Beach Pirate Invasion, 5K for the Flagler Auditorium, Branford Marsalis in Jacksonville.
Thursday Briefing: Heat Index to 103, Florence Strike Team, Sharks and Rays on the Brink
The Flagler Beach City Commission sets next year’s taxes, a Flagler Strike Team helps with the Hurricane Florence response, a lecture on “Sharks and Rays on the brink” at the Whitney Lab.
UF Ranked 8th-Best Public University in Nation, 4 Other Florida Schools Crack Top 100
Florida universities continued their academic climb in the latest U.S. News & World Report annual college rankings, placing five schools in the country’s top 100 public universities for the first time.
Wednesday Briefing: Florida Beers Minifest at EuroVillage, Free Legal Clinic, Waste Pro’s Shea Drury
European Village features three Florida brewers in a mini beerfest, Waste Pro appoints a new manager in the Flagler-Palm Coast region, free legal clinics.
Tuesday Briefing: 9/11 Ceremonies, Keith Johansen in Court, Stormwater Rates, Hammock Hansen
The Palm Coast council discusses stormwater rates, which are set to rise steeply, the Elks Lodge and other places host 9/11 ceremonies, a man accused of murdering his wife is in court for a pre-trial.
Monday Briefing: Suicide Prevention Day, Women’s Self-Defense, Bunnell Manager, Mideast Primer
World Suicide Prevention Day takes place as Flagler stands as the county with the highest rate of suicides among Florida counties; Bunnell sets its tax rate, women’s self-defense class.
Weekend Briefing: First Friday, Intracoastal Cleanup, Gospel Show, KidCare Enrollment, Arts Festival, Senior Games
The annual Intracoastal Waterway cleanup on Saturday, the kick-off of the Palm Coast Senior Games, Palm Coast Arts Foundation’s two-day arts festival in Town Center, KidCare enrollment, “California Suite,” and a lot more.
Thursday Briefing: County Taxes, Canvassing Board, Flagler Beach Golf Course (Again), Massacre Commission
The Flagler Beach City Commission again tries to decide what to do with its troubled golf course, Flagler government sets next year’s taxes, an NRA-designed gun-safe program.
Wednesday Briefing: Free Family and Civil Law Clinic, Youth Orchestra Open House, FPC Fire Academy
FPC’s Fire Academy takes a training trip, the Youth Orchestra holds its Open House, an NRA gunsafe program is presented to Kindergarteners and first graders, Kaiti Lenhart at Flagler GOP club.
Flagler Commissioner Donald O’Brien Named to Florida Association of Counties’ Board of Directors
O’Brien has forged an independent path on the commission, focusing on strict financial oversight. The statewide Florida Association of Counties advocates and lobbies on behalf of Florida’s 67 counties.