Moving tributes and grief aside, one lesson of the last 10 years is that we have yet to learn the lesson of the last 10 years: we are not only on a spiral downward. We are feeding the spiral, collectively and consciously. We should all be mourners, and not just for 9/11’s victims.
Obama’s Job Gig: Pin-Up to GOP Voodoo
What jobs program? Obama’s surrender to stimulus by tax cuts is another concession to bully superstitions. Obama has lost credibility. He’s lost respect. He’s losing the nation right along with him.
Campaign Notes: Defacing Moorman, Excluding Ericksen, Unseating Kim Weeks
Palm Coast City Councilman Holsey Moorman reacts to his vandalized sign, Democrats explain why they invited Jon Netts and not Charlie Ericksen, and the complete list of candidates thinking (or not) of challenging Kimberle Weeks, the Flagler County Supervisor of Elections.
I Love Waste Pro. But.
To my 7-year-old son, Waste Pro’s twice-weekly pickups are a sacred, joyful ritual made more so by Waste Pro’s thoughtful workers. That doesn’t mean Palm Coast should shirk its responsibilities to residents when it comes to bidding out a new garbage contract.
The Greater Threat: Christian Extremism From Timothy McVeigh to Anders Breivik
Those two men—two right-wing reactionaries, terrorists, anti-government white supremacists, Christians—have plenty in common with the fundamentalist politicians and ideologues among us who pretend to have nothing to do with the demons they inspire.
Why Attending Local Government Meetings Has Nothing To Do With Being Involved
No one was in the audience when school administrators making $97,000 a year made their pitch for raises. Don’t blame the public for not being there. It’s not the public’s fault, and there are far better ways to be involved.
Florida’s Betrayal of College Students: Sticking It to the Young, Pandering to the Old
Between Florida public universities’ tuition increasing almost 140 percent in 10 years and Bright Futures scholarship losing half their value, the state is betraying its future while pandering to older, more selfish voters.
“I Saw The Fires As I Was Flying In.” Rick Scott’s Embarrassing Lay-Over in Flagler
Rick Scott spent four and a half hours today hobnobbing with businessmen and chamber of commerce pals in Orlando, but couldn’t spare a moment for firemen on the line during his lightning visit to Flagler County.
How Flagler County Is Controlling The Public’s Right To Know The Latest On the Fires
On County Administrator Craig Coffey’s orders, the 9:30 a.m. daily “stakeholder’s meeting” on the fires, which includes all agencies and governments involved, politicians, and even members of the public, is closed to media.
Saving Medicare Without Destroying It
Medicare’s demise is overblown. Modest fixes, eliminations of tax favors and a small rise in the Medicare tax can preserve America’s best and fairest government-run single-payer insurance system.