The highlight at Tuesday evening’s meeting of the Flagler County School Board should have been the triumphal appointment by unanimous vote of LaShakia Moore as superintendent. It should have been a rare unifying moment for an often divided school board. The county’s first Black superintendent It should have been a historic occasion in a district that as recently as last month was back into a reprehensible racial crisis that demeaned Black students.
It was briefly all that, until School Board member Sally Hunt, seldom short of spotlight-grabbing grievances, turned it into a preface to an inquisition. With occasional assists from School Board members Christy Chong and Will Furry, Hunt hijacked the occasion with what amounted to a hit list she wants the board to focus on in coming meetings: School Board attorney Kristy Gavin. School Board Chair Cheryl Massaro. The school board’s own conduct. “Bullies.” “The media.”
She did so in vague but incriminating terms–the more incriminating for being cryptic–at once professing not to want to discuss the issues that night even as she kept lobbing accusations, ostensibly as future discussion items.
The meeting had originally been scheduled in compliance with state law as the annual hearing that lead to the approval of next year’s property tax rate and school budget, and the first portion of the meeting was devoted to that. It was routine, with Patty Wormeck, the district’s chief financial officer, going through the numbers and the board approving it all, this time without arresting questions from Hunt. (At a budget hearing a few weeks ago, Hunt’s questions revealed a surprising lack of understanding of tax and budget basics. She has held the position almost a year.)
The meeting moved on to a quick approval of new contracts for the district’s strings program, then on to the even quicker vote appointing Moore superintendent: the board had held a 90-minute public interview with Moore earlier in the day and each board member had met with her individually, so Board member Colleen Conklin’s motion was not a surprise but a fulfillment. There was applause.
An earlier workshop had to be halted just after 5 p.m. so the board could convene for its time-certain 5:15 p.m. Massaro shifted the last two items of that workshop onto the 5:15 meeting–old and new business. Deference to the moment, respect for Moore, or at least a measure of grace would have ordinarily meant that the two hold-over items not turn into an extension of the meeting. If there were to be urgent matters, the board members could bring them up Friday, when it was meeting again in a special session on finance. It is to meet yet again for a lengthy workshop and yet another meeting on Sept. 19. So it was not lacking in occasions for discussions.
Board member Christy Chong requested that the board receive a copy of the board attorney’s contract and have a discussion about it in its forthcoming business meeting. She had consensus for that from Hunt and Will Furry.
Hunt wanted to “make sure it’s crystal clear” that the item be placed on the evening agenda on Sept. 19, when the board could vote on it. That meant a potential vote to end Gavin’s contract, surprising Conklin: “Are you looking to take action?” she asked Hunt. Both Hunt and Chong said they were, though Chong clarified: “I would at least like to review it. As a new board, we have not.”
Hunt was more blunt: “There have been actions that have me questioning my trust and confidence in the board attorney,” she said.
Hunt, who orchestrated the previous superintendent’s firing, has openly spoken of her discussions with Michael Chiumento, the land use attorney whose firm used to represent the school board before Gavin, opening the door to a real possibility: the Hunt, Chong and Furry majority could bring back the Chiumento law firm in the board attorney’s chair, though that would lead into complicated tangles. Chiumento represents numerous developers who negotiate their mitigation and impact fee dues with the district, and has been among the leaders of the opposition to the school board’s plan last year to double school development impact fees (the fees were eventually raised, but not doubled).
On Thursday, Chiumento said any speculation that the firm would seek the job is unfounded, given the job’s school- and education-law-specific requirements.
Gavin was the subject of what Massaro had described as a “witch hunt” in 2021, when then-board members Janet McDonald and Jill Woolbright attempted to fire her. Gavin survived. But back then she had a 3-2 board in her favor. The three board members now looking to discuss her contract are a different majority.

Hunt Tuesday evening then, without specifying, insinuated with obvious inuendoes that Gavin was misrepresenting the board’s conclusions, as when the salary range for the new superintendent was set. It was another broadside at the attorney, who was sitting at a desk adjacent to the dais. Hunt asked that the board from now should create a list at the end of each meeting summarizing items discussed and consensus reached, so there’s no disagreement about what consensus is reached at given meetings.
Then, cloaking her next sally in the words of the new superintendent’s theme for the district–“Flagler Forward”–she sought to have a discussion at the next workshop “around board behavior, the media” and “how well this board functions.” After flattering Moore’s appointment, she continued to refer to “some dysfunction” on the board: it wasn’t news to anyone who’s been following the board for the last two years. It was startling, however, that one of the persons most responsible for the dysfunction was blaming everyone else for it, even as she attempted to muffle the blame in more flummery about the “happy night.”
“Here’s what I’m going to say: enough is enough, Okay?” Hunt said. She did not explain what was enough. “The dysfunction amongst board members, what is shared on media–again, this is a a happy night. It is a happy night. I’m so thrilled with the decision of the evening. But I don’t think we can move forward as effectively and positive as we could or need to be if we don’t once and for all come together as colleagues and and talk about our behavior.” She referred to unspecified “lies” being told, presumably about her.
Massaro suggested that discussion take place at another “retreat.”
“Every one of us have responsibilities. Every one of us should be doing the same amount of responsibilities,” Massaro said, “and these are things that we need to talk about because often I feel we have a four-person board, and that concerns me.” She was referring to Hunt being a no-show, as she has been on several key occasions. The board member discussed team-building.
After Chong told Massaro it was “hard to to build trust” when Massaro spoke to the press (specifically, FlaglerLive) Hunt again said she would want to have those discussions at a future meeting, then made an accusation about “bullying” and feeling bullied–apparently referring to herself: “We should not from the top down on the board, have people who feel bullied on this board. We are here to set an example for our students. And when there is ongoing bullying that just won’t stop, how can we ask kids to not bully, when there’s bullying on this board?” Again, she did not specify what she meant by “bullying.”
Massaro is not into innuendos, preferring to speak directly. She said Hunt was referring to the statement she (Massaro) made at the recent press conference denouncing the segregation assembly at Bunnell Elementary, when she went off a script handed to her by the attorney to denounce segregation. “I believe that was a time to address people from the heart and that as chairperson that is something we all should do whenever you sit in the seat,” Massaro said. “You’re not a puppet, you have to have and speak well on behalf of the sport. Now you tell me anything within that statement that this board would not support.”
Conklin tried to move the meeting along: “Can we not do this right now?”

(© FlaglerLive)
“I had no intention to do this tonight,” Hunt said, ignoring Conklin and addressing Massaro with disingenuous bravado: “A lot of what you said is factually not true. So now everybody in this room and perhaps the media are going to report on something that is just factually not true. You don’t know why I made the comment just now.” (Nor did Hunt explain herself.) “There needs to be conversation. I am here–not tonight. Let me clarify. Not tonight, OK? For Flagler Forward, for the sake of this district, for the sake of LaShakia Moore’s success, we need to have a discussion. Did not want to have it tonight. I’m not going to say anything to what you just said, because I believe we should not have that discussion tonight.” Still, she said, she wanted to bring it up for future discussion.
Conklin then redirected the conversation to a discussion of the negotiations with Moore over her new contract. By the time the meeting adjourned 23 minutes later, the unusually cheery air that had filled the room at the beginning of the meeting, so uncommon in recent years, had long before evaporated but for audience members fist-bumping Moore before she walked off the dais on what should have been, but finally wasn’t, her night. But it is her board.
KMedley says
Hunt… The MOST Tragic of the Three. I’d suggest pulling up those big girl panties, but I don’t want to be accused of bullying.
Merrill Shapiro says
There is a lot to think about here. But we should not lose sight of the fact that the Chiumento Law Firm represents, as this piece mentions, local developers who are eager to limit the Impact Fees that pay for new schools that are needed by virtue of the building of so many new residential areas here in Flagler County. Is it not a giant conflict of interest for the Chiumento Law Firm to represent the interests of a school board that is so desparately in need of funds for new schools while representing developers who will be called upon to pay their fair share for those same new schools?
Republican Insider says
Waiting on another of Jill Woolbright’s posts. She’s been posting on this site regarding anything to do with school board, even this morning. As a Republican insider, I can spot her posts a mile away.
Jill Woolbright has also been busy on a Facebook group site called, “Politics, Flagler County, Palm Coast and Beyond”. The last few days she’s been spending a lot of time trashing Pierre and Cheryl Tristam again regarding the Flagler Youth Orchestra. She’s been trying to instigate outrage (even the last couple of days) in the community against the Tristams.
As a Republican insider here in Flagler County, I can spot Jill Woolbright’s rhetoric and vicious posts a mile away.
Message to Jill Woolbright: Jill, you claim to be loving retirement; however, behind the scenes you spend the bulk of your time trashing just about everyone who’s not on your team, and you still can’t let go the loss of your school board seat OR your desire to be chair of the Flagler County Republican Executive Committee (you only got 19 votes remember? That’s because many Republicans want nothing to do with you).
Please, Jill Woolbright, find something else to do with your retirement, which was imposed by the voters of Flagler County AND the Flagler County Republican Executive Committee.
It’s a well-known fact that everyone currently running for office in Flagler County and Palm Coast in 2024 is backed by YOU.
I will keep exposing Jill Woolbright for who she really is, and that is a bitter, extremely vicious, hateful woman disguised as a “Christian”.
Regarding Jill Woolbright’s Facebook post about Pierre Tristam being “toxic to the community”, please Jill Woolbright, look in the mirror because it is YOU who is toxic to the community and to the politics of Flagler County and Palm Coast.
Bailey’s Mom says
Glad to read your post and points regarding Jill! Yes, she is toxic to our community and hides behind her Bible!
I hope the residents of Flagler can see thru all this nonsense and vote for the best candidates for our children and county.
I’d like Jill to stay out of our County and take Sally tRUMP with you!
Tired of it says
What is Hunt even actually talking about? She makes no sense, constantly throws out vague accusations, enough! Does she realise how unhinged she sounds? Think about it voters…we lost a decent, qualifies superintendent, a commited, passionate leader of the Youth Orchestra, are we going to let it happen to the board attorney too? Isn’t itobvious that those three against evrything and for nothing? What are they actually accomplishing for the children of Flagler County? Let’s make sure they never get elected to anything in this county again.
JimboXYZ says
I think they all need to be replaced still. I mean how does the “Bunnell Racial Segregation Scandal” happen (if that was even the perception of the optics of an illusion of what did happen) under the interim Superintendent, now newly annointed Superintendent leader & that not fall on her as a strike against moving forward with her promotion ? I mean, We all saw the power point, an assembly hall full of black students presented with test scores of black students with a simple bullet point that indicates black students contributed more towards the overall illiteracy rate. And we also don’t know who prepared the powerpoint, who presented it. I mean who was fired beyond the principal of the school being placed on some sort of adminstrative leave ? And the message of the powerpoint was to do better, strive to be accomplish at a higher proficiency. The powerpoint from what was presented, needed to show, if it was going to go there in that direction, the overall efficiency/deficiency rate(s) as broken down by all race & genders ? Anyone in the room that knew they were in the percentage of compliance for higher & this acceptable levels of test scores, those students wouldn’t be relatively offended. Meaning someone that was a minimum level of compliance would most likely be embarrassed that they weren’t elite level. But that happens just the same in sports as it does academic. As for the underachievers, well not so much & that is regardless of race, gender or gender confused students. I know I would’ve been embarrassed as an underperforming individual regardless of the demographics if the factual statistic. That’s what test scores are, unbiased individual level assessments (detail) of percentage of questions that were answered correctly vs a standardized number of the same questions that all test recipients (summary) were administered ? Think of it as a grocery store receipt of how much the individual items, student in this case, contribute to the overall percentage of the final grocery bill, the entire population of the student body.
At any rate, something rotten happens in those Government Councils every time & it’s a direct reflection of what is rotten, top to bottom as the cancer that leaves the taxpayer exposed for legal & financial liabilities every time. How is there any justification for retention, even promotion in any of that. If you’ve lived in Flagler County, Palm Coast it’s just one scandal after another from the one’s hat continue to be elected. DC has a swamp and Flagler County, from Flagler Beach to Bunnell to Palm Coast to Marineland, did I miss any/one ? It’s the bottom feeders lurking & costing the taxpayer at every scandal for fiscal irresponsibility. Remove them, they have shown us what they are & capable of. We’ve seen attempted censorship & that gets struck down & defeated with the collusive majorities within the Government(s).
Stephen says
I thought Jill Woolbright was running with the devil? Imagine her wanting to ban the Bible.
PeachesMcGee says
I’m surprised our children get any education with these buffoons in office.
The dude says
They don’t.
Concerned Community Member says
First of all, I feel it is Sally Hunt that is causing conflict with the school board and I figure it’s because she comes across as she knows all but she DOESN’T! Sally Hunt is the bully!! So many people are so disappointed in her performance as a school board member. She really needs to go.
Secondly, Jill Woolbright is definitely stirring the pot. She comes about as such a Christian but in reality she is a very vicious and vindictive person.
Come on people, we need better representation of true and caring people as our school board members. Two claim to be Christian but fought a dirty campaign and I really don’t have faith in people who obviously are in this position for their own benefit and not for our students, parents and community. People , please don’t be fooled by these people.
Jim says
This appears to be the inmates running the asylum… Sally Hunt is incompetent. Chong and Furry are snakes that like to do their dirt in the dark. We are heading towards the removal of the school board attorney and there will be absolutely NO FACTS presented before that 3-2 votes takes place. We’ll hear innuendo and lies and then they’ll vote. And then we’ll get another local attorney as the new school board rep. And then next year Massaro will leave the school board and we will officially have three idiots running the school board.
Every time I think this situation can’t get worse, we find a new bottom. I feel for anyone who has kids in this school system right now. The education/indoctrination they will be getting will not prepare them for life after high school. But they will be qualified to be on the school board if they get that far.
The truth will always out says
Speaking of snakes, let’s not forget the biggest one of them all. Between Jill providing false information and this “Pastor” Jearlyn, who is a puppet for Jill.stealing Let’s not forget Jill does not even like in Flagler County, let it go, take your toxicity to Tennessee. But back to Pastor, J….waiting for someone to release the information of her and the lactose booster club. Maybe someone should do an audit on that! Shame on you two SNAKES!
School Board Sally My ... says
Sally Hunt is as much loved as a plantars wart.. she falsely planted herself on a board she has no reason being on!
Witch Hunt says
The new school board member who does the least but she complains the most. Where was our school board member at the graduation ceremony of our two high schools did I mention the only two high schools in Flagler County.
No show!
Flagler County Tax Payers Are Concerned about recent developments with the school board? It’s frustrating to see a new board member wanting to replace our school board attorney, who has been doing a commendable job.
The real concern here is the lack of a clear and intelligent reason behind this decision. We need to ensure that our school board decisions are in the best interest of our community and students. It’s essential for all board members to engage in open dialogue and thoughtful consideration when making such impactful decisions. Let’s keep our experienced and dedicated attorney for the benefit of our district! Maybe we need a recall vote!
#CommunityMatters #SchoolBoardDecisions
Wow says
And for the people who say they now regret voting for her, that you were “fooled”, I would say do your homework before you vote. This is another reason mail-in ballots make sense. It gives you time to read up on these candidates from nowhere.
Concerned Citizen says
The only response I have to this is….
Remember all of this at next election. And do better at the polls. It’s up to us to break this cycle. Or even better if you are that unhappy initiate recalls.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Once in a while the people Vote for a what appears to be a very good candidate that turns out to be a dude when they get in office. No doubt prodded along by 2 other Board Members and other nefarious individuals behind the scenes.
blerbfamilyfive says
Yes, there is definitely dysfunction on this board caused by the three stooges, Chong, Furry, and Hunt. Please voters do not put these clowns back in charge if they choose to run again.
Terry Williams says
We have members with no experience and for one I am sick of this! Be careful who you vote for! We can and should do better for our students. Research people and find out if the have experience in the educational system and vote those people in!
The dude says
You have to remember the vast majority of this area’s voters have no kids in the school system and are rabidly tribal.
That’s why the same cast of clowns just keeps recycling through the city and county governments in spite of all the incompetence on display here daily.
TRex says
Hunt, Chong and Furry are still being dragged around by Chiumento (for obvious financial reasons related to the developers, he represents) and Paul Peacock who is desperately and pathetically still trying to avenge his reprimand. Somebody should make a public records request for Chong and Furry’s texts, emails and phone records. Not even Sally-meander would be stupid enough to put anything in writing again. Or maybe she would.
Gavin has done nothing but try to do the best job possible with this rotating clown posse. She’s highly respected across the state for dealing well with very difficult boards and is a tremendous fiscal steward for the district. It’s not her, it’s the monkeys in her circus.
Here’s hoping that the sane majority shows up to the next board meeting and ensures support for Gavin via public statements. Sitting silently and watching this board further train wreck the district is going to ensure we all get what we surely don’t want but evidently deserve if we let it happen.