Jacksonville Sheriff John Rutherford, term-limited after 12 years, will seek to replace Rep. Ron DeSantis in the 6th Congressional District, which includes all of Flagler County. The open seat is expected to draw numerous candidates.
News Briefs
Gov. Reubin Askew, Sallye B. Mathis and Edward Daniel Davis Inducted Into Civil Rights Hall
Reubin Askew was named to the hall of fame in part because of his support for desegregation and his appointments of top black officials, including the first black justice on the Florida Supreme Court.
Marketing 2 Go Celebrates 5 Years in New Digs at City Place in Palm Coast
Marketing 2 Go owner Cindy Dalecki took her new-media company from one employee to six and celebrated with a ribbon-cutting attended by some 200 people at City Place.
Flagler County Government’s Citizens Academy Taking Applications Before Jan. 30 Start
Seats are still available for Flagler County’s popular Citizens Academy program, a free nine week course designed to introduce participants to the day-to-day operations of Flagler County government.
Regrettable Holiday Ritual: Spike in Calls to Alzheimer’s Hotline as Families Grasp Changes
Visiting with relatives over the holidays may raise questions about the physical and cognitive health of family members. Although some change in cognitive ability can occur with age, serious memory problems are not a part of normal aging. Recognizing the difference between normal aging and more serious problems can help you identify when it may be time for you to make the call or see a doctor.
Daytona State College’s Harold Trey Orndorff, Poli-Sci Ace, Named Among Best Profs
Trey Orndorff, 31, earned runner-up status as Professor of the Year during the Association of Florida Colleges’ (AFC) 65th Annual Convention held this week in Destin, Fla. The organization represents Florida’s 28 state and community colleges.
County Road 305 Culvert Replacements Will Not Be Completed Until 2015
One culvert has been delayed by heavy rains and won’t be finished until October, two more won’t be done until January 2015, the county administration said.
Palm Coast City Manager Jim Landon Credentialed by Management Association
Jim Landon is one of more than 1,300 local government management professionals currently credentialed through the ICMA Voluntary Credentialing Program.
New York Times’ Jennifer Preston, Social Media Specialist, To Speak at Flagler College Oct. 7
Jennifer Preston served as The Times’ social media editor from 2009 to 2011. She is now a reporter for the Times, covering the intersection of social media, politics, government, business and real life.
Red Knights of Palm Coast Donate $1,500 to Shands Burn Center
Back in May the Red Knights Motorcycling Club of Palm Coast held its ninth annual Poker Run to benefit the Shands Burn Center in Gainesville. The poker run took participants through several area bars in Flagler and Volusia counties, including Finns in Flagler Beach and the White Eagle on U.S. 1.
Palm Coast’s Brian Matthews Named Educator of the Decade for Southeast Desalting Association
The Southeast Desalting Association has named City of Palm Coast Environmental Specialist Brian Matthews, a longtime employee of Palm Coast’s Utility Division, as its Educator of the Decade for his work to educate water treatment facility operators about membrane technologies.
O Captain! My Captain! Next Leadership Flagler Class Application Deadline Is July 25
The three-month program nurtures, engages and motivates local business professionals and residents to become community leaders, providing insight about Flagler County’s operations while inspiring participants to take active roles as stewards of and advocates for positive change within the community.
Ryan Peeling of FPC One of Two Teens-In-Flight Students Admitted to Embry-Riddle
Two Teens-In-Flight students–Ryan Peeling of Flagler Palm Coast High School and Cora Rand of Seabreeze High–have earned admission at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University for the Fall 2014 session, with scholarships.
Flagler Technical Institute:
Registration Open for Winter Term
Flagler Technical Institute is now accepting registrations for its career and technical programs for the Winter Term. Most classes will be held in the Flagler Technical Institute building at 1 Corporate Drive in Palm Coast.
Florida Highway Patrol Warns Halloween Revelers of Drunk Driving Ticketing Campaign Oct. 31-Nov. 3
This week, the Florida Highway Patrol is again participating in the national campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over. The campaign, from Oct. 31 through Nov. 3, is designed to discourage drunk or drugged individuals from driving as police will conduct a combination of targeted enforcement and increase visibility on roadways.
Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Lionfish Summit Will Explore Threats to Florida’s Ecology
As the linfish populations’ expansion threatens marine ecosystems in Florida, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is hosting a Lionfish Summit Oct. 22-24 at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront hotel in Cocoa Beach, to determine research and management gaps and to bring together leaders in the lionfish issue.
Children and the Boston Marathon Bombing: How to Help Them Cope
With images of the Boston Marathon bombing and stories of the victims looping incessantly on television and in social media, the Florida Department of Children and Families has issued a caution to parents and educators about how to handle coming days with children, and about what signs to be on the alert. Children can start […]
The Peabody is Happy Together with Hippiefest
The Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach presents the 5th annual Hippiefest Festival and Concert Sunday, June 9 with the always-popular live music and street festival at 3 p.m. followed by the Happy Together Concert Tour at 7 p.m. with five of the biggest original headline artists and bands of the 1960’s.
Earth Day at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park April 20 and 21
The Friends of Washington Oaks Gardens State Park will welcome all visitors from 10 am until 4 pm. This two day event will include Live Entertainment, Living History re-enactors, Environmental Groups and Arts and Crafts.
Palm Coast Offering 2 Spring Break Camps for Students in K-6
Registration is now under way for Spring Break camps for the week of March 25 to 29 at the Palm Coast Community Center and at Palm Coast Tennis Center, with camp costs ranging from $75 to $150 for the week.
Flagler’s Adult and Community Education and FTI Announce Winter 2013 Classes
The Flagler County Schools’ Adult and Community Education Department announces the beginning of the Winter 2013 semester of classes. Winter Session will begin January 7, 2013. Students may register by phone from December 17 – 21 and January 2 – 9 by calling (386) 597-5480.
Natural Health Fair, Free Event, Hispanic American Club, 5 Commercial Court, Palm Coast
Natural Health Fair Join Us! Saturday, December 1st, 2012 Location: Hispanic American Club 5 Commercial Court, Palm Coast 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. There’s no entrance fee! Exhibitors will focus on different aspects of health and wellness for children, adults and seniors. There will be free giveaways and raffle prizes. Exhibitors include: Present Moment, […]
Daytona State Launches Social Media Course This Spring, Available Online (Naturally)
Daytona State College is offering Social Media Marketing, a college-credit, stand-alone course launching this spring semester, along with a parallel course, Advertising. Both courses will be offered online.
Pilates in the Park Raises Awareness and Money Locally
With more than 100 people in attendance, the third annual Pilates in the Park raised awareness and funds to help with screening mammograms, diagnostic studies and education.
Rotary Club of Flagler County Donates 1,000 Dictionaries to 3rd Graders
The Rotary Club of Flagler County is donating 1,032 dictionaries to third grade students of Flagler County Public Schools. The presentation will take place on Tuesday, October 30 shortly after the noon meeting begins, at The Grand Club at Pine Lakes Golf Course, 400 Pine Lakes Parkway N, in Palm Coast.
Flagler County PAL Basketball Registration Open from Oct. 8 to Nov. 6
Flagler County’s Police Athletic League (PAL) basketball registration begins Oct. 8 and ends Nov. 6. You may register at the PAL office at 5400 East Highway 100, between the Target Shopping Center and Flagler Palm Coast High School (the old school board building).
Ocean Publishing’s Gromling Speaking at BLUE Ocean Film Festival
Frank Gromling, owner and publisher of Ocean Publishing in Flagler Beach, will present a talk at the BLUE Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Summit in Monterrey, Calif., on Sep. 25, entitled “Films to Books, How to Do It Without the Pain.”
The Sheltering Tree, Flagler’s Homeless Shelter, Holds Fundraiser for Center Sunday
Flagler County’s Sheltering Tree, the county’s only homeless shelter, holds its “Steps to Success” Fundraiser at 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 at the Hammock Community Center, 79 Malacompra Road, off State Road A1A in Palm Coast. Tickets are $25.
S.E. Cline Lands $216,000 Contract With Flagler, Hold the Controversy
S.E. Cline was one of two bidders to out improvements to the River to Sea Preserve park in northeast Flagler. County commissioners approved the contract unanimously.
Snook Fishing Opening in Atlantic and Inland Waters
The recreational harvest season for snook opens Sept. 1 in Florida’s Atlantic coastal and inland waters, including Lake Okeechobee and the Kissimmee River. The season remains closed in all Gulf of Mexico waters.
First Friday in Flagler Beach, Sept. 7, With US Navy Band
Flagler Beach will host another free First Friday on Sept. 7 with The U.S. Navy Band Southeast, food and fun in Veterans Park. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. and continue until 9 p.m.
Florida Consumer Confidence Up in July
Consumer confidence was up slightly in July 2012 over June, and dramatically higher than it was a year ago, a new report from the University of Florida finds.
Flagler Sheriff Wants Your Gun in Exchange for a $50 Gift Card; Opponents Frown
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will hold the county’s first gun buy back on Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Town Center. Each firearm is worth a $50 gift card, up to a maximum of three. The buy-back is made possible through a county commission grant.
Florida House Candidate Bardley Maxwell Wants Government Employees’ Salaries Kept Secret
Florida House candidate Bradley Maxwell wants to state workers’ salaries and benefits kept secret. He also wants personnel files kept sealed from public view. Maxwell is challenging two-term incumbent state Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, D-Tallahassee.
Flagler Chamber and County’s Jobs Council Hosting $25-a-Plate “Unity” Lunch Aug. 17
Dale Brill, president of the Florida Chamber Foundation, is the guest speaker for what the local chamber and the county are calling a “unity in the community” lunch at Palm Coast’s Hilton Garden Inn.
No Twilight Ball This Week at Ralph Carter Park
Flagler County parents are reminded there is no “Twilight Ball” scheduled this week at Ralph Carter Park in Palm Coast.
Flagler Beach Volunteer Fireman’s Association Awards Scholarship
The Flagler Beach Volunteer Fireman’s Association announced Firefighter / Paramedic Michael “Dusty” Snyder has been selected as the recipient of the Association’s annual Emergency Services Scholarship. Snyder will be using the scholarship to take advanced course work in Firefighter Survival Techniques.
Weldon Ryan, Reigning Flagler Artist of the Year, Exhibiting at at Bethune-Cookman
The Bethune-Cookman University Visual Arts Gallery is featuring the works of Weldon Ryan in a exhibits that opens Friday, June 29, with a free reception. Ryan is Bethune-Cookman’s new artist-in-residence and the current Flagler County Artist of the Year.
Flagler’s Competing Ham Radio Clubs Mark Field Day in Flagler Beach and at EOC
June 23 is National Field Day for amateur radio people all over the country. See it in action beginning at 1 p.m. at the Flagler Beach Fire Department and at at the Flagler County Emergency Operations Center.
Neurologist David Karaffa Joins Florida Hospital Flagler as Staff Physician
Dr. David Karaffa can treat a variety of conditions including seizure disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, strokes, migraine, back pain, neuropathy and more.
Adult and Community Education Summber B Class Registration Now
The Flagler County Schools’ Adult & Community Education Department announces the beginning of the Summer B 2012 semester of classes. Summer B Session will begin July 9, 2012. Students may register by phone from June 18 – 29 by calling (386) 597-5480. After June 29, students may register at any Adult & Community Education Center, with locations throughout Flagler County including the Belle Terre Swim & Racquet Club, 73 Patricia Drive, Palm Coast, the A1A Center in the Hammock, and Flagler Technical Institute, 1 Corporate Drive, Palm Coast.
Florida Youth Orchestra Festival Ends with a Free Concert
The Jacksonville Symphony Youth Orchestra (JSYO) hosts the Tallahassee Youth Orchestras (TYO) for a weekend of music and activities, culminating with a free concert open to the public on Sunday, June 17, 2012, at 2 p.m. at Jacoby Symphony Hall, Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts.
Philip Reynolds and Nathan Hockenberry Are Flagler Sheriff’s Top Cops of the Year
Sgt. Philip Reynolds was named Deputy of the Year in the road patrol division and Nathan Hockenberry was named the Corrections Deputy of the Year for 2012 at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Senior DVD Now Available
Flagler Palm Coast High School’s senior DVD is the annual feature-length send-off, including highlights of sports, plays, homecoming, teacher goodbyes and senior moments.
Getting Hurricane Ready: Free Clinics at Home Depot Saturday, 10 to 2
The Home Depot of Palm Coast will host Hurricane Ready Day with fFree get-ready clinics and appearances by Flagler County Emergency Services, The Red Cross and the Flagler County Humane Society.
Ken Mazzie Joins Teens-In-Flight Board of Directors
Jack Howell and Teens-In-Flight in Palm Coast announced this week that Ken Mazzie, a Certified Public Accountant, has joined the Palm Coast organization’s board of directors.
Think Fast: “Explaining Stroke,” a Free Seminar at Florida Hospital Flagler May 16
On Wednesday, May 16, Florida Hospital Flagler is offering a free seminar, “Explaining Stroke,” featuring Board-Certified Neurologist Dr. Jose Garcia. The free seminar begins at 1 p.m. at the hospital, at 60 Memorial Medical Parkway, in Classrooms A, B and C.
Arbor Day and 5K Run in Palm Coast, May 5
Palm Coast’s 2012 Arbor Day event is scheduled for Saturday, May 5 in Central Park in Town Center, beginning at 9 a.m., with a 5K run at 8 a.m.
Don’t Flush ‘Em: Unwanted Prescription Drugs “Take Back” Day Saturday, April 28
During the DEA-prescribed Take-Back Day, residents may discard their prescriptions at Publix Supermarket in Flagler Beach; the CVS at 5151 Belle Terre Parkway, or at the Flagler County Government Services Building on S.R. 100 in Bunnell.
Flagler’s Medical Reserve Corps Marks National Volunteer Week
The Flagler County Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) unit dedicated April 15 to 21 to mark National Volunteer Week as MRC units across the nation held volunteer recognition events while supporting activities that strengthen public health and emergency preparedness.