A proposed redevelopment of the old Newcastle Marine boat manufacturing site in the Hammock, with a boat-storage facility for 240 boats and a half dozen businesses, is turning into that region’s latest battle between a developer and residents represented by the Hammock Community Association.
Real Estate & Development
For 2nd Time in 10 Months a Construction Worker Is Electrocuted By Concrete Boom in Palm Coast
Israel Hernandez, 40, was electrocuted by a “falling electrical wire” at a construction site at 31 Richmond Drive in circumstances almost identical to an incident that killed two workers on Sebastian Court last October.
Palm Coast Approves Grand Landings’ Growth to 890 Homes and Possible Future Apartments
The 774-acre subdivision off Seminole Woods Boulevard will grow to 890 homes and include 26 acres of commercial space, some of it possibly used for condos or apartments in the distant future.
A Routine Staff Meeting Turns Town Hall on The Gardens Development, Revealing Coming Strategies
A routine meeting of Flagler County’s Technical Review Committee drew almost 100 people and turned into a quasi-public town hall session, revealing opponents’ legal strategy and the county’s own various concerns about the controversial proposed Gardens Development on John Anderson Highway.
Permits Cancelled For Palm Coast Wawa, But City Insists “All Indications” Store Still a Go. Just Not Yet.
The permitting process for a planned Wawa at the corner of State Road 100 and Bulldog Drive was cancelled last week, ostensibly so the developer could switch contractors, when plans would be resubmitted.
Boos, Jeers and Defiance as Flagler Beach Voices Its Opposition to The Gardens Development on John Anderson
Some 300 to 400 people turned out at a Palm Coast meeting hosted Monday by the developers of a planned 3,966-unit project on John Anderson Highway, the crowd promising staunch opposition.
The Gardens Project Off John Anderson Highway: The View From the Developers’ Perspective
The Gardens is an 825-acre, 3,966-unit mixed-use development proposed off John Anderson Highway by SunBelt Land Management as a successor to a Ginn proposal a decade ago. Ken Belshe, a member of the development group, describes the scope and intent of the project.
In Reversal, County Approves 50-Home Development That Will Change Complexion of Hammock’s Jungle Hut Road
The Flagler County Commission approved a zoning change that will enable a 50-home subdivision on a 12-acre parcel between Jungle Hut Road and Hammock Beach Parkway in the Hammock.
Ex-Councilman Jason DeLorenzo, a Voice for Homebuilders, Is Palm Coast’s New Development Chief
Jason DeLorenzo served as a Palm Coast City Council member for five years until the end of 2016 and was the government affairs director of the Flagler Homebuilders Association, two roles that will factor in his running of the city’s development department.
To Spur Town Center’s ‘Innovation District,’ Palm Coast Eagerly Gives Developers
What They Want
Palm Coast’s Town Center is finally stirring with sustained development after a decade and a half’s slumber, with generous financial breaks and changes in regulations attracting developers.
Faced With ‘Disgraceful’ Rent Increase at City Marketplace, Sheriff Will Move Palm Coast District Office to Old Sears Building
It’s only the latest example of the county’s largely self-inflicted and costly turmoil over land and building projects gone awry, going back to the Eden-gone-Hades of the old Memorial hospital and conversion into a sheriff’s operations center in 2013.
Free Housing Fair Rich in Financial, Mortgage and Other Tips, This Saturday April 27
The 2019 Housing Fair – hosted by Flagler County, the City of Palm Coast, Flagler County Association of Realtors, and the Mid-Florida Housing Partnership – will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 27 at the Flagler County Association of Realtors building, 4101 E. Moody Blvd., Bunnell.
Palm Coast Issues 1st Building Permits for Apartments in Nearly 5 Years, For Palms at Town Center
The Palms at Town Center is one of two apartment complexes that will total more than 300 units in what Palm Coast is touting as its new “Innovation District.” The developments are getting tax breaks.
Flagler Watches as Vacation-Rental Bill That Would Eliminate Local Or Homeowner Association Regulations Advances
The House bill approved today would eliminate local control and all grandfather clauses in vacation-rental rules, including those in Flagler and Flagler Beach, but Flagler officials say they’ll prevail in the end.
Palm Coast’s Disappearing Canopy
Development in Palm Coast is back at a pace not seen since before the Great Recession. Lots are getting leveled, canopies lost. New homes are great., but must 11,000 square foot lots be entirely leveled to make room for 2,000 square foot homes? It’s not either or.
In Rare Rejection of Its Own Staff’s Push, County Commission Rejects 54-Home Hammock Development
A Jacksonville developer wanted to rezone a 12-acre parcel at Jungle Hut Road and A1A and, to commissioners, cram in 54 homes. Commissioners, rejecting their own staff’s recommendation, said no.
A Gated, Restricted Community For Palm Coast’s P-Section: 96 Apartments in 3 Buildings and 45 Single-Family Homes
The new development, called American Village, spreads along Pritchard Drive, its apartments and single-family homes intermingling in a gated community restricted to people 55 and over. The Palm Coast Planning Board approved a master site plan Wednesday.
How Flagler Government Bought the $1.1 Million Sears Building Nobody Wants, With Scarce Money Needed Elsewhere
The Flagler County Commission ended up buying the Sears building even though it does not need it and does not have money to spare to buy it. The deal was the work of then-Administrator Craig Coffey.
Palm Coast’s Illusion of Affordable Housing
Simply put, the housing stock in Flagler County and Palm Coast is inadequate to suit the needs of the bottom half of the earnings ladder, and that bottom half has nothing to do with “Section 8,” argues Toby Tobin.
Citing Bad Deals and Other Needs, Flagler Commission Rejects Loan to Buy $1.1 Million Sears Building for Tax Collector
Commissioner Dave Sullivan opposes buying the old Sears building, saying the county should stop removing private business property off the tax rolls when it has land of its own it can build on. He also wants the county to focus on the Sheriff’s Operations Center and the Plantation Bay utility first.
First of 3 New Cell Towers in 9 Years Going up off Palm Coast Parkway, With AT&T On Board
A new 150-foot cell tower is going up behind Heroes Park on Palm Coast Parkway, with AT&T leasing space, and will be followed by two more on Palm Harbor Parkway and Belle Terre Parkway.
Beyond Coffey: Alternate Locations Emerge for Sheriff’s Operations Center as Calls to Abandon Troubled Building Mount
A 20,000 square-foot building built to attract new business and industry is one of the options for the sheriff’s operations center as the sheriff, employees and at least two county commissioners don’t see a path back into the troubled Operations Center anymore.
At Bing’s Landing, an Alternate, Compromise Location Emerges For Captain’s BBQ
The County Commission today heard new options on the expansion of Captain’s BBQ at Bing’s Landing in the Hammock, a plan that drew some support from the public, though rancor and controversy still simmers.
Palm Coast and County Resolve Sour Development Conflict, Signaling Falgout’s More Cooperative ‘Playbook’
The Airport Commons development opposite the future Wawa had led Palm Coast to threaten to sue the county, until the city’s Beau Falgout replaced Jim Landon. Then it became all about resolving issues.
Licensed Palm Coast Realtor and Broker Is Arrested on a Shoplifting Charge
Pauline Flores, the 42-year-old owner of Realty Central, the real estate firm in Palm Coast, was arrested and charged with shoplifting at Kohl’s. The State Attorney’s Office followed up by filing its intention to prosecute.
88-Apartment Complex Planned Near Epic Theatres in Palm Coast’s Town Center, Start of City’s ‘Innovation District’
The three-building apartment complex will rise three stories and will be within walking distance of Flagler Palm Coast High School and Palm Coast City Hall.
Shopping Center Eyed Across From Matanzas High School as County and City Play Nice
The shopping center on Matanzas Woods, the first, would serve the north end of Palm Coast and I-95 traffic, but is still in its earliest planning stages.
Getting a Section 8 Voucher Is Hard. Finding a Landlord Willing to Accept It Is Even Harder.
Most of the landlords whom researchers called said they didn’t take vouchers. Some of those who agreed to show their unit to a voucher holder stood the renter up.
School Board Rejects $2.5 Million Bid For Palm Coast Parkway Property It Bought For $3.5 Million
The $2.5 million offer was $500,000 higher than the best appraisal of the property. The board split 2-2 on the offer from Michael Collard Properties, who’d offered $1.8 million last year.
Construction Brisk in Flagler and Palm Coast, Prompting Glimmers of Steady Boomlet
Brisk construction activity in Palm Coast and Flagler is sending building inspections soaring, reflecting healthy but not boom-like activity in the sector.
Accusing Palm Coast of Making ‘Blatantly False’ Claims, County Talks Mediation and Litigation Over SR100 Development
A proposed commercial development on State Road 100 by the airport has county and Palm Coast government relations at their lowest ebb in years.
Sheriff’s Palm Coast Precinct Moving Near Island Walk for $1 Million, Ending Nomadic Years
The Flagler Sheriff’s Palm Coast Precinct will move from City Marketplace to Palm Harbor Way, in the old Wachovia bank building that will be county property.
Water War Flares Again Between Palm Coast and County Over Planned Shops Near Airport
A proposed commercial development at the southeast corner of State Road 100 and the entrance to the county airport, opposite Bulldog Drive, is at the center of the latest water dispute between Palm Coast and the county.
RaceTrac Station at Old Kings and SR100 Starts Construction in June as Kings Pointe Resurrects
The new RaceTrac gas station is a breakthrough for the long-dormant Kings Pointe development, until now one of the symbols of the housing collapse.
New Law Gives Property Owners Right to Restrict Beach Access. Flagler Working On Protecting Public’s “Customary Use”
The new and unusual Florida law allows beachfront property owners the right to wall off or restrict dry-sand areas from public use, but Flagler government intends to protect that “customary use” despite the law.
Iconic Geodesic Dome at North End of Flagler Beach Collapses and Won’t Be Rebuilt
The two geodesic-domed houses, totaling close to 10,000 square feet between them, have been at Flagler Beach’s north end since the early 1980s. The owner says the dome will be replaced with a flat roof.
Tiny RV Park Proposed for Colbert Lane Revs Up Residents’ Rebellion, and Is Denied
Upscale or not, Palm Coast Plantation and Grand Haven residents saw a proposed RV park on Colbert Lane as a trailer park, and the county commission rejected it Monday evening.
The New Palm Coast Community Center: A Bounty of Spaces Welcoming Uses and Nature
The $8 million renovation more than triples the size of the old building to 18,000 square feet, with ample and handsome spaces inside and out, including a renovated public park.
School Board Will Yet Again Try To Sell Corporate One Property Off Palm Coast Parkway
The school board will most likely have to sell the 7-acre property–now without a building–at a loss, after owning it since 2003 but for far more trouble than it was worth.
At Coastal Cloud in the Hammock, a Culture More Cutting Edge Than Cutthroat Breeds Startling Success at 5-Year Mark
Palm Coast’s Coastal Cloud marked its 5-year anniversary with startling successes, including 40 percent annual growth, 140 employees and near-parity between men and women in the ranks.
1st Round in New Session’s Vacation Rental Saga Goes Against Flagler Government
A Senate committee approved a bill that would nearly eliminate local government regulation of vacation rentals and enable a single licensee to have hundreds of rentals across the state.
Raising Faith Over Futility, Flagler Launches Unprecedented $25 Million Dunes-Restoration Feat
For 50 hours a week for the next 48 weeks, trucks will dump nearly 1 million tons of sand along 12 to 15 miles of Flagler County beaches, rebuilding the dunes hurricanes washed away.
240 Apartments Rising on Palm Coast’s E-Section Rim as Bunnell Approves Higher Height Limit
The apartment complex will be called Shadetree at Bunnell, with rent averaging $1,300 a month, on 30 acres abutting Palm Coast’s E-Section. The Bunnell Planning Board quietly approved an exception so the buildings could be exceed the city’s height limit.
Despite Questions of Trust, Flagler Commission Clears Way For 200 Homes Around Lakeside on A1A
Flagler commissioners voted to approve the 200-home development on either side of Lakeside By the Sea on A1A in a contentious 3-hour hearing in which commissioners said their hands were tied to do anything else.
Vacation Rentals Would Be Protected Class in Residential Neighborhoods In Bill Flagler Calls “Extreme”
One proposed bill would eliminate local regulation of vacation rentals and make it difficult for home-owner associations and towns like Flagler Beach to prevent short-term rentals anywhere.
Flagler’s 4.2% Unemployment and Steady Housing Numbers Point to a Healthy Year
Flagler County and Florida are ending the year on an economic high note, with unemployment in the county at 4.2 percent, down from 5.6 percent a year ago.
Why Palm Coast Will Soon See Nearly 100-Foot Condo Towers Rise Off Colbert Lane
The development was once called Harbor View Marina. It will now be called Marina Del Palma and will add up to 615 residential units, 461 of them in condo towers of eight stories.
Getting Over Resistance Against Apartments in Palm Coast: Less Prejudice, A Bit More Height
Housing, real estate and local government officials this morning diagnosed the sources of Flagler-Palm Coast’s affordable housing crisis and proposed a few solutions in a unique discussion at the Hilton Garden Inn.
New RaceTrac Gas Station Coming To Old Kings and SR100, Apartment Complex Eyed
Hidden Lakes residents spoke in opposition to a zoning change allowing a 136-unit apartment complex at Old Kings Road just north of Kings Pointe.
Palm Coast Manager Jim Landon Sells Home, Bought in 2009, For $103,000 Profit
Landon sold the 2,600-square-foot house on Palm Coast’s Edge Place for $388,000, a price 36 percent above that paid in 2009, a significant profit for a city where property values are still well below their pre-crash peak.