Cars, SUVs and trucks can be an efficient means of mass killing such as the SUV attack of a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and one that can be virtually impossible to prepare against. Furthermore, it is becoming harder to prosecute the driver involved in such fatalities in some states.
On Book Bans, ‘Equity’ and the School District’s Duty to Honor Student Diversity: The Students’ Perspective
Karissa Jackson and Kaylee Briggs are among the more outspoken student board members who have served on the Flagler County School Board. They both addressed the ongoing attempt by Board members Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald to remove or review books from school libraries.
Flowers for the Holiday? Winn-Dixie’s ‘Bloomin’ 4 Good’ Bouquets Mean Help for Flagler County Meals on Wheels
This local-support program runs through the end of November. Every dollar spent on a bouquet means 10 meals for a local charity, which in this case happens to be Meals on Wheels.
Sheriff’s Detectives Investigating Death of Michael Ursini, 42, After He Was Reported Jumping in Water on Fire
Michael Josef Ursini, 42, a resident of the B-Section and the owner of Ursini Signature Painting, a company he founded two years ago with his fiancee, died following an unexplained incident in which paint caught on fire and he was seen jumping in a canal near the Tidelands house where he was painting with a co-worker Saturday.
Violent Felon With Long Prison History Accused of Attacking Teen Unprovoked in a Seminole Woods Driveway
Sean Patrick McNamara, who has spent almost 27 of his 53 years in state prison, moved to Palm Coast in 2020 and has since faced four charges in three incidents, the last two being felony child abuse and making threats to kill following a confrontation with a minor child in the boy’s driveway in Seminole Woods in Palm Coast.
Flush With Federal Money, DeSantis Pitches Temporarily Eliminating State Gas Tax, Reducing Revenue by $1 Billion
Continuing to contrast his economic approach to the Biden White House–which ensured that Florida would get billions in Covid and infrastructure subsidies–DeSantis said the approximately 25-cent-a-gallon “gas tax relief” proposal could save the average Florida family up to $200 over a five- to six-month period, while reducing state revenue by more than $1 billion. DeSantis wants lawmakers to approve it during the legislative session that starts Jan. 11.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, November 22, 2021
Remembering John F. Kennedy’s idealism and the New Frontier, the Bunnell City Commission borrows millions to rebuild its sewer plant, Bill Maher explains why Democrats are losers.
Conversion Therapy Is Lethal Bunk, But Fewer Than Half the States Ban It
Many LGBTQ youth live in states, Florida among them, that have no ban in place protecting them from conversion therapy – a practice that the scientific community has long since shunned, and that nearly doubles the incidence of suicide among gay, lesbian and bisexual people victimized by the fraud.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, November 21, 2021
Voltaire on old age (it’s his 243rd birthday today), the final Fall Festival day at the county fairgrounds, the final day of Sartre’s depressing “No Exit” at on stage Stetson.
No Such Things as ‘Smart’ Missiles That Avoid Civilians
The development of more precise missiles and guided bombs does not automatically mean a reduction in civilian deaths. For one thing, “precision” is not about protecting civilians so much as making these weapons “more lethal”.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, November 20, 2021
The annual 150-mile long garage sale along State Road A1A, the Fall Festival at the Flagler County Fairgrounds, a 30-year retrospective of artist Bettie Eubanks at the African American Cultural Society, I.F. Stone when the Supreme Court rediscovered its sanity–in 1957.
Rittenhouse Verdict Flies in the Face of Legal Standards for Self-Defense
In delivering its verdict, a Wisconsin jury decided that Rittenhouse’s conduct was justified, even though the prosecution argued that he provoked the violent encounter and, therefore, should not be able to find refuge in the self-defense doctrine.
‘Festival of Trees’ Featuring Linda Cole at Flagler County Public Library
This year’s “Festival of Trees” at the Flagler County Public Library main Palm Coast branch is early this year, because Thanksgiving falls on the last Thursday of the month. The festival begins at 6 p.m. this evening (Nov. 19).
It’s Our Right as Americans to Breathe Open Air Without Some Wussy Libtard Face Diaper
Gov. Ron DeSantis and the fine MAGA folks of the Florida Legislature are right here in the state capital, passing laws telling Biden where he can stick that order making businesses with more than 100 employees mandate the vax. And yeah, it might cost the taxpayers several million for the lawsuits that’ll come out of these new bills, but keeping Florida free is worth every penny.
Closing Inquiry, Sheriff Rebuffs Charge of ‘Crime’ in Book Controversy; Woolbright Wants ‘All Young Adult Books Checked’
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office found no grounds for a criminal inquiry into School Board member Jill Woolbright’s charge that making “All Boys Aren’t Blue” available to students was a “crime.” The sheriff was sharply critical of having been brought into a position of making judgments he said are the responsibility of the board and its processes. The inquiry also dismissed claims that Woolbright faced any immediate threat, as had been claimed.
Congressional Committee Launches Probe into University of Florida Policy That Gagged Professors
In a letter to University of Florida President Kent Fuchs on Thursday, the U.S. House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties said the panel has opened a probe into UF’s conflict-of-interest policy used to silence professors, saying it “undermines the academic and free speech values that are essential” to higher education.
Flagler Unemployment Flat at 4.4% But County Builds on Record Employment and Workforce Approaching 50,000
Flagler County’s unemployment rate stayed flat at 4.4 percent in October, with the county’s workforce growing by a few hundred people, the number of people employed growing by some 245 people and the number of unemployed growing by two dozen.
Buddy Taylor’s Cara Cronk and Indian Trails’ Amy Neuenfeldt Are Flagler Schools’ Top Administrators of the Year
Cara Cronk, principal at Buddy Taylor Middle School is the Flagler Schools Principal of the Year. She’s held her current position since last year. Amy Neuenfeldt is the Flagler Schools Assistant Principal of the Year. She has been an assistant principal at Indian Trails Middle School since 2017.
AACS Presents a 30-Year Retrospective of Fine Artist Bettie Eubanks
The African American Cultural Center and Museum of Florida (AACS) in Flagler County will host a “30-Year Retrospective of Fine Artist, Bettie Eubanks”. The exhibit will formally open to the public on November 20, 2021 during which there will be a “Meet the Artist” reception from 3pm – 5pm.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, November 19, 2021
The Fall Festival at the Flagler County Fairgrounds kicks off today and runs through the weekend, unemployment figures for Flagler and Florida are released, Sartre’s “No Exit” on stage in DeLand.
School Board’s Cheryl Massaro Reverses Against Dropping ‘Equity’ in District Goals’ Language
Cheryl Massaro had previously joined three other board members on Nov. 2 in directing Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt to drop the word “equity” from the district’s upcoming Strategic Plan. Tuesday, she said she wanted the matter brought back up for discussion, and that she was no longer in favor of dropping the word.
These Foods You Love Are as Addictive and Worse Than Cigarettes and Booze Combined
For many, the desire to change what they eat is triggered by concerns about potentially life-threatening health conditions, like diabetes and heart disease. The impact of diet on health is not a small problem, and pose a greater risk to human health than unsafe sex and alcohol, drug and tobacco use combined.
DeSantis Signs Bills Prohibiting Vaccine Mandates in Geographically Keyed Obscenity at President Biden
DeSantis has spent months battling with the Biden administration about Covid-19 policies, and Thursday’s event was held in Brandon, Fla., a community that shares a name with part of a conservative derogatory slogan about President Joe Biden.
Trevor Tucker Is Re-Elected Flagler School Board Chair in Nomination Reflecting Guile Behind Deep Divisions
Trevor Tucker was unanimously re-elected chairman of the Flagler County School Board board, with Colleen Conklin re-elected vice-chair. The unanimity of the Tucker vote hides deep divisions on the board that were reflected both in the Conklin vote and the nomination of Tucker.
Why All Boys Aren’t Blue Belongs in High School Libraries: A Response to Brian McMillan
Palm Coast Observer Editor Brian McMillan would restrict the book at the center of a controversy from high school libraries, even though he doesn’t find it pornographic. His argument and his prescription are untenable, because they rest on an analogy that has no application to George Johnson’s “All Boys Aren’t Blue.” A school district committee is currently reviewing the book’s status.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, November 18, 2021
The Flagler County firefighters’ union and Flagler County government’s management team are in collective bargaining negotiations, Sartre’s “No Exit” at Stetson’s Second Stage Theatre, notes on war reporting for cowards.
Ex-Sheriff Jim Manfre Gets Most Votes in Short-Listing of 6 Candidates for Palm Coast City Manager
In a stunner, former two-time Sheriff Jim Manfre was the top vote-getter in the short-listing of possible candidates for Palm Coast City Manager as the council this evening picked six candidates to back-ground check and possibly interview in January.
Florida House Votes to Reject Federal OSHA Protections for Workers and Replace them With State Alternative
With Republicans angry about a vaccination rule issued by the federal Occupational and Safety and Health Administration, the Florida House on Wednesday approved a proposal that could lead to the state taking over regulation of worker safety and health issues.
Fire Chief Jerry Forte Recognized with Tony Gasparino ‘Lest We Forget Award’
The Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Assembly 2810 and Santa Maria Del Mar Catholic Church recognized Palm Coast Fire Chief Jerry Forte with the Tony Gasparino “Lest We Forget Award.” Attending with Forte was his wife, Lisa, and his mother, Theresa.
Help Make Flagler County Known for Progress, Tolerance and Growth Instead of Ignorance and Hate
Offering the perspective of a parent, Palm Coast resident Courtney Hildreth calls on the Flagler School Board to re-focus on academic and intellectual freedom, ensuring access to age-appropriate literature, filling classroom vacancies, and preserving principles of equity and acceptance.
Student Protesters Face Hail of Vile Obscenities, Taunts and Threats From Group Claiming to Speak For Children
Students and parents protesting against a potential book ban in school libraries were confronted with a loose band of counter-protesters at the Government Services Building Tuesday evening, some of them in camouflage and body armor, taunting with obscenities, homophobic slurs and threats even as they claimed to object to “obscene” books. Sheriff’s deputies kept the taunts from escalating beyond the verbal.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, November 17, 2021
The Palm Coast City Council meets in special session this evening at City Hall to review the applications for city manager. The council members are expected to bring their own short lists of up to five candidates each.
Journalism in Middle America Got Communities Through the Pandemic
How did so many local news organizations – especially newspapers – manage to survive the pandemic? Weeklies beefed up their daily online news coverage, business models were blown up and existing rationales for why journalism matters became more than theoretical to rural journalists.
Potential Book Ban in Schools Galvanizes 2 Sides in Day of Highs and Lows as Sheriff Recoils at Criminal Complaint
the Flagler County School Board today contended with the fallout of a criminal complaint and call for a book ban filed by Board member Jill Woolbright, and did so for 10 hours, from a lengthy and at times ugly workshop to a student-led demonstration marred by harassment and insults by detractors to an evening meeting that stretched past 11 p.m.
For Another $1.2 Million, County Will Build Planned Addition to Sheriff’s Operations Center Now
The $23-million, 51,000 square-foot Sheriff’s Operations Center about to rise within sight of the Government Services Building in Bunnell will grow by another 6,000 square feet with the addition of a warehouse.
Covid Isn’t Over, But in Flagler It’s Receded from Menace to Nuisance, at Least For Now
Covid isn’t gone. It may never end. But for now, it’s more nuisance than menace in Flagler. Weekly case loads fell in 10 of the last 11 weeks and for the past four weeks have been averaging around 50 per week–not as low as the spring of 2020, but still the lowest numbers by far since the arrival of the Delta variant, the supersize equivalent of the coronavirus.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, November 16, 2021
The Flagler County School Board has a pair of meetings where the matter of book-banning is certain to be discussed, with a 5 p.m. protest of book-banning outside the Government Services Building in Bunnell. It’s also Food Truck Tuesday.
The Ancient History of Adding Insult to Injury
From James Bond to the Terminator, quips over someone’s demolition literally add insult to injury, defaming the victim immediately after their demise, emblazoning the death with a caption, like a perverse eulogy. It’s a long tradition.
Dave Sullivan and Don O’Brien Elect Joe Mullins, a Bigot, Chairman of the Commission and Face of Flagler County
Flagler County Commissioners Don O’Brien and Dave Sullivan voted for Joe Mullins, who voted for himself, making Mullins, a bigot with a propensity for lies, slanders, insults, anti-Semitism and unprecedented divisiveness for a commissioner, chairman of the county commission for the next year.
“No Response From 5111”: End of Watch for Sgt. Dominic Guida as Family and Community Mourn Young Cop’s Loss
Viewing and services for Sgt. Dominic Guida of the Bunnell Police Department, who died on Nov. 9 in the line of duty, brought throngs of law enforcement officers and first responders to First Baptist Church in Bunnell at noon today as part of a two-hour service that ended with Guida’s End of Watch Call. He was 43.
The County Commission’s Choice Tonight: Filth or Statesmanship
The Flagler County Commission this evening is set to elect a new chairman, with Joe Mullins in line for the job, unless fellow-commissioners think better than to choose a bigot to represent them and the county. The School Board elects a chair Tuesday evening, with its own dilemmas.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, November 15, 2021
The Flagler County Commission this evening may decide that the face of the county should be a bigot as it elects a new chairman of the commission, with Joe Mullins in line for the title unless his colleagues think better of it. The funeral for Bunnell Police Department Sgt. Dominic Guida is at noon.
Building More Homes Isn’t Affordable Housing For Those Who Need It Most
There is not a single state, metropolitan area or county in which a full-time minimum wage worker can afford the “fair market rent” for a two-bedroom home, as designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Even the smallest, most basic housing units are often unaffordable to people with very low incomes.
Cheryl Massaro Rebukes Fellow School Board Member Woolbright Over ‘Rogue’ Attacks on Books and Superintendent
In a statement issued Sunday night, School Board member Cheryl Massaro said fellow-Board member Jill Woolbright “crossed the line when she filed a criminal complaint against the Flagler Schools’ Superintendent and Attorney” over Woolbright’s attempt to ban books. Massaro sharply rebuked the attempted censorship of books and said Woolbright doesn’t speak for the board.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, November 14, 2021
Maya Angelou’s critical race theory, Woodwinds and brass ensembles in two concerts at Stetson, Tommy Tant Surf Classic concludes, music revues at City Repertory Theatre and Flagler Playhouse have their final runs.
Transgender and Gender Diverse Teens: How to Talk To and Support Them
Transgender youth have been around long before the word transgender has. Yet today, transgender teens are increasingly visible in society. For parents and caregivers, knowing how to talk to their children about gender can present a steep learning curve.
The Live Interview: Author George M. Johnson Speaks to Those Who Want Book Banned From Flagler Schools
George M. Johnson, author of “All Boys Aren’t Blue, one of the books School Board member Jill Woolbright calls a “crime” to have in schools and wants banned, speaks to FlaglerLive about frequent experiences with “the purity brigade,” differences between porn and sex, the orchestration behind current book bans and what Johnson would tell the district committee reviewing the book.
The Flagler School Board’s Shameless War on Equity
The Flagler school board doesn’t believe in equality anymore. The administration, out of fear and misplaced pragmatism, is abandoning the word “equity” and replacing it with a bromide of a euphemism–“student success”–in appeasement of a faction led by School Board members Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald, the same board members targeting books and instructional materials with anti-racism and other minority-oriented themes.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, November 13, 2021
A few words about Flagler’s book-burners, the 20th Annual Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic takes to the waves near the Flagler Beach Pier, and City Repertory Theatre and the Flagler Playhouse each have a musical revue on stage.
If You’re a Sucky Employer, Don’t Be Surprised Your Workers Are Quitting
The U.S. labor market is expected to become far more diverse going forward in terms of gender, ethnicity and age. Thus, employers that cannot provide greater flexibility and variety in their working environment will struggle to attract and retain workers.