We’ve become used to a county commission that likes improv. Most commissioners, with the exception of Andy Dance–for now, anyway: this commission has a way of transmogrifying its best into gorgons–aren’t interested in working too hard for their $58,400 salary. They’re certainly not interested in fulfilling one of their most important responsibilities: searching for a new administrator.
They bumbled their way through finding a home for the sheriff, and have now extended his exile to more than four years. They seem not to know the first thing about their own contracts with mosquito control. They bumbled their way in then out of that crazy scheme to give away an access point to the Intracoastal to private property owners. They’re still bumbling their way through the controversial development of a boat-storage facility in the Hammock and that lawsuit from Captains BBQ. It’s like Craig Coffey never left, though I doubt even Coffey would have let things drift this far. If the Palm Coast City Council has become a vulgar circus sullied by partisan and boorish gladiators, the county commission is amateur hour week in and week out.
The boondoggle attempt to raise the sales tax is the latest example, and one of the most consequential to taxpayers.
Commissioners shouldn’t be surprised Palm Coast said no. This all-Republican commission, by registration anyway, couldn’t pass one of the largest tax increases in recent memory on its own. They looked for cover from the sheriff’s stratospheric political capital by selling the thing as primarily benefiting public safety. And they looked for cover from the cities, hoping the cities would sign a fan letter. But they never laid the groundwork. They never gauged public sentiment. They never publicly vetted their numbers. They never had a workshop on the sales tax proposal, smothering it instead amid a mass of other possibilities so they could always say: of course we talked about it.
No, you didn’t. You covered your ass. You’re still covering your ass. Transparency has never been big with this commission.
Then came the commission’s dishonest rationales, manufactured by Jerry Cameron, the allegedly conservative administrator commissioners embarrassingly beatified earlier this week as he took his money and ran back to St. Johns, which he never really left.
Let’s look at that claim that the sales tax money is to benefit public safety–the sheriff’s office and fire services. On its face, it’s accurate. And who would oppose supporting extraordinarily beneficial agencies in the county (and the cities)? Take all revenue from that half-cent tax, and direct it to those public safety agencies. But what the commissioners aren’t telling you is that the existing half-cent tax was approved on the very same rationale 10 years ago–to pay in part for the new jail. It’s doing so. That debt hasn’t been paid off.
What the additional half cent will allow them to do is shift revenue from the first half-cent, initially intended to pay for the jail, to whatever else they please. That category includes a new south-side library, which is no less essential, if not more so, than a jail: commissioners have been promising it for years, and ignoring it for years, because no one ever won a vote banging drums for literacy or culture. But they still have to make good on it (even as they’re kicking the Bunnell branch out of its digs). So while they can, with a straight face, claim that the new half-cent tax would be devoted to public safety, the claim is a smokescreen for what the county intends to do with the other half cent, now that it is no longer so constrained by a similar promise. It’s a shift. It’s a ploy for more dollars, using the sheriff’s untouchable political luster as cover for their own vacuum of credibility. It’s deception, pure and simple.
The presentation the Palm Coast City Council heard Tuesday was the product of discussions with county staff. It was riddled with falsehoods and misleading claims, like the claim that 28 percent of sales tax revenue is generated by visitors. That’s simply false. I asked the city to verify its claim. The city said it got the figure from the county. (Not a smart excuse: Taking critical numbers at face value, especially from the fact-challenged county, makes council members look like pawns.) I asked the county to verify its claim Thursday morning before 9 a.m. I’m still waiting.
The claim is irrelevant even if it were true (it isn’t): whether a million visitors contribute or not, local residents are still saddled with the exact same additional burden of a higher sales tax. To invoke the claim that 28 percent of the tax is paid by visitors is as pointless as claiming, say, that 28 percent of the sales tax revenue is generated by the W, B and F Sections of Palm Coast. So what? C, P, R and other sections’ residents still pay the same tax amounts. The only beneficiaries of additional visitor income are government coffers. But the county prefers propagandizing the numbers behind fallacies to hide the fact, hoping no one will notice. Commissioners err when they project their laziness on the electorate.
Another repeated claim is that the state sales tax hasn’t been raised since 1988, as if that were relevant. It isn’t, because unlike the gas tax, it’s not a flat fee but a proportionate levy, and the percentage of the tax has kept up with inflation, disproportionately affecting those at the lower end of the income scale, especially people on fixed or no income, while ensuring that county coffers and city coffers keep swelling from the existing tax: that half-cent sales tax revenue for the county was already growing by about $140,000 to $150,000 a year. The claim also hides the fact that Flagler has imposed an additional percent for years, half from the school board, half from the county.
What the county also doesn’t tell you is that the school board sought and got voter approval for its share. Ironically, it was largely thanks to Andy Dance, when he was a school board member and when he did his homework, stood on street corners with signs, answered constituents’ emails and did all the other grunt work required of making the case for a tax. The work commissioners must think is for chumps.
The county used to get voter approval. It did so in 1990 and 2002. But that stopped 10 years ago when the county wanted to take revenue away from the cities and the cities didn’t support another referendum on those terms. The county wanted to lower the cities’ share of the tax from around 70 percent down to around 50 percent. Justifiably, Palm Coast said no. So the county did it unilaterally, by super-majority vote of the commission, as state law allows, snubbing voters and the cities. (Irony of ironies: Milissa Holland, then a county commissioner, was the only dissenting vote: the elected official slandered and vilified on ghost claims was even then the only one who could see past self-interested horizons).
The county may have had a fair rationale to lower the proportion in 2012 because tax revenue was earmarked for construction of the new jail, which primarily holds Palm Coast inmates. It cannot peddle that rationale now. The county could argue that Palm Coast still benefits primarily from sheriff’s operations. But if that’s the thinking, Palm Coast could then say: we’ll ask our own voters if they want a city half penny tax, and we’ll use that revenue–what would amount to $7 million in the first year, almost double what the city is paying for its sheriff’s contract–to pay for our own police department. Neither Palm Coast’s nor the county’s interests would be served by that parochial approach. But that’s what the county is encouraging. Looking out for the county’s long-term interest isn’t in these gorgons’ playbook. They have their own mythologies to feed. (Greg Hansen and Joe Mullins are up for reelection next year.)
What the county is also not telling you now is that it was planning to again tax–actually, raise the tax–without voter approval, compounding that snub 10 years ago by raising the tax yet again by a full percent. What they’re also not telling you is that because they’re so scared to ask voters’ permission, knowing most likely that voters would say no, their approach will prevent them from bonding the money: state law allows tax revenue to be bonded only if voters approve a levy. It does not allow it when a local government passes a levy without voter approval. That tells you something. State law frowns on elected officials acting like King George.
Show-off historical references aside, a county commission passing a sales tax increase unilaterally hugely limits its revenue potential. It also tells you that the commission is too lazy to bother with due electoral process and to look out for the community’s long-term interests, which may well warrant that bonding ability: who’s going to argue against supporting the sheriff and the fire services, considering how well they’ve been run (unlike county government) and how grateful residents are for both? In effect, by going the unilateral route, commissioners are saying: screw voters, screw the public interest, what matters is for us to look decisive to voters who won’t look further and get as much money as we can now to bail us out of the financial mess we (and our saintly if just-in-time departed administrator) have created.
If you think the line about screwing the public interest is too crude, too subjective, look no further than the school board’s own half-cent sales tax. That half-cent expires next year. The school board is planning to go to voters to renew it in 2022 (without Ace Andy). It has a convincing case: that half-sent paid for the technology that enabled students to seamlessly go from in-person learning to remote learning during the pandemic, and that for most of the decade had positioned Flagler at the vanguard of school districts in the use of technology.
But a tax is a tax. The school board will have to make its case all over again. And with the county commission unilaterally pre-empting it with a new half-cent sales tax on the books, voters may be excused for thinking: enough. Voters could end up unfairly and irrationally penalizing the school board over a county tax about which they had no say.
That’s the county screwing the public interest. Crude? Yes. But let’s call commissioners’ actions by their name.
Some months ago Commission Chairman Donald O’Brien, who was the gray right hope of this commission before he Romanoved over to Joe Mullins’s Rasputin, wanted to let me know he was very upset with an article characterizing him as bumbling (there’s been a few), or including him among the bumblers. He walked out before an explanation was complete, a classy move in itself considering I’d dropped everything to meet him as soon as he asked. Well, Donald, if there ever was an example to fit the bumbling, your tax scheme takes the cake. (These prayers you flaunt at the beginning of meetings imply a belief in redemption: I still believe in you, if only.)
These drunken sailor commissioners who claim to be fiscally responsible Republicans deserve what they got from Palm Coast this week. The chairman of the Flagler Beach City Commission informed me that while a similar letter of support was in the pipeline there, “it never went to agenda due to Palm Coast killing it.” And Cameron may, as one last redemptive act, have pulled the item from discussion at the next county commission meeting. If so, there’s hope.
Unfortunately, there’s no sign most of the commissioners he left behind are sobering up.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
Boxing Match says
Wow you two should probably get one of those big bouncy boxing rings with the giant gloves and just clobber the shit out of each other for charity at Freedom Fest. Mullins Blowing you up (Flagler Lies) all over social media today, now This piece, come on, do it for the kids guys!!! We’ll Get the Sheriff to referee, it will be fantastic entertainment for all.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Contemptible. Are they not aware of how quickly the cost of living is going up in our county? My homeowners insurance has doubled over last year’s rate. DOUBLED. And it’s not chump change, either. These guys (with one exception) are not in it to serve the residents of Flagler County; some are in it to feather their own nests with cozy real estate deals (hello, Georgia carpetbagger) and — I speculate without any direct proof in suggesting this — perhaps set themselves up for future board memberships with entities they favor while in office. It’s an old political trick used ad nauseam at the federal level — unfortunately, it’s “legal” because it’s almost impossible to prove. But it’s reprehensible and an abuse of elected office. I’m not the only one who’s sick of this rotten bunch. The 2022 election can’t come soon enough, and I say this as a registered Republican, so don’t get too comfortable in your incumbent cushions, boys. If I could flip, believe me when I say anyone could flip. Take your early retirement now!
Trailer Bob says
You don’t have to “flip”. Just vote for someone else.
I am a Republican also, but I don’t have to flip my vote.
Let’s hope some reasonable Republicans run for office in the future.
On the other hand, the fact that the voters elected these morons says a lot, and THAT is scary.
James M. Mejuto says
When are we going to wake-up?
In addition to total Republican control here in Palm Coast, we have to pay them.
$58,400 is the price we pay to have Republicans run the show.
We’re not talking about NYC, Chicago or Los Angeles but a small city caught up in Florida’s intrigues.
Palm Coast should never have paid commissioner positions. These jobs should be awarded to residents
who desire to serve their community free of monetary compensation.
We must think about this and come to a sane conclusion.
James M. Mejuto
down south says
jimmy, the pay is based on a calculation based on population – these guys probably knew when to go and where to go to collect a decent check. two idiot kicked out of their own GOP party at home in GA & NC are true carpetbaggers- similar to the the folks from the NE coming down wanting unions and progressive politics.
NO increase in taxes!!
Wake Up says
Nice job pierrie , tell it like like it is , wake up people and look whats happening in your county . Mr.Dance is the only one with a smart head on his shoulders . People are you sick of this on going Bullshit ? Vote them OUT before it gets worse.o
Jimmy059 says
Wake up people. See what’s going on around you. You are all being taken as fools. These clowns are playing with your wallet and trying to do it so you have no say to it. These guys have to be held accountable for their actions. They need to keep us informed, in detail of what they are doing and especially justify every penny they spend. I have to do that in my world and am sure you as well.
And its not just the county. The City of Palm Coast is just as bad. 5 million for a tennis center instead of improving streets, walkways and things that would benefit everyone not just those with a racket.
Some of these jokers have to go and can’t wait for election time. Bye Bye Jerry. I’d like to say its been good but it hasn’t.
Pissed in PC says
It’s past time the citizens of Flagler County start taking our county back from these idiots! Toss them out on their ears!
Andy B says
This is Florida, local politics are dirty. Move to NY or NJ you will get a boat load of corruption!
Dennis says
For one, I totally agree with all stated here. With the additional income from massive home building, there should be no need for this extra tax. Total fiscal mismanagement is why they want more money. More taxpayer money to piss away on white elephants.
Bill C says
This tax increase is necessary because they have to make up for all the money they’ve squandered on bad decision making, like the purchase of the lemon Sears building and new Sheriff’s headquarters boondoggle, the Captains BBQ giveaway contract, and who knows whatever dumb decisions. Drunken sailors indeed! New competent leadership is only way out of this mess.
Benn There says
How about all the bogus new positions they have created. The county has a full media and marketing team but take a look at the website. They can’t even get the ratio aspect correct on the photos. Why do we need a whinny self-indulgent Media Marketing Manager who has no view of the world in addition to a Multi Media Communications Manager who works from home so she can be available when her private clients want work done. What does the PIO do? Looks like her job is being syphoned off bit by bit.
These are all new positions created by Cameron as tokens for people who snuck around stabbing their superiors in the back per Cameron’s encouragement.
Instead of raising taxes, cut the extraneous cult survivors he is leaving behind. An audit needs to be done on the redundancy.
Whoa Nelly says
Yikes – sounds like a current employee with inside info with an axe to grind! However your issue isn’t with the employees it’s with management that allowed this “stab your manager in the back” behavior.
A.j says
Vote on crooks, get crooked deals. The sears building, now the tennis court. What money waster is next?
mark101 says
They all should be in jail. Everyone of them are pretty much worthless if you can jail someone for being a two faced politician and a no balls suck up to each other. Drop their salary to minimum wage and maybe they might start working to earn their freaking keep, and we as voters can vote on their raise if and when they actually do something for the county and their districts and not for their ego’s.
Save Palm Coast says
I like them. I hope they pass the 1/2 cent sales tax increase. And I voted for a Republican mayor. Let’s get rid of ALL the “girlie” Democrat politicians and their Marxist thinking. I for one have had enough of this liberal sh*t !!!!!!
Tired of the mess says
Really? You think they did a good job buying the Sears building? Did they do a good job buying the old derelict hospital which now hangs around our necks like the proverbial Albatross? Did they do a good job with Captain’s BBQ which resulted in the pemding lawsuit? Did they do a good job on the old bank building? What about the broken down water plant that they bought from their pal, overpaying by any standards? Each and everyone of these bad decisions, which have cost and continue to cost countless tax dollars was made by Republican politicians.
What Democratic politicians do you want to get rid of? Name one. Because in your ignorance you overlook the fact that every single member f the County Commission is a Republican. You also ignore the fact that every single member of the City Council is a Republican. No, they are not thinking about Marxism, they are not thinking at all.
Annette Engel says
Denali says
All BS aside, one reason for taking an elected position in Florida is the Florida Retirement System, which we the people fund. I am only addressing the state portion of the system, not the annuity portion employees in which employees may invest. The system treats elected officials better that 70% of all public employees in the state. After serving only six years (regular employees need eight years) each of these ‘gentlemen’ will be entitled to an annual pension of about $22,000 minimum. Not bad considering they never put n a single nickel. Additionally, the accrual rate for elected officials is 3% per year whereas the average Joe (think clerks and teachers) gets a rate of 1.6% (cops and fire folks get 3.3% because of the hazardous nature of their jobs). The accrual rate is multiplied by your salary with a factor for time served and you get your annual pension benefit. Without a doubt, the Florida Retirement System is one of the best in the country for elected officials.
Now if they are smart and get into the plan’s DROP program and time their service with their age just right, the sky is the limit. How much you ask? An older article in the Sun-Sentinel talks about one judge receiving $425,000 plus $81,000 a year while a county commissioner got over $812,000 in a lump sum AND continued to receive his salary – without retiring; granted he was in his early 70’s but, damn . . .
Then there is the medical portion of the program – Medicare premiums; PAID. Medicare Supplements; PAID . . . And we wonder why some people run for office.
All this has been instituted by a Republican trifecta (the Governor, Senate and House) which has been in power since 1999; the majority of these retirement rules came in 2001.
marlee says
is voting for these people???
tulip says
Marlee–To answer your question, We the people vote these people in. Very few people check backgrounds and how they served in office before, if they did, and track record. So most people vote for a “sign” a reference from a friend, personality, etc. However, even with background checks and things, we would not find out about how some of the commissioners “play” with their future retirement funds and a lot of people of people don’t even know their overblown salaries, which are set by the state and ,, in actuality, is not considered a candidate’s private business. The larger the population becomes, the larger their salary gets. Makes a person wonder if that’s not behind some of the decisions to allow so much residential building? These commissioners do not work 8 hours a day or even 40 hours a week. $58,000, plus perks is too much, but we have no control over that.
Charlie Ericksen Jr says
I find your comments of ” drunken sailors” an insult, not only to the Commissioners ., many , who have served 20-30 years on active duty , but any person ( male or female) who has served their/our country. .. Perhaps, you remember the nick name. you were given, when you introduced Flaglerlive to Flagler County… I believe it was also leveled on an auto dealer in the County …
Residents are always welcome at meetings, and Commissioners are not allowed to discuss issues, outside of or prior to an advertised meeting ( maybe I’m stretching that with one commissioner) Who marches to a different drummer..
Pierre Tristam says
When you get a chance to unwrap yourself from your flag you might remember that how local governments spend our tax dollars has nothing to do with whether politicians served or didn’t serve. The County Commission is vat-full of red herrings as it is. Let’s not start importing more of them to drumbeats of John Philip Sousa. As for FlaglerLive, which is slurred on a daily basis by fact-challenged yahoos, perhaps you should remember that we–and I personally–have repeatedly and publicly come to your defense over the years when you were the subject of insults and frivolous legal actions by the former supervisor of elections that dragged for years, then of insults and threats by that goon commissioner, exposing their slanders and crassness for what they were. Yet not once in your eight years as commissioner–not once, honorable Charlie–have you lifted a finger to speak in FlaglerLive’s or other media’s defense when we’ve been (and continue to be) slandered left and right, including of course now by you. You were all well and good with blowing smoke up my rear in our conversations, but like your colleagues, too cowardly to do so where it counted. So spare me the crocodile-teared morality. I’d have preferred to keep this between us, but you keep harassing us here and on your social mierda page. You can’t have it both ways. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about your addiction to FlaglerLive other than return your contributions.
Tim says
Be insulted if you like. In America we have a thing called the 1st Amendment. What that gives the citizens of this great country is the right to criticize. NO ONE in this country is above criticism. It doesn’t matter what job you have, how long you served or who your Daddy is. If you don’t have the stomach for it than step aside. You can easily be replaced.
Steve says
As a Retired Military Man He should have thicker skin and a bigger set of balls Do your Job
JustSaying says
Quite well articulated, Steve! I feel like I’m watching a bunch of petulant children in a sandbox fight, too.
Steve says
The Children would have more brains than the bunch together
Been There says
I find your lies, deceit and covering up for Joe Mullins an insult. There are a lot of names that are applicable and none as benign as “drunken sailors”.
Only Me says
Thanks Pierre for your honest reporting. Them being paid $ 58,400.00 is a total rip off of taxpayers. I wouldn’t vote for one Republican in this county or anywhere, not after witnessing the behavior of the corruption that is going on in that party right now.
They don’t deserve anyones vote.
Trailer Bob says
When I was a city commissioner up north, we got paid about $9,000 a year and no other perks, with higher taxes and higher cost of living.
I find it difficult to believe it requires $58,400.00 to attract intelligent, socially committed residents to run for office here. You know why I feel that way? Because it doesn’t.
Let’s get those numbers down by about 30% at least.
But in the end,…the people get the government they allow.
Trailer Bob says
I also neglective to say, our council had to be filled by members of both parties. You couldn’t have it run by one party. Makes sense right? It’s called fair representation.
palmcoaster says
Thank you Pierre for you editorial. Exactly what is taking place in the FCBOCC. They want to stick it to the cities over and over again while wasting our hard earned taxes in frivolous costly deals to benefit their well connected. On top now we better watch what they plan to do with our East Mosquito Control District “expansion” further into the county or cover the whole county…Which of the two..? Whatever does not need to be us the East District taxpayers subsidizing the additions of 400% service by increasing our mill.
Enough is enough and do not look for the frivolous excuse of the “for safety ” half cent tax. Stop bleeding Palmcoasters pockets on behalf of developers, buddies businesses or themselves. Some one here asking who is voting for these people..? The pacs monies contributed to their lying campaigns and the total support and push by the local and state GOP’s, Trumps Clubs and Tea Parties…
James M. Mejuto says
Barbosa, Lowe, Mullins, Danko and all the other Republicans in Palm Coast, an example of city
corruption and incompetence.
We the people have to decide why these Republican hangers-on still exist to contaminate the
One way to remove these germs is to declare all commissioner jobs as volunteer appointments.
There is no way Palm Coast should have to pay $58,400 to local citizens to serve our community.
Trailer Bob says
What a mess!
Next election, please research the candidates and vote like you give a damn about your county.
I have run many campaigns and been an elected official back home.
I don’t care if you are a Republican, Democrat, or Independant…True politicians are those who want to make “everyone’s” lives better… Those who are selfless…Those who work for the public, everyone regardless of political affiliation.
And I must say the if it were not for this news service…Flaglerlive, most of this self centered crew would screw us without us even knowing it.
Trailer Bob … correction.
“True politicians are those who want to make “everyone’s” lives better… ”
No. True “public servants” would be a more accurate phrase, I believe …
Sadly, what we are totally stuck with here is a bunch of “true politicians,” myopic minded carpet baggers and good ole’ boys who run and “serve” only for their own enrichment. I do not believe one of them gives a damn about being a public servant.
Trailer Bob says
I’ll buy that.
Guido says
I know as a whole the PC commissioners voted no for the tax, but Klufas voted yes, did he not? And he voted yes with, in my opinion, hardly any discussion on the subject. Raising taxes should be important enough to have lengthy, informative, and intelligent discussions. What I witnessed at my first city commission
meeting, was a bunch of amateurs. BOCC is no better I said to myself as I watched their meet online. So unprofessional.
Sherry says
Yet again. . . excellent comments from Mr. Mejuto!
Also, it appears that Percy’s Mother (see her postings under the Danko story) has done a lot of research and has connected the dots regarding this whole cast of despicable characters. If we want our county and Palm Coast to be governed with professional ethics, honesty and integrity, we each need to do our research and STOP electing the same ole Republicans simply because they may have supported trump.
Let’s try to clean house of the crazies and elect new people of honor and ideas who truly represent their constituents. I agree with those who say we should make these ALL volunteer positions. . . maybe then we can have leaders who actually cares about our county.
Kudos to you also, Trailer Bob!
Trailer Bob says
Thank you Sherry. I am just being honest. I didn’t grow up with Republican politicians acting like this.
Maybe we should have another party called “the sane Republicans”. There are many of us here in Flagler, but for some reason only the extremist and self-serving seem to run for office. It is embarrassing to the rest of us.
The Voice Of Reason says
Sherry, Thank you for your insightful comments as always. I especially agree about Trailer Bob. As one on the left, I encourage him to run for office. He is moderate and intelligent in his viewpoints. I’d vote for him! You too Sherry. Run for office. The leadership both of you provide is badly in need.
Trailer Bob says
Thank you for all you stated. Maybe I should meet Sherry? We could talk and come up with some directions for our County. Gotta get the self-centered morons removed from their positions.
Sherry says
What do you think about trading email addresses?
What Else Is New? says
Brilliant journalism, Pierre. Thank you for your usual straightforward reporting. the FCBOCC hooligans strike again! Gotta watch those guys with an eye the likes of Arthur Conan Doyle or Edgar Alan Poe. Sadly, there are very few Republican leaders in our state who seriously took the oath to support and defend their constituents. Think about it the next time you vote.
Lamo says
These guys might be bad, but the guy in the Whitehouse, is definitely worse, and doing a lot more harm to this country than these guys ever will…
Pissed in PC says
Get off the right wing tv! I guess you didn’t like your stimulus check and returned it. I guess you didn’t want to see shots in arms to bring the economy back. I guess your 401k is in the tank. Grow up and get a brain! If you want to pay for the tax increase by these idiots in Flagler then just send your money directly to them cause I sure as hell ain’t paying for it.
James M. Mejuto says
Res: “Lamo says” . . . Oh, really !
Tell us how “the guy in the White House is worse” than the orange man
who crawled around the woodwork threatening humanity.
James M. Mejuto
GR says
Joe Biden is a liar and corrupt just like all the other politicians. He makes racist remarks too. You probably think he is doing a great job at the broader too. LOL Lamo is correct this administration is the worst of the worst.
Steve says
As the remaining swill of guzzled orange Love Potion 45 koolaid is wiped from your chin the Real World will move on and pass you by(e)
Steve says
The deranged and delusional abound in the Trump wilderness where Truth is as elusive as BigFoot
Sherry says
Pierre. . . Loved! Loved! Loved! Your retort to Charlie Ericksen!
Although, in my opinion, he was not the worst county commissioner we ever had. . . despicable Joe Mullins has that award. . . Charlie Erickson is like many who comment here. They just love to bash Flaglerlive, but, they narcissisticly LOVE reading their own published words even more! Many post their hate filled, discriminatory remarks directly on these pages. . . while it appears ole’ Charlie is the back stabbing consummate politician. Since I don’t subscribe to the garbage gossip filled social media sites, it was quite interesting to learn what Charlie posted there. Now that’s what I call “integrity” being tossed in the waste bin. SHAME!
Without the excellent investigative journalism of Flaglerlive, our community would be totally left in the dark and at the mercy of obviously corrupt/far right radicalized “Republican” politicians who are obsessed with maintaining their collective power over us. Each of us should not only appreciate Flaglerlive for keeping us factually aware of such scandals, we should make darn sure we financially support the vital publication that seems to be one of the only checks to runaway unethical behavior by our elected officials.
Imagine trying to get the “facts” on decisions made by our local politicians without Flaglerlive. If you rely on them, make sure they can rely on you.
Sherry says
Thank you Voice of Reason. . . right back to you!
My thinking is that we need political leaders that come from a younger, more diverse population. We have been governed way too long by primarily old white far right “Republican” guys looking for an easy way to supplement their retirement checks.
Dear Trailer Bob, I really appreciate your “sane and reasonable” perspective and more moderate conservative thinking. I agree, many of those in what was the Republican party have gone off what I would call the deep end. It appears to many of us that they have been radicalized into a trump “no matter what” cult. Our nation and state and county and cities are best served by ethical, honest elected officials that truly represent a cross section of “ALL” their constituents. I would consider you to be a reasonable, viable candidate for public office.
James M. Mejuto says
re: Sherry says: . . . I wouldn’t consider Bernie inadequate to govern just because he a senior in
the Senate. Our President Biden is in his 70’s and greatful to serve.
I guess, what I’m driving at is there is no age limit to serve in gov’t. as long
as you have the people in mind. Serving our country in a way you can
actually change things for the better, for the people. These are truly
American values we can live by !
James M. Mejuto says
re: The Sailors,the Republicans and a sales tax:
Well, if you think Republicans are for conservative values, voting against new taxes, then think again.
Palm Coast is run and managed by Republicans: Danko, Lowe, Mullins, Barbosa, Kuflas and others who
are paid a comfortable $58,400 per year and don’t really give-a-damn from where the money comes.
If you think the Democrats are the only ones for more taxes, think again !
This whole town is run and managed by Republicans . . . not a SINGLE DEMOCRAT !
However, we have a first step we can take: Vote for a democrat Mayor in July !
Been There says
This isn’t bumbling. They are dirty dirty dirty.
Each has a superiority complex and they are laughing at the citizens of the county. They know the public doesn’t do their homework and is not educated enough to know. They know the old folks and gun totters will vote party line. Donald O’Brien is the slimiest of snakes and Jerry Cameron is a down right liar and manipulator.
A little to late with Cameron heading out the door.
Poor Heidi Petito being left to deal with the mess.
You may think Coffey was a doofus BUT he wasn’t a con man or malicious.
Keep exposing the posse.
Long time resident says
I find it shocking that the county commissioners make 58,400 a year to not work full time, to spout off on social media about people in the community and to continue to make one bad decision after another. Yet the majority of the county employees are on or below the average poverty level. Stop approving astronomically high raises for certain special people. Work on boosting the loyal employees and maybe you would not have such a high turn over.
Vote these clowns out. The only one who has tried, but continuously gets ignored is Andy Dance.
Trailer Bob says
I agree…Andy is a pretty decent guy. I think it has to do somewhat with IQ…
Sherry says
Mr. Mejuto,
You are absolutely correct. I was only speaking for myself. . . who is retired and ready to get back out traveling in other countries, extensively.
I would love to see someone the caliber of Bernie Sanders step up to a position on our country or city commissions. Actually, I can think of a few educated, reasonable people who comment here regularly. . . yourself included. We could really use some viable candidates who are honest, open minded, dedicated, professional, ethical and hard working. . . people who put our community above themselves. What a concept!
Doug says
I reside in District 2 (Greg Hansen) and of the 2 email interactions with him, I can say I’m not impressed. It took copying Heidi Petito who responded with positive results, NOT GREG HANSEN. Greg was quick to direct me to a volunteer group who picks up trash along A1A a couple of times per year. It was Mrs. Petito who promptly responded to my email and contacted the state contractor responsible for mowing and picking the roadway shoulders who subsequently removed the item in question. This isn’t about party affiliation, but it’s a shame that we have paid county politicians who are quick to politic for a vote, but when you ask them for most anything, they’re clueless. Voter’s need to remember this come election time and from what I read about Victor Barbosa, he’s a sneaky, useless politician too.