To lipstick the piggish way it fired City Manager Denise Bevan at the end of March, the Palm Coast City Council’s muddled majority came up with a mix of vague laments about vision and gluteus smoke-blowing about how fantastic, how wonderful, how terrific Bevan was.
“Vision” is the blind politician’s all-purpose whitewash. It means nothing while appearing to mean everything. In any case if there is to be vision, it’s the elected’s job to come up with it, as we all thought this council’s vaunted “strategic action plan” (a dressed-up way of referring to priorities) was. It’s the executive’s responsibility to enact it.
Bevan, as even the mayor conceded, was fired for political reasons, chiefly in a misguided hope that it might help David Alfin’s reelection chances by getting an extremist faction off his back. He’d correctly identified it as a loudmouth minority. You know them: the conspiracists and blowhards who fabricate corruption behind every civil servant, slandering government workers behind the cowardly immunity of three-minute public comments. The council sacrificed Bevan to those Visigoths. The council chamber has weirdly emptied of them since. They’ve been appeased. They must be snorting their laurels. But appeasement doesn’t work with extremists. It only fuels.
So we’ve prematurely moved onto the second act of this Netflix spoof (“twisted. embarrassing. hopeless.”): hiring the next sacrificial putz, or whoever is willing to settle for a job that may not last past November.
By then, Nick Klufas and Ed Danko will be off the council. They’re running for County Commission seats. Alfin’s seat may also turn over: he is a weaker candidate today than he was a month ago. He tried to staunch the bleeding by standing by Lauren Johnston as the acting city manager. He rebuffed Danko’s attempt to shunt the ethically-challenged Jerry Cameron, reject of Flagler Beach, in her stead. But then he made the ridiculous claim that only this council has the experience to hire the next city manager, and three of the four other council members joined him.
Let’s talk about experience. First off, other than Nick Klufas, there’s not much experience on this council. Its longest-serving member is Danko, at three and a half years, and two of those years were a shitshow. He, Alfin and Klufas hired Bevan. They can certainly say she was the right person at the right time, and she was. But firing her is their admission that they made a mistake. So by their own standard, they have poor judgment. Curiously, Theresa Pontieri, one of two rookies on the panel, preferred to wait until after the election. Not for the first time in her brief tenure on the board, her judgment is proving to be dead on.
And what does the majority’s claim that it alone has the experience make of the 12 candidates running for the three council seats? I doubt they think of themselves as chopped liver. They may not have the experience to hit the ground running as council members, knowing the intricacies of land-use laws or the catacombs of the stormwater system. None usually do, and some who’ve been on the council a few years still don’t. But most elected officials, including this council, either never or rarely get a chance to hire a chief executive. You pick up that experience as you fulfill the task. No two searches are the same. On that score, the candidates have an advantage over the council: they have not hired someone they felt compelled to fire. Their record is clean.
The majority is not just contemptuous toward the candidates. It is more especially so toward voters. The council is telling them bluntly: we don’t trust you to elect the right leadership. Only we can do this job. That’s especially true of Alfin, whose electoral insecurity is clouding his judgment. He brought us here. He is making it worse by snubbing the higher road, as this man of paradoxes very nobly could. He knows better. He should be the one leading the call to wait until after the election. That would restore voter trust and remove suspicions that he’s doing someone else’s bidding before he’s booted out. It might even tip the election his way.
There’s also the message the majority is sending Johnston and city staff. Of course council members lavished her with praise when they named her. But they’d done the same with Bevan. “I appreciate the great comments about how everyone does a great job, but apparently,” Klufas told his colleagues the day of Bevan’s firing on March 19, “that doesn’t mean too much.”
By rushing to the next search on an abbreviated schedule in the middle of an election campaign, the majority is telling Johnston it doesn’t trust her or her staff. Or if it does trust her to manage for four months, it doesn’t for eight. What’s the difference? In city management, where everything moves slowly, deliberately, the difference is not explained by policy. Only by politics. Particularly since budget season is under way and won’t be done until just before the election. No new manager can or should jangle that timetable. Politics, in this case, is poisoning the process.
Finally, if the council really has the city’s best interest in mind, it would want to attract the very best pool of candidates. No candidate worth his, her or their salt would look at this crash scene, knowing that three council seats could turn over, and risk a career move that could last mere months and leave a stain. Undoubtedly many people will apply anyway. But chances are they won’t be the best, because their judgment will be suspect and their desperation obvious. Because that’s all Palm Coast will end up with if this lame-duck council continues to insist with pathological arrogance that it alone can save Palm Coast from itself, and from the next council.
So let’s not play into the false narrative that it’s the city manager’s job that’s volatile, as these council members have been quick to deflect. It’s the council members who are: these allegedly, brilliantly experienced council members don’t know what they’re doing from one day to the next. Their big picture blurs in the fuzz of their navel. At least that’s the message they send, because they sure as hell aren’t coherently communicating anything different. People are watching. Laughing. Despairing. And waiting for this council, or at least its mayor, to snap out of it and do the right thing.
Pierre Tristam is the editor of FlaglerLive. A version of this piece airs on WNZF.
Me says
Karma will be coming to Alfin in the next election, You know the saying what goes around comes around and the taxpayers of the City of PC can’t wait.
Thanks Pierre for writing this.
Judith Michaud says
Right on point! Well written Pierre! All this because of the push of some members for a right wing control! Palm Coast needs changes! People need to get out and vote!!
Joe D says
Are Palm Coast taxpayers (and especially the Palm Coast, and Flagler County VOTERS), so busy with day to day life demands in Palm Coast and Flagler County in general, that they aren’t aware of the DISASTROUS antics of some of the current Palm Coast Council!?
You would truly have to be BLIND to not see the POLITICAL POWER PLAYS of some of the current City Council members…some of which are aspiring to County ( or higher) offices this November. Forget what this does to the future of Palm Coast (or Flagler County at large). The citizens, taxpayers and FUTURE residents are the ones who are going to pay ( in dollars and quality of life), for any self serving missteps of the Current City Council.
Despite daily LIFE demands, Palm Coast and Flagler County VOTERS, need to WAKE UP to what’s going on in the City (County), or they will wake up someday SOON, with very limited qualified STAFF and employees willing to put their careers and livelihoods under the control of the WHIMS of the current Palm Coast Council.
Jim says
Well, sorry but I am not waiting for this mayor to do the right thing. He doesn’t have it in him. Bevan got fired for absolutely no reason and he was the leader of the lynch mob. No one involved in her termination ever provided any reason that holds up to any reasonable review.
I don’t expect Palm Coast to get many applications from the pool of candidates I’d like to see. We need a city manager who has experience with a city this size, an understanding of managing utility requirements in a growing city, the ability to motivate city employees to do their very best and the near mythical ability to work with a council with multiple personality disorder and in an atmosphere of absolutely no trust. I don’t think that person exists.
Alfin will pay at the ballot box this year. Danko will find out he’s outlived his shelf life as well.
The only hope this city has right now is Pontieri. I haven’t agreed with her on everything but I do like that she THINKS about what should happen and is willing to discuss a situation and try to come up with the best solution. (You’d think the city council would have wanted to have a discussion about Bevan before firing her, wouldn’t you???…)
Unfortunately, the batting average for elected officials in this city, county and state is very low. I think we’ll see the result of this in the naming of the next manager. We’ll not likely get a winner, more likely someone who couldn’t make it anywhere else but knows how to pucker up and kiss the right frog(s) whenever needed.
Goodbye, Alfin. Try not to do anything else this stupid between now and when you’re gone.
John stove says
Outside of FL I have worked in the public sector since 1995 until I moved here in 2018. I have worked with Governing Boards, Several City Managers and numerous State elected officials.
I have never ever seen such a dysfunctional city government and council in my entire life.
Key people in city positions who either don’t have the training or experience and council members who clearly have their own unique agenda and ignore the very people they are supposed to represent.
Let’s not talk about the School Board either….wow
Never been more distrustful than I am now.
Everyone on the Council of Imbeciles need to go and start over….what’s the worst that could happen?….
Fritz says
Such wisdom has spewed forth. Thanks, Pierre, for such concise and clear statements of the situation at hand.
Theresa needs to run says
David Alfin is a sociopath who had the audacity to speak so highly of Ms. Bevan at the State of the City address, even escorting her to the stage by lending her his arm. Knowing he was taking calls with Jerry Cameron the entire time.
Pierre you’re a little wrong though. It wasn’t just the loudmouths he’s appeasing. It’s his Chamber cabal. He needs a role in the new west, so he has to play nice for them.
Theresa for Mayor.
Nancy Skadden says
I’m watching and despairing. Not laughing. My hope is the mayor’s record speaks volumes to the voters. Our city needs real leadership. Thanks for this, Pierre. As usual, written with style and gravitas.
Pogo says
@The Florida story since Jeb
First, the voters got what they wanted, and then they got what they deserved.
Atwp says
The city is governed by Republicans. Why should sound mined people expect anything better. Expect this for years to come, because people will continue to vote for the Republicans. Hope I’m wrong but November will tell.
The Voice Of Reason says
Amen. Thanks for speaking the obvious.
Tina Olive says
It’s not the party you are or not voting for…It’s the qualifications,experience and core values of THE PERSON running. There are good and bad on both sides. The name DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN isn’t going to get this city where it needs to be for the TAX PAYERS….It’s about the person doing the job…Instead of complaining on Facebook do some research on the people wanting to run this city and the VOTE VOTE VOTE on election day…Personally so far I’ve read and listened to the prospects and Mike Norris to me is the person to pull this city together…. but hey, feel free to do your own research and VOTE on election day….
Ellen Tozzi says
The whole of the council has to go, Theresa can stay. No more REAL ESTATE PEEPS. This is the wrong job for realtors. Even if they are clean it doesn’t look good and we haven’t had a clean one yet. PC Needs a building moratorium. No new builds for at least two to 4 years
Let the schools, roads, grocery stores catch up. This city is totally out of control as is our city council, but mostly Mayor Alfin build and stuff his pocket. Alfin has to be the first one not to let the door hit his button on the way out!
Stop The Insanity says
I agree. One could concur, the city council doesn’t have the experience to run Palm Coast. They’re not putting the residents and their concerns on the top of the list. Palm Coast is rapidly becoming a city in ruins. Instead of catering to the developers, they should be addressing the issues at hand. Many of which were caused by the city’s neglect in the first place.
Frustrated says
@Stop The Insanity and Ellen Tozzi, I could not agree with you more. I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Why can’t the folks of Palm Coast fire the Mayor. It will be too late by the time his term is up. It makes no sense to me. If I was still working and I was not performing my duties as I agreed to then my employer has the right to terminate my employment. What pisses me off is the first call of business on his agenda was giving himself and the council a raise in their salary, his bank account is what’s on the top of his list, not only is he filling his pockets with the developers he is filling his pocket with compensation he has not earned. How does he sleep at night. He has no respect for the folks that live in this city and from what I read he has no respect for the folks that voted for him (I did not). That raise they all received especially him should have gone to our First Responders. And as for Theresa I wouldn’t want her running for Mayor either and not because I wouldn’t vote for her (I would help her win) but she does not deserve the mess those idiots will be leaving behind.
The Sour Kraut says
I think the only one worth keeping is Theresa Pontieri. The rest need to go! Can’t happen soon enough.
Big belly Bob......... says
Thanks Pierre, great article for the reader that trust your writing of the truth.
Vote no to Danko. Carpet bagger
Vote no to Klufas. Liberal
Vote no to Alfin. Too smart
Vote no to Peter Johnson because this dude is just plain crazy.
Big Belly Bob is clueless says
How about this?
Vote NO to Danko. Idiot. Vicious. Liar. Volatile. Threatening. Significant other is a realtor. Attached to Alan Lowe. Attached to Joe Mullins. Attached to the Jill Woolbright, Sharon Demers, Jearlyn Dennie, Joe Mullins group.
Vote NO for the candidate running against Danko . . . Pam Richardson. Realtor. Failed candidate multiple times. Absolutely nothing to offer other than she’s backed by the Flagler Republican Executive Committee.
Vote NO to Klufus’s opponent . . . Kim Carney. Vicious. Another realtor. Backed by Captain’s BBQ realtors. Yes, the owner’s of Captains BBQ are BOTH REALTORS backing Kim Carney. Kim Carney is involved with Jill Woolbright’s group (and that includes Sharon Demers, Jearlyn Dennie, Danko, Alan Lowe, Will Furry, Christy Chong, Joe Mullins, etc.) Do you want another Will Furry on the county commission? Do you want ANOTHER realtor on the county commission???
Nothing wrong with Peter Johnson. He thinks outside the box. Excellent critical thinking skills. He’s done his homework.
I wouldn’t vote for Mike Norris, Alan Lowe or Alfin.
Mike Norris hasn’t shown you his crazy side yet. And he does have a crazy side. Trust me, after sitting through many monthly Flagler Republican Executive Committee meetings, I have experienced Norris too many times to count. He would be a disaster for Palm Coast. He’s a loose cannon, but he’s hidden that side of his personality well up to this point.
Alan Lowe was/is behind the Loudmouth Minority / Flooded in Flagler Group that made a huge ruckus at city council meetings about flooding RIGHT BEFORE Alan Lowe announced his candidacy for Palm Coast mayor for the umpteenth failed time. He’s a loser. He doesn’t pay taxes. Operates a business, Alan Lowe LLC, however, has no business tax receipt for the City of Palm Coast or Flagler County. That means he does not pay taxes, not to mention that he doesn’t pay property taxes.
We all are aware of Alfin.
There, that’s much better. Fixed Big Belly Bob’s original post.
Big Belly Bob says
It’s sad to know you belong to the REC ans talk out of school.
The candidates in the REC are campaigning and doing as they are need to do as candidates.
To say that Peter Johnson just thinks out of the box and dismiss his condescending mouth a guy who flashed his gun at a recent event at Sunbrothers Cafe is sick. Comments about Dako there we agree.
You should resign from the REC you not a good member.
John says
Alfin may think he is smart but to taxpayers he is greedy and only out for himself. He has ruined PC.
Edith Campins says
Surely we can come up with better candidates. You often hear…why don’t Democrats put up candidates to challenge this incompetent , crooked politicians. Because in this county, history shows that no matter how incompetent, how crooked, what baggage they bring with them from other places, Republicans would rather vote for a bad Republican than a good Democrat. If you need a reminder think Flurry and Courtney last go around.
Leila says
Would you mind refreshing my memory? When was the last time a qualified Democrat ran for this Council? When was the last time anybody qualified to hold public office at all ran for this Council?
We have too many here who run in every race and are not qualified, they simply love the attention. And last time I looked, we get burned every time.
Greg says
A true shit show here in Palm Coast. While Biden slowly destroys America revert day, the city counsel slowly destroys Palm Coast everyday.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Any possibility of facts and examples you can provide Greg on how “While Biden slowly destroys America…”. Seems the GOP is so inept at running the House, including the Senate passed Border Bill, and Palm Coast you are casting blame in the wrong direction.
Dennis C Rathsam says
I agree with everything you said Pierre! But Stupitity is in the voters! P/C ellected these miserable people!
Don’t forget about the county, don’t vote Danko, Klufas for county seats
or Dance for a reelection,you know Dance the one who ok’d Petitos letter
to the school superintendent to defund the SRO’s in our schools then circled
back when he got heat from parents and others, Sullivan and O’Brien are
finally adiosing and Pennington didn’t even see the letter as it was never
presented to her, shifty Dance has the audacity to show at Pontieri’s Town Hall
to beg for signatures to qualify for the coming election, apparently only 1
person signed and he does not align remotely to any of Pontieri’s views or
visions but he sure knows where to go to look good as he’s hoping for that
SRO story to die. And Petito needs to be fired after he’s gone.
Concerned Citizen says
If we spent half the effort voting,that we do venting on Flagler Live we would be better off.
Every election cycle comes and goes. And every election cycle the same people make the same lies. Ooops I mean promises. And every election cycle you all make the same choices. Why?
I once read the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results.
You all keep pointing fingers about who’s to blame in this county for the people representing you. But if you cast that vote then the mirror is as far as you need to go.
This county is so scared of change they would rather let these people sit for years. Than allow new people to come in. And break the cycle. Staly is a good case in point. He is running virtually unopposed. And he’s one of the most powerful people in this area. Do we really want people to build empires?
We can and need to do better at the poles. Voting is an awesome privilege. That many countries don’t have. And have to fight and sometimes die for. Do better. It starts with us.