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Weather: Partly cloudy. Highs in the lower 80s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Monday Night: Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 60s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph.Check tropical cyclone activity here, and even more details here. See the daily weather briefing from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville here.
Today at a Glance:
In Court: It’s trial week in felony court, including potentially the trial of Damari Barnes on a manslaughter charge–a first degree felony–in the shooting death of 19-year-old Jamey Bennett at an outdoors party in February 2022.
The Bunnell City Commission meets at 7 p.m. at the Government Services Building, 1769 East Moody Boulevard, Bunnell, where the City Commission is holding its meetings until it is able to occupy its own City Hall on Commerce Parkway likely in early 2023. To access meeting agendas, materials and minutes, go here.
Annual Pumpkin Patch at Trinity Presbyterian Church, from now until Halloween, from 1 to 7 p.m. at the church, 156 Florida Park Drive. Pumpkins of all sizes and colors. A maze for the kids, with photo opps. Revenue benefits youth programs.
The Flagler County Beekeepers Association holds its monthly meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Flagler Agricultural Center, 150 Sawgrass Rd., Bunnell (the county fairgrounds). This is a meeting for beekeepers in Flagler and surrounding counties (and those interested in the trade). The meetings have a speaker, Q & A, and refreshments are served. It is a great way to gain support as a beekeeper or learn how to become one. All are welcome. Meetings take place the fourth Monday of every month. Contact Kris Daniels at 704-200-8075.
Nar-Anon Family Groups offers hope and help for families and friends of addicts through a 12-step program, 6 p.m. at St. Mark by the Sea Lutheran Church, 303 Palm Coast Pkwy NE, Palm Coast, Fellowship Hall Entrance. See the website, www.nar-anon.org, or call (800) 477-6291. Find virtual meetings here.
In Coming Days:
October 25: Halloween Trick or Treating and Costume Contest With Prizes at City Market Place, 5 to 8 p.m., 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast. Come out with your kids and en joy an afternoon and evening of trick or treating with no fewer than 26 participating businesses up and down at City Marketplace (literally). See the list of participants here. Businesses and organizations will be decorated for the occasion. The Pet and Kid Costume Contests will take place at 6:30 and 7:15 p.m. at the Gazebo, decorated by Joshua from Cut Up and Sew and Amber from The Comic Hippie. First place winners will receive a free professional photograph and first through third place winners will receive a hand made ribbon courtesy of Cut Up and Sew.
October 28: Palm Coast Founders’ Day Food Truck Festival, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Holland Park, 18 Florida Park Drive, Palm Coast. The Palm Coast Historical Society will celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the opening of its museum in Holland Park. To better acquaint both new and long-time residents with our history we thought it best to attract them to our location in Holland Park with a Founder’s Day reminiscent of a festival. Our family-friendly atmosphere will include music by DJ Vern of Surf 97.3. Five food trucks will be on site which will hopefully encourage folks to relax, browse and linger. Over 24 non-profit community groups, including clubs, historical societies, heritage organizations and more will be displaying their own contributions to Palm Coast history under pop-up tents in the outfield adjacent to our building. Special interest talks will be held under the pavilion across from the museum. More details here.
October 29: Nat Adderley Jr Performs for NEFJA: The North East Florida Jazz Association (NEFJA) is proud to announce that the Nat Adderley Jr. Quartet featuring internationally acclaimed Jazz pianist, bandleader, producer and arranger Nat Adderley, Jr. will be performing a concert at NEFJA’s 20th annual Jeep McCoy Memorial Scholarship Concert Supper, Sunday, October 29 at the Museum of Arts and Sciences in Daytona Beach. Adderley is best known for his more than 20-year tenure as music director, arranger, producer, and frequent co-writer for Rhythm and Blues legend Luther Vandross. His work as a pianist can be heard on countless other studio recordings, as well as all the music used in the Broadway production of August Wilson’s “The Piano Lesson.” The “Jeep” McCoy Memorial Scholarship Concert/Supper will be held from 4 to 7 Pp.m. at the Museum of Arts & Sciences, 352 S. Nova Rd, Daytona Beach. The cost for the Concert AND Supper is $80. Tickets are also available for the concert only at $40. They can be purchased online (with no service charge) at www.nefja.org, at Chez Jacqueline (386-447-1650) in Palm Coast, or by calling Carolyn Hawkins at 386-793-0182 or Muriel McCoy at 386-445-1329. See details here.
October 31: The Flagler Woman’s Club invites you to its Pink & Pearl Workshop spotlighting Breast and Lung Cancer Awareness at 9:30 am at the clubhouse located at 1524 S Central Ave, Flagler Beach. Free to the public, men and women welcome. This will be an interactive program presented by Halifax Health Grant Cancer Center for Hope Patient Navigators who will discuss the need for Breast and Lung Cancer Screening and the journey into survivorship. Please call Mary at 386-569-7813 or Kathi at 908-839-8862 to reserve your spot.
Editorial Notebook: The headline–the Fox headline, so you’ve been forewarned–reads: “WATCH: Ilhan Omar breaks down in fit of rage aimed at Biden, Democrat leadership over support for Israel.” Every part of the package is intended to portray her as an unhinged nut from left field, the words “fit of rage” designed especially to compare her to someone rabid, just another animal, a characterization intended to echo that of Israeli Defense Minister Yoan Gallant calling Gazans “human animals,” and Israeli Ambassador to Berlin Ron Prosor calling them “bloodthirsty animals.” The Fox article’s second paragraph calls her “angry” and standing “alongside a few fellow members of the far-left ‘Squad'” (a term that originated with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the titular head of the squad, not Fox). Omar of course is doing nothing Nicholas Kristoff isn’t doing in The Times Sunday (“If your ethics see some children as invaluable and others as disposable, that’s not moral clarity but moral myopia. We must not kill Gazan children to try to protect Israeli children.”) There’s been a few commendable voices like that in the American press (his insufferable presumptions aside, Thomas Friedman has been among those voices too). Omar puts it in more explicit, more emotional terms, but nothing she says, including that bit about bomb tonnage dropped on Gaza exceeding a year’s worth of American tonnage in Afghanistan, is false, and nothing she says shouldn’t be said–shouted if necessary. Hamas carried out a pogrom on the outskirts of Gaza. Israel is executing far worse in Gaza, with 1,500 children massacred as of Friday. The kicker: “On Thursday, Omar was forced to walk back comments blaming Israel for the Gaza hospital explosion that U.S. intelligence determined was not from a projectile launched by the Israeli Defense Forces. However, she failed to offer an apology.” Just about the entire world’s media, including innumerable front pages of national newspapers here and in Europe, not just Omar, had initially gone with the Palestinian version of events. But here was a chance for some free Islamophobia and vilification to one of the few Muslim representatives in Congress, one of the few saying what must be said.
Editorial Notebook: The headline–the Fox headline, so you’ve been forewarned–reads: “WATCH: Ilhan Omar breaks down in fit of rage aimed at Biden, Democrat leadership over support for Israel.” The words “fit of rage” are intended to imply: she is unhinged, she is crazy, she is just anoth
The video cuts off just as she begins talking about how she and some of her colleagues are condemned for asking for peace, for a cease-fire.
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The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Flagler County Library Board of Trustees
Nar-Anon Family Group
Bunnell City Commission Meeting
Community Traffic Safety Team Meeting
Palm Coast City Council Workshop
St. Johns River Water Management District Meeting
Flagler County School Board Workshop: Agenda Items
Flagler Beach Library Book Club
Flagler County Planning Board Meeting
Random Acts of Insanity Standup Comedy
For the full calendar, go here.

What are we to tell Dr. Iyad Abu Karsh, a Gaza physician who lost his wife and son in a bombing and then had to treat his injured 2-year-old daughter? He didn’t even have time to care for his niece or sister, for he had to deal with the bodies of his loved ones. […] Here in Israel, because the Hamas attacks were so brutal and fit into a history of pogroms and Holocaust, they led to a resolve to wipe out Hamas even if this means a large human toll. “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist,” declared Giora Eiland, a former head of the Israeli National Security Council. “There is no other option for ensuring the security of the State of Israel.” I think that view reflects a practical and moral miscalculation. While I would love to see the end of Hamas, it’s not feasible to eliminate radicalism in Gaza, and a ground invasion is more likely to feed extremism than to squelch it — at an unbearable cost in civilian lives. I particularly want to challenge the suggestion, more implicit than explicit, that Gazan lives matter less because many Palestinians sympathize with Hamas. People do not lose their right to life because they have odious views, and in any case, almost half of Gazans are children. Those kids in Gaza, infants included, are among the more than two million people enduring a siege and collective punishment.
–From Nicholas Kristof’s “We Must Not Kill Gazan Children to Try to Protect Israel’s Children,” The New York Times, Oct. 21, 2023.
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