To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Weather: Partly cloudy. A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms in the morning, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 90s. Northwest winds around 5 mph, becoming east in the afternoon. Chance of rain 50 percent. Wednesday Night: Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Lows in the mid 70s.
Today at a Glance:
In Court: Day three of Monserrate Teron’s trial on charges of raping his 7-year-old niece, two months after a jury deadlocked in his first trial. 8:30 a.m. before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins in Courtroom 401 at the Flagler County courthouse.
AdventHealth Palm Coast Parkway hosts a community open house from 1 to 4 p.m. at the new hospital, whose official address is 1 AdventHealth Way, between Palm Coast Parkway NE and Palm Coast Parkway SW, just west of Belle Terre Parkway. See: “AdventHealth Prepares to Open Palm Coast Parkway Hospital, Doubling ER and Patient Capacity.”
The Flagler County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meets at 10 a.m. at the Government Services Building, 1st Floor Conference Room, 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2.
The Flagler County Public Library Book Club meets at the Meeting Room of the Palm Coast Branch Library, 2500 Palm Coast Pkwy NW, Palm Coast, from 2:45 to 4:30 p.m. No reservations are required, but please call to verify the date and time of the meeting. New members are always welcome so just show up to join in the literary fun. Today’s book: Kim Michele’s Woman of Troublesome Creek.
Separation Chat, Open Discussion: The Atlantic Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State hosts an open, freewheeling discussion on the topic here in our community, around Florida and throughout the United States, noon to 1 p.m. at its new location, Pine Lakes Golf Club Clubhouse Pub & Grillroom (no purchase is necessary), 400 Pine Lakes Pkwy, Palm Coast (0.7 miles from Belle Terre Parkway). Call (386) 445-0852 for best directions. All are welcome! Everyone’s voice is important. For further information email [email protected] or call Merrill at 804-914-4460.
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library: Do you enjoy Chess, trying out new moves, or even like some friendly competition? Come visit the Flagler County Public Library at the Teen Spot every Wednesday from 4 to 5 p.m. for Chess Club. Everyone is welcome, for beginners who want to learn how to play all the way to advanced players. For more information contact the Youth Service department 386-446-6763 ext. 3714 or email us at [email protected]
In Coming Days:
September 16: Flagler OARS’ 3rd Annual Recovery Festival at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach, from 3 to 9 p.m., with live bands, food trucks, exhibitors, hosted by Open Arms Recovery Services. Vendor booth space and sponsorships available. Click here or contact [email protected].
Keep in Mind: The Belle Terre Swim & Racquet Club is open, welcoming and taking new memberships, and if you enroll before Sept. 1, you’ll beat the price increase kicking in then. Experience the many amenities including a lap pool, wading pool, tennis/pickleball courts, sauna, and a modern wellness center–all for less than what you’d pay just for a fitness center at your typical commercial gym. Friendly staff is available to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member. Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club is the sort of place where you can connect with fellow community members and experience the welcoming atmosphere that sets BTSRC apart. If you have any questions, feel free to call at 386-446-6717. If you would like to learn more about our club and membership options please visit online.
Notably: From the Jan. 24, 1976 obituary of Paul Robeson in The Times: “Mr. Robeson, who had been an all‐America football star at Rutgers, where he also won letters in baseball, basketball and track and a Phi Beta Kappa key, had refused interviews and had seen only members of his family and close friends in recent years. […] One of the most influential performers and political figures to emerge from black America, Mr. Robeson was under a cloud in his native land during the cold war as a political dissenter and an outspoken admirer of the Soviet Union. These circumstances, as well as the award in 1952 of a Stalin Peace Prize, combined to close many minds to his artistic merits as a singer and actor. However, in his 75th year, Mr. Robeson was the subject of high praise by Clayton Riley, the American cultural historian: “One of the nation’s greatest men, an individual whose time on earth has been spent in the pursuit of justice for all human beings and toward the enlightenment of men and women the world over.” This encomium could be printed in a national newspaper in 1972 without raising a perceptible furor, but unstinting praise of Mr. Robeson as a man and as an interpretive artist would have been unusual in the United tSates between 1945 and 1963, the year his arteriosclerosis, and moodiness, forced him into retirement.
Now this: Paul Robeson: Here I Stand Documentary
Flagler Beach Webcam:
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Story Time for Preschoolers at Flagler Beach Public Library
Model Yacht Club Races at the Pond in Palm Coast’s Town Center
Flagler Beach City Commission Workshop on Beach-Management Plan
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
Free For All Fridays With Host David Ayres on WNZF
First Friday Garden Walks at Washington Oaks Gardens State Park
Friday Blue Forum
First Friday in Flagler Beach
Free Family Art Night at Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
For the full calendar, go here.

“There are others, honest men beyond all doubt and sincerely concerned with their people’s welfare, who seem to feel that it is the duty of a leader to discourage Negro mass action. They think that best results can be achieved by the quiet negotiations they carry on. And so when something happens that arouses the masses of people, and when the people gather in righteous anger to demand that militant actions be started, such men believe it their duty to cool things off.”
―Paul Robeson, Here I Stand.
Pogo says
@Remembering Atlantis
“Florida ocean temperature topped 100F, setting potential record
Shallow waters off south Florida topped 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8C) for several hours on Monday, potentially setting a new world record with temperatures more commonly associated with hot tubs…”
Related reading
Pat Stote says
This totally cracked me up this morning. Gave me my chuckle for the day. Sometimes I don’t always “get” the political cartoons but this one was easy and very funny.