When James Nardone and his wife moved into their new house on South 23rd Street in Flagler Beach five years ago, their immediate neighbor to the east, Kerri Ann Huckabee, was not welcoming. “I can’t say I’m happy to meet you,” she told Nardone’s wife, according to an account he wrote Flagler Beach City commissioners.
“Ever since that day they’ve made our life a living hell,” he said in an interview at his home on 23rd Street South in Flagler Beach, a short distance from the Intracoastal.
The Nardones couldn’t figure out why there was hostility from Huckabee, the owner of the Montessori school she operated for many years near Flagler Beach’s Wickline Center and that she now runs as The Element Montessori School in Bunnell. Perhaps the fact that their lot had been vacant for many years and was now built within a few feet of Huckabee’s property upset her, they figured.
The Huckabees had used the Nardone lot’s back portion, which fronts on a canal, to hang out when it was vacant. The Nardones cutting down a tree that shaded both lots also greatly upset Huckabees, as have motion lights. (“Our neighborhood is safe–what is the need for all of the lights and cameras??” she had once written them. The lights had upset Huckabee’s ill mother’s sleep.)
Huckabee, Nardone said, would scream at them across the fence, call them the vilest names, throw things at their surveillance cameras or spray them with water to damage them.
Numerous calls to police went nowhere as incidents continued and became more concerning to the Nardones, he said, to the point that he and his wife started fearing for their safety. Flagler Beach police incident reports document the escalation since 2022, and Nardone himself recorded a Huckabee threatening to shoot him. The police told him that wasn’t evidence enough for charges.

On Sept. 11, Huckabee, 54, was arrested on three felony charges, including firing or throwing a deadly missile into a building, a second degree felony, and resisting arrest with violence–she kicked two officers–and was booked at the Flagler County jail. The combined felonies carry a maximum of 25 years in prison, though Huckabee, a first-time offender, is not likely to face anywhere near that severe a penalty if she is convicted.
Contacted by phone, Huckabee said she would be willing to talk the next day. But subsequent calls and texts to her were not answered. She was not at the Montessori school when a reporter attempted to contact her there last week. On Monday, her attorney, G. Kipling Miller, also said he would call back when first contacted, but then did not respond to the call or to an email.
For the Nardones, the hostility has been jarring and inexplicable to the point of preventing them from enjoying their yard. They’re considering selling the property. But for a few kind notes from Huckabee amid many less kind ones the Nardones would find written on color paper in crayon or black pen in their mailbox or on their door, the welcome sign never went up. Huckabee, according to Nardone, would unleash “verbal assaults” against him and his wife.
“People on the street tend to think they own the street because they’ve lived there all their life,” Nardone says in his Massachusetts accent. “So when I came, a New England guy that doesn’t talk the same way as everybody else, [it] took them a while but then we’ve become all friends.” Nardone is an electrical engineer. He enumerated the electrical jobs he conducted on almost every house east and west of him, though not the Huckabees’.
On May 20, Nardone recorded Huckabee’s husband allegedly threatening to shoot him with his 30-06 rifle (the threat is clearly audible on a video, as are numerous obscenities, which Nardone played for a reporter. No one is visible in the video). Nardone did not take the threat lightly. He had learned of the case of Paul Miller, a Flagler Beach resident of nearby South Flagler Avenue who shot and killed his neighbor in a dispute in 2012. Miller is serving life in prison.
Nardone described the alleged threat as part of a two-page letter to Mayor Suzie Johnston, copied to the rest of the commission: “Normally someone would say I am going to killing you [sic.], not tell you the type of gun he is going to use. 30 -06 rifles. This attack happened in front of all the neighbor children and their parents,” Nardone wrote. “These people are teacher[s] of the Flagler children and can’t believe they talk that way out in the open in front of kids on the street.” (Both Huckabees are educators.)

A July incident report by the police department documents six instances going back to last year of Huckabee spraying the Nardones’ surveillance cameras, all captured on video. Some of the cameras shorted out and needed to be replaced. Huckabee did not deny the acts when the police captain spoke with her.
In late August there was yet another instance of spraying. Huckabee said she was watering her plants–but also spraying the electrical box on the side of the Nardone’s house, facing hers, though that was not recorded on video. “I explained to both parties there was not enough evidence to pursue charges on either property,” the officer reported. “I advised them to ensure no further issues and to not communicate with each other.”
By then Nardone had turned over a flash drive with 7 gigs of data and a spreadsheet with a list of dates documenting the alleged incidents. “Kerri has told me that the police will not arrest her because she knows someone above them. These attacks escalate[] to where we do not feel safe in our own home,” he wrote commissioners.
September 11 was the culmination. Huckabee had allegedly gone into the Nardones’ front yard, stormed around, pounded on their front door, yelled and thrown rocks at the cameras, breaking two of them and scaring Nardone’s wife enough that she implored him not to go outside. She did so for half an hour that evening, according to Nardone and the camera footage. Video footage partially document the act: “Kerri herself cannot be seen in the video footage, although the sounds of rocks hitting the wall can be plainly heard,” the arrest report states.

She didn’t just throw rocks. “Debris was scattered around the area, included a shattered ceramic Mother Mary figurine that Kerri later admitted to throwing, as well as numerous golfball-sized rocks, shampoo bottles, and a bra,” the report states. “Kerri can then be seen walking into view of one of James’ cameras on the front (south-facing) side of the house, where she begins yelling and throwing rocks toward the lens of the camera. She does this several times, repeatedly making contact with the camera. Throughout this display, Kerri can be heard screaming profanity. Finally, she yells, ‘I’m sure the cops will be here soon, but one more time,’ then she hurls another rock at the camera, making a loud cracking sound.”
Even as a police officer was interviewing the Nardones in their home that evening, Huckabee pounded on the door. “She was still stomping around and yelling. Her attitude was belligerent, hostile, and erratic,” the officer reported. She shouted at the officer: “Did I throw stuff? Yes. I threw my Mother Mary, which was my mom’s. I threw my shampoo, I did everything!” The officer said he tried to have a rational conversation with her. That proved fruitless. He told her that, based on examining footage from each of them, the surveillance cameras were not angled in any way that would violate the Huckabees’ privacy. She would not hear of it.
“You cannot respond to something that you perceive as a wrong, by committing crimes in response,” the officer told her.
“Dude, you’re not making any sense,” she replied.
As the officer attempted to arrest her, she yanked her arms away and screamed, “Let go of my fucking hands,” then turned violent toward two officers: As one of them described it in the arrest report, she “lifted her leg in a deliberate motion and kicked me in the thigh. Kerri continued to aggressively fight my and Ofc. Nobre’s lawful attempts to detain her. Kerri kicked Ofc. Nobre in the shin, and later kicked me a second time in the upper leg as I attempted to place her in my patrol vehicle. Kerri’s actions were intentional and willful, not the inadvertent flailings of an actively resisting subject.”
She was booked at the jail and released on $7,000 bond, but not before being taken to the hospital, from the jail, with severe–and so far, unexplained–bruising, which followed her booking at the jail. Aside from the felonies, she faces a misdemeanor charge of criminal mischief with less than $200 in damage.
Emboldened behavior, clearly a crazy person who thinks that she is above the
law, her license to own, operate any type of business that has to do with
children especially needs to be reported and taken away. Who knows what
goes on behind her closed doors.
Mike says
My son has been going to that school for two years and it has been life changing for him. Kerri always has the best interests of the students at the forefront and since we’ve been there there have no absolutely no incidents suspected or reported and Kerri has been instrumental in helping my child and others thrive outside of a trad classroom. I only know her as a peaceful, caring, and loving person who dedicates herself to her school and various charities helping impoverished children. Both sides of the story should be heard; Kerri has been alleged to do these things with no context in mind and this article only shares her neighbors side of the story. I have no doubt he was spying on her, why have a camera pointed at her shower in the backyard. He also stated to police that none of the cameras record yet has 7GB of footage to release? I wonder how much of the footage he isn’t turning over. Kerri likely didn’t want to talk to reporters because her counsel advised against it whereas the neighbor decided to get ahead of the turmoil and basically blame her for everything and make her look crazy. Again my family and I have known Kerri for sometime and she has never once indicated that she has any violent tendencies. You can either take the account of people who know her or the account of the police who likely escalated the situation. I think many people would freak out about getting arrested when they feel the other party is egregiously and obviously violating her privacy.
Mike: she kicked and attacked the 2 police officers! And what’s the throwing of objects
about, and throwing a bra??? She calls the police officer “dude” , not very respectful,
I mean its not like she was having a pleasant meeting with them, bottom line you
need to be respectful. One would think that a person in her position would be in more
in control of herself. I do agree that there are 2 sides of the story though.
Flagler Beach Resident says
For kicking police officers she should be locked up under the jail! Obviously she’s insane or on drugs…that is not normal behavior no matter what the cause. I wouldn’t let her within a mile of a child. You hear of crazy people all the time doing things at school. Better to be safe than sorry and get her out of that school. And that’s a joke that she knows anyone high up….I’ve been in this city 40 years and never heard of her.
Yup says
Don’t defend this person. Look at the daycare in the Bronx where the 1 year old died. Before the incident the parents probably thought those teachers were good people too.
Kath says
She is crying out for Help wake up stress from these kids !!! 😢 know she nows she can not do that risk going to jail ! So will she take her stress out on the kids next??? Or is there a drug problem, no one acts like this!!! Praying for the kids !
Lacie zimmerle says
I want to bring awareness to the peaceful and unique learning environment that is maintained at the school Kerri owns and teaches at, The Element Montessori. The peaceful atmosphere and embracing environment allows students to create strong personal connections not only with others, but with themselves too. Perhaps the greatest thing a child (or any aged human) can learn is that they are worthy, they are loved, and that they are important. These things are taught every single day at The Element Montessori. Her Encouraging words, thoughtful actions and genuine love help her students learn to be the great humans that they are. The positive impact that her school has had on my child is undeniable. My child is a teenager who constantly chooses peace and seeks conflict resolution, however she stands firm for what she believes. She does not fear challenging the popular opinion and does not fall victim to the intimidation or peer pressure that teens typically experience. I know this is majorly due to the influence that Mrs. Kerri has had on her.
Mrs. Kerri is a phenomenal teacher who loves her students. This article is written very one-sided, please be mindful of that.
Lance Carroll says
Natalie S. says
This could not appear more scripted in an attempt to save the reputation of a woman who belligerently and unapologetically terrorized neighbors, assaulted police offers and broke the law. There may be two sides to a story, however there are FACTS and records of events that occurred. That woman deserves the charges she faces and the backlash that she will likely incur due to her heinous actions and harassment. Sound, kind and rational individuals do not act this way when handling any sort of conflict. The fact she runs a school (one I considered for my own child) is scary. I would never trust her the run a business involved in the care and development of young children after reading this.
Bill Boots says
Did they drug test Huckabee??
HammockHuck says
A “drug test,” really? I think a mental health evaluation is more in line with her erratic behavior, and that would be up to a judge to order.
TR says
Sounds like a doctor needs to be called in to do an evaluation on Kerri’s mental state. I also wouldn’t want to live next to someone like that. Hope this all can be settled and live in peace even if that means not talking to each other ever.
PeachesMcGee says
And this buffoon is a education professional?
Chris Conklin says
This guy is a clown and a coward he only picks on women. I had to run in with him and threatened to beat his ass and he ran inside his house like a little baby. He’s nothing but a bully. What happened may have been wrong but it was a long time coming he needs to leave and go back to where he came from. I have known this family for many many years and it is totally out of character but you can only take so much.
Tired of it says
You can only take so much. Exactly. The Nardones are not the ones running around screaming obscenities, throwing things and kicking police officers. They could certainly defend themselves and prove they were just doing the “stand your ground” routine.
FB resident says
If you can only take so much, what happens when someone at her school gives her “too much?” Her behavior is unacceptable period and the way she handled it with the cops proves it’s not just towards the neighbor!
Big daddy says
You sound like the bully!
Marc says
Years ago my kids attended her school in Flagler Beach. My ex wife even taught school with Kerri. We were friends for years until one day! Her son Ryan is a surfer and is was always one of the disrespectful surfers who think they own the beach and had no respect for the people fishing off the pier. I called Kerrie to explain her sons very disrespectful behavior and she came to the pier and went crazy on me. Like the article explains, her family thinks they own the town because they’ve been there so long. FYI Kerry is friends with Suzy Johnson the mayor. Kerry was her daughters teacher at the Flagler beach school. I guess that is the person Kerry “knows” in high places…lol. Kerry has serious anger issues which led to the end of our relationship.
Doubtful says
The neighbors sound like they are deliberately egging this poor woman on. Chopping down a shade tree, which should be prohibited in the first place, aiming surveillance cameras at her outside shower and probably instigating conflicts. People who have their Insecurity lights on all night, shining in neighbors’ windows need to move into a compound somewhere and hide since they’re obviously frightened of the dark. I don’t blame her for being angry. I doubt what was reported was the entire story.
T says
You sound like these nuts lol sorry for your neighbors
Vinny says
Cutting down a tree on your own property shouldn’t matter! Cameras and motion lights are at my house to.. sounds like the angry white woman needs to move….
Florida for ya says
I would think any rational person would not let their children be around let alone taught by someone charged with these crimes.
But hey there’s a teacher shortage and if your family knows their family or whatever you dumb rednecks believe in, then by all means carry on undeterred.
Randy Bentwick says
That’s the kind of person we want teaching our kids.
Steve says
“Karen” Huckabee got a dose of STFU. LONG time coming. Good Luck in Court
Jen Sanders says
Jim Nardone is a bully who has tormented people of Flagler beach long enough. I highly recommend doing more research on him and his wife. He is not an innocent victim in this story.
The dude says
I’m guessing he’s one of those who moved into a nice dark, quiet spot and immediately felt the need to crank on the spotlights all night.
I had a neighbor from Long Island move in across the canal, and they decided that the canal was too dark and peaceful for them, so they started leaving two spotlights on in their backyard. It lit up the entire canal.
Dave says
You really don’t have to look far to see there are crazy people all around us.
Ya know says
Imagine getting told you don’t need cameras and motion lights because they neighborhood is safe while getting threatened to be shot. Goofy! Entitled! White folk!
Jenn Jenn says
Geezzz…I am shocked that she was not arrested a long time ago. This lady needs a psychological evaluation,,,,this is crazy! It’s like something you would see on the tv show “FEAR THY NEIGHBOR”. The Nardones cannot be that bad…their home looks tidy and clean and certainly improves her property value. Goodness gracious… If they did not build on the lot somebody else would have been the victim of Koo Koo Kerri. Jaw dropping behavior on her part.
Celia M Pugliese says
This “good old girl” attitude including her son’s looks like only used is only nice with her good old neighbor’s. A person with this unmanaged anger, cussing and aggression should not be teaching children in any town as is a very bad example. Mr. Millers shooting of his next door neighbor to death is a living proof of what can happen when these individuals are let to roam free after let go on bail. That this woman “has friends in high places” should not condone her aggression. We have the right to live were we buy in our country and no one shouldn’t be intimidated of doing so. When someone in social media, while in Florida tells us if you do not like it m0ve ! I reply Heck NO! Looks like her and her surfer son think they own the town…Sound to me like the one’s in the Hammock insulting Palmcoasters and her lady council Pointieri, because we want to have our own ocean front Palm Coast life guarded park. Same good old boy’s and girl’s despicable attitude! I was here first and you do not belong and not welcomed! Ridiculous. She needs to be put away till, as the teacher she plays to be, learns her own lessons!
Gene says
She sounds like a Trumper who thinks law s don’t apply to her. Lock her up and stop letting this be acceptable behavior.
Lance Carroll says
Kerri Huckabee is of the kindest and most caring people I have ever met. My daughter attended school under Kerri’s instruction. I spent extensive time volunteering under Kerri Huckabee’s direction. Kerri Huckabee is a saint and an example of a true and caring human being. For those of you that are pouncing on Kerri, I assure everyone that I know Kerri Huckabee. Kerri’s neighbor had to have pushed every button possible to instigate a negative response from Kerri.
lisa sweeters says
Anyone who has anything negative to say about any of the Huckabees has never met them. Kerri is a wonderful human who has an amazing school that I am planning to enroll my child in.
Kerri’s son should not be mentioned in this nonsense, but since other people have decided to do so, here’s my take- She & her husband have raised an amazing young man. He is one of the most polite, respectful, well-spoken young adults I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There is absolutely no reason that he should be brought into this & it shows the character of the individuals commenting & trying to drag the entire family through the mud over a one-sided story. That is inappropriate & irrelevant, but I guess if you have anything negative to say about Kerri, you are probably going to go after her son with a pitchfork as well. Shame on you. Her son’s character is one of the main reasons that I want Kerri educating my child. If I could have any educator in this county have an influence on my child, it is Kerri Huckabee, hands down.
If you’ve never met her, I can tell you you are missing out on knowing a stellar human being. She is one of the kindest, most positive, loving people you will ever meet. I’m sorry she’s on the receiving end of so much hate.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I’ve got an idea…don’t buy a home a couple feet away from your neighbors.