The Daytona Tortugas host a clinic for kids ages 7-13 at Indian Trails Sports Complex, new area code 689 takes effect in Central Florida, the Palm Coast council discusses the city’s new citizens’ portal.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
Monday Briefing: Mid-90s, Decision-Time on Captain’s BBQ, Chris Sepe, Albert Roussel
Flagler County Commissioners are expected to make a decision on the lease and location of Captain’s BBQ at Bing’s Landing, the Sheriff’s Chris Sepe graduates from the Commanders’ Academy.
Police Train to Be ‘Social Workers of Last Resort’ as Mental Health Calls Multiply
Lacking proper mental health resources, families and community members across the country all too often call police to respond to someone having a mental health crisis.
Weekend Briefing: Heat Aplenty, Lifeguard Class, Giant Book Sale, Sales Tax Holiday
The Friends of the Flagler Public Library hold the biggest book sale of the year, American Red Cross lifeguard certification classes all weekend, the weeklong sales tax holiday for hurricane preparedness.
Floridians Have a Right To Access Medical Malpractice Records. Shands Sues to Prevent That.
Under Florida law, patients have the right to access adverse medical incident reports, which can play an important role in malpractice cases. UF Health Jacksonville says federal privacy law trumps Florida’s constitutional amendment.
Trump Against the First Amendment
Julian Assange and Wikileaks are giving Trump a chance to challenge First Amendment freedoms of the press and get a radical ruling from his new buddies on the Supreme Court.
Thursday Briefing: FPC and Matanzas Graduations, Salute to Heroes, A1A Committee, Last Day of School
Matanzas High School and Flagler Palm Coast High School hold graduation for their 2019 class at the Ocean Center, a Salute to Heroes in Flagler Beach, the Chamber’s A1A committee meets on A1A construction mitigation.
Laws Restricting Abortion Betray a Judgment: Women’s Sexuality Is Not Equal to Men’s
Men regulating women’s bodies through restrictive abortion laws is the tip of an iceberg in which women’s sexuality is stigmatized, de-legitimized, silenced, controlled, and misunderstood, even by women themselves.
Tax Holiday Begins Friday on Hurricane-Prep Supplies Ahead of Storm Season
Floridians will have seven days to build a hurricane-season stockpile — including batteries, flashlights and radios — free of sales taxes, beginning Friday.
Wednesday Briefing: Talent Show at Auditorium, Early Dismissal, Invisible Cabinet Meeting, Peacekeepers Day
Schools let out early today and tomorrow ahead of summer break, spotlight on youth talent at the Auditorium, the Florida cabinet meets in Israel but can;t be covered live, it’s International UN Peacekeepers Day.
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Seeking To Block Florida Cabinet From Meeting in Israel, Out of Sunshine
The lawsuit, filed by the First Amendment Foundation and four major news organizations, accused the governor and Cabinet members of “willfully violating the law.”
A ‘Precedent-Setting’ Suit Puts Opioid Drugmaker Johnson & Johnson On Trial, Starting Today
Johnson & Johnson is accused of overstating the benefits of opioids and understating their risks in marketing campaigns that duped doctors into prescribing the drugs for ailments not approved by regulators.
Tuesday Briefing: Heat Index to 104, Perry Mitrano Retires, Florida Park Drive, Opioid Task Force, Entrepreneur Night
Perry Mitrano, Bunnell’s long-time solid waste director, retires, the Palm Coast Council discusses Florida Park Drive pollution and other issues, Entrepreneur Night is at Bull Creek Fish Camp.
Voices from the Grave:
So Proudly We Fail
In “So Proudly We Fail,” James Agee looked at war films to explain the “unutterable dislocation” between soldiers and civilians, what he described–in 1943–as a destructive “chasm” that veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan describe with equal anger today even as the nation goes through the motions of marking its Veteran and Memorial days.
Supreme Court Reverses Course on Expert Witnesses, Signaling Continued Shift Right
In a move that left little doubt about the new direction of the Florida Supreme Court, justices on Thursday reversed a controversial 2017 decision about the testimony of expert witnesses in lawsuits.
Memorial Weekend Briefing: Peter the Great at Blue Gallery, Ceremonies at Heroes Park and GSB, Pool Safety
Peter Cerreta, one of Flagler County’s greatest, most genial and surprising artists, has a new show at Blue Gallery at Marvin’s Garden, Palm Coast, Flagler Beach the county host Memorial Day ceremonies, the city pool has a pool safety day.
End This Hidden Risk to Military Families
The Feres Doctrine shields military medical providers from malpractice suits by troops — and their dependents. Military recruiters never tell the families that it applies to them, too.
400,000 Florida Children Need Mental Health Services. More Than Half Get None.
220,000 children across the state, or about one child in every classroom, get no mental health treatment for lack of providers. Florida has one psychiatrist who treats children and adolescents for every 100,000 children.
Thursday Briefing: Legislative Update, Suicide Town Hall, Weldon Ryan, Long Execution
Flagler Lifeline hosts a suicide town hall with survivors of suicide and others, Flagler’s legislative delegation speaks at a Common Ground breakfast, Palm Coast artist Weldon Ryan has a meet-and-greet.
Medicaid Expansion in Florida Would Improve Maternal and Child Health and Reduce Racial Disparities
States like Florida that refuse to expand Medicaid are missing an opportunity to address racial disparities in maternal health and improve child health care, according to a report released Wednesday.
Wednesday Briefing: FYO Chamber Music Recital, Bruce Haughton Trial, Compassionate Friends, Baccalaureate Night
Closing arguments are expected in the trial of Bruce Haughton on a charge of assisted suicide, 70 Flagler Youth Orchestra musicians perform in the annual Chamber Music Camp, the Compassionate Friends meet.
The Most Dangerous Time For Women’s Rights in Decades
More than 250 bills restricting abortions have been filed in 41 states this year. At least a third have successfully passed 20-week abortion bans, based on the unfounded assertion that a fetus can feel pain 20 weeks after fertilization.
7 Ballot Proposals To Watch Even as Florida Law Makes Citizens’ Initiatives Harder
Amid the likely changes, petition signatures have continued pouring into the state Division of Elections in recent weeks, with two initiatives ready for Supreme Court review and others nearing that initial threshold.
Tuesday Briefing: Bruce Haughton Trial, American Village, Schools’ Legislative Wrap-Up, DSC Express Enrollment
Daytona State College hosts an Express Enrollment afternoon and evening from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Palm Coast campus, Bruce Haughton’s assisted suicide trial begins its second day, the school board gets a wrap-up of this year’s legislative session’s effects on Flagler schools.
With Conservatives In Control of Supreme Court, A 2016 Decision Reducing Death Sentences Is In Jeopardy
The court has begun the process of reconsidering whether changes to Florida’s death penalty-sentencing system should continue being applied retroactively to cases dating to 2002.
Monday Briefing: ‘Assisted Murder’ Trial, Grady Prather Honored, Plantation Bay Costs, Cpl. Fred Gimbel
A trial in an unusual case of “assisted murder,” in a half-failed double-suicide, begins, the county commission discusses Plantation Bay and sheriff’s space issues, Capt. Gary Prather gets a substation named after him.
What Two Florida Counties’ Elections Supervisors Were Hacked by Russians? FBI Won’t Say, Upsetting Lawmakers.
The FBI has maintained there is no evidence that votes or voter information were altered in the hacking. But such assurances have drawn questions.
DeSantis Says ‘We Don’t Want’ Migrants Federal Government Plans to Send to Florida
U.S. Customs and Border Protection could start sending about 135 migrants awaiting asylum hearings twice a week to Palm Beach and Broward counties, to alleviate overcrowding in border facilities.
Weekend Briefing: Cycle de Mayo, Bunnell Bonanza, Hazardous Waste, Choral Arts Society, Brown at 65
The Choral Arts Society holds its Spring concert, the 6th annual Cycle de Mayo, or Bike to Work Day, the second annual Bunnell Bonanza is Saturday, “Southern Fried Funeral,” at the Daytona Playhouse.
Thursday Briefing: Inspired Mic, Drug Court Graduation, Lola the Hound Dog, Workshop on Lending
Flagler County Drug Court holds its 35th Drug Court Graduation, Palm Coast Anomal Control holds a special hearing on a dangerous-dog determination, the Inspired Mic is at Hidden Treasures.
FPL Will Use Tax Savings To Cover Hurricane Repair Costs Rather Than Lower Customers’ Bills
The issue involves hundreds of millions of dollars a year in savings from a federal tax overhaul and an estimated $1.3 billion in costs of restoring power after the 2017 hurricane.
Wednesday Briefing: Bombing in Ocala Forest, Art Graham at Tiger Bay, Free Legal Clinic on Wills and Estates
Florida Public Service Commission Chairman Art Graham speaks at Flagler Tiger Bay, live bombing in Ocala forest will rattle windows in palm Coast, a free legal clinic on wills and estates.
Florida Considers Prison Guards as Immigration Enforcers; Counties May Be Next
The state request to launch the federal immigration enforcement program, known as 287(g), came as Gov. Ron DeSantis pushed local governments to implement the program at county jails.
Tuesday Briefing: School Board Retreat, Nathaniel Shimmel, Leadership Flagler Grads, ITMS PAL Win
Nathaniel Shimmel, accused of murdering his mother, is in court, the Flagler school board is in a day-long “retreat” at the Hilton Garden Inn, the Palm Coast council’s workshop for today was cancelled.
81% of Voters Reject Denver Initiative That Would Have Given Homeless Camping Rights Anywhere
While supporters said the measure would shield Denver’s estimated 3,445 people experiencing homelessness from unfair citations and arrests, it faced fierce opposition from businesses and environmental and social service organizations.
Monday Briefing: Emma Stanford, Flagler Cares Coalition, Carver Center, Law Enforcement Memorial
Emma Stanford, Roymara Myrtha Louissaint and Cadence Lasher are terrific kids, the Flagler Cares Coalition meets, how violence and repression is working as a government’s strategy.
Siding With Environmentalists, DeSantis Vetoes Bill Prohibiting Bans on Plastic Straws
In his first veto, Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday rejected a bill that would have blocked local governments from banning plastic straws.
Bethune Cookman University 2019 Consecration: “I Leave You Love”
Hubert Grimes, Bethune-Cookman University’s interim president, delivered his last message as interim to the Class of 2019 at a consecration ceremony, urging students to “overcome the lies and negativity that were unleashed over the past eighteen months about your school.”
Weekend Briefing: ‘Miserables,’ ‘Hand To God,’ ‘Little Whorehouse,’ Textures, DSC and Stetson Graduations
Flagler’s all a stage this weekend with musicals at Palm Coast’s City Repertory, the Flagler Auditorium with FPC’s “Miserables,” and the Flagler Playhouse with “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas,” plus graduations at Daytona State College and Stetson.
Florida Cities Sue State Over ‘Small Cell’ Wireless Law, Citing Home Rule Violation
The Florida League of Cities and three cities contend the 2017 law infringes on home-rule powers and leads to an unconstitutional “taking” of city property to benefit wireless companies.
Thursday Briefing: Mental Health Symposium, FPC’s “Les Misérables,” Beach Access for Dogs
The SMA Healthcare Foundation hosts its 4th Annual Who is Jay? Mental Health Symposium, FPC’s Thespians start their three-day run of “Les Miserables.”
You Don’t Get To Discriminate Just Because You’re Religious
A bill in Texas would allow professionals of all kinds — doctors, pharmacists, electricians — to deny services to LGBTQ customers on religious grounds, a consequence of a recurring misinterpretation of law.
Federal Lawsuit Targets Florida Prisons Over ‘Deliberately Indifferent’ Use of Solitary Confinement
Florida’s prison system is “widely overusing” the practice of solitary confinement to manage inmates, sometimes locking them up in cells that are no bigger than a parking spaces over often-minor infractions, according to a federal lawsuit.
Wednesday Briefing: Free Legal Clinic on Social Security, Rotary for Alzheimer’s, Public Safety Council
The Public Safety Coordinating Council discusses homelessness, a free legal clinic on Social Security benefits, the Rotary Club raises funds for Alzheimer’s research, Trump in the Panhandle.
DeSantis Will Sign Controversial Bill With Conditions on Felons’ Voting Rights
Earlier in the day, the League of Women Voters of Florida held a conference call with reporters urging DeSantis to veto the Amendment 4 implementation bill.
Tuesday Briefing: Mayor’s Challenge, Homelessness Task Force, Teachers Union Contract, Hammock Community and Bing’s
Flagler school board talks security–behind closed doors–the homelessness task force meets, Bunnell names a new finance director, and 59 people complete the Palm Coast spring 2019 Mayor’s 90/90 Challenge for Fitness.
All I Want For Mother’s Day Is Equality For My Transgender Child
She wasn’t allowed to use the girls’ bathroom. She had shoes thrown at her head when she wore leggings and lacy tops. She endured public school teachers making the sign of the cross and running off when she walked between classes.
From Vacation Rental Deregulation to School Board Term Limits: 11 Dead Issues from the 2019 Session
When lawmakers hit the road Saturday after ending the 2019 legislative session, they left behind hundreds of bills and issues that did not pass. But there’s always the 2020 session, which will start in eight short months.
Monday Briefing: Dunes Project Celebration, Community Health Fair, Flagler County Budget, Amendment 4
Flagler County government recognizes its employees who took part in the dunes restoration project, the county commission holds the first of many budget workshops, Desmond Meade on Amendment 4 now law.
Lawmakers Approve Record $91.1 Billion Budget; 10 Big Issues from the 2019 Session
The budget includes high-profile spending issues such as $680 million for the Everglades and other water projects; a $242-per-student increase in school funding; and $50 million to maintain for at least another year the state’s embattled tourism-marketing agency Visit Florida.