Under current law, people with concealed-weapons licenses can carry guns at churches but not if schools are on the property.
Florida & Beyond, and All Opinions
Economy Adds 200,000 Jobs in 88th Straight Month of Expansion
Wages increased solidly for the second month, improving by 9 cents an hour after an 11-cent increase in December, but still barely ahead of inflation.
Weekend Briefing: Polar Plunge, A1A Clean-Up, DSC Financial Aid, Youth Orchestra, IKEA
An incredibly busy weekend in the area with First Friday in Flagler Beach, the Youth Orchestra in concert, shows at the Flagler Auditorium and Flagler Playhouse, Polar Plunge, and too much more.
Federal Judge Declares Florida’s Arbitrary and Governor-Controlled Method of Restoring Felons’ Voting Rights Unconstitutional
In a stinging blow to Gov. Rick Scott, a federal judge ruled that the governor’s near-exclusive authority to restore, and more often deny, voting rights to ex-felon is unconstitutional.
Unnecessary Medical Care Is More Common Than You Think
A study finds that in a single year more than 600,000 patients underwent treatment they didn’t need, at an estimated cost of $282 million. “Do no harm” should include the cost of care, too, the report author says.
Thursday Briefing: Black History, Conklin at Democratic Forum, Caribbean Day, “Road Not Taken”
Black History Month launches today, Malcolm speaks of being a human being first, Colleen Conklin speaks to Palm Coast Democrats, Max Boot speaks of the Road Not Taken.
Mary McLeod Bethune’s Statue Halfway To Replacing Confederate Smith at Capitol
The Florida Senate voted 37-0 on Wednesday to pass a measure (SB 472) to have Bethune’s statue replace Confederate Gen. Edmund Kirby Smith at the National Statuary Hall in Washington.
Bill Targeting Florida “Sanctuary Cities,” An Election-Year Wedge, Stalls In Senate
Sen. Aaron Bean, R-Fernandina Beach, tabled his proposed sanctuary-city ban after facing bipartisan opposition to the measure aimed at requiring local governments to comply with federal immigration laws.
Wednesday Briefing: Whiteview Parkway Narrowing, Skywarn Class, False Fat Facts
The Palm Coast city administration holds a public information session on the proposed re-engineering of Whiteview Parkway, Skywarn classes at the county, why so much of what you’ve been told about far is wrong.
Tuesday Briefing: Special Commission Meeting, Vacation Rentals, Paul Dykes Sentencing
The Palm Coast City Council discusses the first lease approval for a new cell tower under a fast-track arrangement, first Entrepreneur Night of 2018 at Moonrise Brewery, the county commission fast-tracks a project for an emergency berm on Painters’ Hill.
Treating Domestic Violence As A Medical Problem
Victims of domestic violence don’t typically volunteer the reason for their injuries, and doctors don’t always ask about abuse in the home. That failure of communication means the patients may miss out on the help they need.
Monday Briefing: Family Life Center Fundraiser, Cool Week Ahead, DeSantis Launches Campaign
The Family Life Center, Flagler County’s shelter for abused women, holds its annual golf fund-raiser, a week of bombing at the Ocala range, a rainy Monday yielding to a cooler, pleasanter week.
To Keep America Great, Legalize All Undocumented Immigrants
We have a choice: Keep our economy vibrant and enviable or demolish it by expelling and demonizing undocumented immigrants, as short-sighted nations have done in the false name of “purity” over the years.
Judge Lets Smokable Pot Case Go Forward, Rejecting State’s Motion to Dismiss
The suit challenges a state law, passed during a special legislative session last year, that bans medical-pot patients from smoking marijuana.
Kathleen Davis Is Flagler County Association of Realtors 2017 Affiliate of the Year
Kathleen Davis, of Grand Living’s affiliate Southern Title, has been named Flagler County Association of Realtors (FCAR) 2017 Business Affiliate of the Year.
Proposal To Create Open Primaries in Florida Moves Forward, But With Issues
All candidates seeking the same office would run in a single primary regardless of party affiliation. The top two vote-getters would run in the general election.
Weekend Briefing: Coastal Cloud at 5, Ethan Bortnick, Glover Leadership Workshop, Female Rage
The Men’s Futures Tennis Tournament all weekend at the Palm Coast Tennis Center, pianist Ethan Bortnick, Coastal Cloud marks its fifth year, “Songs For a New World”‘s last weekend.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and Ammunition: Lawmakers Favor Guns in Churches
The Florida House and Senate have started moving forward with measures that would allow people with concealed-weapons licenses to carry guns on the grounds of churches and other religious institutions that include schools.
Thursday Briefing: Flagler Beach Golf Course’s Future, Men’s Futures Tennis, “Smokey Joe’s Cafe”
The Flagler Beach City Commission may decide to end its lease with the management of the troubled Ocean Palms golf course, “Smokey Joe’s Cafe” starts a long weekend at the Flagler Playhouse.
Hazing Death at Florida State Fraternity Prompts “Culture Change”
Andrew Coffey, 20, died from alcohol poisoning during an off-campus fraternity initiation on Nov. 3. Fraternity members were arrested.
Wednesday Briefing: Compassionate Friends, Economic and Tourism Councils, Wild Birds, Sheriff’s Awards
Tom Hellman of SCORE and Ky Ekinci of Office Divvy speak to the economic council, Wild Birds Unlimited, a nature retail shops, holds its grand opening, the Sheriff’s Office holds its quarterly awards.
Measure to Restore Voting Rights to 1.5 Million Florida Felons Goes on November Ballot
Voting rights of felons who have served their sentences, completed parole or probation and paid restitution would be automatically restored. Murderers and sex offenders would be excluded.
Address Florida’s Deadly Rail Crossings Now, During 2018 Session
Between 2011 and 2017, there were a total of 105 deaths on more than 350 miles of Florida East Coast Railway tracks, which also run through Bunnell. A rail safety bill needs legislative support.
Doctors Join Chorus Against Limits on Painkiller Prescriptions, But Lawmakers Push On
The proposal to set legal limits on prescribing for pain medication continued moving forward when it was unanimously approved by the House Appropriations Committee.
Tuesday Briefing: Daylight Savings Exemption, Lambert Ave. Drainage, Domestic Violence
A Florida legislator wants to end the state’s compliance with Daylight Savings Time, Lambert Avenue residents in Flagler Beach get a drainage open house, the Navy conducts inert bombing runs in the Ocala forest.
America, Oprah is Not Your Savior
This country has a history of looking to black women to save Americans from themselves — while not recognizing or respecting their efforts.
Monday Briefing: Maria Howell Trial, Lakeside By the Sea Development, Literacy Week
The County Commission takes up a controversial proposed development near Lakeside By the Sea, jury selection is expected in the trial of Maria Howell, now 20, accused of molesting a teen, and in that of George Wood, accused of escape, Literacy Week begins.
Commission Weighs Repeal of Ban on
Public Funding For Religious Groups
Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero urged a Constitution Revision Commission panel to repeal a constitutional ban on state support for religious groups.
Cops’ Stop and Frisk Is Cut Back. Crime Doesn’t Spike. It Tumbles.
Police have radically cut back their controversial use of stop-and-frisk policies in New York. To the surprise of some, crime didn’t spike, but tumbled yet again.
Buddy Taylor Middle’s Keelin Cowart-Goldberg Is Flagler’s 2018 Spelling Champion
Buddy Taylor Middle School 8th grader Keelin Cowart-Goldberg won this year’s county spelling bee and advances to state finals, with Buddy Taylor’s Alisha Jageswar as runner-up.
Weekend Briefing: Bobby Gore Sentencing, Home Show, Songs For a New World, Smokey Joe
Bobby Earl Gore, who pleaded guilty to shooting his son to death, is sentenced, City Rep and Flagler Playhouse stage shows, the Home Show all weekend at FPC, birdwatching, Marineland Marina ribbon-cutting.
New York Company Buys Central Florida Pot Grower, Signaling Explosive Growth
The New York company also owns marijuana operations in Massachusetts, Vermont, Colorado and New Mexico and has a pending acquisition in New York.
Thursday Briefing: Beach Clean-Up Day, Roundabout Public Hearing, Spelling Bee, Beginnings
A big beach clean-up in Flagler Beach this morning, a much-anticipated public hearing on a roundabout at U.S. 1 and Old Dixie, the school district’s spelling bee, a book festival in Daytona.
Ballot Measure Would Give Voters, Not Legislature, Final Say On Gambling’s Legality
The proposed constitutional amendment pits the state’s gambling industry against anti-gambling advocates in what is expected to be a high-dollar campaign before the fall election.
Wednesday Briefing: Pink Army Check, Inspired Mic, TDC Cancelled (Again)
It’s the Flagler district’s spelling bee finals, the Inspired Mic is all improvisations at Europa at European Village, the Tourist Development Council can’t seem to get a meeting going, and Philip Roth speaks.
FPL Will Not Charge Customers For Irma Repairs After All, Citing Tax Savings
FPL says savings from the federal tax overhaul will allow it to avoid billing customers for the $1.3 billion cost of restoring electricity after Hurricane Irma.
Tuesday Briefing: Mental Health Awareness, Moonrise Brewing, A Russian Rotarian, Dreamers
Flagler County Rotary welcomes guest and Russian Rotarian Ildus Yanishev, who’s on a worldwide good will bike tour, Flagler Cares talks mental health to the school board and Palm Coast Council.
To Stay on Medicaid, You May Have To Start Working: Trump’s Decision Sparks Fury
Trump’s decision to allow states to test a work requirement for adult Medicaid enrollees sparked criticism from doctors, advocates for the poor, and minority and disability rights groups.
Reporting on Public Figures’ Extra-Curricular Sex
Married or not, public figures’ affairs are nobody’s business as long as the acts are legal, consensual, off the clock and virally contained. But there are exceptions.
Jacksonville Sheriff Criticizes “Walking While Black” Reporting. Editors Respond.
Reporting has shown that disproportionate numbers of the tickets in Jacksonville and elsewhere have gone to blacks, prompting a critical response from Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams–and a corrective retort from editors.
Florida House Readies to Pass “Sanctuary City” Ban as Election Year Winds Up
House Speaker Richard Corcoran, who is mulling a run for governor, is pushing the sanctuary-city ban that would impose stiff penalties on local governments that don;t enforce immigration laws.
Gov. Scott Calls Trump’s Reference to “Shithole” Countries “Absolutely Wrong”
Trump reportedly questioned why the United States should accept immigrants from “shithole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and countries in Africa, and singled out Haiti in particular.
Weekend Briefing: CrimeStoppers’ Run, Flagler Film Festival, Erasing “Songs For a New World”
The Flagler Film Festival shows some 50 films at the Hilton garden Inn, City Repertory Theater stages “Songs For a New World,” CrimeStoppers have their annual fund-raising run in Ormond.
Limiting Pain Pills Prescriptions To 7 Days? Florida Surgeons Say No.
Lawmakers’ proposal would have patients get additional prescriptions for pain medications from their doctors. Phoning-in refills would not work.
Thursday Briefing: Teacher of the Year, Skywarn Class, Flagler Beach Golf, Why 65-Year-Olds Aren’t Old,
The school district picks its teacher and employee of the year, the Flagler Beach City Commission talks settlement with its golf course managers, state pre-emption of home rule.
Anitere Flores-Oscar Braynon Affair and Other Scandals Cloud Session’s Start
A sex scandal involving the chamber’s highest-ranking Democrat and a powerful Republican, both married, and sexual harassment allegations that forced an influential Republican senator out overshadowed the session’s opening.
Wednesday Briefing: Phillip Haire Pre-Trial, Opioids in Flagler, Rejected License Plates, Vivaldi’s Winter
Phillip Haire Jr., who faces multiple attempted murder charges, appears in court today in a pre-trial hearing, police, court and county officials discuss opioids.
Proposal To Toughen Penalties For Texting While Driving Gains on 1st Day
With support from the House speaker, a proposal to make texting while driving a “primary” offense in Florida received unanimous support Tuesday from a House panel as the 2018 legislative session opened.
Gov. Rick Scott’s State of the State: Full Text
Gov. Rick Scott’s State of the State address, his last, as prepared for delivery today at the Florida Capitol, before a joint session of the House and Senate.
Tuesday Briefing: Dorothy Singer In Court, Manager Search, Wireless Palm Coast, Session 2018
Strap on those seat belts: the Florida Legislature gets started with Gov. Scotts State of the State, Dorothy Singer, accused of murdering her husband, is in court, Palm Coast council discusses wireless.