While Clinton works Southeast Florida, her husband, former President Bill Clinton, will campaign Friday and Saturday across the top of the state, and Trump begins his visits Tuesday in solidly-Republican Melbourne.
Presidential Election
Panic: On the Prospect of a Trump Presidency
“I spent the past year making fun of Trump and taking it for granted that Hillary Clinton would demolish him. I didn’t take into account her fabulous skills for self-destruction or the country’s ripeness for mass delusion.”
Another Unrealistic Trump Policy Proposal: Billions of Dollars for Homeschool Vouchers
Trump recently proposed billions in spending to allow the nation’s poorest students to leave public schools and enroll elsewhere, including by using homeschooling. Except the plan won’t work for the poorest students.
Who’s Afraid of Gary Johnson? Let Him Join the Debates
The Libertarian Party is on the ballot in all 50 states. For that reason, Gary Johnson should be on that debate stage because he is an alternative available to the entire nation, argues Nancy Smith.
Trump and Clinton Are Tied in Florida in Latest Quinnipiac Poll
The two remain tied when the most prominent third-party candidates are thrown into the race, with Trump and Clinton drawing 43 percent apiece.
Flagler’s Primary Results: Shocks, Coronations and Probabilities
There were one or two shocks in the Flagler primary election results, not least of them another dismal turnout, but for the most part the numebrs produced expected winners and losers. Here’s a full analysis.
Un-American Activities
Before Donald Trump’s “extreme vetting” there was Extreme Vetter Pat McCarran, the Nevada Senator whose name graces some of America’s most xeonopbic, repressive and largely unconstitutional laws. Trump is channeling him.
Hawkish Hillary: Clinton May Sound Friendly to Muslims. But Her Record Is Bloodier.
Even while Hillary Clinton condemns Donald Trump’s erratic statements on foreign policy, there’s no evidence she sees any need to redraw her own hawkish playbook that goes back to her enthusiastic support for the Iraq war.
The Suicide Candidate
Donald Trump will never win the presidency. He knows it and doesn’t want it. But that makes him more dangerous, not less. He’s a fanatic. He’s a suicide candidate. And we still have three months of rampage.
Chamber Poll: Flagler’s Trump Country; Cuff, Lenhart, Holland, O’Brien and Conklin Win Big
The Flagler County Chamber’s first candidate hob nob Thursday drew some 300 people and 250 participants in its straw poll, with results pointing at least to a few trends ahead of the Aug. 30 primary. Actual early voting begins Monday.
Clinton Erases Trump’s Brief, Slim Lead in Florida, Up in Ohio, Surging in Pennsylvania
Hillary Clinton has regained the lead–barely–she relinquished last month to Donald Trump in Florida, turning a three-point deficit into a one-point advantage (46-45) in the latest Quinnipiac University poll of three battleground states.
Saying Trump Panders to Fear and Hostility, Joe Biden Plans Florida Swings for Clinton
During a stop Friday in Tallahassee, Biden said he intends to spend more time campaigning in Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and congressional candidates.
The American Dream, Canada-Bound
Our country has historically prided itself on being a socially mobile society, where your ability is more important than the race or class you’re born into. Not anymore. If you forgot to be born into a wealthy family, you’re better off today living in Canada or Northern Europe.
Republicans’ Women Problem
Long before Donald Trump the Republican Party has been relentlessly pushing policies aimed at curtailing women’s reproductive rights, economic freedom, access to health care, and autonomy.
Clinton, In Tampa, Punches Back Against “Fear and Resentment” as Florida Showdown Looms
Characterizing Trump’s acceptance speech Thursday night as dominated by “fear and resentment,” Clinton painted her opponent as a divisive and angry threat to the nation’s future.
Ted Cruz’s Center-Stage Snub of Trump Ripples Through Florida Delegation
Cruz’s address Wednesday night was greeted with a loud round of boos as it became clear to delegates that Cruz would not offer a direct endorsement. Other Republican candidates who lost to Trump, including U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, have backed the nominee during convention speeches.
Republicans Hope Raucous Convention Distractions Pass as Gov. Scott Predicts Trump Win
So far, the Republican National Convention has seen a raucous fight over the party’s rules and accusations of plagiarism against presidential candidate Donald Trump’s wife. And that was from the first day.
In Newest Poll, Clinton Leads Trump in Florida, Rubio Narrowly Ahead of Murphy
An NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist Poll released Friday showed Clinton leading Trump by a margin of 44 percent to 37 percent in a head-to-head matchup in Florida, one of the most closely watched states in the country.
Trump Regains Lead in Florida as Clinton’s Numbers Crash Over Email Server Findings
In a sharp reversal from three weeks ago, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has regained the advantage over Hillary Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania and remains tied in Ohio in the latest Quinnipiac University swing-state poll.
Donald Trump’s Fascism and His Appeasers
Trump will fade. Trumpism may not. And the longer the Republican establishment is willing to appease him as a better alternative to Clinton, the more it legitimizes his racism as an acceptable American value.
Rick Scott on Being Trump’s Vice President: “Pass”
Florida Gov. Rick Scott is meeting with Donald Trump Monday, but only to talk strategy, not to be vetted as a running mate, the governor claimed in several interviews.
Acknowledging “Dark Times,” Flagler’s Democrats Say They’re Back and Battling For Long Haul
The Flagler County Democratic Party is hoping top shed years of disarray and political bankruptcy as it fields a few more candidates and organizers in a push for local and state successes. But the difficulties are still as prominent as organizers’ optimism.
When Bernie Sanders Mirrors Donald Trump
The same Democratic candidate who decried Donald Trump for condoning violence in North Carolina in March turned right around and did the same thing in Nevada when his rally devolved into chaos. He condoned it.
At Florida GOP Gathering, Opposition To Clinton Congeals Support for Trump
Florida Republican leaders are girding themselves for a must-win battle this fall as opposition to Clinton proves more unifying than Donald Trump.
What Blowout? Trump Even With Clinton in Florida and Pennsylvania, Ahead in Ohio
The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Clinton barely ahead, 43-42 in Florida and Pennsylvania, and Trump somewhat ahead in Ohio, 43-39, though results may be slightly affected by still-ongoing Democratic primary contests.
The Republican Responsibility to Reject Trump
Derision, racism, default and brutality are strange ways to go about making America great again. Let’s hope for the GOP’s sake and everyone else’s that Republicans have the clarity not to fall for Trump’s latest reality show.
Florida Republicans Try to Come to Terms With The Donald, #NeverTrump Notwithstanding
Shortly after Trump’s victory Tuesday, Republican Party of Florida Chairman Blaise Ingoglia issued a statement calling on the party to get over a contentious primary that once included U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
Speculation of Donald Trump-Rick Scott Ticket Increases As Governor Tours Nation
Trump encouraged the rumors when he praised three governors as possible contenders–Rick Scott, Chris Christie and John Kasich. Scott has kept up a rigorous travel schedule to raise his national profile.
Trump’s Dangerous America First Campaign
Trump holds his own supporters in the greatest contempt as he stokes and manipulates their rage, rooted in frustration with stagnant wages and fear of the unknown. Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric has helped to take fears to the next level.
Garlanded: Smart Republicans Need To Find Their Inner Brain
The Republican Senate’s submission to Mitch McConnell and the right-wing lobbies over the blocked Garland nomination is reason enough for voters to elect a Democratic majority, argues Martin Dyckman.
Senator, Governor, President, Nothing: For Marco Rubio, a Fuzzy Florida Future
For essentially the first time since he won a city commission seat in 1998, Rubio will soon be without a government office and without a campaign. What office Rubio seeks next, if any, isn’t clear.
Gov. Rick Scott, Likening Himself to “Businessman Outsider,” Endorses Donald Trump
The endorsement was as much a plea for party unity as another signal from Trump that he is open to Trump’s invitation as his vice president nominee.
Bill Baxley and Elbert Tucker Win Big in Bunnell, Trump and Clinton Win Flagler and Florida
There were ballot problems in one precinct in Palm Coast, where voters were handed the Bunnell ballot, but not in large enough numbers to alter the results.
29% Have Already Voted in Flagler; Trump and Clinton Hold Commanding Poll Lead in Florida
In Flagler, 15,659 voters have already cast a ballot through early voting and voting by mail, a significant increase from 2012 even after accounting for two major primary contests. .
I’m For Bernie
Flawed as she is, Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination and crush any Republican opponent. That doesn’t make her the best candidate. The more reason for Bernie Sanders’s candidacy, regardless of outcome.
Worse Than Trump: Gov. Scott Refuses to Disavow Claim that “Islam Hates Us”
In an appearance on Joe Scarborough’s MSNBC show Thursday, Gov. Rick Scott refused to denounce Donald Trump’s claim the day before that “Islam hates us.” The smear on Florida is the latest of many lows in a lurid election season.
“Little Marco” Borne Out in Latest Florida Poll as Trump Trounces Rubio With 2-1 Advantage
Donald Trump is ahead of Rubio in Florida by a 45-22 margin, with Ted Cruz at 18 percent and Ohio’s John Kasich at 8 percent. The Quinnipiac University poll is considered the most accurate in Florida.
Donald Trump’s Pledge of Allegiance to 1933 Germany
Asking supporters to raise their right arms and pledge allegiance to himself embodies Trump’s megalomania perfectly, argues Chris Goodfellow, but time may run out before voters realize their mistake.
Republicans On Crack
The crack-up is upon us. The locks have popped. The insane asylums have emptied. The loons are casting ballots. And Mitt Romney’s string quartet is arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
With 3 Weeks to Go Before Florida Primary, Trump Is Thumping Rubio By 16 Points, on Rubio’s Turf
The New York real-estate mogul holds a commanding 44-28 percent lead over Rubio among likely GOP primary voters, the Quinnipiac University poll found. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas came in third with 12 percent.
Chamber Crystal: How Pot, Trump, and Independents Will Affect Elections in Flagler and Florida
Marian Johnson of the Florida Chamber of Commerce gave a Flagler County group of candidates and business interests an overview of the election season ahead Thursday at the Hilton Garden Inn.
But Can He Win?
Helping to rally Florida Republican leaders behind Rubio is the fear that real-estate tycoon Donald Trump could win the nomination. But it’s a long way to the 1,236 delegates needed for nomination.
The Agony of Hillary Clinton
This impressive, remarkably intelligent woman just doesn’t have the feel for politics that is demanded at the highest levels. For one thing, she’s simply not a very good politician.
Flagler Voter Registrations Surge to 90%, Aiding GOP as Democrats Fall to Historic Low
Flagler County’s voter registration rolls have surged by 21 percent since 2009, resulting in a 90 percent registration rate, with Republicans riding a 4,500-voter advantage over Democrats.
The End of Jeb
While the favorite of many Republican insiders and fund-raisers, Bush could never appear to get his footing in a race that has been largely dominated by the outsider Donald Trump.
Master of Obstruction: Why McConnell Is Picking a Fight Over Scalia’s Replacement
It is less about blocking liberal policy goals than about boosting Republican chances. Remarkably, McConnell has chosen a path that would seem to reduce his party’s odds in November.
Scalia’s Last Laugh: The Battle Begins
With roughly 11 months remaining in his term, Obama undoubtedly will nominate a replacement for Antonin Scalia. Anyone he names will surely be more liberal than Scalia, and anyone he names will tip the balance of the court.
Hillary Clinton’s $675,000 Paean to Marie Antoinette, and Goldman Sachs
Hillary Clinton’s instinct for secrecy keeps getting her in trouble, while the sense of entitlement that she projects through her tone-deaf explanations betrays a lack of connection with the very people she claims to represent most.
Stand-Ins for Clinton and Sanders in a Presidents’ Day Forum at AACS Monday
Palm Coast’s Africa American Cultural Society will host a political forum at 6 p.m. Feb. 15 featuring the two respective local leaders of the campaigns for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
E Pluribus Un-American:
The Judeo-Christian Smear of Islam
President Obama’s trip to a mosque to reassure American Muslims of their importance should have been unnecessary. It reveals how deep-seated prejudice remains, especially that of conservative Christians who claim to preach acceptance.