
In 1989 the U.S. The Supreme Court ruled that flag-burning was protected by the First Amendment. It was a well-reasoned and just decision about symbolic speech.
In 2005 a Danish newspaper ran a dozen cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad in ways some Muslims found blasphemous. None of the cartoons were obscene. Some were funny, some in bad taste, and some were plain bigoted. The cartoons led to protests in many countries and riots in some, including deaths. But the newspaper had every right to run the cartoons. I remember running them myself on a previous website I owned, not so much in support of their message, but in support of the newspaper’s right to run them, and against any argument that Muslim or any religious claims to blasphemy somehow trump humor or freed speech.
Ten years later 12 people were murdered by Islamist fanatics in and around the offices of Charlie Hebdo, the French satirical magazine, after it ran covers making fun of Muhammad. We were all Charlie that day. We should still be. You have the right to your hurt feelings, but no one is forcing you to buy the magazine, and you sure as hell don’t have the right to silence a magazine because of your feelings.
In 2011 the U.S. Supreme court by a near-unanimous margin applied a similar reasoning when it ruled that anti-gay demonstrators spewing obscenities at the funerals of American servicemen are protected by the First Amendment. This is what Oliver Wendell Holmes meant when he argued persuasively for the freedom for the thought that we hate. The First Amendment would be meaningless if it only protected happy thoughts and conventional blabber. St. Augustine, that first Puritan, never tired of speaking of mere curiosity as “sacrilegious.” Well, journalism, literature, cinema at their best is nothing if not sacrilegious. There’s not only a right but at times a duty to offend.
Examples overflow. There was also the case of the rancid Gainesville preacher who held a “Burn a Koran” Day (reprehensible, but still defensible on free speech grounds: if the flag, why not scriptures?). And just a few weeks ago a near-unanimous Supreme Court ruled in favor of cheerleader Brani Levy, 14, to write “Fuck school, fuck softball, fuck cheer, fuck everything” on a social media page, from home: her school’s authority should not have policing reach beyond the schoolhouse door.
All this to bring us to the ongoing controversy in Flagler Beach over those obscene Fuck Biden signs peddled on a regular basis by your average Trump goons, on placards and on the side of a mastodon of a truck that’s been used since last year as an ambulant board for boors. The signs are obscene. The message, which continues to blare the lie that Trump was the real winner of last November’s election, is Qanon mythology, and I have no problem saying that the people masquerading as protesters out there are stupid, rude, and many times more deplorable than the basket cases Hillary Clinton spoke of in 2016. These goons are corroding democracy and sullying communities with their behavior. And it is to me unquestionable that they do not represent the ordinary Trump supporter, even in Flagler.
More likely, they’re the effluents of groups like the Qanon-powered “Flagler Liberty Coalition” or the Trump Club so proudly led by the likes of Ed Danko and Alan Lowe, his Sancho Panza he wants installed as Palm Coast mayor. Danko, the Palm Coast City Council member, has told me previously his group has nothing to do with the goons. Really? I’ve never heard him denounce them from the city council dais, where it would actually matter, the way he so often denounces–slanders, defames, denigrates–people he doesn’t like.
For all that, we should be defending these vulgar demonstrators’ right to say what they please and plaster what insults they want on their signs, obscene or not. I’ve seen many an obscene sign at Black Lives Matter marches and was happy for them. BLM marches happen to have justice on their side. Those Trump goons do not. But that’s irrelevant in this context. We don’t make these judgment calls when it comes to free speech in public places precisely because we don’t want to create a hierarchy of do’s and don’ts. There’s no policing content. And critical theory’s outlandish claims aside, words are just that: words.
What matters is the law. Obscenity is not illegal, nor should it be. You’d be a fool to be obscene to a cop or a judge or anyone at a street corner for that matter, but it’s your right. You can’t be arrested for it–not even if you call the judge names in court (unless it becomes disruptive, but that’s a different legal matter). And if anyone were hassled or arrested over an obscene sign, that would be the true obscenity, because at that point we’d be shredding the First Amendment.
But to be clear: this is speech in public venues, not in private spaces, in privately-owned media, in private businesses, including newspapers and social media sites, which are not First Amendment zones by any stretch, and have every right to police their content to the extent they see fit.
Flagler Beach or the broader community are not without means against these insulting idiots, who so far have had the run of Veterans Park unimpeded. I recall in 2006 when Liquid, the strip club, opened at 2444 S. Oceanshore Blvd., the community rallied, protested, picketed nightly, and got itself an attorney (the intrepid Dennis Bayer) even as the club sued in federal court on its own First Amendment grounds–which, truth be told, would have prevailed had the club had the stomach for the fight. It didn’t. It closed four months later. Not that there’s much comparison between the rabid Trumpsters and a strip club (a strip club is infinitely more honorable), but there is a comparison between the community’s reactions in the two instances. Why are the “demonstrators” allowed such free rein? Why no counter-protests? Where are those civility-dripping Democrats? Where are the more reasonable Republicans?
Smart-phone videos and hopes of getting the demonstrators pushed off or shut down won’t do. Plenty of that is going on as it is in this cancel culture on speed. Let’s not amplify the trend and look worse than those street-corner goons. They advertise their idiocy every time they demonstrate. Let’s not turn them into free speech martyrs by trying to silence them the wrong way. But letting them roam free isn’t the only way, either.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
mausborn says
We are watching wanna be authoritarians not dressed in military uniforms but in suit and ties ready to try and take our country to a place we cannot imagine and Americans cannot become numb to this because we hear it everyday this is real not just talk. Republicans are under Trumps thumb and they are NOT worried about our constitution but POWER is their only goal.
Why isn’t Trump in jail?
GOP is biggest threat to America’s national security.
They claim to love America but they hate most Americans!
Steve says
Not worth the time nor effort to even acknowledge that they exist. Personally find it gratifying to see washed up Baby Boomers so mentally unfit glorifying a has been orange Love Potion 45 failure. Its a Circus, they are Clowns and Barnum has rolled over.
Merrill S Shapiro says
Yes, even the speech of miscreants is protected! But isn’t it interesting how this has proven to be a partisan issue? Why are there no counter protesters (Republican or Democratic)? Such counter-protesters will only draw more attention to this disgusting-albeit protected-speech.
I would suggest that those who wish to eliminate vulgarity in our community get out and vote for Democrats! When the purveyors of filth see that their efforts are counter-productive, they will, we can only hope, get the idea!!
TrumpsRussianArmy says
They can say what they want. They can live in whatever deluded world they live in. They can worship a serial adulterer, grifter, con man, rapist, and Russian asset. They can donate money to his “war chest” and find themselves in debt or homeless. I do not care. They are their own people. But what you cannot do it white wash what happened on 1/6. You cannot. We saw it with our own eyes. You do not break into a building, with force, with weapons, with the intent to harm, and actually cause harm, and say it was a peaceful gathering or lie about the players. No, they were Trump supporters. They did something unlawful on par with sedition and insurrection.
There was an attempted coup that day, devised by the guy who knew if he lost there would go all his power, his BFF Putin, his secrets, and his eventual jail time would come. It wasn’t ANTIFA. It wasn’t BLM. It was angry, majority white, deluded Americans so fearful of the other they destroyed property and damaged many lives. Congress people took part in this event by giving tours when no tours were allowed and by tweeting out the locations of specific people. It’s sick. It’s un-American.
I believe it was Stalin that said, and I paraphrase here, that Russia would bring down the US from within, without firing a shot. They found their perfect asset in Trump. A guy that admitted he loves stupid people. A guy that played the con and convinced millions to turn their back against democracy by supporting communist principles. They groomed him for almost 40 years. They did what was necessary to put him in the White House. Their intent was to have Trump make decisions that benefited them (he did) and to sow social discourse and unrest (it happened and is still happening).
So they can throw their support behind the Russian asset all they want. They can call Pelosi a b!tch. They can make racial slurs about Kamala. It just shows the kind of people they are inside — awful, gross, pathetic excuses for humans that are soulless, spiteful, ignorant, and lying in bed with Putin himself. So go on, continue to display your hate, it’s easier to spot you, ignore you, and waste no breath on your existence from my POV.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
It was Nakita Khrushchev who made that statement at the United Nations and took off his shoe and banged it on the podium as he said his words. His words have stuck in my mind since that very day he uttered them
TC says
The democrats named on the truck are accurate discriptions as for BLM they are marxist anarchists, caused multi millions $ damage injuries, looters
They don’t have justice on their side only feckless democrat officials and CNN MSNBC and Flagler Live to let them run wild
Pissed in PC says
Keep drinking that kool aid while you’ve enjoyed your stimulus money that was given to you courtesy of democrats. Turn off the fox hate channel and find independent news sources boomer.
Trailer Bob says
I believe both trump and biden gave us stimulus checks.
Pissed in PC says
Sorry but that free trump money was gone a long time ago. Now these Trump humpers took the last stimulus and spent that money to support trumps big lie while saying Biden and the democrats are making their lives worse. They never said that when trump was handing it out.
Pogo says
@Google, I have a question: american rescue plan vote
Q: Who voted for American rescue plan?
A: All but two Democrats voted for the bill and all Republicans voted against the bill. A modified version passed the Senate on March 6 by a vote of 50–49. The final amended bill was passed by the House on March 10 by a vote of 220–211 with one Democrat voting against it with all Republicans.
The best measure of a man’s honesty isn’t his income tax return. It’s the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.
— Arthur C. Clarke
Cary says
Anything giving by Biden will be cancelled out because of rising inflation brought to you by Biden.
Pissed in PC says
During the pandemic last year production was cut on many items since nobody was traveling, dining out and building. Now that many have been vaccinated and some things are going back to normal plus the fact that people are sick of low wage jobs then the cost of things do rise. It’s called simple economics.
Steve says
Cant be anymore misinformed than that Nice job you win the prize.
The dude says
Perhaps you could share with us some specific examples of Biden policies that are causing inflation?
Steve says
Yeah acting like disruptive insolent minors at the back of the class knowing the substitute wont do anything about it really behooves your cause lol.. I mean hes not even a sports franchise going GA GA over a loser not even a lady (pun intended) so you all be you an embarrassment to FPC too funny
Hal says
This really is not a partisan issue, and as such does not warrant calling certain followers “goons”. The language referred to has been used often in media, press conferences and the like by people from both parties – therefore this is not a partisan issue. The issue is a lack of decorum ( by “older” standards ) , as well as an intolerance to people having different viewpoints and the way they are expressed in recent times.
Bill Green says
Vile, vulgar and deceptive signage, all of which personify the radical Trump supporters who possess no reasonable decorum, little credibility and zero class. A sad commentary on our 1st Amendment, yet I defend their right to spew their skewed, conspiracy-laden rhetoric. I only trust that a vast majority of us citizens see through this hollow and poisonous display of ignorance.
Mike Cocchiola says
It’s hard to live in a democracy. We’d better enjoy it while it lasts.
Jimbo99 says
Both extremists don’t bother me, what they say or do. When you avoid them altogether, they’re like the tree that falls in the Amazon forest, if you aren’t there to see it, read it or hear it. Did it really happen ? If you suspect or even know them to be morons & stupid , that’s one of those things on this planet that it’s a waste of effort to try to change. They are for themselves, those they list as sucking on the truck, really do suck, it’s more a statement of fact than opinion. And they line their pockets with wealth, that’s the only reason I can think of that anyone would try to even enlighten a village idiot, they have to be on the payroll for getitng paid well for it. Otherwise the problem really isn’t worth owning and you hope they don’t move in next door to you. Imagine that parked in a driveway as it becomes protected by those that want to relax the commercial vehicle & signage ordinances in Palm Coast. 2020, I had to drive by a Confederate flag, BLM flag, an inflatable Trump in a diaper. To this day I still see the election of 2020 clutter for Trump, for Biden. And those won’t ever be removed. These are all things that ordinances protect the rest of us from, as well as every small business advertising on the side of a motor vehicle. If they spent as much time maintaining the yard as they do for posting stupid signs, the entire community would be a nicer place for it. But these are people you can’t fix, they’re exactly the individuals that the ordinances were written for. ITT knew these people are among us, they are un-fixable & driving them out & elsewhere with citations & fines is the only way to get rid of them. They just never have, nor will they ever, play well & get along with others. And in their minds they’ll always empower that to victimize & terrorize others. I wish there was a better solution, there just isn’t.
Fearfulcitizen says
I appreciate your analysis of our free speech rights under the Constitution of the United States of America, however we also need to balance that right when it borders on violating the rights of minority citizens or can be viewed as threatening to a person or people of that they label as “unfavorable” citizens, such as illustrated by the attacks on people of Asian descent, propagated by their “so called icon”, trump. As a descendant of survivors of the Pograms in Eastern Europe and the Holocaust , I am particularly sensitive to the racist, Fascist, behaviors of people who carry their various veiled threats. I am surprised that the vehicle involved did not have the Confederate Flag emblazoned or flying on the truck. A day or two after the January 6th insurrection at our Nations Capital, I happened to stop at a local Palm Coast gas station and parked in front of the store was a white pickup truck complete with Confederate Flag, Proud Boy emblems, and one of the militia groups that were directly involved in the January 6th insurrection. The man who drove the vehicle was wearing a leather vest emblazoned with the Nazi Swastica, and other hate group symbols. I was absolutely horrified and honestly terror seized me as I looked at this man who was exercising his first amendment rights. And this was in Palm Coast. These people are among us, even if we don’t want to admit it and they veil it all under their support of a former president, in whose name they use to perpetrate their hate and dangerous ideology. It was no surprise to me that the highest number of arrests of traitors involved in the January 6th insurrection involved Floridians. Since their delusional leader took up residency in Florida, there has been an increase in the number of dangerous exetremists taking up residency in Florida. Does this concern me? Heck yes! My question is where do we draw the line? This truck was mild with their messaging compared to others I have seen cruising around our area. This type of activity really concerns me and the safety of my Jewish family who live here. So, even though they have their “rights” I wonder how long we would survive if we emblazoned our vehicles and houses with negative verbiage about their “fearless leader “. Scary to think about. Just another viewpoint in this discussion…
Outsider says
Sorry, but the the fact is most of those attacks on Asian-Americans, the ones captured on video were committed by blacks, hardly a steadfast Trump voting demographic. Of course Biden had to promote himself as the great savior of Asian-Americans so no one would notice that he cancelled the Justice Department’s discrimination lawsuit charging Ivy League universities with discrimination against Asian-Americans for being too smart. It was Donald Trump’s administration that originally filed the suit. The attacks on Asians is certainly horrible enough, but the systemic racism against Asian-American students that was just given the green light by Biden has a far more wide reaching effect on that community.
Ramone says
Much of what you write is true. Free speech is protected, regardless of its nature. This is your site, and you’re not bound by the first amendment. You don’t have to post my comment (you know that). In the middle of your mostly fact based article, you like to stick little gems in there like, “BLM marches happen to have justice on their side” and “Those Trump goons do not”.
Of course those gems are not fact based. They’re your opinion. Many would completely disagree with these gems of Pierre wisdom. But that’s why this Country is great. You’re entitled to impregnate your article with all levels bias and opinion. Most of the time, you go out of your way to publish both sides. I appreciate that. I think it’s good for us to discuss these things. Sometimes we can even find common ground.
I think the key to social media sites and maybe even your publication have to be careful is when they work together with local, state or federal governments. If you let your private site be censored by a governmental entity, like Facebook allowing the Biden Administration to flag posts they label as disinformation, I think you open yourself up to First Amendment claims. We’ll see.
Fed up in Flagler says
So, what can we do? I feel my rights are being violated. I have a right to visit the beach on weekends without being assaulted by screaming lunatics. Further than that there are 2 nearby restaurants that I have avoided since the legion of loonies started spoiling our beach community. I know that’s not fair to businesses but there is no way I want to either walk by the crazies or have to try to enjoy eating outside hearing them bellow their insanity. Lastly if I have guests, I certainly will not bring them to the beach, these angry narrow minded idiots are embarrassing. Punta Gorda passed a law against obscene signs….So I ask again, what can we do?
Pissed in PC says
Pierre but I beg to differ. Maybe you need to check out some legal precedents as obscenity is not a form of protected speech under the first amendment.
Obscenity is not protected under First Amendment rights to free speech, and violations of federal obscenity laws are criminal offenses. The U.S. courts use a three-pronged test, commonly referred to as the Miller test, to determine if given material is obscene. Obscenity is defined as anything that fits the criteria of the Miller test, which may include, for example, visual depictions, spoken words, or written text.
There are plenty of laws in Florida that haven’t been challenged regarding obscene or profanity laden signs, flags, etc. but according to many municipal codes they are not permitted on public roadways, walkways and can be considered as child abuse.
There’s legal ways to remove the violators as displaying such is a misdemeanor. I would recommend that the city start enforcing the laws as this is a tourist town and it hurts the aesthetic value to those visiting.
David S. says
Agree. What an embarrassment to Flagler County and the City of Flagler beach. We avoid going down there for this reason…
Steve says
But they want to fire Flagler Beach Elected Officials for not having stupid Fireworks in the name of Business and let this go on HYPOCRITES its a never ending contradiction with this group
Land of no turn signals says says
In today’s now screwed up world what’s so obscene? I see waaay more offensive things in every day life.
Sigmund Kirk, Esq. says
You are right about what I would consider the low class of people that would parade their vehicles with “Fuck Bidden” and other questionable language. My 4-year-old daughter was trying to read one of those flags. I guess this is the new Red-Neckis-Assholess_method of self-expression. You can’t argue with Trumpsters as they are too ignorant to see the reality of the truth. I do have to give the GOP credit as they have taken pages from the Third Reich and P. Joseph Gobbels the Reich Minister of Propaganda from 1933 to 1945. I worry when some folks I know that are scholars and former military officers fall for this line of bullshit! We are missing the SS and “Brown Shirts” that go from house to house to ensure we all are in lockstep with Der Fuehrer Trump.
Shark says
And I guess Palm Coast will allow these trucks to park in private driveways !!!
FlaglerLive says
Not true. The trucks under consideration would be your average-size vans and pick-up trucks of similar size. Nothing like the truck pictured.
Edith Campins says
Wrong. Once you open the door all kind of trucks will be parked on driveways. I come from a community where once “some” vehicles were allowed the owners of the not allowed vehicles sued and won. The result…a waste of tax dollars and an unsightly neightborhood with long time residents selling and moving out . After a few years the propety values went down and the neighborhood turned into a virtual slum.
Our community doesn’t have enough code enforcement officers to deal with the existing violations let alone what will happen if the rules are changed.
The first ones that will sue are the ones with the offensive messages. They will ague their first amendment rights are being denied.
The dude says
To be fair, there was a normal sized pickup truck with “Elite Framing” stickers all over it that had a “FUCK BIDEN and FUCK YOU TOO FOR VOTING FOR HIM” flag on the tailgate driving around here in PC a month or so back.
When it came time to price getting my dock and boathouse rebuilt, I did not call Elite for pricing.
I’m fine with folks who think differently from me. If I chose to end years of friendships over someone’s support of the orange moron, I wouldn’t have many friends left.
What I will not do, however, is hire someone who’s going to park a vehicle in front of my house for two weeks with a flag on it that says “FUCK BIDEN and FUCK YOU TOO FOR VOTING FOR HIM”.
I don’t need my 10yo daughter walking home from the bus stop and seeing that.
And while I fully support that idiot’s right to park his work truck in his driveway overnight, I don’t support flags with that sort of obscene messaging on that truck.
Dennis C Rathsam says
For Sure, Palm Coast doesnt enforce laws like that…U can park what ever u want in the driveway, as long as its not a trailer.
Bill C says
Isn’t it time for real Republicans to disavow this kind of behavior, even if it comes down to voting for a democrat?
Trailer Bob says
Maybe it’s time for reasonable, kind, sane Republicans to run for office. When I was in politics up north, both republicans and democrats had respect for each other and for the residents, regardless of political party.
This place is insane!
I cannot believe the behaviors of some Republicans in Flagler, or the divide among the two major parties. When I was a council member up north, we would often go out for a drink or two after our meetings. We started nonprofits run by all parties, with no boxing matches or tantrums. It is incredibly sad how some of our elected officials act in public and in county/city meetings. I don’t know where these people came from, but they are truly crazy. I would run for office, but would probably be attacked for not acting like an ass or having conspiracy theories galore. But who knows…I care about my community and the people, I’m honest, educated, who knows? We’ll seen.
NPA Voter says
Sadly, the moderates of both sides are being overshadowed by the extremes, right AND left. The good old days of bipartisan legislation, negotiation, finding common ground, seem to have evaporated since the election of the 45th office holder and pitiful example of a leader. Anyone not acting outwardly hostile is considered “weak” and insulted repeatedly. People like McConnell don’t want to be called out on world television as being a giant pu$$y, so they bite their tongues, swallow what little self-esteem and pride they may have, and go along with the bullying and lies to protect their own asses on election day. The same can be said for many on the left. You either are “with us” or “against us.” And if you make the effort to reach across the aisle, you are labeled a traitor and booed, or removed from important positions (reference Liz Cheney) as punishment for not towing the line.
I am disgusted with them ALL. This two party system is broken, in my opinion. That is why I refuse to register as a donkey or elephant. I vote for the person, the candidate, their ideals, their track record, I examine whether they just talk the talk or walk the walk. That is difficult to do with new candidates, but if you put in the time and DO YOUR HOMEWORK before going to the polls, it will be much more productive AND intelligent, than just voting straight party ticket. (Insane!)
Politics in this country are in the toilet. And particularly so in low-educated, rural places like Flagler County where many with better than a high school education are accused of being Socialists who want everything free. I thought protests and political activism of the 60’s and 70’s put us on course to be a civilized, compassionate, educated society. As another poster stated (and I heard way back in about 1980 from a colleague), this country will be defeated by Russia from “within” and I am terrified that it is happening. Putin is very clever. Divide and conquer.
@ Trailer Bob … Getting back to your original statement about “sane” people running – nobody who is sane wants to deal with the Barnum and Bailey BS that we are stuck with currently.
I would move in a heartbeat if I COULD. Sadly I have ailing elderly parents and I am the sole caregiver and cannot leave. I’ve lived in multiple states all over the U.S. (military family) and this is the WORST place I have ever lived, politically.
Lord save us all.
Gina Weiss says
Bill Mr. C: How do you know that real Republicians do not disavow that behavior here you go again with your cheap shots and generalizations and dictating how people should vote! LOL
Bill C says
Do they? I hope so. How about you?
Trailer Bob says
I do…obviously Bill.
One can be conservative without being an ass. I don’t think it is because someone is a Republican, but because they have several other personality deficiencies. Hate is one that comes to mind for some of them.
Richard says
“Hate has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou
Steve says
If you look at the current State of Affairs and those Elected one would not believe so IMO
tulip says
I’m hoping that there are a lot of “quiet” republicans that are not closed minded or cowardly that will consider others besides Lowe and vote for a Democrat if they sincerely believe in their own private mind that someone else is far superior to Lowe.. They did it to loser Trump in 2o2o, they can do it again here,
Manny Levine says
Great article. Thank you for covering the offensive behavior of these radicals.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
I try really hard to ignore these people because I think they are just begging for attention and I don’t want to indulge them, so you won’t find me counter protesting. And, my take on them is that ignorant people have a basic need to let the entire world know how ignorant they are. Nevertheless, it is extremely embarrassing when my out of town visitors ask me what the hell is going on here in Flagler Beach.
Cary says
There are people that go too far on both sides. The people of Flagler Beach and Palm Coast should be happy BLM (BIDEN voters) have not come here and destroyed the place like they did in other cities.
NPA Voter says
My mother and father imparted great wisdom to me as a child when it comes to vulgar bullies. The more you ignore them, the madder they get. Or if you just laugh at them – be totally dismissive but without words – and go along with your day.
They are after attention. It feeds them. They are desperate to remain relevant. Don’t take the bait. Don’t give them the one-fingered salute, or engage in verbal combat (even though so many of them are obviously unarmed). This goes for ALL protests. If someone has the right to protest, so be it, no matter what party you support. If you disagree, no matter how much it makes your blood boil, walk away. Don’t let them “live in your head” because that is exactly what they are after and nothing good will come of it.
Too many people here carry, concealed and not, and it isn’t worth the potential outcome if it gets heated over some politician that TRULY does not give a damn about you personally. Trust me on that. I’ve had some fair exposure to pols on both sides and very few actually are committed to their constituents. They only want to climb the ladder and stay in the news. Those very few who actually care are few and far between, and the first to get dumped from office because they tried to hard to work together and come to viable solutions, or they just plain weren’t mean enough to their opponents.
Bless America says
Fyi Pierre, everyone at the radio station thinks you’re a crazy nut…
FlaglerLive says
Considering that their standard of sanity is Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro, that’s fine with me.
Sherry says
Thank you Pissed In PC. I would love to see our Flagler Beach city/county commission pass (or enforce) public anti-obscenity legislation. Such signage keeps tourists away and therefore has a negative influence on our community’s financial well being, as well as our public image in general.
Regarding the idea of counter protests. . . Consider this:
1. It would only serve give them the attention they desire, if there is no legal enforcement
2. It could be dangerous since such despicable characters are likely to be armed
3. It would require climbing down into the gutter with them
4. Counter protests will likely not change their behaviors, or way of thinking
Regarding the point that “Congress” passed Covid stimulus payment during both the Biden and trump administrations. . . there is a really HUGE difference in how that came about. While many congressional Democrats have voted for ALL THREE payments, “NOT ONE” Congressional Republican voted in favor of the latest one, the one passed during the Biden Presidency. The Republican members of Congress are intent on “obstructing” absolutely everything in the Biden administration, even trying to stop the most recent Covid recovery check. Although, they are now hypocritically bragging about how that money is helping their constituents.
Dale L says
The truck in the picture is parked in a handicap parking spot. I assume that the truck has a handicap parking decal etc. It is a box truck and not a typical passenger vehicle. It does not appear to have been modified to accommodate a wheelchair. The height to climb into or out of the truck appears to make it inappropriate for a person with a disability. The obvious intent of parking the truck in that location, as the story states, is to promote an offensive, obscene, and dishonest political message.
The truck is taking up a handicapped parking space dishonestly and at a minimum should be ticketed.
Sherriff Staley’s election sign is on the side of the truck. The Sherriff should demand that his name be removed. Otherwise the logical conclusion is that he agrees with the other messages conveyed on the truck.
Trudy M says
Have Americans lost the ability to engage in civil discourse or the will? Technology has morphed us into keyboard and billboard word warriors, who cannot have face to face conversations or debates. It’s sad.
Mark says
People in Florida like to say , “don’t fauci my florida” while the rest of the country is saying , “don’t florida our country”. The good ones better step up and step in before you loose the south to these backwards science hating un-American Trump lovers.
Justsayin says
I feel like if BLM can paint black lives matter on a main road in Orlando in huge block letters and no one has a problem with their freedom of speech (and vandalism) then you demmys should leave that man alone.
Pissed in PC says
Just this comment shows racism is alive and thriving in Flagler County. Maybe I’ll just put up a BLM and a trump lost sign across from your house.
Sherry says
Extremely telling and troubling when there are those that think the words “Black Lives Matter” are as offensive as the horrific obscenities displayed on that truck. Is this the place we have come to now? How terrible for us all!
Sherry says
On a very personal note. . . “I” was one of the financial supporters and protesters who carried a big sign every day to help close down that strip club (Liquid) in a Flagler Beach “residential” area. I was out there every day carrying a sign next to A1A for over a month, along with my neighbors and church groups. While I was offended by being propositioned and offered a job inside, I NEVER felt unsafe.
Our culture has massively changed since then. The violent mob who attacked the Capitol of our country on Jan. 6th is a prime example of . . . as my husband says. . . the lid has been taken off the septic tank of our society. Church groups and neighbors can no longer safely come together to protest immoral behavior. With so many guns in the hands of “lunatics”, it is simply too much of a risk to life and limb.
Therefore, those of us doing our best to live by “FACTUAL” decision making, in a sane, ethical, peaceful place are more than ever counting on our commissioners and mayors to pass and enforce regulations/laws to help us support a safe reasonable community. With what is going on in Palm Coast, with our School Board, and with our County Commissioners, it appears the insane taken over the asylum.