A few minutes into his latest weekly infomercial on WNZF, Joe Mullins, the Flagler County commissioner, called for the beheading of liberals.
Mullins has previously called for shipping off liberals on trains, an allusion to the genocide of Jews. He’s vilified women for their weight, their looks, their behavior. He’s demeaned members of the LGBTQ community. He routinely uses anti-Semitic imagery made infamous by Nazis to portray people he doesn’t like. (With obsessive regularity, he photoshops my head on the body of a cockroach–an old Nazi trope and the same imagery Hutus used in the run-up to the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda–or makes it look like a virus while smearing my citizenship with racist allusions to my Arab ancestry).
He is openly insulting even in public forums, as he was to fellow-commissioners during a meeting in September and at a 9/11 event. He previously and privately threatened one commissioner enough that the commissioner called the sheriff. Mullins’s two allies on the commission have inexcusably and on three occasions refused to censure him, downplaying his impunity and emboldening him instead. We shouldn’t be surprised that, like a creature proudly confusing feces for trophies, he’s again not disappointing them.
But calling for the decapitation of liberals isn’t just a new low for an individual stoned on bigotry and hate. This is an incitement to violence. It is an explicit wish to see liberals murdered. And it took place on the air, broadcast by our county’s only local radio network, after he posted a video of the 22-minute infomercial on his social media page. He has since taken it down, or Facebook removed it.
David Ayres, general manager at WNZF’s Flagler Broadcasting, was not aware of the statement even after it aired Saturday morning. You can’t fault him for not reviewing every minute of every infomercial that airs on the station, let alone a narcissist’s weekly onanism into the void. “I’m stunned actually, and no I didn’t hear it,” Ayres said at first, after I read him the excerpt below. After hearing the infomercial in full an hour later, Ayres stunned me when he texted: “From an FCC perspective it was clearly his opinion and freedom of speech. That’s why we have disclaimers saying comments and opinions of the talk show hosts and guests are not those of Flagler Broadcasting. That’s talk radio.”
No, that’s not talk radio. It’s complicity in the unconscionable. No responsible newspaper, news site or radio station would allow anyone under any circumstance to call for the killing of law-abiding fellow-citizens. (As of this writing, the podcast had not yet appeared on WNZF’s website, as all local infomercials usually do. Late Sunday morning Ayers said he will not post the podcast.)
Sen. Tom Cotton had the right to his opinion in that abominable OpEd the New York Times published in June, when Cotton called for authoritarian-style use of troops and mass arrests of “rioters,” and the Times had every right to run it. But the Times failed its own standards, readers and staff by publishing an incendiary, error-filled and bigoted piece with such poor editing. (“The editing process was rushed and flawed, and senior editors were not sufficiently involved,” The Times conceded.)
There is no way to parse Mullins’s words or the snide chuckle that accompanied it. This wasn’t a joke. It was in line with a two-year context of similarly amoral language from a man who, ironically, can hardly speak three phrases without invoking God or himself, or confusing the two. His latest infomercial was a year-end review of “the good, the bad and the ugly,” and some stale fabrications about Trump’s “fraudulent” defeat. He is sponsoring busloads of delusions heading to Washington (“I’m just excited to represent Flagler, to be able to go with these guys,” he said on his Facebook page) to contest an election 81.3 million Americans have decided, every state has certified, and 59 legal decisions have reaffirmed, including one from the Trump-packed Supreme Court.
He was about three minutes into his aria to alternative facts when he lamented the April shut-down of the economy and subsequent restrictions. That’s when he came up with his string of barbaric analogies and his death wish for liberals. Here’s the full statement in context (you can hear it here):
“Lives are important. I will never disagree with that. But at the end of the day you cannot have the cure, and we’ve said this many times, worse than the disease, and to kill your economy, to kill your income stream, to kill your avenue of being able to pay bills is just way too [inaudible]. That’s not the solution we can find. I mean, you know, if you think about it, if you get cancer in your arm, is it worth going and having your arm cut off? What do you do if you get it in your head? I mean there are some liberals I’d like to see their heads cut off, you know, they couldn’t do that thinking crazy thing they do. But what do you do? So you really, is that a solution? Killing the economy was probably one of the worst mistakes that we have made as a country.” (A Wahhabist by inclination, Mullins’s affinities for certain regimes should not surprise anyone: the only country that still cuts off people’s heads is Saudi Arabia.)
No, calling for the killing of liberals is not “free speech” by any standard, let alone the FCC’s or that of federal courts. Vox has documented five years’ worth of incitement to or encouragement of hate groups and violence by Trump, but nothing anywhere near as explicit as this. Search all you want: even extremists, particularly extremists who happen to be public officials, know better than to call for the death of political opponents. It happens rarely, and when it happens the consequences are swift.
In 2009 a three-judge panel of federal judges ruled against the challenge to the handgun ban in Chicago. Hal Turner, a New Jersey conservative radio jock, wrote in his blog, thinking that he was echoing Thomas Jefferson when he was merely perverting him, that “those judges deserve to be killed. Their blood will replenish the tree of liberty; a small price to pay to assure freedom for millions.” Turner was tried and sentenced to 33 months in prison, because when there’s any room for normalizing calls for killing of people you disagree with, the bullets are not always far from the chamber. Ask Gabby Giffords.
This week even Trump administration officials distanced themselves from Lin Wood, the lawyer and Trump ally who tweeted that Vice President Mike Pence should be executed by firing squad. A few weeks ago when the police chief of a tiny Arkansas town posted “Death to all Marxist Democrats” on social media, along with hopes that the likes of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton “hang on the gallows,” he was forced to resign. That’s in a solitary village in the Ozarks.
In Flagler, it’s indulgence and pandering for its elected barbarian–again and again and again, because his money buys complicity, it buys political allies, and in a county big on bombastic pieties and short on principles, it buys media, no matter how far he goes to cajole brutality, incite hatred, and now murder.
This is your county commissioner, Flagler. This is who you elect, who you enable, who you excuse. This is who you are.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
random says
That’s awfully Christian of him.
DejaVu says
Yes…we don’t need these kind of people in office. Get him out….he can’t be trusted. He may incite a riot if things don’t go according to his plans and distorted beliefs.
Pat Smith says
I have sent numerous articles, pictures, and videos of Joe Mullins to the FBI Tips site. They are slowly working their way to investigate him, arraign, indict, and convict. He’s been warned but some people think they’re above the law. We’ll see about that.
David Schaefer says
I would love it if he ends up in jail…
DP says
It’s high time that the county commission take some sort of action to shut this damn fool down. If they are afraid as it appears they are, then we the citizens of Flagler need to make it happen in his future re-election campaign. This scum is a disgrace to the citizens of this county he represents. His foul mouth, poisoned opinions, racist slurs and comments are down right shameful for any elected officials. I implore the citizens to rid this scum from our commission. Time to say good bye!!!!
Charlie Ericksen Jr says
As the past record shows, 2 of your Commissioners , tried to shut him up. but Joe and his two other Commissioners ” buddies” , inspite of the SUNSHINE law , voted against a censure ….
Concerned Citizen says
And here we are almost a year later. And he’s their boss. Has an awful lot of pull in this BOCC now. Still trying to figure out why all run scared of him.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
His $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks a lot me thinks….
EVA says
We really need to get to work to get this guy recalled. I am ready to work, how many signatures do we need? Sadly, we also have to battle the politics in Tallassee that will try to ignore the will of the majority of Flagler. This lunatic fringe makes a lot of noise and scares people around here. It’s time to stand up to the loud ignorant bullies.
So angry watching all this hurting our community!!
Disgusted PC Resident says
I agree! How can we get the public involved to send this monster packing?
Duncan says
I’m on board with a recall. I feel complicit since there have been no meaningful repercussions for this jackass’s behavior. He is a part of the problem not the solution.
jim dana says
We also agree – let’s do something.
Joanne Reuter says
It is time to call for his resignation. Friends of mine reported this video on his page to Facebook, which initially refused to take it down. Sheriff Staley and the local State’s attorney should be looking into whether he can be charged with incitement to violence. After Jan. 20, we can contact the U.S. Department of Justice. We can demonstrate and can we get a recall ?
Laurie Gogolen says
I thought making terroristic threats WAS against the law, beheading qualifies I would hope!
BB says
He never used the word behead
Just a thought says
You’re arguing semantics. If I say I would like to quickly move my fist into the outside of your jaw, am I saying I want to punch you in the mouth?
Mary says
This man needs to be terminated. Enough warning. Act!
B&B says
Cory says
Agreed. Time to bring civility back.
Linda says
This sickens me.
Chris Mitchell says
As long as we hold all officials to the same standard across the country when many of the Democratic Party have called to incite violence as well…no double standard!
Dale L says
Please name one prominent Democrat in Flagler County who has called for violence against others. We should hold all elected officials in Flagler County to the same standard.
James M. Mejuto says
Really! . . . Show us an example of a democrat who has incited violence.
Johnny B says
Yes Chris. Please show examples of Democrats inciting their followers to violence.
Well... says
Tick, tock…still waiting for that Dem name. Meanwhile, Trump just threatened the Georgia Sec of State, again yesterday only this time Raffensburger was smart enough to record the call that contained seditious behavior by Trump. Trump and many Republicans are calling for violence on Jan 6 to contest an election he lost fair and square without any proof of voter fraud. Trump projects—the only fraud is of his own doing. BTW, I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to produce that Dem name.
EVA says
Oh speaking of Trump and DC riots, JOE is also sponsoring Flagler residents to get on a BUS to DC and join in the Proud Boys mayhem. What kind of elected official does that?? One who does NOT belong in office!
Look for this event on Facebook, leaving Tuesday from our Fairgrounds! Telling a bunch of old fools to bring their helmets, body armor, and milk spray in case they get maced! Good God!
Chris Mitchell says
Sorry I was not attached to my phone but for starters…Cynthia Johnson, Maxine Waters, Corey Booker, Hillary Clinton. They may not be local but this behavior can not be tolerated on either side! How about Tim Kaine, Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi…all leaders that have called violence! Not good on either side since everyone was so fast to think Dems are innocent if this behavior!
Edith Campins says
No, they have not. Cite an actual stateent by any of them that calls for violence.
DP says
Maxine Waters, by advising citizens to go into restaurants and raise hell at any republican eating in the restaurants. Or your VP claiming and saying the rioting will continue. Just to name a few.
ResQUSA says
You’re just listing random democratic leader’s names, not citing examples. Not even local. If you just unthinkingly repeat trigger words (or names) of blind ideology, and you don’t think for yourself or participate in critical thinking, then you are part of the problem.
Percy's mother says
Why isn’t anyone talking about this?
State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry defended Bill A416, saying it does not violate Americans’ constitutional rights
A New York Democrat’s bill that would allow the governor or his surrogates to detain individuals who pose a threat to public health “by a single order … in a medical facility or other appropriate facility” sparked fierce backlash online.
New York State Assemblyman N. Nick Perry is sponsoring Bill A416, which will be taken up by the Assembly’s Health Committee on Wednesday.
So disturbing. NY bill allows for the *removal and detention* of anyone who ‘may be a danger to public health.’ Yes, that’s purposely undefined.
Who will decide who’s a public health threat BY A SINGLE ORDER? WHAT “EXPERT” WILL DECIDE?
Steve says
Excuse me its NY Who cares. Secondly you have the right to wave your arms around as much as you would like unless your arms hit my face. Makes sense right?
disgusted PC Resident says
How can we make this nationally public so the world can see what evil is…this disgusting vile person should be terminated IMMEDIATELY. How can we make this happen?
Jane Gentile-Youd says
“RECALLFLORIDA”big group on Face book sending thousands of emails being sent to our current legislature demanding Florida Statute 100 be amended to allow non charter municipalities like Flagler to be able to recall elected officials via voter petition which currently is only allowed in charter municipalities like Palm Coast..Miami Dade email “[email protected]” and ask to join and sign growing petition
Percy's mother says
The recall will go nowhere.
Jo(k)e's on Us says
I dobt think Joe Mulins will behead anyone; however, some of his followers… that’s another story. That’s how people like him operate, they get others to do their dirty work.
Think of all of the hand-wringing that will go on if one of his brainless followers does something. “If only we had seen it coming!” Well, this is what it looks like, folks.
Everyone who gave him a pass, you will have to live with it.
Happening now says
Some of the men and women belong to the same group. They socialize, give high fives, and laugh knowing the anger they provoke. It’s all a game.
Paul Harrington says
Is this Freedom of Speach or a Display of Ignorance? With Flagler County’s history of being the last in the state of Florida to desegregate its school system and only recently removing the County Jail with it’s Colored Only Section it would be best to avoid FOOLISH COMMENTS. It’s does expose the station for what it is, an Enabling Media Outlet.
David Schaefer says
He is a pig just like trump.
Embarrassedbutnotshocked says
I wonder what Kifah (Faith) Alkhatib thinks about his racist rants. I have seen them together working many times. How does he justify himself to her and all the other people he “works” with, who have a different ethnic background than he? He supposedly represents the West side of Flagler County, yet makes fun of the very people he was elected to help. His racist and violent rants are from the trump (and I deliberately did not capitalize) school of intimidation and rabble rousing and as someone else commented, are intended to arouse anger and hatred. He is a buffoon and hopefully people will see reason when time comes for the next election. How I miss Nate.
tulip says
I find it disgusting how much ignorance, hatred and viciousness can fit into Mullins”s short little body and small little mind.
Land of no turn signals says says
When Kathy Griffin held up a Donald Trump severed head no out cry from liberals.So why now a out cry?
R. S. says
But then she said:
Kathy Griffin has apologized for the gory image she created with photographer Tyler Shields depicting her holding a facsimile of Donald Trump’s decapitated head. “I sincerely apologize,” she said in a video posted to social media Tuesday evening. “I am just now seeing the reaction of these images. … I went way too far. The image is too disturbing. I understand how it offends people. It wasn’t funny. I get it.” [from Entertainment News https://ew.com/news/2017/05/30/kathy-griffin-trump-head-photo-tyler-shields/%5D
Also, she had a targeted message against one individual; this guy is targeting an entire group of people. When one targets groups, one incites violence without a focus. Anyone belonging to this group must fear for his/her life in a county where such a person is not immediately Baker-acted.
Percy's mother says
Kathy Griffin recently retracted her apology regarding holding up an effigy of Trump’s decapitated head.
Edith Campins says
So you are working on the premise that one wrong justifies another? Griffin is not an elected official.
R. S. says
AND she’s not threatening an entire group of people; if it can be considered a threat at all what she did–tasteless, perhaps, but not a threat.
Monica Clark says
She was not an elected official and her career tanked as a result. She apologized.
He must be removed.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
https://www.facebook.com/groups/recallflorida2020/ link to join and sign petition to allow RECALL of elected officials in Flagler County. Moderator sending petitions to ALL elected legislators on January 15.
Please try to join and sign petition. Mullins is one of several incompetent, ‘unhinged’ Florida (s)elected officials who needs to be removed from public office,
Concerned says
I don’t see the petition on the page. Where specifically do we sign? Thanks.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Direct link to petition
I believe in addition to the petition people are contacting ALL state legislators to amend this very unfair statute F.S. 100 which dooms everyone in a non charter county to suffer political misfeasance, malfeasance, personal slander, threats and continual illegal indignations . Travis Hutson is our Senator pal of Mullins and Paul Renner is our State House Rep pal of Mullins so I humbly suggest contacting Governor and Attorney General. Mullins has personally threatened me several times since October 2019 and his pals on the Commission do absolutely nothing nor does the incompetent County Attorney ( my opinion) to STOP this insanity.
We the People have the power in numbers only -Facebook won’t solve these problems only we, as individuals, to speak up at Commission Meetings and demand our State Officials as well as our Local Officials take legal action to remove people like this misfit from public office.
Thanks for your time once again,
Don Appignani says
Anyone who thinks this is appropriate, no matter how you may label yourself, has no moral convictions whatsoever. When a public official calls for the beheading of any person this is more than just free speech – its disgusting and dangerous. There is no way anyone can logical justify this type of speech. Mullins needs to be prosecuted.
JimS says
Time for this trump circus clown to go. Wake Up Flagler County. This liptard doesn’t have the brains he was born with. I want to see the remainder of the County Board take action against this idiot and get him out or the public will do it and remember hat you didn’t come next election. Clean your house.
David S. says
We will see how the trumper Ed Danko is doing on the PC City council…..
Percy's mother says
What is a “liptard”?
R. S. says
Liberal + retard = a contemptuous term for a person with left-wing political views.
LetGetItRight says
No, that would be a libtard, not a liptard. Further, JimS is certainly not among those who refer to liberals as libtards in the first place. So the question remains unanswered.
Jimbo99 says
That didn’t last very long, hadn’t heard anything since he was up for censorship and the 2 votes that always protect him only empowered him to remain. Charge him again and revote to censor or remove him. Should be a slam dunk.
Mary Ann says
I don’t understand how this is considered a freedom of speech? It’s threatening peoples lives. If I did something like this, the police would be knocking on my door! He should be prosecuted and not hold any position in Flagler County Government anymore! Makes me ill that we have such hatred in this day and age!
palmcoaster says
Start a petition to boot him as is totally justifiable.
Pat says
Mullins is truly a horrible example of an elected government official. The fact that he is allowed to incite such horror is indeed blood on the hands of Flagler County officials.
Isn’t there a lawful way in which Mullins can be silenced from the radio airwaves and the Council so we don’t have to see his disgusting face or hear his pea-brain ideas?
Curious minds want to know. He is a shameful excuse for a human being in my humble opinion. I did not and will not ever vote for such a sorry individual.
Stop the Hate says
We need to bring national attention to this. It’s a terroristic threat! Let’s bombard local and National news agencies to get this story picked up. I’ve sent this to Orlando Sentinel, ABC News, CNN and MSNBC. If we can’t stop him locally we can try to put him out of a job by bringing shame to him. It’s worth a call, letter or email.
David Schaefer says
Thank You…..
Sherry says
What?!!! You don’t know what you’re talking about. . . Kathy Griffin was fired from CNN and then blacklisted for that stupid stunt! There was plenty of outrage! Maybe it was just never shown on FOX.
On May 30, 2017, Griffin posted a video of herself holding “a mask styled to look like the severed, bloody head” of U.S. President Donald Trump,[48] which was posted on her Instagram and Twitter accounts. She wrote: “I caption this ‘there was blood coming out of his eyes, blood coming out of his … wherever'”, referencing a comment Trump had made about Megyn Kelly. The video was from a session with photographer Tyler Shields, who is known for producing “shocking” imagery.[49][50] Griffin later took down the image and apologized for posting the image, saying she went too far and adding, “I beg for your forgiveness”.[51][52]
On June 2, 2017, an attorney for Griffin, Lisa Bloom, stated, “Like many edgy works of artistic expression, the photo could be interpreted different ways. But Griffin never imagined that it could be misinterpreted as a threat of violence against Trump. That was never what she intended. She has never threatened or committed an act of violence against anyone.”[53][54] Griffin said the Trump family was “trying to ruin my life forever”.[55]
In May 2017, Griffin was dropped by Squatty Potty as a spokesperson.[56] CNN fired her from its New Year’s Eve broadcast with Anderson Cooper.[57] Cooper said, “For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate.”[58] All of Griffin’s remaining scheduled tour dates were canceled by their venues.[59] In August 2017, Griffin retracted her apology during an interview on Australian television[60] and again on Skavlan in November that year.
On October 28, 2017, Griffin uploaded a YouTube video titled “Kathy Griffin: A Hell of a Story”, which is about the backlash she received for the Trump photo controversy.[62] It was the basis for her A Hell of a Story concert film. She said she was under a federal investigation by the Justice Department for two months and was on the No Fly List during that time. She also said she was put on the Interpol list, the Five Eyes list, and had been detained at every airport during her Laugh Your Head Off World Tour.
BlueJammer says
Sound wisdom as always, Sherry. Thank you!
Percy's mother says
Kathy Griffin issued an apology in name only.
She recently rescinded her apology.
It goes both ways. Democrat and Republican.
Gina Weiss says
STOP FLAMING THE FUELS OF HATE: Looking ahead to 2021 should be a time of healing and metamorphosis , rebirth, as we look ahead for hope, people trying to get back on their feet, people remembering loved ones who passed. It should be a time when people take a deep look into themselves and think of how they can do better to improve themselves and be thankful for their lives, family, jobs and whatever time they have to enjoy life. Sad to hear how any individual can continue to spew hate and divisiveness after everything that we and this world has been through this year. Joe please STOP, this is such a beautiful county, I see people down here from all walks of life, religions and backgrounds smiling at each other, being kind to each other, so APOLOGIZE PUBLICLY for what you said and start thinking of this county as ONE inclusive county because this is how you build a thriving successful community.
BlueJammer says
There should be more Gina Weiss’ in this world. Thank you.
John Stove says
Is anyone noticing a trend with Republican supporters of Trump?
Mullins stated “behead liberals”, Republican lawyer Lin Wood stated “Vice President Pence should be tried for treason and face a firing squad”, Republican Representative Gohmert suing Vice-President Pence stating: “violence in the streets”…. recently pardoned Republican idiot Roger Stone stated: “Trump should declare martial law”, Michael Caputo Republican adviser to Health and Human Services Department stated: “buy ammunition because it is going to be hard to come by”
The party of “law and order” HAS LOST ITS FRICKIN’ MIND!!!!!
Trump lost, is and always will be a loser, and was the WORST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES PERIOD.
To all of those standing on the corner with the red hats and flags…..suck it up snowflakes and to those who see Trump et al for what they are….keep the faith as Americans lets roll up our sleeves get the push brooms and shovels out and clean up all of this S**T from the last 4 years!
Dorothy's In The Garden says
If anyone is so concerned about his behavior come to the Commission Meeting and speak up. It’s easy to sit behind your keyboard, it’s something else to take action. Petitions and blogs will do nothing. TV stations will not respond.
Like the many comments about the proposed Flagler Beach Hotel and other issues, sitting at home complaining takes no effort. Get up and do something, maybe you will see action.
Percy's mothet says
That will accomplish nothing
mark101 says
The people that elected Mullins must be proud. What an embarrassment to the citizens of Flagler County. People asking for his apology, and you think it will be sincere, give me a break. Mullins, will come around and say ” hey its all a joke” that’s the sick mentality of this person.
Land of no turn signals says says
So Sherry,it sounds like you thought it was O.K. and she was misinterpreted. PLEASE.
Edith Campins says
No, se simply stated the facts. Griffin was punished by her thoughtless, rude action. Whereas Mullins is protected by his fellow commissioners time and again.
marlee says
All we need is 11,780 votes to overturn his election.
David Schaefer says
What a damn joke. How many times do we need to recount until the pollers hands bleed…….
Franklin J. Clair says
Joe Mullins may be guilty of your allegations but Pierre Tristan, you’re no better with your constant leftist views. You would be much better just reporting the facts instead of publishing your personal views.
Roy Longo says
Mr. Clair, Pierre Tristam owns this website and can say whatever he wants. We are fortunate to have him pass on many local news stories. He occasionally writes op-eds which every single purveyor of news does regardless of its political leaning. You have the same freedom to buy a website and spew whatever you want.
tulip says
Pierre expresses his opinions and viewpoints BUT he does not insult, degrade or embarrass people. There is a BIG difference between decently expressing an opinion and doing what Mullins, trump and other do.
Pat says
Actually Franklin, Pierre can say anything he wants! This is his blog which means he owns it and is a provider of his independent thoughts on what’s going on in his world. He is not a newspaper or newsmagazine reporter responsible to the news bureau that pays his salary. He’s not hired by Flagler County to write words. He’s in no one’s employ but his own. He asks for sponsorship periodically to pay his bills for food and housing just like other modern day bloggers. If you don’t like him or what he writes, just stop subscribing because killing the message doesn’t work in this instance.
Trailer Bob says
At least Mullins was smart enough to make sure he only started acting nutty after he was elected into office.
He should win an award for pulling off that feat.
He will soon be gone.
What amazes me is that the other elected officials of his party put up with him. No balls at all.
I would love to replace him, but I am afraid that the other elected Republican officials would not be able to deal with my “sane” version of a conservative Republican.
But I truly believe that change is needed in our perverted version of conservatism in Flagler County.
Time to replace them all, and the next election is a coming.
The current elected Republicans are not Republicans at all…just a bunch of uneducated idiots, with a few exceptions.
Then again, we live in a county were way to many still believe that the word “nigger” is acceptable in 2021.
I guess things can only get better, but it is going to take some effort on the part of the electorate.
WAR says
Liberals are RACIST people. Just as violent as who their trying to hang. Personally, I hope the damn government FAILS and China sends troops to over take the USA. That will teach you damn liberal worms how BAD things can get . Try a WAR on your own shores for once.
Whathehck? says
I will be praying for you to seek and find the truth. Reality hurts, the mean world is unjust to you and your god in DC but try anyway to live in the real world. I understand you poor, poor little brainwashed boy. May the other God will forgive you.
Flagler teacher says
You are hoping for the downfall of the USA? Wow. You are that full of hate and bitterness? You need to reflect and seek therapy.
Steve says
You would be wrong but just in case you might want to start referring to some different News sites to expand your knowledge.Just sayin
Sherry says
@land of no turn signals. . . I presented the “FACTS” that Kathy Griffin had huge repercussions for what “I” called her “stupid stunt”. You should really not continue to embarrass yourself further by attacking me simply because I proved you wrong. Let’s peacefully move on with “fact” based comments, shall we?
The massive “misinformation” that spreads like wild fire through social media is a large part of what has us so divided. Sticking to “credible facts” should give us a basis of reasonable discussion. Please know that you can count on me to continue to inject factual information into the alternate reality cult world of conspiracy theories when they come to my attention.
I have also sent this story to CNN.
I’m quite happy to sign a petition for the recall Joe Mullins and of “ANY” elected official from “ANY” party who has called for the murder of anyone. We need reject the fear and hate ginned up by the trump administration. . . and, to aspire to greatness through peace and love.
William Moya says
I am conflicted on this, he is a democratic elected official backed and endorsed by the Republican Party, which itself has gone
through a Trumpist’ metamorphosis, and Mullins, albeit a loud voice, is what 74 million people agree with. This is what we. as a
community and a nation, have become and will have to contend with.
Only Me says
I am shocked at Joe Mullin and what he aired on the radio. He is a loose cannon and is sighting danger to those he doesn’t agree with. This is not a third world country like his buddy Trump and he thinks we live in.
If the current County Commissioners do not remove him from office and DeSantis we need to sign a petition and have him removed that way.
Of course, he is getting a bus to go to Washington would we expect anything else from a patsy that he is, I little man who thinks he is bigger than he is or ever will be.
Only Me says
I want to add one more thing I hope the Flagler County Sheriff office has it on record that Joe Mullen has threatened people that he doesn’t agree with and has threatened them with violence so God forbid that actually happens Joe Mullen needs to be charged with adding and abetting that crime.
Creepy Joe says
Joe and and his two buddies are destroying our home and people focus on some hyperbolic BS on a radio show that literally no one listens to. We reelected the other two crooks already, nicely done Flagler County. God help us. NEWS FLASH. The other two crooks were directing Coffey the entire time and then blamed Coffey for exactly what they were actually doing. Wake up folks.
Blerbfivefamily says
Yes, Nate McLaughlin may have made a bad error in judgement regarding the purchase of the old hospital but he was not the only one who voted for it. However, Nate was never a mean-spirited person. Hey Nate, may be you could try again, I would vote for you.
I expect I will be criticized for this comment, but that is life.
Creepy Joe says
Why was that an error in judgment? The building location was fine. Nate didn’t vote to leave bat poop and mold inside the wall or how the building was constructed, that was all decided by County engineering staff. Why wasn’t the contractor sued? Every taxpaying family in our community will pay roughly the cost of a new lawn tractor for the FCSO debacle. Think about that when you push that old lawn mower around.
PCP Pritchard says
As a resident, a war veteran and retired military officer, I believe this person owes our county and the nation an apology. Said in jest or for any excuse, it is unacceptable.
Concerned Citizen says
My employer has a very strict no tolerance policy on work place violence.
Two employees were both let go recently when one was over heard saying I’ll kick your ass too”. While it seems harsh it sends a message. Engage in violent behavior and you won’t have a paycheck.
I believe Flagler County has a No Tolerance policy for work place violence. At least I remember seeing stuff about it in the volunteer application I filled out years ago. I guess it does not apply towards our BOCC though. Who continue to run around and act unethical. And waste time neglecting to do their damn jobs.
Sherry says
Right On Edith and Bluejammers! Thank you for defending “factual” information. I always appreciate your reasonable comments and your pushing back against the dishonest comments and misinformation that is all too often placed on this site.
To those who want to continuously disparage the hard work of Pierre and Cheryl who provide us with excellence in factual investigative “journalism” regarding important issues in our county. . . please simply stick with the brainwashing of FOX and Newsmax and Breitbart. . . we will not miss you one bit.
Been There says
Nothing will happen to him while he has the protection of Cameron, O’Brien, Sullivan and Cameron’s connections in FDLE. Administration is PROTECTING him. Ask yourselves why. Why did an FDLE prostitution investigation only last 8 days? Was there interference in that investigation? Admin and at least one other commissioner know the truth of his activities. Snakes the lot of them.
Mike Cocchiola says
How about if we close the Florida/Georgia border when Joe and his Trumplicans leave for D.C. and refuse to let him back in? We can pack up his belongings and leave them on the side of the road. Just think how good Flagler County will look, feel, and smell without Mullins.
David Schaefer says
Perfect. They are destroying our state.
Disgusted NPA says
Flagler County Republicans should be completely ashamed and embarrassed that THIS is who represents them.
Where are our local republican leaders? Their silence is beyond disappointing. I guess this is how they actually feel.
Disgusted – NPA
Pamela Andrews says
99% of those he is to be working for hate him… PC voted him into office, we did not. He is not a Republican, he is an imposter, who smoosed his way into Flagler politics. Trash is he as much as most politicians. His aliases proof he is more than bipolar. Napoleon descendant most likely.
I have him blocked and he has still fallen through the cracks… he is a very small minded, little man.
Doug says
One has to ask…why is Joe Mullins still a public official? Oh wait, the moronic people who don’t do there homework keep voting this lunatic back into office.
Get your head out of your rectum people!
Been There says
Let’s not forget the Observer who ENDORSES these people. What’s JW’s agenda?
Haw Creek Girl says
He’s hideous. He has been warned by Hutson’s office to simmer down but……obviously, he has no respect for rules or authority. I hate to say it Flagler County–West Side….but y’all were warned. Plenty of folks from Evans, Georgia where he was ran off from sent plenty of evidence of the cad he is but y’all voted him in anyway. I realize that Gentile-Youd wasn’t a very viable candidate so I say to my people on the Westside…..someone respectable and intelligent, PLEASE RUN! And, I’m not talking about ppl of the caliber of the two newest bozos they put on the Bunnell City Commission recently, we need another CH Cowart or Marvin Henry or Hutch King.
Disgusted NPA says
I couldn’t agree more! John Rogers comes to mind. He should throw his hat in the ring. Home grown resident. Truly and genuinely loves God, his country AND Flagler County. An overall good man. This BS needs to stop. The elected republicans MUST admonish this behavior. I have hope in Andy Dance to put this fool in his place. If the Republican establishment here in Flagler and the state endorse or encourage this racists, homophobic, clown to run for any future office they have lost their freaking minds and any respect most of us had for them. Is the new Chair of the Republican Executive Committee, Bob Upgrave going to put out a statement condoning this language. Someone, ANYONE within the Republican establishment/leadership grow a set, call him out and put an end to this BS.
Haw Creek Girl says
John Rogers would be my first choice, as well. Pete Young, a very close second. I have heard it said that Joe Mullins does NOT plan to run in this district again. Instead, it is said he plans to ‘move’ and run from his Aliki address. I hope he is removed from office and barred from running again, period.
EVA says
Aliki address?? :O Oh hell to the NO, Flagler Beach don’t want him either!
Been There says
and once again, despite ALL that evidence, the Observer endorsed him.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
My dear Haw Creek Girl – Joe spent $150,000 to beat me by 10,000 votes – and millions of signs.
For a total of $10,000 with no money to pay $10 bucks an hour to hold signs I was told by former Commissioner Charles Ericksen, Jr, who was a canvassing board member that I received more votes than any other NPA candidte in the history of Flagler County.
Since I am being asked by many many to throw my hat in the ring again I ask you to reconsider your opinion that I am ‘not viable’. No other Flagler County past candidate has attended and participated in almost 19 years continually, to this very day in LOCAL COUNTY ISSUES affecting all of us. You may contact me on Facecbook with any questions, thank you.
Haw Creek Girl says
Thanks for the info. I appreciate your reply. My sentiment is based on 45 years of Flagler County politics and I still feel we need someone of the caliber I mentioned.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
to Hawk Creek girl: Kindly define your definition of ‘caliber’! Careful with your allegations please thank you
Happening now says
Mark says
Anybody on here ever hear about the first amendment to our Constitution? Don’t elect him if you don’t want to hear him.
Samantha L Howell says
JimBob says
Commissioner Mullins and his fellow travelers apparently have photographic evidence related to the recent criminal invasion of the U.S. Capitol. Surely they will be contacting the FBI to assist its investigation or, alternatively, readers of this blog should contact the FBI on Mullins’ behalf.