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Weather: Sunny. Highs in the lower 90s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Friday Night: Clear. Lows in the lower 70s. East winds 5 to 10 mph.Check tropical cyclone activity here, and even more details here. See the daily weather briefing from the National Weather Service in Jacksonville here.
Today at a Glance:
Free For All Fridays with Host David Ayres, an hour-long public affairs radio show featuring local newsmakers, personalities, public health updates and the occasional surprise guest, starts a little after 9 a.m. after FlaglerLive Editor Pierre Tristam’s Reality Check. See previous podcasts here. On WNZF at 94.9 FM and 1550 AM.
The Scenic A1A Pride Committee meets at 9 a.m. at the Hammock Community Center, 79 Mala Compra Road, Palm Coast. The meetings are open to the public.
The Blue 24 Forum, a discussion group organized by local Democrats, meets at 12:15 p.m. at the conference room behind the Beverly Beach Town Hall, 2735 North Oceanshore Boulevard, Beverly Beach. It normally meets at the Palm Coast Community Center, but will be meeting at Beverly Beach through Aug. 11. Come and add your voice to local, state and national political issues.
In Coming Days:
September 16: Flagler OARS’ 3rd Annual Recovery Festival at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach, from 3 to 9 p.m., with live bands, food trucks, exhibitors, hosted by Open Arms Recovery Services. Vendor booth space and sponsorships available. Click here or contact [email protected].
Keep in Mind: The Belle Terre Swim & Racquet Club is open, welcoming and taking new memberships, and if you enroll before Sept. 1, you’ll beat the price increase kicking in then. Experience the many amenities including a lap pool, wading pool, tennis/pickleball courts, sauna, and a modern wellness center–all for less than what you’d pay just for a fitness center at your typical commercial gym. Friendly staff is available to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member. Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club is the sort of place where you can connect with fellow community members and experience the welcoming atmosphere that sets BTSRC apart. If you have any questions, feel free to call at 386-446-6717. If you would like to learn more about our club and membership options please visit online.
Notably: Lolita–the killer whale, not Nabokov’s killer novel–dies the other day at the Miami “Seaquarium,” one of those words designed to mask the intent of the facility: to imprison, as Lolita was since 1970. From CNN: “The 57-year-old whale, sometimes called Toki and known as Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut by the Lummi people, was set to be released back into the ocean, the Miami Seaquarium announced in March. Advocates identified a natural sea pen off Washington state, including waters where members of Lolita’s family still swim. Her 95-year-old mother is believed to still be alive.” But why hadn’t she been released last year? The year before? The decade before? “Animal welfare activists, Lummi elders, and the non-profit Friends of Toki advocated for the whale’s release as scrutiny has fallen on the practice of keeping whales in captivity. Sacred Sea, a Lummi advocacy group, said the whale “is family to us, and as such, we must care for her as we do our own,” in a statement calling for her release. “Together we can right the wrong of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s capture, and safely and responsibly bring her home to the Salish Sea.” The aquarium forced the whale to perform for tourists until 2022, a form of animal slavery and abuse that still seems to have its adherents. She’s been stuck in a tank 80 feet by 35 feet since.
Now this:
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The whale was gone, of course; he left in early July, after taking a watery journey with his human overseers to look at other whales—his kin, if not his kith—who had stopped near the Westman Islands for a midsummer feast. Keiko had seen wild whales before, having originally been one himself, and he had been reintroduced to them two years ago, after twenty years of captivity. He watched the visiting whales from a shy distance at first and a bolder one later, but he always returned to the boat that had led him out to open water. Back at his private pen in the harbor, an international staff of humans would massage his fin, scratch his tongue, and compose press releases detailing his experiences at sea. This July, however, Keiko ventured closer to the whales than ever, and then followed them when they headed off past Lousy Bank, past the Faeroe Islands, onward to—well, honestly, who knows? Whales keep their own counsel. The truth about them is that they come and go, and you can’t really know where they’ve gone—unless you’ve already fished them out of the water, drilled holes in their dorsal fins, and hung radio tags on them. Only a madman would suggest that drilling a hole in a whale’s dorsal fin is easy. This is why no one is sure where the creatures that visit Iceland every summer spend the winter—and where, presumably, they were heading late in July.
–From “Where’s Willy?” by Susan Orlean, The New Yorker, Sept. 15, 2002.
Lisa says
It is truly baffling how so many people have taken four words; Make America Great Again”, see it as something bad and have demonized the slogan and the people for believing it it. So sad. What American would not want this country to be great. For that matter, what ever country a person calls home and loves would not want to see that country great. It is unfortunate that so many people do not see that in our two party system we have one side actually trying to jail the front runner of the other party in an attempt to win an they do not care – that this is ok. It is all the more reason to suspect something was not right with the previous election. Why people put up with all this corruption, allow all their freedoms to gradually be taken away, our country being driven into the ground, keeping us in constant wars, putting up with the corruption, etc., is incomprehensible.
Ban the GOP says
Its amazing but people keep voting for R’s because they are ignorant and easily fooled. You see the “again” part implies that in sometime in history it was great which reffers to a time when people could own other humans as property. So the slogan itself is a support for white supremacy as this has been the case for most of american history.
The “frontrunner” as you claim committed many felonies and tried to overturn free and fair elections based on made up lies. It blantantly shows our two tiered justice system those with money and those without. Even major “entertainment” networks backed these false claims cause they are sore loosers and could care less about american people only oil money and power. The 14th ammendement to the consitution prevents your criminal jesus from ever holding a public office but you republicans just want to change the rules when they get applied to you. How can someone uphold the constitution when they dont even know what it says. Maybe try looking for actual journalism and turn off your propoganda network.
Only the republicans are about taking freedoms away and banning what they dont like, so you clearly need to remove your head from your own *$# and wake up.
Lock them up!
demsaredumb says
You realize everything you just said about the Republicans is exactly what the Dems are doing. Classic Bait & Switch 101. Trump is a Hydra, you take him out, 3 more are coming just like him. Buckle up, we ain’t going anywhere….You may like Cali or NY. Sounds like you’d fit right in with your TDS and Republican hate!!
Pray says
Too bad you have so much hatred in your heart. Look at all the Democrats in office as well who became rich from being a politician. It is clearly political what they are doing to Donald Trump and anyone connected to him. This country is eroding so quickly from the corruption from both sides of the aisle. It has nothing to do with race or gender. I suggest you study doe history of how all the great empires of the world collapsed.
Laurel says
It is clearly not political what the system is doing to your eternal victim Trump. He did it to himself. He is an excessive liar, and now is claiming he is innocent and is being persecuted for questioning the results of the 2020 election. Actually, he questioned the election results in court 63 times. Not enough for you? The states he questioned had multiple recounts, and still not the results he wanted. Not enough recounts for you? He was okay if the insurrectionists killed Pence, and others. Patriotic, was he? Where is the proof of his supposedly won election, and why is proof not important to you?
Trump is not making America great again, he is undermining it to do his bidding. Do you understand how the economy works? Putin, who Trump calls a genius, is destroying Ukrainian grain, which feeds many countries, causing starvation in countries not involved in his war, and will add to inflation in your country. Do you understand why we support democratic Ukraine? Do you understand why we need allies? Do you understand that he would give Ukraine, and all its people to Putin, who has been killing citizens, bombing their schools and apartments and businesses?
Do you understand that Trump wants to terminate the Constitution, as he stated on Truth Social? That’s okay with you?
Hey Lisa, is sexually assaulting women, as he bragged he does, okay with you? Is that the way to make America great?
Now, the jerk has put his mug shot on a tee shirt for profit to his all important self. He treats his followers and this already great country, like a joke.
Where the hell have your minds gone?
Stuck in the Middle and Angry says
@ Laurel
We have friends and family in many other countries from New Zealand to Italy and, without exception, they all ask what the hell has happened to the U.S. We have become the laughing stock of the world in terms of politics. It was embarrassing to have people ask very pointed questions of us when we traveled last year. I’m NPA and disgusted with both parties right now. Why can’t we find enough moderates to form a viable third party and break this childish stalemate we have with the current “two party” system?
There isn’t one of them I would want to vote for right now. Find me someone who actually gives a damn about the preservation of our Constitution and our country.
FlaPharmTech says
Laurel, thank you for this. I and many others are with you.
Laurel says
Stuck and FlaPharm: I, too, am a NPA, and not terribly happy with the Trump Party, the Democrats, and the real Republicans who won’t take their party back. The Trump Party is a third party, and if the Dems would stick to their President, and not get hung up on age, which the Trump Party does not (with 6’3, 215 lb Trump stats ), there is at least the possibility of preserving our Constitution, democracy and not giving Ukraine to Putin, who won’t stop there.
To sum it up, vote.
Sherry says
@pray. . . I couldn’t agree more with what Laurel has said!
I will add. . . do you understand that the vast majority witnesses against trump are “educated”, passionate “Republicans”?
Look, a “slogam” does not make a healthy government. . . especially since that slogan has been turned into a mantra for “White Supremacy”!
We will certainly need much more than prayers to save our democratic Republic. We will need good people to switch from FOX, to wake from their stupor, and to seek out “credentialed” facts in order to find the truth.
You handle may be pray. . . but, you need to realize you have been led astray by the FOX/trump cult creating machine. You have been “preyed” upon by lawfully indicted criminals!
Sherry says
For those who simply cannot disconnect from FOX. . . is this the news outlet you trust. . . really???? Read this:
Fox News apologized Saturday to a Gold Star family for publishing a false story last month claiming that the family had to pay $60,000 to ship the remains of their fallen relative back from Afghanistan because the Pentagon refused to pay.
“The now unpublished story has been addressed internally and we sincerely apologize to the Gee family,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement, referencing the family of fallen Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee, who was one of 13 service members killed in a terror attack at the Kabul airport in 2021 while assisting with US withdrawal efforts.
The apology came after a Military.com report this week drew attention to the issue and indicated that the right-wing outlet’s top executives had repeatedly been notified by senior members of the Marine Corps that it was pushing a false story.
In an email to Fox News President Jay Wallace and other network personnel, Marine Corps spokesman Maj. James Stenger privately accused the outlet of capitalizing off Gee’s death “to score cheap clickbait points,” according to documents obtained by Military.com through a public records request.
YankeeExPat says
14th Amendment
Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.