To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Weather: Today
A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 2pm. Sunny and hot, with a high near 97. Heat index values as high as 112. Calm wind becoming east 5 to 7 mph in the morning. Tonight: A 30 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly before 7pm. Partly cloudy, with a low around 78. Southeast wind around 5 mph becoming calm in the evening.
Today at a Glance:
The Saturday Flagler Beach Farmers Market is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at Wickline Park, 315 South 7th Street, featuring prepared food, fruit, vegetables , handmade products and local arts from more than 30 local merchants. The market is hosted by Flagler Strong, a non-profit.
Grace Community Food Pantry, 245 Education Way, Bunnell, drive-thru open today from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The food pantry is organized by Pastor Charles Silano and Grace Community Food Pantry, a Disaster Relief Agency in Flagler County. Feeding Northeast Florida helps local children and families, seniors and active and retired military members who struggle to put food on the table. Working with local grocery stores, manufacturers, and farms we rescue high-quality food that would normally be wasted and transform it into meals for those in need. The Flagler County School District provides space for much of the food pantry storage and operations. Call 386-586-2653 to help, volunteer or donate.
Gamble Jam: Musicians of all ages can bring instruments and chairs and join in the jam session, 2 to 5 p.m. . Program is free with park admission! Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area at Flagler Beach, 3100 S. Oceanshore Blvd., Flagler Beach, FL. Call the Ranger Station at (386) 517-2086 for more information. The Gamble Jam is a family-friendly event that occurs every second and fourth Saturday of the month. The park hosts this acoustic jam session at one of the pavilions along the river to honor the memory of James Gamble Rogers IV, the Florida folk musician who lost his life in 1991 while trying to rescue a swimmer in the rough surf.
In Coming Days:
September 16: Flagler OARS’ 3rd Annual Recovery Festival at Veterans Park in Flagler Beach, from 3 to 9 p.m., with live bands, food trucks, exhibitors, hosted by Open Arms Recovery Services. Vendor booth space and sponsorships available. Click here or contact [email protected].
Keep in Mind: The Belle Terre Swim & Racquet Club is open, welcoming and taking new memberships, and if you enroll before Sept. 1, you’ll beat the price increase kicking in then. Experience the many amenities including a lap pool, wading pool, tennis/pickleball courts, sauna, and a modern wellness center–all for less than what you’d pay just for a fitness center at your typical commercial gym. Friendly staff is available to answer any questions you may have about becoming a member. Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club is the sort of place where you can connect with fellow community members and experience the welcoming atmosphere that sets BTSRC apart. If you have any questions, feel free to call at 386-446-6717. If you would like to learn more about our club and membership options please visit online.
Notably: Readers of The New York Times found this item on the front page on this day in 1887, under the headline, One Lady Shoots Another: “About 4:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon the police of New Brighton, Staten Island, were notified of a shooting affair at the residence of Mrs. Anna McKenna, Bard-avenue and DeKay-street. Mrs. Mary Jennings, formerly in the employ of Mrs. McKenna, but now living at Yonkers, called at Mrs. McKenna’s to take her trunk. Mrs. McKenna refused to deliver the trunk, claiming that Mrs. Jennings was in her debt. Mrs. Jennings then went to get some articles frow the trunk, when Mrs. McKenna told Miss Dolores Dartmore, who was present, to shoot the woman. Miss Dartmore went to the bureau drawer, seized a revolver, and deliberately fired three shots at Mrs. Jennings, one ball taking effect in the right cheek, another in the arm, and the third striking a button on her dress near the heart and glancing off. Miss Dartmore was placed under arrest, and she and the wounded woman were taken to the station house. A physician was called in and Mrs. Jennings’s removal to the Smith Infirmary was ordered, although her wounds are not considered serious. Miss Dartmore, who acknowledged the shooting, was taken before Justice Powers and held in $1,000 bail for a Wearing.” No word about Mrs. McNenna’s whereabouts.
Now this: Steve McQueen and Cornel West in Conversation:
Flagler Beach Webcam:
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
River to Sea Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee Meeting
Separation Chat: Open Discussion
The Circle of Light A Course in Miracles Study Group
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library
Joint Workshop of Local Governments
Flagler County Drug Court Convenes
Model Yacht Club Races at the Pond in Palm Coast’s Town Center
Palm Coast Democratic Club Meetings
Flagler Beach City Commission Meeting
Reserve at Haw Creek Joint Workshop
Evenings at Whitney Lecture Series
‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ at St. Augustine’s Limelight Theatre
For the full calendar, go here.

My Children I take my pen in hand to rite you A few lines to let you know that I have not forgot you and that I want to see you as bad as ever now my Dear Children I want you to be contented with whatever may be your lots be assured that I will have you if it cost me my life on the 28th of the mounth. 8 hundred White and 8 hundred blacke solders expects to start up the rivore to Glasgow and above there thats to be jeneraled by a jeneral that will give me both of you when they Come I expect to be with, them and expect to get you both in return. Dont be uneasy my children I expect to have you. If Diggs dont give you up this Government will and I feel confident that I will get you Your Miss Kaitty said that I tried to steal you But I’ll let her know that god never intended for man to steal his own flesh and blood. If I had no cofidence in God I could have confidence in her But as it is If I ever had any Confidence in her I have none now and never expect to have And I want her to remember if she meets me with ten thousand soldiers she [will?] meet her enemy I once [thought] that I had some respect for them but now my respects is worn out and have no sympathy for Slaveholders. And as for her cristianantty I expect the Devil has Such in hell You tell her from me that She is the frist Christian that I ever hard say that aman could Steal his own child especially out of human bondage
You can tell her that She can hold to you as long as she can I never would expect to ask her again to let you come to me because I know that the devil has got her hot set againsts that that is write now my Dear children I am a going to close my letter to you Give my love to all enquiring friends tell them all that we are well and want to see them very much and Corra and Mary receive the greater part of it you sefves and dont think hard of us not sending you any thing I you father have a plenty for you when I see you Spott & Noah sends their love to both of you Oh! My Dear children how I do want to see you
–From a letter by Spottswood Rice, an enslaved person escaped from a Missouri plantation, to his children and his former “owner,” Sept. 3, 1864..
Pogo says
@Take a moment to give thanks to these great POTUS:
John B. Anderson, Ralph Nader, Jill Stein, Cornel West…
Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent People Ignore.
— Albert Einstein
Laurel says
I just watched a YouTube video about Obama v. Trump on the topic of hecklers. What a difference! Obama would say to the heckler to just wait, “I’ll talk to you later, I promise” and “I hear you” acknowledging that the heckler may have something to say. Trump, on the other hand, talked violence. He yelled “Get him out of here” and what they used to do was “…carry ’em out on a stretcher.” He stated he would pay the bail for anyone who would beat up the heckler. In other words, if you have something to say other than what is being said by Trump, you get kicked out. Your opinion is not worthy in his presence. His ignorant crowd cheered him on.
OMG, I miss Obama and his big smile! I’m so sick of the lies of the people like Trump, Bobart, MTG, DeSantis, Santos and so many of the shit stirrers who claim others to be divisive. I hope this era passes soon.