Joe Mullins is the Republican candidate for Flagler County Commission, District 4, facing Leann Pennington in the Aug. 23 Republican primary. Mullins declined to participate in the interview.
Two seats are up on the commission in this election cycle: District 2, held by Republican Greg Hansen, and District 4, held by Mullins.
In District 4, the winner of the Mullins-Pennington race will face Independent, or no-party-affiliated, Jane Gentile Youd in the November 8 general election. (There is also a write-in, but that candidacy was likely intended only to foreclose the possibility of an open primary. It is not a serious candidacy.)
In District 2, Hansen faces two other Republicans: Janet McDonald, who is on the school board (and will resign at the end of her tenure), and Denise Calderwood, who has run for a commission seat previously. Because only Republicans filed to run, the District 2 race is an open primary, meaning that all registered voters–Republicans, Democrats, Independents and minor party registrants–get to vote on Aug. 23. That race will decide who the next commissioner will be, therefore all voters get a voice.
Flagler County Commission members serve four years. They’re paid $59,637 a year, a salary set by the state, not by the local commission.
FlaglerLive submitted identical questions to all candidates, with the understanding that additional questions might be tailored to candidates individually and some follow-up questions may be asked, with all exchanges on the record. The Live Interview’s aim is to elicit as much candor and transparency as possible. We have asked candidates to refrain from making campaign speeches or make lists of accomplishments. We have also asked candidates to reasonably document any claim or accusation. Answers are lightly edited for clarity, relevance and, where possible, accuracy. If a candidate does not answer a question or appears to be evading a question, that’s noted.
But it’s ultimately up to the reader to judge the quality and sincerity of a candidate’s answers.
While Mullins has declined to participate in the Live Interview, the following articles may inform voters about his tenure:
The Questions in Summary: Quick Links
- Basics
- Qualifications
- Character
- Method and philosophy
- Critical issues
- Needs and wants
- Taxes
- School concurrency
- Beaches
- Environmental protection
- Heidi Petito
- Public transportation
- Sheriff’s budget
- Background check
Place and Date of Birth: Augusta, Ga., July 27, 1970.
Current job: County Commissioner, District 4.
Party Affiliation: Republican.
Net Worth: Not provided. See his 2018 disclosure forms here, here and here, and his current forms here.
Resume: Not provided.
Website and Social Media: Not provided.
1. What makes you qualified to be a county commissioner? If you’re an incumbent, what examples illustrate how you yourself, as opposed to the board collectively, made a difference in enacting your vision in your previous years on the board? If you’re a challenger, what have you done to prepare, so that you’re ready from day one?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
Sally Hunt, District 1 Jill Woolbright, District 1 Lance Alred, District 2 Will Furry, District 2 Courtney VandeBunte, District 2 Christy Chong, District 4 Leann Pennington, District 4 Janet McDonald, District 2 Greg Hansen, District 2 Denise Calderwood, District 2 Palm Coast City Council, District 2 Sims Jones Alan Lowe Theresa Carli Pontieri Shauna Kanter |
2. Tell us who you are as a person—what human qualities and shortcomings you’ll bring (or have brought) to the board, what your temperament is like: if you’re an incumbent, what do you consider may have been a mistake or a misjudgment on your part in your official capacity—something you’d do over, differently–in your last term? If you’re a challenger, apply the question to your work or civic involvement in recent years. Who do you admire most in office today among elected officials in Flagler County—the person you’d consider a model of leadership? Who in the world at large (beyond Flagler), and among the living, do you consider a role model of political or intellectual leadership?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
3. How do you describe your governing method and philosophy: how do you (or will you) prepare for each council meeting and workshop, what is your analytical method, issue by issue, and what drives your decision-making? What role do politics, ideology or immovable principles have in your decision-making approach?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
4. What are the three most critical issues facing the county, where do you stand on each, and how would you judge the commission’s current handling of each.
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
5. Candidates and commissioners hear the phrase “needs, not wants” from many constituents, usually as a criticism of some specific proposal to spend money on a project the speaker considers a “want.” Please give two or three examples of what you consider “needs” and how you would address them as a commissioner, and two or three examples of “wants” that you believe are important enough to justify the required spending.
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
6. Commissioners like to say they won’t raise taxes or will keep taxes, or at least tax rates, flat. How do you define a tax increase—as keeping the rate the same or as exceeding the rollback rate? Adopting your definition of an increase, are you against property tax increases? What three specific line items would you cut from this year’s proposed budget to keep the property tax where you’d want it?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
7. The County Commission has signaled some readiness to scrap the school-concurrency standard that has prevailed for many years—the requirement that development proceed only when there is sufficient capacity in schools to seat students. The commission also appears ready to change the timing on when developers pay impact fees: not up front (as the school district prefers, for planning purposes), but more in a pay-as-you-go approach. Where do you stand on school concurrency, and were you supportive of the commission rolling back the district’s initial ask for a doubling of school impact fees?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
8. Evaluate the county’s long-term plan to save its beaches. It signed on to a $100 million beach renourishment plan for just 2.6 miles of beach just in Flagler Beach. The cost is expected to increase by the tens of millions of dollars, with half that cost over the next four or five decades the county’s responsibility. It is now demonstrably certain that sea levels are rising, and Flagler’s revenue sources for additional beach protection are tapped out. How do you propose to pay for the next repairs should a hurricane like Matthew or even a strong storm with damaging surges strike during your tenure? How is beach protection not a losing battle?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
9. Where and how is the county succeeding in environmental protection or preservation, and where is it failing?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
10. Evaluate the performance of County Administrator Heidi Petito, listing strengths, weaknesses and areas of concern.
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
11. With the county’s population exceeding 120,000, where do you stand on the county and its three major cities devising a collaborative public, surface, fixed-route transportation system that goes beyond the county’s current limited operation? How would such a system be paid for?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
12. The sheriff’s budget plus the capital budget have risen rapidly, with the continuing addition of deputies, the new operations center, and other substantial capital additions such as a new mobile command center and a boat. The budget proposal requests another expansion this year. In light of persistently low crime rates, where do you place the point at which expansions in budgets and ranks outweigh the benefits, or become more burdensome on the county’s overall budget than necessary? Is there such a thing as overfunding police?
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
13. Have you ever been charged with a felony or a misdemeanor anywhere in Flagler, Florida or the United States (other than a speeding ticket), or faced a civil action other than a divorce, but including bankruptcies, or faced any investigative or disciplinary action through a professional board such as the bar or a medical board? If so, please explain, including cases where charges or claims did not lead to conviction or disciplinary action.
Joe Mullins did not answer the question.
How Leann Pennington answered.
2022 Election Candidates, Flagler County
Races | |||
County Commission District 2 | Greg Hansen, incumbent (Rep) | Janet McDonald (Rep) | Denise Calderwood (Rep) |
County Commission District 4 | Joe Mullins, incumbent (Rep) | Leann Pennington (Rep) | Jane Gentile-Youd (NPA) |
School Board District 1 | Jill Woolbright, incumbent | Sally Hunt | |
School Board District 2 | Lance Alred | Will Furry | Courtney VandeBunte |
School Board District 4 | Trevor Tucker, incumbent | Christy Chong | |
Palm Coast City Council Seat 2 | Theresa Carli Pontieri | Sims Jones | Shauna Kanter / Alan Lowe |
Palm Coast City Council Seat 4 | Cathy heighter | Fernando Melendez |
Michelle says
I bet he’s busy running the county. You know he does run everything!
Tim Mcauliffe says
Traitor Joe’s most inciteful interview ever! Not 1 Lie.
bob says
no answers, well then and I have decided not to vote for this candidate
Pluribus Unum says
He’s a certified nut and a bum. I looked at his Bunnell “address” and it isn’t even a home. Lies to law enforcement, Not getting my vote.
Joe Mullins is Campaigning like Joe Biden; In the Cellar with NO Interviews! A vote for RINO Mullins is a Vote for the Developer’s Puppet! Wake Up Flagler County Voters and review Mullins Pro-Development voting Record! A vote for Mullins is a Vote for an Increase in Property Taxes while the Developers benefit from NO increase in impact fees and NOT paying Up Front Impact Fees! Who is Funding Mullins Campaign? The Trump Club endorses Mullins Yet, Real Conservative Republicans will NEVER support any candidate like Mullins!!
Why would you dare to call Joe Mullins RINO? He worships at the altar of TRUMP and DeSantis. He even funds their campaigns and attends all the events where these Republicans’ diety’s will be. Just look at Joe’s Facebook page. The Trump club in Flagler adores him. So why the negativity? Look at everything Joe has accomplished in his 4 years of office! WOW!
Could it possibly be that Joe does not have the love of his Flagler Republicans anymore? Say it ain’t so. Joe and his cronies Sullivan and O’Brien own this county, and none of them can do any wrong. Just ask them! I looked up Sullivans Navy record. Hell, with all his experience, he should have been a Fleet Admiral.
Pamela I Andrews says
Surely you jest…
What has he accomplished exactly???
He has taken credit for what already planned, like the paving of Water Oak in Daytona North…
Let me know if you ant to join us at the groundbreaking to knock him off that soap box he has to get on…
Wallingford says
Joe makes the choice very easy: Vote him out of Office. He has been nothing but an embarrassment to the people of Flagler County.
Ray says
I think I will vote for him, just in spite of all you people.
The Geode says
LOL. I said the same thing. He must be doing something right to warrant the wrath of so many people. Considering the people they give “passes” to, he sounds like my kind of guy…
The Truth says
Perhaps you should take 2 min out of your day to do some research as to why people don’t care for Mullins. I know researching a politician isn’t a common practice anymore (hence why we had four years with the Orange clown) but do a little bit of work rather than posting in spite of people.
Been There says
If you are good with criminal wire fraud, racketeering, solicitation, adultery, being a slum lord, predatory behavior, drunk driving, narcissism etc. etc. etc.
The Geode says
If you have to face the problems that the people like US have to face on a daily basis, then you’ll have to forgive me by saying that “criminal wire fraud, racketeering, solicitation, adultery, being a slum lord, predatory behavior, drunk driving, narcissism” is the LEAST of my worries. To me, that sounds like “white people’s problems”. We have a different set of problems…
Roy Longo says
That’s a great reason to vote for this guy. He insults and ridicules anyone that doesn’t agree with him. He attempts to use his position for gain and claims to support law enforcement but argues and demeans any officer that pulls him over. Yup!! Great reason to vote for him.
Koreanvet says
Joe spends all his time getting his wild driving episodes squashed ….. He told the police officer who wrote him a ticket for speeding (while driving his Ferrari , He was stopped on I95 and was ticketed for driving his auto at 92 MPH. He told the officer that he runs Flagler county ….. please tell me if he is so lmpotent why does’nt he want to debate Ms Pennington? I think he is afraid the public will find out that he isn’t very smart and only uses his office to his own benefit “
Ray, thats a pretty funny joke, hope your not serious, mullins needs mental heath counseling, he is dangerous and an embarrassment to Flagler County, I am a life long resident of this county and feel embarrassed for the way this fool acts. JOE GOTTA GO
HammockBear says
After reading twenty seven negatives about Mr. Mullins and finding no answers to the questions asked to the candidates, I looked for a Positive but must have missed it.
Purveyor of Truth says
Curiously big difference in net worth reported in financial disclosure from 2018 to 2020.
The Voice Of Reason says
Vote the bum OUT. Do the same with mcdonald and woolbrite! All you new residents, research these 3 and vote to dump them. IGNORE their prolific campaign signs. Those are planted to fool you.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I plan on doing just that Voice.
No one in their right mind could vote for these radically insane fools,
Pamela I Andrews says
Long but worth the info to learn a little more before you vote for joe mullins…
He who says he runs our county has no business in our Flagler or anywhere…Here is a complete explanation of what I am speaking of…
and a link to someone reporting on it…
· We are all Gods children… No one better, no one worse… This is disgusting…
I hope this goes as viral as his speeding escapades have…
I received this this am… He Needs to go to Prison, period. jm wasn’t taking section 8 tenants, only low income on the premise to remove them and get a “better class of tenants
So he didn’t have to abide by section 8 rules and regulations at all.
Here is a podcast reporting of what this pertains…
the screenshot made by his assistant in Augusta regarding the rental/housing property…
She saved and shared it when there was an ethics issue where he had her donate to his camp, and then had to pay it back.. she was saving for her innocence in the matter…
Instead of trying to help the residents who are now homeless (most likely his plan to create new round of renters), lil jm goes to Washington DC…
On your dime? my dime? his???
Pandering for money there for him??? or us???
I wish we had someone with good character the represent… someone who has a good and pure heart.. Someone who takes care of people, and not put them on the street while he plays… like nero, while Augusta residents burn…
God and Karma will one day destroy his easy life…
Prayers for those who were recently taken from their home to the street in GA.,
On Aug 2 at 10 am, on Water Oak and Mahogany they will be breaking ground to pave… This has been paid for and Nate worked on it longer, than the minute jm gave it, and he will be there taking credit for which he has no horn to blow, and only there to toot it on a soapbox of his imagination…
Here is the link to event where a few will not protest the work to pave, but let this degenerate know how his District 4 feels…
Majority want knowing to do with him, and the others he paid in support of clubs, orgs, etc… They don’t want him either “Heard direct from ones mouth, but they need and want his cash…
He blocks and accuses you of being a liberal, when it his own party against him…
Those who are taking his gifts, or those paying him for business should really be ashamed and think before continuing to sell your soul to this devil… Flagler County is losing it’s small beach town community feel, because of those like him…
This link today because he cannot face questions about his recent escapes, and camp info…
Think about what you want your neighborhood to be…
John R Dance says
Pamela, Well done and THANK YOU. JOE GOTTA GO
Alexander says
Little boy Mullin pleaded the 5th with all his answers. He once again proved to the Flagler County voters he is incompetent to hold any political office.
Bozo Mullins says
It’s quite interesting to see this clown’s net worth increase significantly around the same time when he was charged with 2 federal racketeering cases.
If you follow the paper trail, you’ll see that Bozo Mullins has not only abused his role as commissioner but has continued to swindle money from unsuspecting people time after time.
Additionally, has anyone researched where these significant campaign contributions are coming from?
How on earth is any true conservatives looking at this moron as a viable option for office? Is it his Ferrari, bullying, sexual harassment, lies, RICO charges, sedition, or another gleaming quality that attracts them?
Skibum says
I don’t even need to read anything else about this low life to know that I would NEVER vote for him for any elected position. He is a grifter, a liar, and has shown exactly what he does when he gets a little authority… he abuses what little he has and acts in a very unethical way. Let’s show him the door and hope it kicks him in the ass on his way out!
Pamela I Andrews says
He has taken credit for what already planned, like the paving of Water Oak in Daytona North…
Let me know if you ant to join us at the groundbreaking to knock him off that soap box he has to get on…
danm50 says
this moron isn’t fit to be a dog catcher. Get real
Ron says
Let’s no forget Travis Hutson. He is also running in the primary. He has been attempting to over turn local regulations as it relates to regulating vacation rentals! He will destroy our single family neighborhoods with transient operations. He is back by his dads money. Completely no regard for the peaceful enjoyment of your property and your children’s safety.
Just look at his past record. Him and Joe will turn Flagler into a complete tourist circus. I did my part Flagler. Get your mail in ballot and vote these self serving politicians out!
Jonathan says
The problem with Flagler County and the State of Florida is they keep voting in Republicans. Mullin can’t even answer questions posted in this article.
The Republican party never can tell voters what their plans are to improve our county, state of country. They don’t even have the courage to stand up to #45 who orchestrated an attack on our Capitol because he doesn’t have the courage to admit defeat. It is a party of weak boys who only care about money and power.
Wake up and Vote Democrat at least their party is for the people and our country.
Mullins is NOT a Conservative Republican; is review his voting record(it is just like a CORRUPT Democrat from NY or CA)! Do NOT vote for RINO Mullins if you want Flagler County to continue to be a Wonderful place to live! STOP the developers until they agree to PAY higher Impact Fees and PAY the Impact Fees Up Front! Why are Flagler County’s Impact Fee LESS than St Johns and Volusia County’s Impact Fees? Building New Schools cost the Same in all three counties! Why are Developers getting a Discount which will be PAID in the future by an Increase in Property Taxes! WAKE UP Flagler County Voters!
c says
Still got that broken caps lock key, I see.
Oh, and to answer your many questions about Why? this and that? The answer is mainly because Flagler County politics is mostly Republican, not corrupt Democrats from NY or CA as you so blithely assume.
Although I do agree with you about not voting for Joe.
A.j says
Great comment Jonathan I love it.
David S. says
Put him out to the horse pasture in the dung along with Trump, DeathSantis and Danko please.
jeffery c. seib says
This article is very informative regarding the candidacy of Joe Mullins. He believes these questions are for the rest of us. He is following in the footsteps of his idol, Trump, that he is above any interacting with the regular people except to rally them to march on the Capital in Washington. It seems he is banking on the same group who elected him in the first place to march to the polls again to keep him “running Flagler County”. The trouble with the old adage “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” is that it doesn’t work with the Trump/Mullins crowd.
Deborah Coffey says
Pierre, I don’t understand why the Joe Mullins – Pennington primary was not on my Democratic primary ballot. District 2 for the County Commission WAS on the ballot with 3 Republicans…supposedly because these are at-large elections. I called the Supervisor’s of Elections office and got a lot of gobbledygook on why the Joe Mullins vs. Pennington primary was not there.
Pierre Tristam says
This is an issue that easily causes confusion. The Mullins-Pennington race is a closed Republican primary, where only those registered Republicans may vote. The McDonald-Hansen-Calderwood race is an open Republican primary, where all voters, regardless of registration, may vote. Why the difference? Because of Florida law’s retrograde system of open and closed primaries.
The winner of the Mullins-Pennington race will face Jane Gentile-Youd, an independent, in the general election. That automatically closes the Republican primary to all but Republican voters. (The winner will also face a write-in, but that’s a different story of cynical manipulation.) If there had been neither an Independent (or a Democrat) or a write-in in the general election, then the Republican primary would have had to be an open one, because the primary will have decided the winner overall, and that being the case, all voters must have a voice in the choice.
That, in fact, is the case in the McDonald-Hansen-Calderwood primary: that race, that election will decide the final winner, because there is no further opposition in November–no Democrat, no write-in. So even you as a Democrat get to vote in that race.
Ideally, Florida, like more electorally intelligent states in that regard, would have open primaries across the board. But we’re nowhere near that yet–just as we are an allegedly democratic nation that still has the anti-democratic electoral college. That, too, is another story for another day.
Deborah Coffey says
Thank you very much, Pierre. I had no idea there was such a law in Florida…which really isn’t a surprise. :( And, yes, the electoral college has got to go as do many ridiculous Senate rules, etc. Another topic for another day but, our country needs a much more balanced democracy so that we are not constantly fighting against minority rule.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
If Mullins is re-elected I will eat a shoe.
Please tell me people cannot be THAT stupid to make the same mistake twice.
I bought his bullshit the first time…but not this time.
James says
Well, you better start boiling some water fella… to soften up that shoe, that is. Because as hard as it might be to believe, this guy still has a chance at getting re-elected!!! No joke… even after all this sh*t we’ve been hearing, I’ve still got a neighbor up the block with a new Mullins sign out on their front lawn!
Not to mention the other guy on the corner, with his “Trump 2024” sign (which replaced his old “Trump 2020” one, which replaced his even older “Trump 2016” sign) and his upside-down flag.
Been There says
One reason he didn’t answer the questions is because he is boycotting FlaglerLive just like he has called to boycott other small local businesses. He doesn’t support local small business owners. He supports who puts money in his pockets.
Second reason he didn’t answer the questions; he is inarticulate and incapable of formatting a response.
Third reason he didn’t answer the questions; he doesn’t know the answers. He sits on the dais on his phone, he knows nothing about CEDS, Land Development Code, land Use, policy, procedure, what he did five minutes ago…
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Hey Been There. I just can’t help myself – you forgot to mention that he gets up from the dias ( in between his cell phone texts and continual eye rubbing ) at least 5 ..okay maybe only 3 times during every single county commission meeting, no exception to go to the Ladies Room because its too far for him to walk to the Men’s room on the ‘east’ side of the dias…Sorry folks I just couldn’t help myself. Charlie Ericksen enlightened me that the rest rooms at the dias are not marked uni-sex but hey Joe can’t read so I can’t blame him for ALWAYS using the ladies room. Yes how mean of me but I enjoyed writing this….every single word….
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Not only is Mullins a bathroom enthusiast during commissioners meetings, both he and Sullivan — another one with an overactive bladder — can’t even zip up before they open the bathroom door to re-enter the room! So gross.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
The appalling little creep of a man is once again trying to buy the election by papering the county with his slick, expensive signs. Don’t fall for it! And don’t assume that everyone knows what a self-serving, overly entitled, disrespectful puke he is. Tell everyone you know about his track record. Otherwise, people might get snowed by his good-ole-boy door-knocking campaign (park the Ferrari as far away as possible from the little folk, Joe). You have to ask yourself, why would someone with a purported net worth of more than $50 million suddenly decide to come down to sleepy Flagler County and run for county commissioner? To serve the people? Not unless you mean in the sense of The Twilight Zone episode titled “To Serve Man.” The devil came down from Georgia to serve HIMSELF and abuse his power to buy up property and curry favor with developers. Everyone’s in on the sweetheart deal except us, the taxpayers who are watching the destruction of our beautiful natural land and trees — and we PAY the worthless scumbag a salary to do this to us! Stop thinking he’s a Republican therefore you vote for him. That would be a colossal mistake. He does not represent conservative voters or ANY voters. He represents HIMSELF. Don’t sit back. Speak up, tell your friends and tell your neighbors. Joe has to go before the entire county is mowed down and becomes a concrete jungle of look-alike shoebox-sized houses.
David Schaefer says
Just like the Stupid Trump sign that Danko Stanko had put up on 1-95 useless . Mullins take down your signs..
BeachGuy says
What’s up with the name Joe? Both Joes have go to go!
JustBeNice says
I’m a Republican and I’d never consider voting for him!
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
No one should be fooled by the atrocious postcards Mullins has been sending out to local addresses, which not only smear Leanne Pennington, who is a great candidate and an honorable person, but also give the impression that he is endorsed by Governor DeSantis. He is most definitely NOT endorsed by the governor. Don’t be fooled! Mullins is desperate to keep his commissioner’s salary and has hired a brigade of young people to saturate the county, knock on doors and try to get people to put signs on their lawns. His stomach-turning ads on Fox give the same impression. Every time I see his shrunken-apple face I want to hurl.