Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming is being cleared of any wrongdoing in what conversations he did or did not have with John Fischer, the Flagler County School Board member, subsequent to the hit-and-run death of Françoises Pécqueur, the 76-year-old woman Fischer’s wife Jamesine struck with her car the night of Nov. 10 in Palm Coast’s C Section.
Assistant State Attorney Russ Bausch of the 18th Judicial District in Brevard County, along with Assistant State Attorney Laura Moody, concluded that Fleming was confused about what conversations he had, and when, with Fischer, and even made “inaccurate and conflicting statements, one of which was made under oath.” The assistant state attorneys concluded that from “all available objective sources and interviews with Sheriff Donald Fleming, John Fischer, and Jamesine Fischer, there is currently no evidence that Sheriff Fleming had any improper or illegal contact with John or Jamesine Fischer in relation to the traffic crash” of Nov. 10. That case is still awaiting trial early next year.
It is clear, however, the report went on to say, that the conflicting statements “contributed to the public speculation of wrongful action by a public official.”
The conclusion is part of a three-page interim report to State Attorney Norman Wolfinger, pursuant to Gov. Rick Scott’s executive order that moved the case out of the 7th Judicial Circuit, which covers Flagler County. The case was moved in March to the 18th circuit at the request of State Attorney R.J. Larizza, who was running for re-election. Larizza feared that his office could be tainted with the appearance of a conflict, since Fleming had involved himself in the case.
Fleming, too, was running for re-election. The Fischer case was one of several significant negative issues that hung over his campaign. He lost in a narrow race to Jim Manfre, a perennial foe and former sheriff himself. Curiously, the report from the 18th Judicial Circuit, dated Oct. 16, may have buoyed Fleming’s campaign. But it was not publicly disclosed until today (the News-Journal’s Frank Fernandez first reported it a little after noon). It isn’t clear why the State Attorney’s office hadn’t released it, or whether Fleming knew of it. Fleming never spoke of it. The sheriff, who has one month to go in his term, did not return a call to his cell phone—the same cell phone at the heart of the inquiry.
The wreck took place at 6 p.m. Nov. 10 when Jamesine Fischer, driving a PT Cruiser, struck Pécqueur on Columbia Lane, as Pécqueur was walking her tiny poodle, as she’s done for years, near her boyfriend’s house. Fischer claims she initially thought she hit an animal. She did not contact authorities until sunup the next day, almost 12 hours after the fatal collision. Law enforcement did not respond to the wreck scene until closer to midnight, though Flagler County paramedics were there rapidly, and thought Pécqueur had merely fallen.
An arrest report found Fischer, who was at the scene, spoke to witnesses and paramedics, then left, never suggesting that she had been involved, attempting to “mislead medical personnel and bystanders.” She was charged with leaving the scene of an accident, with a death involved. She is being represented by Steven Alexander, who also represents Fleming’s office.
John Fischer and Fleming subsequently exchanged several phone calls, even before the Fischers called authorities, according to Fleming, who said he referred them to 911. But Fleming himself gave conflicting accounts of when and where he spoke to Fischer, and how many times. When interviewed under oath by a Florida Highway Patrol investigator on Jan. 31, and on tape, Fleming testified that he first received a call from Fischer at 6:48 p.m., within the hour of the collision, as Fleming was on his way to a restaurant in Ormond Beach. Fleming remembered the call well enough to note that the reception was poor, and that he called Fischer back once he got to the restaurant. He did so, and told Fischer to call 911.
Audio: Sheriff Fleming Under Oath[media id=268 width=250 height=100]
“Sheriff Fleming further testified that the next day, when he arrived at work,” the interim report states, “he learned that there was a lady who was killed in the traffic crash in which Jamesine Fischer was involved. Sheriff Fleming advised that he told a staff member that he, Fleming, had had a conversation with Mr. Fischer the night before. The Sheriff specifically stated , a second time, under oath, that John Fischer had called him the night of the crash. The Sheriff indicated that he had had only one conversation with John Fischer since that time and it was about a school board issue, although the Sheriff did advise John Fischer to pray about the situation involving Mrs. Fischer.”
The next day, Fleming called the FHP investigator and told him he wanted to amend the statement he’d made under oath. Fleming changed his story’s timeline, saying he’d not spoken to Fischer the night of the accident, but that he first got a call from Fischer at 5:30 a.m. the next day—when Fischer told him he thought his wife had hit an animal.
It has never been explained by anyone involved why the school board member would bother calling the sheriff merely to note that his wife had struck an animal, if that’s what she’d believed she’d struck, especially since no animal (other than Pécqueur’s unharmed poodle) was recovered at the scene. It is not in dispute that Jamesine Fischer knew of Pécqueur and her being severely injured at the very spot where Fischer thought she had hit an animal, since Fischer had stopped her car, and spoken to witnesses and paramedics, about Pécqeur being on the side of the road, in a swale.
The interim report does not attempt to raise those issues: “The criminal case is pending trial,” the report states. “Because the trial in this case is still pending, this report will not discuss any further details regarding the traffic crash itself.”
But Bausch and Moody did interview Fleming on April 25. The report doesn’t state whether the interview took place in person or over the phone. “Sheriff Fleming maintained during our interview that during his first interview with FHP he had mistakenly assumed that the phone calls documented on telephone records that he had obtained, pertained to the day of the crash as opposed to the following day,” the interim report states.
It continues: “Based on the inconsistent statements of Sheriff Fleming concerning the dates and times of his conversations with John Fischer, the Office of the State Attorney, 18th Judicial Circuit, subpoenaed all known telephone records for all numbers belonging to Sheriff Donald Fleming, John Fischer, and Jamesine Fischer. We also conducted a sworn audio recorded interview with John Fischer. In summary, theses phone records do not record any telephonic communication between Sheriff Fleming and John Fischer or Sheriff Fleming and Jamesine Fischer on November 10.”
While the report focuses on timelines and inconsistencies pertaining to the timeline, it says little more about the substance of the conversations exchanged between Fischer and Fleming.
Beyond the assistant state attorneys’ scope of work, however, the inconsistencies in Fleming’s version of events reveal at least one significant issue that was not related to the incident: Fleming was not in full control of his memory on essential and basic facts involving a prominent politician in the community, and a serious—and ultimately fatal—accident. But like the report’s conclusions, that point is moot in so far as Fleming’s tenure at the sheriff’s office is concerned, since that tenure ends on Jan. 8, assuming the matters don’t somehow get roped back into whatever legal twists the case may take.
Anonymous says
That’s why he is not the sheriff now
Mario DiGirolamo says
Good riddance.
Ben Dover says
yeah right , out of the frying pan and into the fire, we voted him out once ,cause he did such a great job , this town is ripe with dirty politicians.
notasenior says
Only in Florida!
Relieved says
It is so good to see Fleming go. Looking forward to Mr. Manfre cleaning up the system. I’ve lived in this city for eight years and, in addition to all the scandals involving Flemng, I am not very impressed with the performance of the rank and file, which I attribute to the inept leadership of the brass. I could cite several examples, but, at this point, why bother. Good luck Mr. Manfre, we are rooting for you. I’ve met you and your family several times and I am impressed with your knowledge, your politeness, your modesty and your overall genteel demeanor. Police chiefs and sheriffs don’t have to look and act like mafia dons, and fortunately, Mr. Manfre is just the opposite. Now I want to see how his good attributes trickle down to the ranks.
on the fence says
So what happens to Fleming now that he was voted out? Does he remain a deputy or does he have to retire?
ddh says
Manfre must have been Fleming’s lawyer and Landon a character witness. Typical Flagler County politics..
confidential says
@ on the fence. No way….remaining….Do you know what happens when we leave one rotten apple in the basket?
notasenior; you got it right, only in Florida!! REP mishandling of justice for a REP crook .
Remind us the COLUMBIA HCA Medicare fraud, who’s top official was not only clear of wrong doing, but is now our Governor.
Hmmm says
So he was found not to have done anything wrong and people are bashing him about it? Maybe I misread the report?
Geezer says
Palm Coast is the new Dodge City for elected officials.
Anything goes!
Lonewolf says
“It is virtually implausible that she would not have reported those details to her husband, or that Fischer himself would not have mentioned them to the sheriff ion his conversation.”
Glad to see the sheriff and the school board member got together to get their story straight.
Will says
A $500 fine was announced against Sheriff Fleming, recognizing an infraction but not a serious one.
Howard Duley says
One of the comments said the town is ripe with dirty politicians. Shouldn’t that be ammended to state that all politicians are dirty? Even in the old bible times it appears that the great? king David had a putetrid smell to him.