A tornado warning localized to a particular area of Flagler County on Thursday but broadcast countywide on cell phones left faculty members and volunteers at Indian Trails Middle School anxious and in the dark about the school’s lack of response as the storm raged outside, or any effort to voice explanations or reassurances over the PA system: what parents and others did learn from the district was not issued until two hours after the fact.
District officials were monitoring the storm and communicating with their schools in real time. Tornado protocols were enacted at Bunnell Elementary and Rymfire Elementary, but were not at Indian Trails, which was outside the danger zone. Indian Trails Middle School officials did not deem it necessary to pass on the information to faculty, students and others at the school.
Lindsey Simmonds has been volunteering at Indian Trails Middle School in preparation for her fifth-grade son’s promotion there next year. She wants to know what kind of school he’s in for. After the tornado watch was issued in the morning, she’d emailed her son’s teacher to find out about protocols in case it upgraded to a warning. She was told her son would remain in his “concretable,” a portable classroom anchored on campus.
As she volunteered at the ITMS media center on Thursday, she was unnerved by the school’s response to the tornado warning that had flashed on her phone: all went on as normal, and when she asked the school receptionist what was up, the receptionist’s response was rude and dismissive: We’re monitoring it. The administration knows best, she was told. (The reception desk at that school can veer from friendly to crabby, depending on who’s covering it.)
“We could hear the rumble and the thunder and then several of us have the alert system on our phones,” Simmonds said.
The severe thunderstorm warning came first. Then the tornado warning, around 12:43. The media specialist told her she’d also gotten the warning. Students were still streaming in, led by a teacher. In a warning that applies to a particular area–as this one did not–students go to a hallway. Simmonds and the faculty members wondered why that wasn’t happening.
“I just kept walking around and told my other friend who was volunteering there at the same time,” Simmonds said, “and she’s like, I’m communicating with my son, who’s at Belle Terre Elementary School right now.” That school is a few blocks north of the middle school. “He is in lockdown. My son’s in fifth grade at Belle Terre too. They’re all in lockdown. They’re all under their desks for the tornado and he’s freaked out.”
If the administration knew something the faculty and volunteers did not–which it apparently did–it was not telling anyone: the PA system was dead silent throughout, leaving everyone with their own anxieties. “I went to librarian and I said, why isn’t anyone seeking shelter? This was making me very concerned, like the National Weather Service says, you’re an imminent danger, go inside indoors and seek shelter,” Simmonds said. “And she’s like, I know, it’s making me really nervous too. It got really dark out in the greenhouse and you could hear like the wind picking up and the rain hitting the windows.”
Simmonds lives in the B Section. The October tornado that damaged several homes there passed near her house. “I guess I’m more cautious of it because of that going through quicker than I thought,” she said, “and we really get them. So I was concerned.”
In fact, there was a “downburst” in the F-Section that caused minor damage and an F-1 tornado at World Golf Village, 33 miles to the north. But the tornado warning was not for the B or F Sections of Palm Coast.
“On radar,” Lord said, “there was potentially some debris signatures, which you can’t always tell on radar, looked like in the Cody’s Corner or north of the Cody’s Corner area of the county,” at the intersection of State Route 11 and County Road 304 southwest of Bunnell. “But we did not get any reports from out there other than near St. John’s Park. We do know at least one tree or a couple of trees were knocked down. One of them was in the roadway that eventually got that cleared out.”

There are different ways to get alerts, Lord said. The National Emergency Alert System that may buzz through phones “doesn’t give you a lot of detail where it is,” and may blanket a larger area than that of the actual warning zone, as was the case for some who got that alert on Thursday. That same alert buzzed in Bunnell. Unlike the AlertFlagler system, that’s not based on specific addresses. In that sense, the AlertFlagler system–a free service accessible by cell phone, text, email–is superior. It can be as precise as issuing a warning to one side of a street but not another, Lord said. AlertFlagler issued a severe thunderstorm warning for the Indian Trails area, but no tornado warning.
Generally speaking, the more severe cells of the storm stretched from the Pearson area of Volusia County to Cody’s Corner to the center of Bunnell, then to the F-Section and out to the ocean, Lord said. “The good thing with this storm as we were watching it live, is it spread out as it went over Flagler County, meaning the high winds and the tornado signature wasn’t as well defined as it was when they first saw it over in Volusia County,” he said.
That’s why, without a more specified warning, Indian Trails Middle School did not react, though that doesn’t explain why the administration, which liberally uses the PA system for many frivolous announcements, did not feel the need to make any announcement during the storm.
Superintendent LaShakia Moore and Indian Trails Principal Ryan Andrews did not respond to repeated emails. (Simmonds saw Andrews walk into the school in what she described as “active wear” after the storm, as she was leaving, so she’s not sure he was there during the storm. But that may explain the failure of assertive communication at the school.)
But Tommy Wooleyhan, the district’s safety specialist, explained how the district prepared for the storm–an explanation that tracked closely with Lord’s.
“Following established safety procedures, I immediately initiated communication with all principals in potentially affected areas early in the morning. This included ITMS, alongside other schools within the warning zone such as BES and RES,” Wooleyhan said in an email, referring to Rymfire Elementary in Palm Coast, and Bunnell Elementary.
“As part of our proactive approach to emergency management, we ensured that each school was vigilant in monitoring the situation and prepared to enact Standard Response Protocol changes as necessary,” he said. “Additionally, schools were directed to activate their Emergency Management Plans (EMPs) to ensure readiness for any escalation of the weather event.” That’s when enacting safety procedures for students would have been implemented.
“However,” he said, “it’s important to note that decision-making during such events is dynamic and based on real-time assessments of the situation, including factors such as the trajectory and severity of the weather system, proximity to the school, etc. In this instance, the tornado warning did not encompass ITMS directly, and after careful evaluation by our safety team in conjunction with local authorities, it was determined that the most appropriate course of action was to remain vigilant and prepared while closely monitoring developments.”
At 2:35 p.m. Thursday, well after school has dismissed, Don Foley, the district’s chief spokesman, issued an email to parents explaining slight delays in afternoon bus schedules and providing some of the explanations Wooleyhan did. “As a precautionary measure, our schools which were in that warning area relocated all students and staff to interior areas, due to potential risks associated with the tornado warning. The warning expired at 1:15 PM,” Foley wrote.
Palm coast says
Fpc didn’t follow procedure either. Was about a 10 minute delay before anything was said and everyone was told To stay put rather than assume positions in hallways. Upstairs classes didn’t even move. Why can’t all the schools just follow procedures. BTMS did.
Joe D says
It WOULD be NICE, if the two emergency warning systems were more aligned. I’m in Flagler Beach, and subscribe to the FlaglerALEART system. It did give out the thunderstorm watch, then upgraded it to severe Thunderstorm WARNING. But the tornado warning didn’t go off (correctly) for Flagler Beach.
My IPhone weather application ( when I checked it after the ALERT), said the tornado warning (correctly ) was for ST John’s Co to the NORTH…which is where it WAS after the damage was done, and the storm passed.
The SYSTEM WORKED the way it was intended. However, with the storms passing through, ESPECIALLY with a large group of young students (prone to FEAR and PANIC), it would have been nice if schools had a protocol for “informal” updates both to school personnel and students through the PA system…something like: “We are aware there is a serious storm in the area. We at this school have not been placed in any danger zone, and classes and activities can continue as scheduled, until there is a change in the emergency notification system level.” Then every 30 minutes, another PA update that “No higher emergency notice, has been issued, and classes will continue as scheduled.”
That doesn’t address hundreds of worried parents, who received the BROADER Co wide warning, who…just like in any other emergency will ALL call the main school phone lines, and essentially overwhelm the phone lines, and the patience of school support staff.
Perhaps there is a school wide text message system like some other school districts use (emails wouldn’t be timely in this situation), which could send out a general “all is well” text with a statement to PLEASE NOT CALL the school, and if the situation changed, another direct text would be sent to update parents.
These situations are going to happen frequently, so even though the school in question, was NOT in any danger, there needs to be a more custom (school by school) text to assure parents the safety of their students are not being ignored.
JimboXYZ says
Facts about tornadoes, they occur & strike randomly. Better to be indoors than to try to run from one & be out in a car on the road creating gridlock traffic. This is not the 1st tornado or tornado warning in Flagler County or planet Earth. You would think by now that either their parents or the school system would have taught children about these types of events. Makes you wonder if they have taught anyone on anything hurricanes to the children ? If not there is always Google searches on these type of weather events. People need to stop acting like they are cripples & take on some accountability & responsibility for making it thru their lives without complete reliance on the Flagler School County employees to inform them of everything. There are no guarantees in this life. We’re all fair game for Mother Nature’s most violent storms.
When I lived in Nassau County there was a tornado that occurred 2.5 miles away. The dog actually knew what was going on, she took cover, seeking the safety of a closet near the main bathroom in the house. My younger brother was actually on SR-200/A1A when it crossed the road just ahead of him driving home. It’s luck of the draw really. He was spared, others & residential housing not so much. Don’t think anyone died from that one, but that’s always a possibility for any storm.
Michael Hymen says
YOU said they were out of the danger zone. and I called and I confirmed for myself that a tornado warning was not in effect in the area. what would you like them to do? I have a student at that school and I have never had anything less than a positive experience with the administration because I TRUST them to do what they need to do.
JustBeNice says
We live in B section and like ITMS we received no warning. I feel schools should err on the side of caution. These storms can move fast. It is very difficult and stressful as a teacher, to be left out of the communication-even a short email or a runner could convey what’s happening outside. Shame on admin.
Also, every receptionist in every school is the first person you come in contact with. They set the tone for your visit and as such should be kind and friendly. Admin need to take complaints seriously and do something. Everyone adult is a role model in a school.
Calmdownclowns says
OMG people relax. Stop with the fear mongering b.s. over something that wasn’t even in the area and was said to not be in the area. No need to freak kids out for no reason. Now had it been in the area then that’s the time to be upset over them not saying anything. They monitored it closely and took the necessary steps. Boohoo if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted…..
I got notifications says
My kid attends ITMS and I received both the cell phone Tornado warning and shortly after 2 or 3 robo calls calls from the Principal regarding late busses etc… I didn’t feel like they were not taking precautions?
Jack says
So… some people wanted to be notified that they were NOT in the danger zone? I guess they are just looking for attention or feel left out.
Bill C says
Wow, some folks sure took this article the wrong way. The basic point is, there is a protocol and ITMS didn’t follow the protocol. For those who poo-poo this and think it would freak out the kids please take note that Belle Terre Elementary less (right up the block) sheltered their kids in place as their emergency procedure. If the issue is the dual-warning systems that are in place, then that should be addressed. But, to some of the commenters about danger zones and freaking out the kids: when the storm was tearing through the area it could have shifted in any direction. In an emergency those whom we leave in charge with our children have to go by the book because none of us know what will happen until after it does. P.S. I was in the F section (out of the red zone) got the warning on my cellphone as I was driving. The rain and wind were so intense, I had to stop and wait out the deluge.