By Marvin Clegg
After sitting through a Flagler County Commission workshop recently where staff stressed the need to be more forward-looking with road maintenance in order to save money in the longer run, and after hearing that “we need more money” to do the basics like this, my children were surprised to then hear suggestions for a variety of wish-list projects that were totally discretionary, and could cost millions.
Then some of the county commissioners decided to poll city government leaders to see if they would support a county effort to raise the sales tax.
I suggest the County Commission form a citizen advisory group of resident volunteers with great business experience to review future budgets and advise the commissioners about where fat can be trimmed or inefficiencies corrected. Critical departments like Road and Bridge can then carry out the core tasks they’ve outlined to save us all money in the long run and protect what we really depend upon government to manage.
St. Lucie County, further south, has had a Citizen Budget Development Committee since 1991. It reviews all aspects of the budget (see this year’s examples here, here and here) and recommends its own resolutions. The county’s budget director, a staff member, describes it as successful. I’ve seen the concept work in other areas as well, in government and in the private or charitable sectors.
Politically, such a committee provides some buffer for commissioners wrestling with staff and constitutional officer demands vs. taxpayer resistance. In reality, commissioners hear from staff and other government officials a lot more than they hear from the general public. Commissioners get pressured to fund projects daily.
Logistically, it provides for a valuable public resource to be tapped where we have a wealth of active and retired business leaders living here with experience from many different areas, geographically and specialty-wise.
To be effective, such a group can’t be a bunch of political cronies. St. Lucie worked out a system, after a major amendment, to try to avoid some of that. These volunteers need to be recognized, successful business people, with and without government experience. They must not have a preconceived ax to grind or a political agenda. Party affiliation should be irrelevant. Our political system is in the mess it’s in because too often those factors cloud the business at hand.
I urge our county commissioners to break out of the rut of simply thinking of new ways to get more money. Many of us can remember the days in Flagler County when our commissioners were ranchers, farmers, and active business people who questioned budget items and tried their best to make sure they, and other taxpayers, were getting their best bang for the buck. The budget is much more complicated these days. That makes it all the more important to call in extra help from a group of citizens that holds no allegiance to a particular department, party or individual.
What have we got to lose? Of course commissioners will meet with resistance from entrenched quarters. But commissioners represent the citizens. And Flagler County attracts a lot of smart retired citizens. So why not give this a try? It’s not glamorous. It’s not rocket science. It’s not expensive. But it could save us from a lot of costly mistakes.
Marvin Clegg is a Flagler County resident.

Mark says
Sounds good, I would say Palm Coast could use the same thing in addition to the other advisory boards currently sharing with the Council.
James says
I totally agree Palm Coast needs to do the same since the Mayor and the Council do not listen to the taxpayers that pay their salaries which they seem to forget.
Tom D Hutson says
Citizen Advisory Board
Not a very good idea with the culture displayed by this current commission! ANYWAY, they would first need to get it approved by their County Administrator and their County Attorney!! GOOD LUCK!!
How about the Commissioners just tighten up spending on expensive “Want” items to less expensive “Needs” items!! Commissioners need to ask the question on all budgets “Why do you need this item, INCLUDING Personnel” Explain your Justifications on all items.
Commissioners need to get away from this $10 million Dollar plus items rut, to items the county can afford. I know about grant items, but they also cost the county money.
In today’s voter attitude any type of INCREASE is not going to fly with the Flagler County Voters. The residents have been left out of the mix far too long! All VOTERS currently see is a tax and spend government.
Flagler County Voters need to see Meaningful Budget cuts across the board!!
Dan says
Pennington proposed a tax cut and to get rid of wants including $10million cut of library to fix roads. Crickets.
wake up says
She is a real Republican. The other members are Rinos They get elected pretending to be Republicans but vote like they are something else. Real Republicans will cut taxes, not raise them. Get rid of these so called Republicans before they pull a Biden and put the whole county in debt that we will be “taxed” to death to pay off.
Greg says
Sounds great, but I’ll bet if never happens. Too much over sight and too much spending might be controlled. The city and county are run like grade school projects, that have lost its way.
Me says
Bingo you hit it on the head.
Arne Herenstein says
This is an excellent idea. Many of the residents in Palm Coast are eminently qualified for a Citizens Advisory Group. It would definitely aid in bringing business sense to the budget.
David Schaefer says
Perfect idea, but you think the clowns in PC and Flagler Co are going to go for this think again. NO WAY…..
Marty Reed says
I believe it would be a great idea to establish a citizens advisory group to guide the county commissioners, and would be interested in serving.
Connie Sparks says
The mayor of Palm Coast says it too expensive for a forensic audit. Here Mayor Alfin what about this!!!
Linda says
Oh hell yeah!!!!!!!
Fernando Melendez says
No matter what kind of advisory board of stakeholders representing our community interests regardless of skills, guidance, and knowledge will change nothing or anything with this commission board. The key is to govern in the best interest of the community and not control.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
XOXOXO Fernando. You got it right. The commissioners get $60,000 a year plus medical benefits and travel expenses to take care of those who pay their salary i..e. ‘ we the people’.
Frank J Barrone says
We already have a “CITIZENS ADVISORY GROUP” they’re called “COMMISSIONERS” democratically elected by the citizens of Flagler County.
If you don’t like the way they are handling the management of the county VOTE THEM OUT IN THE NEXT ELECTION.
Adding another layer of government which is not ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE but rather appointed, who will have a major impact on governmental issues mainly BUDGETS is not how government works shields politicians and management from ridicule or political backlashes.
Mothersworry says
I couldn’t agree more! People have to vet the candidates before they vote. They must educate themselves on the issues before voting. These clowns love an uneducated voter, don’t be one.
Celia M pugliese says
Basically looks like a great idea…but this line concerns me: “I suggest the County Commission form a citizen advisory group of resident volunteers with great business experience to review future budgets and advise the commissioners about where fat can be trimmed or inefficiencies corrected”. Business experience only….? look at our current lobbyist the Regional Chamber of Commerce with only 129 members out of 4000 and 7000 businesses in Palm Coast and Flagler County and its director always against residents concerns attending council meetings and calling us virulent, venomous, ignorant loud and the mayor extending the courtesy to a multitude than more than 129 attending council meetings everflowing the hall. Imagine the council and mayor will be the one’s to appoint and there is the trick, they will appoint like they do know… example the Planning and Developing Board a practically and mostly rubber stamp for developers and if otherwise, like very appreciated exceptional voted NO to the Harborside, anyway 3 out of two in council voted yes! Another example in a meeting was suggested that to survey our saltwater canals, city use a local Bunnell contractor with history of doing that work along our waterways at about what could be around $20,000 and if approved a couple of million dredging. Results was that city engineering hired an outside the area surveyor for $150,000 and a projected cost of dredging only 13 miles of canals needed for 10 to 20 millions. These examples show were they need to cut the fat,.. The contractors failure to produce the right work for the fortunes that city engineering hires them is obvious every where like Splash Park and now look at the years with the bridge on the east sidewalk of Bell Terre never ending next to the schools the kids use to walk to. When Carl Cote engineering asked about it, he sent his assistant to tell council that contractor no replying calls and having supply and labor problems…and for worst same contractor is in charge of other city projects…? Here is were the fat needs to be cut! No forensic audit will show these distortions wasting our hard earned taxes! No committee of citizens to protect us will be appointed by the majority of this type of council and mayor \,they will appoint only those to these additional committee that will satisfy their visions and greed. We just need to vote the right ones to represent us in 2024 onky solution now. Then once the right people in office, that suggested committee will be a great idea to materialize. Example in cities around the Maricopa county AZ they pass tax increases to fund government employees pay raise at least, that I have seeing by residents referendum!
Celia M pugliese says
Basically looks like a great idea…but this line concerns me: “I suggest the County Commission form a citizen advisory group of resident volunteers with great business experience to review future budgets and advise the commissioners about where fat can be trimmed or inefficiencies corrected”. Business experience only….? look at our current lobbyist the Regional Chamber of Commerce with only 129 members out of 4000 and 7000 businesses in Palm Coast and Flagler County and its director always against residents concerns attending council meetings and calling us virulent, venomous, ignorant loud and the mayor extending the courtesy to a multitude than more than 129 attending council meetings everflowing the hall. Imagine the council and mayor will be the one’s to appoint and there is the trick, they will appoint like they do know… example the Planning and Developing Board a practically and mostly rubber stamp for developers and if otherwise, like very appreciated exceptional voted NO to the Harborside, anyway 3 out of two in council voted yes! Another example in a meeting was suggested that to survey our saltwater canals, city use a local Bunnell contractor with history of doing that work along our waterways at about what could be around $20,000 and if approved a couple of million dredging. Results was that city engineering hired an outside the area surveyor for $150,000 and a projected cost of dredging only 13 miles of canals needed for 10 to 20 millions. These city or county examples show were they need to cut the fat,.. The contractors failure to produce the right work for the fortunes that city engineering hires them is obvious every where like Splash Park and now look at the years with the bridge on the east sidewalk of Bell Terre never ending next to the schools the kids use to walk to. When Carl Cote engineering asked about it, he sent his assistant to tell council that contractor no replying calls and having supply and labor problems…and for worst same contractor is in charge of other city projects…? Here is were the fat needs to be cut! No forensic audit will show these distortions wasting our hard earned taxes! No committee of citizens to protect us will be appointed by the majority of this type of council and mayor \,they will appoint only those to these additional committee that will satisfy their visions and greed. We just need to vote the right ones to represent us in 2024 onky solution now. Then once the right people in office, that suggested committee will be a great idea to materialize. Example in cities around the Maricopa county AZ they pass tax increases to fund government employees pay raise at least, that I have seeing by residents referendum!
Tony Mack says
Sadly, this wouldn’t work — such a entity would be filled with real estate agents, and we know how that would go.
Joe Marotti says
I think this is a very good idea! I would be more than happy to be on that committee. My background in business would fit right in.
Robert Swinderman says
The County does very little long range planning which is big part of the problem. For example no plan for septic to sewer in the Hammock – just wait for a developer to drop some $ and then install piecemeal for the benefit of the developers over the environment.
The makeup of the Planning Board is supposed to be from diverse groups, including a concerned citizen but is all real estate related members – same thing will happen with a budget commission – it will become populated with conflict of interest members.
One problem I see as the County grows is being a Commissioner is not a part time job. Should be full time job and compensated as such.
PeachesMcGee says
Good idea, but their continued cronyism will prevent it.
J. Michael Kelley says
Bad news gang. This was done a few years back. I chaired the “Economic Review Committee”. We provided to the commissioners a number of suggestions to improve their financial situation. As you can probably guess, none were implemented.
Doug says
Just what Flagler County needs a bunch of transplants with ZERO knowledge of the area to give those who have been here most of their lives, advice. When will the madness end?
JimBob says
Do we really need another “Moms For Liberty” in Flagler? Seems redundant to have two.