In response to one parent’s complaint about civil rights era-inspired posters by students, and to the the parent’s son vandalizing posters he found offensive at Flagler Palm Coast High School, School Board member Christy Chong has rallied to the side of the parent and the student and is seeking to revisit policies that address the display of student work in school hallways.
Board members Will Furry and Sally Hunt are joining Chong in seeking that discussion. Chong did not seem concerned with the vandalism of student work, or that the displays were a required part of their course of study.
It is the latest example of a a school board reassessing time-tested and long-standing academic practices through culture-war litmus tests. The sharp shift, which led to the board’s firing of the superintendent last month, appears to have little to no connection to classroom goals. Rather, echoing similar shifts at the state Board of Education and the legislature, it ties into a reframing of classrooms and schools on ideological grounds, leaving administrators and faculty reeling from surprises such as the one Chong sprang on the board at the end of a workshop Tuesday.
Chong, who two months ago wanted a “safe space” sign removed from a classroom at Matanzas High, said she wanted to revisit the policy that controls advertising in schools. “I wanted to look at updating and clarifying policy 904,” she said. “I’ve had a lot of parents reaching out about signs that are in school, posters and that sort of thing, and what’s allowed.”
Actually, one parent emailed her on April 25 regarding one incident at Flagler Palm Coast High School. It had nothing to do with advertising. It had to do with posters produced by students as part of their history course work. The posters were displayed in hallways, as teachers routinely display student work in most schools in the district, in the state, and in the country.
Bobby Bossardet, the principal at FPC, had told Chong, as he’d told the teacher responsible for the posters, that “the project was appropriate for the US history class that he teaches.”
The posters were developed as part of a unit on civil rights. The assignment was to focus on one aspect of civil rights history, leaving it to each student to decide for himself, herself or themselves, what to illustrate. Some chose women’s rights. Some chose Black rights. Some chose Chicano rights (“we will not be intimidated”). Some chose LGBTQ rights, and some the anti-war movement. All themes had their roots in the civil rights era, which paralleled the Vietnam War.
The parent’s son was not happy with the LGBTQ posters. He vandalized them, a detail that appeared not to bother Chong: she made no issue of that.
The student was called into the dean’s office. His parents were contacted and he was given a warning, in accordance with the school’s disciplinary matrix. Restitution is part of the disciplinary process too, but since the materials’ value in dollars was low, it could not be applied. (Last year, in contrast, students were suspended from Flagler Palm Coast High School for three days merely for waving pride flags.)
The student’s mother emailed Chong, telling her she was “reaching out as a mom, resident, fellow christian, and a supporter of you both,” referring as well to Will Furry. (She did not write the three other members of the school board, who are also moms and residents, and no less Christian, if not flauntingly so).

“My son comes home daily feeling offended by the LGBTQ posters that are posted up throughout the Hallways at FPC,” the parent wrote, with considerable exaggeration. If FPC is a small city, the posters occupied parts of a couple of streets, if that much, in otherwise cinder block-bare wall space.
“I am not sure if there’s anything we can do about this, but it’s upsetting and also influencing my 14 year old daughter. She came to me a few months ago and told me she might be gay and seemed proud as if she was finally accepted into a group of students who felt ‘Love is Love.'”
One of the posters in question included the phrase “Love is Love.” It isn’t clear how or why the words are offensive. It lists in tiny print all possibilities, with “straight” and “aromantic” at the top, followed by “non-binary,” “asexual,” and so on.
“Today I received a call from the Dean at FPC that my son had taken matters into his own hands and removed some of the LGBTQ posters and threw them into the Toilet,” the parent wrote. “(My son claimed he threw them next to the toilet but I have not confirmed that) He said he just wants to go to school without seeing what he finds offensive posters everywhere.” The parent acknowledged that what her son did was wrong, but said he was “frustrated and I think having his little sister tell him she may be gay did not help the situation.”
The dean informed the parent that her son had carried out an act of vandalism, but that “he would get my son in contact with Admin where he can have his voice heard in regards to this content.”
She asked Chong whether “anything can be done in regards to these posters or is this the new normal we have to accept and endure in our society?” Some of the images she attached as examples of offensive posters included lines like “Love is never wrong,” “no more war,” “War’s a bummer dude,” and “Peace Love Hippies,” all of which, like repeated drawings of VW buses, radiated Vietnam War-era chants of the civil rights movement. Several posters paid tribute to the women’s and environmental movements, some to a landmark Fourth Amendment decision, and one to disabilities.
Less than an hour after receiving the email, Chong, bypassing the superintendent, emailed Bossardet, the principal at FPC, asking him to “look into this.” (Elected officials are generally required not to meddle in administrative, operation matters and to channel their concerns through their employee: the superintendent. They do not have any more authority over a principal or a teacher than does a private citizen.) Chong told Bossardet she believed the display of posters was “against school board policy 904.”
It is not. Policy 904 controls advertising in school only–what may or may not be advertised, including a specific list of eight prohibitions, from slanderous or libelous advertising to advertising of tobacco and alcohol, illegal drugs, political advertising, “Advertising that is harassing speech or expression sufficiently severe and pervasive as to create a hostile learning environment,” and so on. (See the full policy, last revised in 2019, here.) It has nothing to do with student’s work or curricular-aligned displays.
After meeting with the U.S. History teacher, Bossardet replied with two pages of single-spaced explanations. He cited five specific Florida standards that teachers must meet within the parameters of that class’ curriculum. “The students,” the principal wrote, ” are asked to develop social activist posters. The lesson focuses on understanding the rise and continuing international influence of the United States as a world leader and the impact of contemporary social and political movements on American life,” whether it has to do with feminism, the environmental movement, or historical movements related to Latino, American-Indian, and countercultural issues, among others.

The students pick a social movement of their choice and design a poster with supporting materials. The teacher–a Navy veteran who’s been teaching at FPC since 2016– “explained that several students asked him if they could pick the gay liberation movement.” Bossardet explained to Chong that the movement unfolded in the 1960s and 70s. “Because the topic was aligned with the standard and theme, the teacher agreed.”
The gay-liberation movement is ingrained in the civil rights era, with the Stonewall Uprising of 1969 its turning point as gays and lesbians fought back against what had been routine and brutal police raids against gay bars in Manhattan. “The events that would unfold over the next six days would fundamentally change the discourse surrounding LGBTQ+ activism in the United States,” a summary by the U.S. Library of Congress states.
Bossardet was fully behind his teacher, telling him that his project “was aligned to the appropriate standards outlined in the course description.” He went further to address Chong’s concern: “Moving forward,” Bossardet wrote the board member, “we are asking all teachers at FPC to post the topics of the assignments, along with the appropriate standards the assignment covers. I explained my concern for having any of the work being displayed in our halls for extended periods of times, could be perceived as decor or advertisement.” For example, if a poster were to stay up much longer than the unit that the teaching unit that generated it, it could take on a different projection.
“Our expectation moving forward is that the work displayed in our hallways is expected to be relevant to what they are currently covering, or just completed, in the class at the time and should be rotated accordingly,” Bossardet wrote Chong.
She agreed with the rotation idea and conceded the purpose of the work. “These posters do cover current events,” she wrote Bossardet last Monday, “but could also make some students uncomfortable if displayed for extended periods of time as they support different agendas. I may ask the board to update our policy for more clarification.”
The next day, she did.
“What he said to me was that this was part of a school assignment, which I can totally understand,” Chong told her fellow-board members about the posters–never mentioning the vandalism. “But just to use it as an example. Say the kids did an assignment on U.S. presidents. You probably wouldn’t hang Trump and Biden posters in the hallways, you know what I mean?”
“Actually, I think they did,” Board member Colleen Conklin said. “I’m sure they did.”
Board member Will Furry was immediately willing to have the discussion. “It definitely is very vague and it leaves a lot of open interpretation,” he said of Policy 904, which–perhaps unusually for school policies–is neither vague nor leaves much to interpretation.
“Maybe we need a new policy,” Chong said. Furry was supportive of that, too. With Board member Sally Hunt joining Furry and Chong, there was majority agreement to take up the matter at a subsequent workshop. (Hunt did not appear to know the background of the matter. She agreed to discuss the policy on the pretense that she’s willing to reconsider any policy in principle.)
Chong an Furry are not acting in a vacuum, but as part of a growing trend pushing restrictions on what teachers may post or say in their classrooms, specifically regarding LGBTQ-themed materials: The state Board of Education’s K-12 rule prohibiting “classroom instruction to students in grades 4 through 12 on sexual orientation or gender identity” unless it’s required by academic standards or health class (from which parents may opt out their children), or the just-voted bill in the Florida legislature prohibiting so much as asking a student‘s preferred pronouns, at least in grades K through 8.

Robin says
I’m deeply concerned that in this incident the offended student’s vandalism of other students’ work is downplayed. This is an opportunity for the student to have guided discussions about why they found certain topics ‘offensive’ and why they felt it necessary to react in the manner they did.
Equally disappointed by the the trio of Board members who reacted in defense of the student’s actions.
But perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised by any of this.
Shelley Ragsdale says
I have read this article and LOOKED at the posted pictures THAT ARE SOME HOW deemed to be ‘offensive’ . Maybe I’m to old but the real issue seems to be people aren’t feeling like living together with Kindness or love for each other. I feel sorry for these diluted minds and their biases 😔.
Those pictorial displays done by the students… I say We’ll Done.
And to the newly elected Board Members, SHAME ON YOU.
Disgusted and Appalled says
OMG! I can’t take anymore of this board. One student??? One student out of 2500? Grow up already. You didn’t like them don’t look at them!!!! What I really feel like saying isn’t fit to print!
He Sounds Like A Cannon Waiting To Blow says
WTH is wrong with that student and his family? Destroying something he got so angry about seeing? WTF. Seriously. It’s posters. On a wall. Of a student’s idea. Are we censoring ideas now? Discussion? Actual facts? Pretty soon going to any FL will be useless. Colleges out of FL won’t want these kids and college and Uni students won’t be hired outside of FL because they have no experience or knowledge of anyone that isn’t white. Way to ruin a good education system.
Oh well, more opportunities for snowflakes that don’t get their panties in a bunch over posters. Freaking posters. That kid sounds like he has a problem and should be seen by a mental health specialist. He may be the next violent offender we see on the news. If posters, in a hallway, about civil rights stuff, gets you this amped, he’s itching for a fight & cannot be trusted. As far as I’m concerned, he should be expelled because he’s a danger to other students based on his reaction to posters.
Cathy says
So this student was offended? I guess he grew up with parents that plan to keep him in a bubble the rest of his life. I am wondering if anyone asked him why this was offensive to him. It seems he was just mimicking what hears at home. I hear people say if it offends you , scroll on- well he should have “strolled on”. Shameful is the only word that comes to mind.
Jim says
This school board is out of control and the next three years are going to be disastrous for Flagler County and more importantly the students and teachers in the system. It will be interesting to see what candidates they find for the superintendent job as this kind of incident gets transmitted through the teaching community. And Ms. Chong bypassing the superintendent and going directly to the school principal is indicative of the current board’s lack of understanding of their job and the jobs of those they are supposedly working with.
Finally, it amazes me that a kid can destroy school projects and there are no significant consequences. It seems the students who made the projects are being subjected to more stress than the kid who destroyed their work. But, of course, he’s a good Christian as are the board members and his parents so his non-Christian behavior can be allowed. Wonder what a gay student might get subjected to if he/she destroyed anti-LGBTQ posters?
The sad part is that this family is ignorant to the struggles of the civil rights movement, the struggle of minorities, the struggles of the women’s rights movement, the struggles of the LGBTQ movement, and all the lives that were lost during the Vietnamese war, innocent civilians, young men and women who lost their lives in that war and hippies offend them too, we were all hippies at one time, it was a cultural revolution and these parents are offended by a generation that had a voice and fought for their voice? This goes much deeper than everyone thinks, this is downright lunacy and the parents are the blame.. Does anyone remember that commerical that once ran,” You got to be taught how to hate”, and of course the 3 haters on this board jumped right in on this one.
Shame on all of them, if anything I am insulted!
Deirdre says
“Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals”
“A new analysis of implicit bias and explicit sexual orientation statements may help to explain the underpinnings of anti-gay bullying and hate crimes.”
Jeanna Bryner, LiveScience
April 10, 2012″
I think the sexual preferences of the school board members that are eagerly awaiting opportunities to disempower others, based on their sexual orientations, should be looked into thoroughly.
It seems pretty suspicious to me! Could they themselves be gay? Are they trying a bait and switch so no one figures out their dirty secrets?
Plenty of research indicates this is a serious possibility, which is proven on a regular basis in political and religious communities when homophobic people get caught with their pants down, in sexual encounters with same sex partners.
Their life choices and history should be researched and examined in great detail by the public, just to be on the safe side. These people were elected by the community and the truth should be known!
I’m so worried that they don’t actually represent true Christian values, which is so important in public schools.
JOE D says
Free Speech is TRULY DEAD in Flagler County Schools ( if not all of Florida) and counting…
What if my child decided he was offended by posters of Christopher Columbus during a school assigned of Early American discovery and settlement and ripped them all down…vandalism is vandalism!
For the school board to interfere in schools following the school policy, just goes to show you how out of control this process has become….I wouldn’t be surprised if 8-10 years from now, that student might bring a weapon to school to REALLY teach those DEGENERATES a LESSON! OMG!
Each day, I believe things can’t get any worse, and the NEXT day, I’m unpleasantly surprised that they CAN!
Michael Cocchiola says
And it starts. Shades of Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald.
Flagler County parents of school-age children… you should know that Chong and Furry simply do not have your’s or your kid’s best interests at heart. They have a single agenda… bring their culture war into our classrooms to intimidate and indoctrinate through their twisted version of Christianity. They are not Christians. They are disruptors and destroyers.
In fact, all residents of this county should be up in arms about these provocateurs. You all pay a school tax whether you have kids in school or not. You have a voice.
And to Sally Hunt… you lay down with pigs, you get as dirty as they. Is this what you want?
Carolyn says
Totally agree
Land of no turn signals says says
You know it’s funny we have seen statues vandalized because some “people” think it’s offensive and then get removed that have been there for decades.Then sports teams and school names changed that where again around for decades,now that some groups are surprised that”other” people find that there motivational messages offensive.I grew up that if something is offensive look away or change the channel and if that was always practiced the statues and sports names,school names would still be there.So what goes around comes around.
R.S. says
Isn’t a bit surprising that students’ comforts or discomforts are the aim of education? Geeez, if that had been the point I wish they had abandoned tests long ago; it would have gone miles toward my comfort as a student. Seems to me that the aim is to challenge one another and to respond civilly to the challenges in an open exchange of ideas. It’s not the aim to destroy any evidence of possible differences of viewpoints and opinions. Apparently, the kid’s parents failed miserably to work with the youngster toward some creative channelling of his “discomforts.”
Cathy says
The focus needs to be on the VANDALISM- wake up school board.
Sherry says
The student that found the class assigned posters about civil rights . . . addressing the various expressions of “LOVE” obviously is very upset and needs “family” counseling regarding the circumstances in his own family. In my opinion, he should be required to apologize directly to the students who created the posters he took down/destroyed.
Here, yet again, there are far right members of the school board injecting their own personal biases and trying to control the minuta of everything that goes on in the hallways and classrooms of each and every school in the district. The “good” teachers should flee Florida and find a culture where they will be allowed to “teach” without parents and school boards controlling every lesson. Unfortunately, without a complete reversal of the political structure in Florida, , , from the governor on down. . . this is just the beginning of fascism unfolding in every way across the entire state!
Just so very happy that we escaped from there last Summer! Florida is circling the gutter drain!
Jimbo99 says
Vandalism ? Is that a stretch for artwork that is temporary, to be removed after a sufficient time ? These posters are not statues or more permanent displays like the park turtles. Why wouldn’t they just have an assignment project and create a room or space called an art gallery for them to be displayed for however long the posters were going to be displayed ?
Just from the photo, “Chicano Power”, how vastly different (offensive or whatever else anyone could interpret that message for) would that be if one poster had indicated “White Power” or “Black Power” ? And I simply don’t see anything represented from the Asian & Native Americans communities for Civil Rights ? When the Inclusive aspect of DE&I isn’t inclusive. When the previously offended become the offensive & offenders. Is “Chicano Power” the Hispanic launch of an extremist group ? This is most likely what DeSantis & legislators are after eliminating in schools. Eliminating the divisive extremism element ? Extremists start off relatively grounded, like any club there are those that take things too far. The cause becomes a power grab amongst that group. Just the way human beings are. There should be no posters & slogans displayed for the entire school to have to be offended by because one history class of 25-30 kids had an assignment ? Downplayed as only one student ? How many other students are/were offended, just didn’t act upon being offended as this student did ?
Chong - Hunt - Furry - 100% disgrace says
Bobby, Chong did not read that book. She banned it from her at home, very small, library.
“….The teacher–a Navy veteran who’s been teaching at FPC since 2016– “explained that several students asked him if they could pick the gay liberation movement.” Bossardet explained to Chong that the movement unfolded in the 1960s and 70s. “Because the topic was aligned with the standard and theme, the teacher agreed.”… ”
This is what voters get electing someone with NO EDUCATION background into a leadership role in education.
Deborah Coffey says
Not surprised…disgusted by the trio. When that same hateful kid arrives with an AR-15, they’ll take his side, too.
Wow says
A School Board Member approving of school vandalism? That is just bizarre.
Ya get what ya (vote) for.
Jane Kranz says
Shame in this student and the ignorant parents and school board members that need to be ousted immediately.
Florida Voter says
Where are all of the Radical Republicans that should be screaming “Suck it up, snowflake.” Something offends you? Welcome to the club. There are things that offend me too. I don’t get to destroy other people’s work because of it though. I don’t get to say “You’re not welcome here.” School should be a safe place for every student.
Where are all of the “Constitutionalists” screaming about the violation of the First Amendment? Don’t the poster creators have a right to expression?
School should be open to student expression.
Of course, since it’s a marginalized community being discriminated against (again, more), you won’t here those people. The GOP shows itself again as the party of contradictions.
Knowsalittle says
The Nazis have taken over the school board.
The dude says
Rules, regulations, laws, decency… all of these are antithetical to the MAGA mindset.
Grab that pussy, yell at those brown kids to go back to their own country, rip somebody else’s work off the wall.
If it makes you feel MAGA good, just do it.
Denali says
What have we become? An entitled little boy-child whose parents neglected to instill the golden rule of “If it ain’t yours, don’t touch it.” rips posters off a wall because he ‘was offended’. Hell’s bells, I was offended when the Pirates beat the Yankees for the World Series in 1960 but I didn’t burn down Forbes Field. I am offended every day by the ‘big-lie’ but I have yet to get physical over it. This child has some serious issues that need to be addressed lest he becomes a full blown social misfit. For his parents and a few wack-a-nut school board members to support his illegal actions is beyond the pale. Has anyone even considered the fact that what he did was a violation of the First Amendment free speech clause and that he should be charged with a hate crime? Yep, a hate crime, that is what it truly was and to say differently is just burying your head in the sand. If this kid was 20 years older he would have been a standing next to Enrique Tarrio in a federal courtroom yesterday. After all, he was offended.
If you are offended, make your own poster; stand on a soap box and preach your beliefs; hand out flyers; buy commercial ad time but never put your dirty little mitts on the product of another persons work. It is just basic decency and good manners. Real adults would never condone this behavior.
coyote says
It takes a lot of time and knowledge of dealing with bureaucratic stuff to get it started, but if someone wants to initiate, I’d support the effort.
Stephen says
Mrs Chong, don’t Christians love everyone?
Pogo says
Bingo! I have been suggesting Flagler County and its cities become a charter county for years. It would put all the usual suspects back in line with the suckers that elected them. Imagine that.
And vote for this:
Bill C says
What would Chong’s position be if the class assignment had been to make posters about raising awareness of the surge in hate crimes and hate incidents against Asian Americans during the Covid pandemic? Would she rush to the defense of the single student who tore them down because he/she believed the Chinese were responsible for the spread of Covid?
Just occured to me... says
Its like our School board is being run by Cheech and Chong, going up in smoke…
c says
“Extremists start off relatively grounded, like any club there are those that take things too far. The cause becomes a power grab amongst that group. Just the way human beings are.”
Sounds like DeSantis and the Republican Party.
DJ says
Why isn’t anyone filing a malicious destruction of property complaint against the student. This is a clear violation of the Florida statute. If the prosecutor is not willing to take this matter on, I would suggest finding a private attorney to meet this challenge.
Marek says
Willy Boy says
This is the most asinine thing I’ve heard of. The parents of that kid who tore down the posters he was offended by is totally unprepared for what awaits him in the real world. I think some of this attitude may be a result of the “everybody participating gets a trophy” philosophy. God forbid today’s kids’ feelings are hurt and God forbid they lose in a sports competition.
As for Chong and Furry, they need to get a life! One can only imagine the parenting they provide their kids!
Shelly says
People who are”posers” are just jumping on the band wagon looking for validation and approval from others, while trying to find their purpose in life. What is it with safe spaces? Kids don’t need safe spaces, it’s called life, so learn to deal with it. We’re there “safe spaces” for brown and black people? No there wasn’t, so we don’t need them now. Smh
Cathy says
My thought was that the student behavior of ripping down something that “offended” him- is vandalism. The outrage should be that he has no control over himself.
Edith Campins says
What a ridiculous comment. It was an act of vandalism. It doesn’t matter if the poster were there for a day, a week, whatever. He destroyed something that wasn’t his to destroy. I am offended by his actions, do I get to attack
him because I am offended? There are civilized ways to respond to something you don’t like. He needs to be disciplined. By your logic it would be ok for him to attack a teacher if he was offended by their actions, it would be ok to shoot and kill other students that “offended” him. What is unbelievable is that those two school board members are actually excusing his behaviour. Shame on them.
Nancy N. says
It’s pretty clear by now that people like this kid and the governor ARE pretty intent on censoring ideas, discussion, and actual facts when it’s about things that don’t align with their bigotries. Even to the point of erasing actual people from existence.
coyote says
Well, it’s not a ballot issue to vote for , it’s just where I found the starting info regarding recalls on BallotPedia. But someone would have to initiate the process, follow up and be will to keep things rolling.
There’s has to be a way to abort these election mistakes … not just wait till the next elections.
Bailey’s Mom says
Not sure how to respond to this comment…some it it seems relevant but to end it with; “I’m so worried that they don’t actually represent true Christian values, which is so important in public schools.”
Surely you are kidding as Christian values are not important for public schools but religious freedom is along with kindness, diversity and inclusion.
Nancy N. says
You’re making a completely false equivalency. There is a difference between removing things that are offensive because they are bigoted, and removing things because they support equality. The fact that you can’t tell the difference morally between supporting bigotry and supporting equality says a lot.
Sherri S-Sanders says
Agree, he should be charged with a Hate Crime!
Shaking My Head says
You know Chong used high teacher turnover as an excuse for firing our superintendent. The reason there is high turnover is not because of our outstanding superintendent. It is because of people like Chong. Teachers are continually under fire and questioned and disrespected. They teach in fear! Fear of the far right Christians who certainly should not be considered Christian. Christ is not about hate. Christ is about love. I knew Furry would jump on board but held out hope for Hunt whom I know is not homophobic. Well, at least that is what I thought. Now I’m thinking I never really knew her at all.
Bill C says
The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are now taking applications.
Zuffalina says
The demonization of the “other” no matter who/what constitutes the “other” is just another step down the fascist road.
And, being a chartered county/municipality in Florida doesn’t automatically confer the power to recall…you have to adopt a Charter that authorizes that power in specific terms and for specific reasons, which does not seem likely here in Flagler or Palm Coast.
Truly a sorry and terrifying state of affairs here. One can only hope that people remember all of this and exercise the POWER OF THE VOTE…which is a FORMIDABLE POWER. Too many have become complacent.
JimBob says
One hopes that the daughter’s ambivalence about her sexual preferences doesn’t prompt a violent response from her brother in order to preserve his family’s honor. “Honor Killings” are not uncommon among doctrinaire religious practitioners.
Sherry says
@Nancy N. You are most certainly “Right On”, Nancy! Excellent comment!
Deirdre says
Totally sarcasm lol. That’s the point, public schools are not Christian schools, why do school board members feel it’s ok to impose those values on a diverse population that has NOTHING to do with religion? It’s ridiculous, offensive and I thought illegal.
Regardless of personal and spiritual beliefs, PUBLIC schools are for everybody.
The truth in all things should be explored and understood, not covered up. How do school board members have the power to deny out kids an education?
IMYellowstone says
You have to spend a few years teaching in any High School before taking sides in this issue. From my perspective, this kid, like many others, has taken his opportunity to show off his macho instincts. Teachers see this behavior every, single day. Teacher mantra, ‘Pick your battles, you’ll never win the war’.
After watching a student throw a textbook through a glass window, I asked why he did it. He simply said he was tired of reading all this s**t. I frequently heard words and personal threats.
All these behaviors need addressing. It used to be you wrote the kid up and send him to ISS for the day. Parents were told to pony up the cash to replace school property. Now the parents show up and eat more of your time insulting you. Insults based on the false perceptions of their sweet little kid who never acted that way. It had to be my fault. So you let him get away.
In all my experiences, these particular students get away with this tactic all too often. Last time a repeat offender began his bullying, he was sent to ISS, he returned with the administration and was told to remain in class.
The admin felt, ‘It’s better he stay in school than be out in the neighbor destroying things!’. I was amused.
That year I retired.
So says Doctor ISS . . . (You kids know who I am)
Exhausted from Clout Chasers says
Another waste of time and resource for the admin team at FPC because of political nonsense spilling over to the school.
Another attempt by this journalist to spread the false narrative from last year “in contrast, students were suspended from Flagler Palm Coast High School for three days merely for waving pride flags.” 100% false.
If only those reporting would be more responsible and stop perpetrating narratives to lean 1 direction.
Let me help with accuracy and pull out the creative drama from your noted issue last year:
Student did not follow stipulated terms, student pulled out flags, Superintendent (shocker) said no flags, student continued to use bull horn and pass put flags. Student was told to wrap things up when event started to become unsafe, student ignored Admin, student continued to use bullhorn despitr safety warnings, student sent home during investigation, student received referral.
Current issue: student vandalized artwork at school, student should face consequences.
In both instances the Admin team should not feel pressured by “news articles” and or board as they ate to follow code of conduct.
If only the adults from both sides and those who are desperate for the online clout, likes, shares, blue checks, etc. could be more responsible with the nonsense being perpetuated and the time wasted at the expense of the students trying to do the right thing.
oldtimer says
Wahhh, I’m offended by all these people who get offended.
3 Stooges says
I have decided when these 3 newly elected board members decide to run again, I will find their numerous campaign sign up all over Palm Coast because they offend me. Since these cheap plastic signs have little monetary value. I can’t be charged with a crime.
I am offended by their misguided ways, so I can pull down everything that has the name of Chong, Furry, and Hunt.
Just following their logic.
James Mejuto says
I acknowledge and understand many students do not care to walk by political art regarding issues they don’t agree even though its in response to studies they’ve completed and received credit.
So, why doesn’t the school assign particular hall areas where the artwork can be displayed and safe.
JOE D says
As the husband and father of two FORMER public school teachers, you are 100% correct in your assessment of the problem.
Teachers on the front line are not supported, the students ( and even more so the PARENTS) are running the show. Minimal (if any) student accountability:
“My PERFECT child would NEVER do what you are accusing him/her of”…..like the teacher has SO MUCH FREE TIME to MAKE UP things about your “precious “ child….knowing that the follow up paperwork, follow up meeting(s) with the principal(s), and frequently an ABUSIVE confrontation by the parent….by following through with a consequence for inappropriate student behavior, will take HOURS or even DAYS to deal with.
Now do all that on the ridiculous salary Florida teachers are paid ( not even mentioning the new Florida legislature stranglehold on teacher classroom curriculum).
You think you have a teacher shortage now?!?
Oh that’s right, our Fearless Leader in Tallahassee plans on hiring veterans ( nothing against Veterans personally) with absolutely no formal teacher education, no formal classroom management training to fill teacher vacancies indefinitely!!!
James Mejuto says
I’m sorry ‘3 Stooges’ but it’s against the law to damage or destroy candidates’ signs. I understand where you’re coming from but
there is nothing you can do!
Jack says
There is “political art” everywhere in our country. It is not given a designated place. Are you suggesting that we have to hide it or put put it out of sight just in case someone might possibly not like it. It seems like this could go even one step further- like the poor boy -became a vandal because he was visually offened. This kid and his family must be part of the book banning group and obviously do not know about the golden rule.
Exhausted from clout chasers: Wait a minute, I don’t get you, the editor did report on all those things you mentioned about the student, Don’t Say Gay ,protest otherwise you would’nt even have this info right? So where is his reporting inacurate or spreading false info as you say? And bottom line 2 wrongs don’t make a right. I don’t think that this school board feels that they are under pressure because of the editor of Flagler Live and if they do feel pressure as you say that’s their own doings. Your last paragraph does not make any sense at all, what students are you referring to “doing the right thing”? The one doing the vandalism, the ones who posted their artwork, or the ones protesting for their rights? To me the one doing the vandalism did not go about it the right way. The leader of the protest I believe did get reprimanded. So according to you our communities should not know about whats going on in our school system, this feels like what you call a waste of time in the quise of censorship or shutting people down.
JOE D says
The problem with the suggestion of an assigned “Political action hallway” is that MOST teachers are proud to display the hard work of their students mainly for 2 reasons: 1) they want the students to feel good about the hard work they did to complete a THOUGHTFUL and productive assignment. 2) Teachers want other students to see what quality work their class produced! Displaying projects on hallway walls has been a practice for GENERATIONS!
This was not an unsanctioned PROTEST, the students were assigned to discuss areas of civil rights and HISTORICAL events that brought the disparate ideas to light (actually a GENERATION ago)!!!
Almost EVERY classroom rotates assignments that are thoughtful and thought provoking ( although probably not in contemporary Florida at the moment)….you would have to walk OUTSIDE the school to avoid a topic display that might offend someone. That’s what brings about changes in attitudes… OPEN COMMUNICATION ( again , not in current Florida classrooms if the teacher doesn’t want to violate the no gender discussion law, or the Critical Race theory ban against teaching our children the truth about historical CIVIL RIGHTS events)…..I’m old enough to remember them FIRST HAND! The times were not pretty and the circumstances upsetting…but they HAPPENED …..you are doing no good to our children by PRETENDING such historical events didn’t happen!
Discussion of past events, is the ONLY WAY you can attempt to keep them from happening again!
I was sure that by the end of MY GENERATION ( I’m in my late 60’s), racism and prejudice would be well on their way to being footnotes in the history books….but the last 7 years, since the 2016 election, has shown me we are again reliving the 1950’s an 1960’s…..how absolutely SAD for us AND OUR CHILDREN!!!
Dee says
Furry Chong and Hunt are a disgrace worst mistake voting for them
Laurel says
3: I’m with you. Fair is fair!
Mary Fusco says
James, with all due respect, these are young people that should be getting ready to enter the “real” world. A good portion of these high school students can’t do basic math or comprehend what they are reading. Real problems in education are being pushed under the rug. In the real world, no one gives a rats arse about what offends you. According to you, if my neighbor plants flowers I don’t like, I should be allowed to dig them up or he can plant then on the other side of his home where I can’t see them. It’s a big bad world out there and these kids will either sit in their safe room and play video games or deal with it. I am so thankful that both my children and grandchildren are out of this ridiculous so called education system. Kids today are doomed.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
And people are surprised that the racist has problems with posters that are pro civil rights
Sherry says
Thank You Joe D. . . an excellent comment! You are absolutely “Right On”!
Exhaused from clout chasers: Thank you for the clarification and you are spot on when you mention that these 3 school board menbers are injecting their political and personal stance and may I add agenda to what should be normal routine school administration policies and procedures but then again these 3 school board newly elected members will not let any opportunity to inject their political and personal beliefs go unnoticed and they are taken advantage to do so. This should be between the parents and the principle. The mother emails Chong and Furry, fellow Christian and supporter of Chong and Furry, this parent and Chong are the ones who made this even more than political. Can’t take that out on Flagler Live for reporting facts.
3 Stooges says
James, it might be illegal to destroy political signs, does that fit into the the same category as vandalism of artwork and personal property?