We wish Brian McMillan and his family the best, and wish their tormentors less than that, Hurricane Ida’s mean turn for Louisiana, weekend covid testing schedules, John Cheever on John Updike.
Daily Briefing
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 27, 2021
The Sheriff’s in-house attorney resigns after lurid postings surface, Tropical Storm Ida is on its way to becoming Hurricane Ida by Saturday as it heads for the Louisiana coast, Carla Cline on Free for All Fridays, John Updike on selves.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 26, 2021
Palm Coast’s beautification and environmental advisory committee talks public sculptures and sea rise, rezoning listening tour continues at Indian Trails Middle this evening, Edith Wharton talks about the ruts of old age.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 25, 2021
School rezoning listening session at Buddy Taylor Middle School, big-dog adoptions for just $30 at the Humane Society, vaccination clinics at Daytona State College, Ray Warren on truth and the justice system.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
The Palm Coast City Council begins the redistricting process of its voting districts and looks at its budget one final time. Women’s rights in Afghanistan and truth according to Marmontel’s Belisaire.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 23, 2021
Sacco and Vanzetti Memorial Day, the Bunnell City Commission approves an agreement to move its meetings out of leaky City Hall, trial week in felony court, what Roman men were like during the Roman Republic.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 22, 2021
Hurricane Henri gun for Long Island, more heat guns for Palm Coast, Paul Krugman on anti-maskers’ dishonesty, Salman Rushdie on being disliked.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 21, 2021
The Garden Club of Palm Coast seeks new members, new covid restrictions in Flagler schools, the greatest speaker at last Tuesday’s school board meeting you did not get to see, and a few words on Democrats and Republicans from Uncle Willy.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 20, 2021
Flagler County Planning Director Adam Mengel and GoTobin Publisher and Realtor Toby Tobin talk growth on WNZF’s Free for All, Palm Coast reviews cultural arts grants, a scorcher of a day with the heat index reaching toward 108.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 19, 2021
Distant and unthreatening tropical activity, a plea, in the Flagler wilderness, to do the right thing on masking, free testing and vaccine schedules at two locations, Alejo Carpentier on freedom of expression.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 18, 2021
A hearing about a fugitive murderer out of New York in circuit court, Brian McMillan on vaccines, FPL’s rate-hike request, Mohsin Hamid on America’s retro infatuation with flags and uniforms.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 17, 2021
The Palm Coast City Council votes on land use changes and hears about a new partnership for teen programs at the Community Center. The School Board talks legislative priorities and impact fees. A couple of words from Bernard Rustin.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 16, 2021
The East Flagler Mosquito Control District considers expanding its boundaries, the County Commission discusses its budget and the sheriff’s request for additional deputies, Old Kings Road North closes again tonight past Palm Coast Parkway.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 15, 2021
Old Kings Road nightly closures north of Palm Coast Parkway, finishing up a soggy weekend, Sunday covid testing or vaccination hours between 9 and 11 a.m. at the Health Department, a Donald Barthelme observation about good conversation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 14, 2021
Tropical Storm Fred swings west, the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the Marineland History exhibit and Surf Culture Museum, covid testing and vaccinations this weekend.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 13, 2021
UNF Mednexus CEO David Szymanski is on WNZF, it’s “Jumanji: The Next Level,” at Movies in the Park in Palm Coast’s Town Center, and Fred is expected to re-become a tropical storm by evening as it nears the Florida Peninsula.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, July 12, 2021
No Flagler Beach City Commission meeting this evening as a couple of commissioners and the city manager are attending the annual conference of the Flagler League of Cities in Orlando through Saturday. Tropical Storm Fred is threading its way across the northern coast of Cuba.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 11, 2011
Keep an eye out for Fred, the indecisive storm. The Health Department’s two locations for rapid testing and vaccinations are operating from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.–at the county airport and at the department’s headquarters in Bunnell.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 10, 2021
It’s back to school for what the district hopes is 13,000 students or more, almost entirely as as normal. The Palm Coast City Council meets in a long workshop talking on budgeting, garbage, street paving and many other issues.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 9, 2021
The Flagler County Commission debates the sheriff’s request for 15 additional deputies (in addition to the 10 he’s requested from Palm Coast). The reconstituted Bunnell City Commission meets at 7 p.m. Circuit Judge Terence Perkins holds bond, status, and sentencing hearings. A few words from Richard Nixon about his resignation.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 8, 2021
City Repertory Theatre’s “Twisted”, a comic adult musical with adult themes and language, directed by Beau Wade, closes out its run with a 3 p.m. matinee. The Borowitz Report on DeSantis. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings remembered.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, August 7, 2021
The annual Flagler County School District-sponsored Back to School Jam is back this year, at Flagler Palm Coast High School, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Please wear masks. CRT’s “Twisted” is tonight.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, August 6, 2021
City Repertory Theatre’s “Twisted”, a musical directed by Beau Wade, continues its four-day run at City Repertory Theatre in City Marketplace. It’s Hiroshima Day, calling for remembrance.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, August 5, 2021
City Repertory Theatre’s “Twisted” begins its weekend run. Both Buddy Taylor Middle School and Indian Trails Middle School, both under new principals–Cara Cronk at Buddy Taylor, Ryan Andrews at Indian Trails–host student orientation ahead of the new schoolyear starting Aug. 10.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, August 4, 2021
The Canvassing Board of the Palm Coast special election for mayor meets for the last time to conduct a legally-required manual audit of one precinct in the election. A community meeting about Cimarron Drive, and a good word from Ninon de Lenclos.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, August 3, 2021
David Alfin is sworn-in as Palm Coast’s fourth mayor at a 6 p.m. meeting, the council votes on a proposed tax rate, and the School Board meets at 3 p.m. in workshop to discuss a long list of key issues.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, August 2, 2021
It’s Andy Dance’s 58th birthday, shared with that of James Baldwin, the County Commission meets and will likely approve a lease moving the Bunnell Branch library to Marvin’s Garden.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, August 1, 2021
A dangerously hot day with heat indexes up to 109, the Observer interview with John Sbordone and Beau Wade, when majorities become tyrannies. Ann Frank’s last diary entry.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, July 31, 2021
A Celebration of Life for Paul Harrington, the two-time candidate for Flagler Beach City Commission who died on April 14, is scheduled for 4 p.m. today at 210 South Central Avenue in Flagler Beach.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, July 30, 2021
The Palm Coast Canvassing Board meets to go over mail-in ballots and provisional ballots in the special election for mayor, and to announce official results. A word from the Tao Te Ching.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, July 29, 2021
Back-to-school protocols, drug court, thoughts on the heated-up local housing market, and Immanuel Kant on the Enlightenment’s best lesson: think for yourself.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Flagler Beach City Commission members Rick Belhumeur and Jane Mealy have a funny exchange about ethics training, the state Ethics Commission releases its fiundings from a closed-door session Friday that included a discussion of the Milissa Holland case.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, July 27, 2021
It’s the final Election Day in the Palm Coast race for mayor, polls open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., results expected shortly after that. The Palm Coast council meets to discuss its non-general fund categories, and a ground breaking of a Flagler Health Plus village in north Palm Coast.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, July 26, 2021
The Bunnell City Commission appoints two new members to fill out the terms of Bill Baxley and Donnie Nobles, who have resigned. Amin Maalouf on the tolerance of former empires.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, July 25, 2021
A Community Cats adoption event at Pet Supermarket, and kittens in need of fostering at the Humane Society, with a word on the weather by Jenny Offill.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, July 24, 2021
Last day for early voting in the special election for Palm Coast mayor, second day of southern chess championship, first day of competition at the shameless Olympics, with a reminder from Red Smith about the Fields of Friendly Strife.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, July 23, 2021
Next-to-last day for early voting in the Palm Coast mayoral election, Sheriff and fire chief on WNZF, first day of the shameless Tokyo Olympics, Louis Brandeis on free speech.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, July 22, 2021
Flagler Beach commissioners may again discuss the controversial decision to end July 4 fireworks and replace them with New Year’s Eve fireworks. Julian Lucas on Ishmael Reed.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, July 21, 2021
Early Voting Day Five for the special mayoral election in Palm Coast, the Observer’s Brian McMillan sets a smearing politician straight about “fake news,” George Packer on fake constitutionalists.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Early voting in Palm Coast mayoral special election Day four of eight. The Palm Coast City Council meets and will set a tentative property tax rate for next year, and Tom Wicker writes about LBJ’s lack of likability.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, July 19, 2021
Early voting for the Palm Coast mayoral race is in its third day at three locations, the Mosquito Control board meets, the relationship between witchcraft and UFOs.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, July 18, 2021
Palm Coast Little League’s hosting the state championship concludes, and it’s Nelson Mandela’s birthday: ““Let the strivings of us all, prove Martin Luther King Jr. to have been correct.”
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, July 17, 2021
Palm Coast Little League continues to hosts the 2021 Little League Baseball Florida Championships at the Indian Trails Sports Complex, auditions for Neil Simon’s “Rumors” at the Flagler Playhouse.
The Weekend Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, July 16, 2020
Parents’ Nights Out via the Palm Coast Community Center, Teen Chill Zone at the city’s Aquatic Center, auditions this weekend at the Flagler Playhouse for Neil Simon’s “Rumors.”
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, July 15, 2021
A wrongful death case in civil court, Rembrandt’s birthday, and “one of the few things that stands between us and an accelerated descent into darkness”: The Enlightenment.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, July 14, 2021
The joys of living in a state that cares for its residents, Bastille Day, the many pleasures of studying the Enlightenment, and J.D. Vance’s lineage from Flannery O’Connor.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Put your seat belts or HazMat suits on: the Palm Coast City Council meets in workshop this morning at 9 at City Hall, though misbehavior is unlikely: the place will be crawling with top cops: the sheriff is making a pitch for policing in the years ahead.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, July 12, 2021
The Flagler County Commission may settle its differences with Whispering Meadows Ranch and will discuss impact fees, and the Bunnell City Commission will bid farewell to Bill Baxley, the senior-most member of Flagler County’s elected officials, as he retires.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, July 11, 2021
England gets its greatest chance yet to end its 55-year drought of championships in international soccer competition when it meets Italy at Wembley in London at 3 p.m. Palm Coast time, in the final of Euro 2020.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, July 10, 2021
Vaccine resistors, Cathar country for the Tour de France–those heretics the Catholic Church attacked and decimated in one of the forgotten genocides of history–and advice from Flaubert about the inane.