If repealing health care without presenting an alternative is the best thing the new GOP majority can do in an economic crisis, pack up your worries about 2012 right now and congratulate Obama for his second term.
A Night at the Homeless Shelter: From the Eyes of a Volunteer
Charlie Ericksen Jr., a volunteer at Flagler County’s homeless shelter–The Sheltering Tree–describes the refuge on a recent cold night.
My 10 Predictions for 2011
A recap of how I did last year and a look ahead: Obama creeps up, Jon Netts loses, the Supremes overturn health care reform, the fake recovery goes on, Arabs and Israelis go at it again, David Grossman wins big, and a few more.
Prediction Rollovers, I: How 2011 Looked to Henry Ford and Other Psychics in 1931
The New York Times in 1931 asked several luminaries of the period to predict what life would be like in 2011. The results were predictably dismal, but not for obvious reasons. A look back at how little things change.
Happy 2011! A Year-End Report from FlaglerLive Editor Pierre Tristam
A summary of FlaglerLive’s first seven months: some explanation about how we grew to 3,200 visits a day and some speculation as to why, and a look back at the site’s highlights, accomplishments and limitations.
How Sheriff Fleming and FDLE Are Manipulating Press and Public Over Pill Mills
Sheriff Don Fleming on Tuesday led one of of three simultaneous news conferences on prescription-drug related arrests in 10 northeast Florida counties. It was more hype than news, much of it recycled.
Julian Assange’s Greatest Leak: Americans Prefer Their Government Mostly Masked
The case against Julian Assange and Wikileaks is nonexistent, Darrell Smith argues in a column. What case has been built against him unravels the false claim that Americans prefer their government to be transparent.
A Confederacy of Bipartisan Dunces
Obama’s deal with a minority of Republicans over extending tax cuts and adding $900 billion to the national debt is the latest in three decades of bipartisan collusion between Washington and the myth of American power.
Why Fish & Wildlife Commission Is Keeping Strict Limits on Snook Fishing in Florida
Snook fishing was allowed this fall, Fish and Wildlife Chairman Rodney Barreto writes, but all harvesting of the fish in Florida waters will end from Dec. 15 until at least next September to better protect stock and spawning.
In Praise of Wikileaks: Undressing The Scams and Shams of Government Secrecy
With rare exceptions, it’s never been true that secrecy protects national security or interests. Rather, secrecy damages both, often with costly, lethal consequences. That’s why Wikileaks is an indispensable service to democracy.