Seagate Homes is building a $288,000 single-family, 1,800-square-foot house at 131 Bud Hollow Drive. It is one of the scores of houses rising in Palm Coast’s ongoing construction boom. The pep tank was installed in May. The roof was installed in spring. A city inspector tested the sewer for proper gravity in mid-June. The system passed. Construction is ongoing.
Adam (*) is a 13-year-old boy who lives a mile away, across the canal on Bickwick Lane. He was bored earlier this week, so he went to the house on Bud Hollow Drive, clogged the two toilets, and flooded the place with what ended up being an inch-deep worth of water. He also took a selfie video of himself vandalizing the toilets and laughing about it, according to another boy to whom Adam showed the video, and who spoke with Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies about it.
Wednesday morning, the construction manager went to the site on Bud Hollow Drive, unlocked the door, and discovered the house was flooded. The flushing mechanism in both toilets had been disabled. The toilets were stuffed with blue plastic wrap. A deputy conducted his own inspection, confirming the damage, which the area manager for Seagate Homes estimates at $25,000.
Deputies canvassed the B-Section neighborhood for potential witnesses or cameras, with no success, until the sheriff’s communications office got a call from an anonymous tipster. The tipster said her son told had seen two boys–Adam and someone else–near the house in question before it was vandalized. Based on the information given to the agency, only Adam had gone into the house.
Deputies, through what they refer to as “investigative means,” determined that the the boy who entered the house was Adam. They went to his house. Adam was there, as was the boy to whom Adam had shown the video. That boy told deputies he was not involved in the vandalism–only in viewing the video. As deputies were speaking with the boy, Adam was taking pictures of them. But deputies believe that’s when Adam deleted the video of the vandalism.
Adam’s father consented to his son being interviewed by police. Adam told deputies that the house on Bud Hollow is constantly being broken into by juveniles, and that it was already flooded when he went in there. He said he’d gone to the house to wait for a friend there, but wouldn’t specify who. After speaking with his parents, Adam confessed to the break-in, saying he was bored–and that he deleted the video he’d taken of himself in the house.
He was charged with burglary, a felony, criminal mischief and trespassing on a construction site, but as a juvenile (only the State Attorney can ratify and up the charges), processed at the county jail and turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice for processing there, before he was returned to his parents. If convicted, he is likely to serve probation, but he or his guardians may be liable for a hefty restitution bill, though they may contest the amount.
“Homes under construction can be a place for kids to loiter and get into trouble, especially over the summer,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. “Parents need to be the Sheriff of their home and make sure their kids know not to hangout or damage homes under construction. If they do, they will be arrested, and the parents can be held responsible for paying for the damages their child does.”
(*) The name is a pseudonym.
Brian says
Here’s an idea – quit buying children smartphones and buy them baseball gloves and footballs.
Jimbo99 says
The beauty of drywall is that they can run dehumidifiers for a a few days to a week in that place and that will suck out all of the moisture & dry out the walls. That’s if the toilets are single level house & not a multi-story. This type of service.
Lance Carroll says
Dehumidifiers doesn’t stop the mold from growing. Much larger issue than just removing the moisture. Also issue of cabinetry, interior doors, baseboard system, etc., if installed before vandalism.
Fl local says
Correct, Flagler counties only locally owned and operated restoration company is on site.
Glad to use Seagate using local businesses!!
Lance Carroll says
I was only guessing….
I’m good at guessing.
Uncle Paul says
Unless the toilets was full of diarria
TR says
On one hand I believe that Adam will grow up to be a plumber. I doubt there are many 13 year olds that know how to disassemble a toilet.
On the other hand Adam needs to be punished beyond probation. Age shouldn’t play a role in the punishment. That doesn’t teach him anything about what he did wrong. IMO
If the punishment is a little harsher right from the first offense, then maybe these kids that get caught breaking the law would learn a lesson and not go on to doing more bad things that continue to get worse. I hope the parents or guardian have to pay the entire amount for the repair and not a penny less.
This is a perfect example of how stupid some people can be by bragging about what they do. Glad he was caught.
Atwp says
Very young. Will he get punished? I hope so. Will the parents pay th e bill ?
Wow says
If he gets a minimum wage job now maybe he can pay it off in 10 years. My parents used to say Sure – you can do what you want, but remember actions have consequences. Will he face consequences?
Land of no turn signals says says
You have to understand the poor child was board.So I would have him clean up all of the job sites for 5 hours a day at all of Seagates building sites until the damage is payed for.
Atwp says
Agree no Christmas gifts for years. Perhaps this will teach him a good lesson. Unwise actions should equal unwanted consequences.
Feddy65 says
Parents need to responsible for damages, charge them as accessories then nYbe they might take a interest in their young children’s life such as who they hang out with, their locations and ensure they have some sort of structure.
W says
He should have to partipate in the clean-up and have his phone taken away, and I agree with what TR wrote.
Celia Pugliese says
Schools are out and some parents do not monitor their kids. Was few days ago reported in the Palm Harbor area of Palm Coast meaning around the Palm Harbor Golf Course section that several houses and cars in driveways were pelted with eggs (kind of expensive vandals tools I would say) several affected neighbors said the sheriff investigators found the kids that did it. A car paint can get damage with dried egg on it overnight, as the vandals did it in the evening. I see in our block young teens going out in their bikes past 9.30 PM after gathering with a couple of kids that come from across the Palm Harbor Golf Course from the Courtney Lane area. When I raised my kids they were to be inside by 7 or 8 pm or as soon starts getting dark…as is also a safety issue for them to be out loitering, playing or riding bikes after dark and nit as visible in traffic. Also while playing baseball in the wrong place at 8 years old in Raleigh NC, my son was accused to be the one in the group to hit and break a window…We did not witness but we fairly had to pay for it and was an expensive “picture window” while back then we didn’t earn big pays. Needles to say that we were not aware that they were playing in a non permitted area, or would have stop it! So lets be aware of kids activities around us.
Geezer says
Florida charging guidelines:
– White – bored kid, juvenile misadventure, a victim of affluenza. Sue the builder for leaving the property accessible.
– Black or Hispanic= willful malicious and felonious activity. Charge as an adult.
– Asian= Was doing math homework and forgot to turn off the water. Charges dropped.
– Developmentally disabled= Throw the book at him/her.
The Geode says
You must have used “Asian kids” to cover your ass and seem less racist because the odds of an “Asian kid” doing this are so remote, it’s not worth mentioning. The kid (and his parents) are being punished and you are STILL saying, “What if the kid was black”? I don’t get it. Also, if the kid was Black (Hispanic kids are a pretty long shot, too), there would most likely be an excuse than a reprimand. Let’s not kid ourselves. I get so tired of this disingenuous and contrived “look at me, I’m not a racist” and extremist clap-trap from you people. If this is your way of thinking that you are helping us …STOP HELPING US!
A.j says
Geode what are u saying?
The Geode says
I didn’t think that it needed interpretation, but I will throttle it down for you.
People like this person do us NO favors patting us on the head and thinking that we would be treated any differently for the same crime when we get away with much more egregious crimes daily. Also, the kid was ALREADY punished and he still made it into a race thing as if a black kid would be punished but a white kid wouldn’t. Nope. We don’t need excuse-makers. We do enough of that by ourselves. I hate it when white people “champion” us when we don’t. Fuck that. I know some of us to like to drink from the “slop trough” because it’s easier than building your own clean well, so you see nothing wrong with sitting back and allowing people who don’t look like you to treat you like a pet. Also, the odds are remote that an Asian kid was involved – they believe in discipline and shame. Hispanics to a much lesser degree but we both know what “time it is” when it comes to the lack of discipline and structure. White kids? They will do stupid shit for the hell of it without malice or thinking it was a prank …or simply dumb as hell. I don’t know.
What I do know is that civil rights marching and fighting was/were absolutely futile. They lost their lives fighting for opportunity and being judged by the content of their character. Instead, we rather suckled from the teat of those you claim that you hate …and the Pasty Liberal Whites pat us on the head like “special needs children” that need a binky. There. Clear enough?
Geezer says
I’m not helping you, since I don’t give a shinola what you think.
So it can be said that I never embarked upon helping you.
I can’t stop something which I haven’t done.
“Black. Conservative. Opinionated. Sarcastic”
Your words, your self-indictment.
Go Dolphins!
Sherry says
@Geode. . . Stop! Just Stop!
Stop “assuming” (making an ass out of you and me) that anyone pointing out the injustice of “White Supremacy” is disingenuous and contrived. You don’t know what is in the hearts and minds of those commenting in this way. I do know Geezer just a bit, and I can tell you he is a forth right man who speaks his truth. . . always!
The same for me, and a hand full of others who comment here regularly.
You sound like a very, very angry racist yourself with such a rant. I’ll continue to do my best to hope that is not the case. I’ll continue to fight for justice and equality in any way I can. . . whether you like it or not. In any case, can we just try to be just a little more open minded and respectful of one another? Please stop going off on those who really care.
scootrhead says
I agree with some other comments. Being punished should include him having to physically do the work. Instead of the kids having his phone taking away and being in trouble, punish him by making him do the clean up and then teaching him how to repair everything. Make him learn how hard it is to make something rather than destroy it and not only will it be a punishment but also a learning experience. Maybe this can be turned around and he will learn a skill and understand what he did wrong and why is was stupid.
Have the parents sell his phone to help pay for the repair and then they can figure out the rest of the costs and have them pay and then have him work that balance off. Obviously if he has that much time to destroy he can take that time to rebuild and use that time to work.
Although I think what he did was wrong in every aspect, I also do think charging him with a Felony that will affect the rest of his life is a little harsh. I mean put it on his record, make him pay, make him work but let’s not start out by limiting him automatically at 13. That is going to nothing but put a negative aspect on his life. He wouldn’t be able to vote, join the military or get a good job. I agree it was wrong, but I also think at that age we should think of a second chance and let him know this is your one and only chance. After that, then ok, you take it from there. Just my thoughts.
Wow says
Well thought out. I agree.