Cleaning out my four kitties’ shitboxes Friday night after a day of reckoning with our president’s senility and our Supreme Court’s rabid reversion to 1924, it occurred to me that Joe Biden is our Ahab, Trump is his Moby Dick, and we’re all on the Pequod, at the mercy of two suicide bombers chasing our doom. It’s one of the paradoxes of Melville’s great American novel—that celebration and eulogy for America—that the story doesn’t end well. He saw it then. Who but the blindest Pangloss doesn’t see it now?
I did not watch the debate Thursday. Reading a headline and the top three paragraphs of a news article Friday morning and watching the first 10 minutes of it this morning was enough to realize, like when Jason Robards slumps over in his car as a whatever megaton bomb detonates over Kansas in “The Day After,” that something had gone terribly wrong. But it wasn’t a surprise. It’s as if a Cat 5 were to wipe out Flagler Beach and Palm Coast. We’d be shocked, grieved, demoralized. We wouldn’t be surprised. This is what Emergency Management has been warning us for years to prepare for.
Biden’s emergency management team has known all along that Biden out of his protective cocoon was a catastrophe waiting to happen. Biden himself knew it when in 2019 he wisely saw himself as a one-term president. And what a president he would have been. Restoring the country to health, literally and morally, after Trump’s four-year demolition derby, bringing back dull but effective governance over sycophantic know-nothing narcissism, then ceding the way to the next fresher presidency while he designs the first presidential library on a rolling Amtrak train.
Any presidency has its failings. Biden hasn’t lacked for any from Kabul to Gaza to that brief burst of inflation. Even George Washington was a slow-witted, vainglorious, slaveholding failed farmer and mediocre general who, as Daniel Boorstin reminds us, “was destined to a stature in death which he had never attained in life.” Too bad Biden can’t run on posterity’s judgment. It will be kinder.
What matters now is November 5. A few days ago–and still today, because it hasn’t caught up yet–538’s aggregate of polls had Biden slightly ahead of Trump again, after dropping behind for a while. In coming days the aggregate for Biden will probably look like Down Jones’s graph after the Great Crash of October 1929, or like this:
Biden won’t win. He can’t win. He has lost Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona and Georgia. Even if he holds on to Pennsylvania he loses. Even if he holds on to Pennsylvania and Nevada he still loses. What was a likelihood a few days ago is now a mathematical certainty. If Biden stays in the race, Trump is the next president.
At least we won’t have to worry about an armed rebellion by zombified January Sixers the night of Nov. 5, just a kind of thuggish reality-show autocracy resuming on Jan. 20, this time with most of the judiciary and Congress domesticated. The Heritage Foundation can get to work enacting its Project 2025 in goose step with Trump’s Agenda47, a pair of blueprints that would end democracy as we know it. We’ll be more like a blend between Victor Orban’s Hungary and Sharia law, though our own DeSantistan and the recolonization of Oklahoma as a theocracy have us on the way there.
Biden has a choice. Let it happen, or step aside and let Democrats take the kind of gamble Emmanuel Macron is taking in France: if the extremist right wants in, make a fight of it. Democrats have always had choices that don’t include Kamala Harris, whose vice presidency has managed to be as irrelevant as “the shuffling, do-nothing” presidency of James Buchanan (to quote Frederick Douglass). The choices are these: Gavin Newsom of California, and “that woman from Michigan,” as Moby Dick likes to call Gretchen Whitmer.
Newsom and Whitmer are relative toddlers compared to the two meshuga Methusalas now flapping around. Newsom is 56, Whitmer is 52. Imagine that: she was born right before Nixon’s plumbers burglarized the DNC’s offices at the Watergate and the same year Trump inherited his daddy’s company.
Between the two it’s a political no-brainer. For all his charisma, his smarts, governance as good as his teeth and the fact that we’ve never had a “Gavin” in the White House, Newsom’s got too many liabilities for this particular campaign. For starters, he’ll be too busy arresting 200,000 homeless Californians his mollycoddling liberalism allowed to multiply and that the Supreme Court has now declared to be either non-persons or–if they insist on acting human by sleeping–criminals.
“I survived a recall” is not the best campaign slogan for Newsom even when running against a lying sack of felonies. And if we’re counting electoral votes–which is all this is about, really–California would vote for a Democrat even if he were… well, Joe Biden. It’s a politically useless state in this year’s calculus. California’s only electoral value is giving even a comatose Biden a win of the popular vote as he crashes to defeat by 300 electoral votes.
As for Whitmer, “I survived a kidnapping by Trump’s brownshirts” is a terrific campaign slogan. It may not have the snappiness of “I Like Ike” or the optimism of “Happy Days Are Here Again,” but psychotically disordered times call for someone who’s known psychos firsthand. All seriousness aside, Whitmer is the only Democratic governor with the kind of stellar governance and electoral record she’s pulled off since 2019.
Biden has been hemorrhaging young voters, women voters and Black voters. She would recapture all three and add the Arab-American and Muslim voters who have deservedly abandoned Biden since he signed off on Israel’s genocide in Gaza. She would obviously get Michigan’s 15 electoral votes and with that Midwestern accent of hers would seduce Wisconsin back in and probably put Iowa in play. She’d re-energize moribund Democrats, who’ve had no one nowhere this bracing since Obama (though Obama’s re-endorsement of Biden Friday puts Obama’s mental acuity in question). She would have Trump running so scared that he’d be the one for the Wile E. Coyote clip above.
Meanwhile Biden digs in as petulantly as Ahab dug his ivory leg into the Pequod’s cursed deck. We thought Trump was all narcissistic blubber. Biden’s narcissism is worse, because Biden knows he’s going for mutually assured destruction: he loses, Trump wins, we all lose.
So it is no longer Trump who is the greatest danger to the country, at least not now. It is Biden who, by placing himself–haltingly, decrepitly, pathetically–above the nation’s welfare, is knowingly making Trump’s win a certainty. It is premeditated folly. And if the Democratic Party allows it, it has no more claim to legitimacy going forward than its suicidal forebears of the Confederacy.
Pierre Tristam is the editor of FlaglerLive.
Wow says
Very weird to me that the national press talks only about Biden’s halting presentation and not on Trump’s obvious lies and incoherence. If asked to choose between a “well-meaning older gentleman” with cognitive issues or a lunatic, pathological liar, dictator-wannabe, which seems less dangerous?
Reallynow says
Well meaning? Forgetting about the 13 soldiers that died in Afghanistan? Joe Biden is not well meaning. Trump is. He actually cares about securing our border.
Tired of it says
Then why didn’t he do it while he was in office? What is his actual plan for doing what no other president Republican or Democrat has been able to do? If he cared about the border why did he have his minions vote against the bi partisan border bill?
JC says
Because Dems interfered relentlessly to stop him from building that wall. You were all painting him as a racist for trying to build it and cheering their interference on. That bill would have done nothing to actually fix the border and it would have prevented the next president from having the power to do anything it was total BS. Can’t expect Dems to do their homework though can we? Just blindly believe the media lies.
Dan says
I live on the border the wall won’t work. You want to stop illegal immigration take away the jobs. Pass e-verify and process all workers through federal database and prosecute employers for hiring them. No one wants to fix it. Just use it as a wedge issue. Walk not only solution and it’s a crappy one too.
Raj Engineer says
Only with the help of Mexico borders can be controlled
Crystal says
Exactly!!! And it’s funny how they keep bringing up how trump lied bc they have nothing else to say about him lol. The only people Biden cares about are the illegals. Trump puts Americans first!
Laurel says
Crystal: There is nothing else to say about Trump, other than his chronic lying, because that’s all he has. Well, we could add that he’s a grifting, hate filled, sexual deviant. Why is that okay with you? The man has no substance.
Do tell, during the debate (debates are supposed to be won with facts) Trump was asked three times what he would do about child care. What was his answer?
Matt says
68 soldiers died in action during trumps term.
Me says
Don’t forget he called them losers.
Deborah Coffey says
Name one war that had fewer casualties upon American withdrawal. ONE. I’ll wait….
Joe D says
Biden had the Afghanistan withdrawal deadline (way too short) set by DONALD TRUMP, right before Trump knew he was going to be out of office. Trump made a PROMISE of that RIDICULOUS deadline, which he KNEW was going to make it nearly IMPOSSIBLE for Biden to meet with almost no time for planning. Trump dropped this “parting gift” (that was SARCASM) into Biden’s lap! Biden couldn’t then extend to a longer deadline for a more planned withdrawal ( he was BOUND by the VINDICTIVE “promise” Trump made, knowing that Trump himself was not going to have to keep that promise.
We are lucky it wasn’t a total BLOOD BATH…but the former president has SAVED that blood bath for a SECOND January 6th…if he’s not elected
Sgt Castle says
You are missing the entire point.
Biden had already renegotiated the withdrawal deadline once and could have continued to do so. Regardless, after the Taliban had violated the cease fire, the DOHA agreement was null and void. Biden was under no obligation to pull out at all and should not have pulled out until the country was stabilized from collapse.
Allowing the country to be captured has allowed the Taliban and ISIS to rebuild. Its the greatest US military debacle since the fall of Saigon.
Jim says
Trump negotiated the deal with the Taliban that required the USA to remove all our troops and Biden complied with that negotiation. The Afghan troops quit almost immediately because they had no faith in their own government and the Taliban just walked in. I think the administration should have seen that coming and I don’t defend Biden on that.
However, if you want to make that your pitch to diss Biden, let me point out that Trump told the country not to worry about the Covid pandemic, proposed people drinking bleach and putting lights in their bodies to kill Covid and oversaw the deaths of nearly 1M Americans during his administration. And I could go on and on about other Trump accomplishments (such as his “tax cut” which benefited the rich while doing nothing for most of us).
But you keep on following the Orange Jesus to the promised land. Another four years of that piece of crap may well finish off the USA as a democracy.
SGT Castle says
You have got to start fact checking yourself better.
Trump never told anyone to drink bleach or put lights in their body to kill Covid. This was already fact checked as false:
Chantel says
Does anyone remeber the violent riot that idiot Trump instigated! He is a fat pig(using his words) that is a lying, cheating criminal who has no concern for the country or the people who live in it. He has his own agenda revenge but he has nothing to be vengeful about no one did anything to his senile old toilet talking lying con. He is evil and a self serving wanna be Putin. He is truly sick in the head plus has dementia if you research him you will find out he is an insecure baby man that lies and cheats to get by. Why do you think he refused to show his taxes. He needs to finally be held accountable for his wrong doings so very many……. Trump did tell people to drink bleach I heard it on national tv. This site is so biased. Why dont you get more than one view. The truth hurts but the truth will set you free!w
heather barnes says
Trump is for no one who isn’t trump. That billionaire doesn’t give two craps about you, or border security. He only cares about winning this election.
Ray says
You really are lost in the Magaverse. You need help. Trump is the most vile disgusting candidate to ever run for a 2nd term. You’re willing to sell the country and democracy out to a man who will Doom us all. You’re a wackjob.
edg says
Which is why he told Johnson to tank the border bill right? Because Trump really cares about the border.. The only one you’re fooling is yourself..
And let’s talk Afghanistan. Trump dictated the plan, set the timetable, did not include the elected Afghan government in the talks, and then dropped the troops from 8500 to 2500. When he was advised against it, he said “leave it for the next guy”.
Stop watching Fox and get a little woke in your diet…
FlaPharmTech says
Strongly agree with you. I’m rather disenchanted with our press, and this from a former newspaper girl.
John says
They write these articles to manipulate the public. I even see chat GTP bots defending Trump online. It’s crazy how people fall for this kind of stuff.
Steve says
Well get ready for lying sack of felonies in the Oval office. We’re doomed.
Chantel Sieh says
I agree Trump is the senile, EVIL, OLD, letch dirtbag! He is the biggest liar , CHEAT , cheap , mysogonist, impeached, CRIMINAL. He instigated a violent riot at the capitol. He doesnt know the national anthem. He is a crook. Did I mention he is a creep and LIAR.! He is a horrible business man , narcissist loser! He stole documents from the WH ! My gosh what is wrong with these people that they dont see what an evil bastard he is. Either they only watch the slimey fox news or just greedy thinking about their money and taxes and dont care about humanity and their childrens children s future! You should be ashamed of your sick selves! He has the worst character and morals on the planet! He doesnt even have a platform! He talks of flushing toilets, drinking bleach, sharks and batteries. He wants immunity and revenge. What revenge is beyond me nobody did anything to him. He is the one that has done evil, cruel inhumane stuff! He separated children from their parents if that isnt sick and evil and you would vote for that you are just as evil and sick as his ugly, fat piece of shit ass! Anyone who votes for him should be ashamed because you dont care about your family. community or this country just your money! If you are republican that doesnt mean you have to vote republican! I dont know how anyone could want this devil on earth to rule and dictate their lives he doesnt care about you or anyone he just wants to fleece your money like all the crooks he brought into his admin. Bannon that gross thief stole money from fb like trump with his fake university! Read up Republicans supporting Trump be aware of the disgusting bully that has no character that lies, cheats . steals, divides and negatively rants on and talks about toilets! That is exactly where this country will go if you vote for him into a no agenda, no medical ins, venegeful , no social security,evil all around nightmare even for the greedy billionaire Republicans! But I am not worried I believe good will prevail over evil this time around! It did before when Joe Biden was nominated as our great President!!!!!!! Dumb dumpy Trumpy will go done in history as worst, dumbest president ever! I am proud of our country and I want it to thrive not die!
Goger smithenson says
U described biden well, the lying, hypocrite, crook, moron
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Remember when the Democratic Party forced Biden down the throats of its electorate by cancelling primary elections in Florida? This could have been avoided by allowing choice but no, the Democratic power structure saw this guy as their solution to whatever the GOP was going to offer. Biden isn’t the greatest danger to this country, and neither is Trump. The greatest danger is the power structure in place that forced those choices on the american people.
melly says
This, all day long! The elder-abuse advocates at the DNC better understand that if the Democrats don’t get rid of Biden, there will absolutely be a President Trump. And the Democrats brought this on themselves.
What were they thinking? WERE they thinking? All those stupid stories about “ballot fraud”, do they think they’d pull that off again, assuming they did four years ago? That’s a big, fat NO there. Maybe they did or didn’t do that in 2020, but God help them if they actually try something like that this time.
Thing is, they brought this on themselves for *some reason*. Meantime, I want to see our editor–and all good journalists–ask WHO IS REALLY IN CHARGE HERE?
Because it’s not that guy on the stage Thursday night. That was an abomination. And don’t even get me started about “elder abuse”. That business at the end? Our First Lady is a MONSTER. Full stop.
heather barnes says
Honestly, I don’t give a flying fig if it’s not biden that’s “in control”. Record breaking unemployment. The lowest inflation rate of the g7. The US economy for the first time in 40 years has outpaced China’s economy. We’re at almost five percent gpd growth. I could go on & on. I’d vote for anyone controlled by these so called handlers. Just goes to show biden was alot better at hiring the best people.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
$1 in 2020 is worth $1.21 today. You should do some research on unemployment that extends beyond Whitehouse propaganda.
Chantel says
Does anyone remeber the violent riot that idiot Trump instigated! He is a fat pig(using his words) that is a lying, cheating criminal who has no concern for the country or the people who live in it. He has his own agenda revenge but he has nothing to be vengeful about no one did anything to his senile old toilet talking lying con. He is evil and a self serving wanna be Putin. He is truly sick in the head plus has dementia if you research him you will find out he is an insecure baby man that lies and cheats to get by. Why do you think he refused to show his taxes. He needs to finally be held accountable for his wrong doings so very many…….
RobdaSlob says
If there was ever a case of someone stuck on dial-up while the rest of society is racing around at 8000 Mbps on Google Fiber it is Joe Biden.
Don’t panic we still have 4 more month of audio abuse from these two old fools before we can get our internet free of their blather.
A right to be worried says
Right at time moment, I do not care who is running against Trump it could be Mickey Mouse. I would vote for anyone but Trump. So yes, Biden still has my vote.
Deborah Coffey says
And mine, too. I’d vote for his corpse over the scum that is Donald Trump.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
FlaPharmTech says
Ditto here, too.
Vote blue says
Ditto as well.
melly says
Wow. That’s bold, voting for a wild card. You guys are nuts. Vote for Kennedy if you can’t vote for Trump. If enough of you do that, Trump won’t get in, because the whole thing will get thrown to Congress. And ain’t no way they’re picking Trump!
USE YOUR HEADS! What if you end up with Gavin Newsome? You’ll see him Californicate all over the entire country. OMG, what a slimeball. A chicken in every priveleged pot (only) and poop on every lawn. Can’t wait for that!
Michael Krietemeier says
My vote too
Same here. I will take an old honest man with a proven record of presidential leadership over a lying traitorous con man intent on destroying our Democracy any day of the week!
Flatsflyer says
If the Phoney Christians continue to support Trump the United States as we have know it is over. Anyone who continues to support, approve and vote this lying criminal terroist will forever be a Christian in Name Only. Nobody who can think for themselves and believe in the 10 Commandments and Bible cannot continue be a party to the destruction of America.
JW says
Excellent opinion Pierre. Did not see the debate either but never believed in debates on TV to begin with. Picked up a message on the internet: “If you don’t live in the US, please turn the debate off. This is our our private family humiliation, and we’d all prefer you not stare”.
Looking from the outside in, Biden lost it when hugging Netanyahu in October.
So, let’s move forward: I agree, the best option is Gretchen Whitmer. She can beat the incomprehensible “Apprentice in Wonderland”. As a smart woman, she will get under the skin of this ignorant candidate and that is what we need! But please wake up, it is all a question of education of the American public NOW.
Deborah Coffey says
I don’t think so…
Steve Kornacki
February ’24 Ipsos poll conducted for the group With Honor:
Kamala Harris 33-53%
Pete Buttigieg 30-28%
Gavin Newsom 23-34%
Gretchen Whitmer 18-18%
Bill C says
It’s interesting how bad Biden did in the debate and then hours afterward President Joe Biden delivered an energetic campaign speech in North Carolina. The debate format was stupid (agree with Lawrence O’Donnell). No President makes decisions alone in a vacuum without the input of highly competent advisors. Trump relies on his own megalomaniacal ego to reach conclusions and ignores experts, be they Generals, scientists, economists, health experts, etc. True, Biden may not go down in history as the greatest President, but certainly Trump will go down as one of the worst. So, keep Biden and have Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer as candidate for Vice President. Kamala Harris is a great person but just doesn’t have the charisma to persuade.
Pat stote says
I love, Lawrence O’Donnell. He also said that televised debates have no redeeming value (my words not his).
Pat Stote says
I agree about Kamala. The president needs a much stronger vice president and Kamala just doesn’t have it. She’s just not strong
Local double taxpayer says
He had a teleprompter in his after party speech. It’s been brought up several times.
Laurel says
Local: I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. When you have an honest person and a dishonest person, they play by two different sets of rules. President Biden was stunned (he shouldn’t have been) by Trump’s endless lying. Lying is not part of a real debate. Trump doesn’t answer debate questions, he just rambles on with his own, prepackaged, obnoxious bullshit. The teleprompter is not a consideration.
Goodbye America says
Staring at the teleprompters and screaming like an incoherent fool is hardly an energetic speech. This site is an anti American POS. Biden is not running the country and lies more than trump. He destroyed America and there is no turning back thanks to idiots like you. Enjoy the bright lite and blast that will be coming soon you morons.
Laurel says
Goodbye: Wow! Spoken like an amygdala study. President Biden never screamed, and you know it (you sound hysterical). President Biden does not lie more than Trump, and if you truly believe he does, you should turn off the Fox Entertainment, Newsmax, OAN and so on, and go off to meditate in a cave somewhere, because you have been influenced in a very negative direction.
If you want to stay on the TV set, start watching money shows. The economy is doing very well. America is not “destroyed” as you say, and calling half of your fellow citizens “idiots” simply shows that you have turned into someone who has no idea of what is really going on.
heather barnes says
Most of these people believe that trumps office on the apprentice was his real office. Have you seen the adult diapers some of his supporters are wearing at his rally? They have trumps face on them,lol
Bill C says
Very paranoid.
Deborah Coffey says
Well, right now, Biden ranks as 14th best president by over 100 historians and political scientists that annually rank presidents. Trump is 2nd to last according to them in that same ranking.
Deirdre says
I’m so glad Biden bombed at the debate because he needs to be replaced and people weren’t having that conversation a few days ago.
A decent candidate should be WAY ahead in the polls against a convicted criminal, except for the MAGA crowd, Trump isn’t exactly popular either!
His lies are so ridiculous it’s hard not to laugh, like babies being aborted after they’re born. If this wasn’t someone that could have their finger on the button the whole thing would be hilarious. If he could have kept his crazy under control he would’ve won this debate by a landslide. All Biden had to do was look alive and that didn’t work out.
I really intended to watch the debate closely but I couldn’t even keep my eyes open, it was so boring and stupid, these guys sound like a couple of middle school kids insulting each other. I don’t remember petty insults being thrown around at presidential debates when I was growing up, people were at least civil and demonstrated some self control. I know you are but what am I? I wish they would cut the malarkey.
I would literally choose practically any other Democrat, except Kamala and Hillary who would both lose. I want someone who can stand up to Netanyahu before we have World War III, and prevent this war from spreading like wildfire.
Every issue from the economy, abortion, the environment to immigration etc. needs to be addressed obviously, but I see this worldwide political unrest as the most pressing problem.
People are so stressed out that Mexicans can get past the border that they’re ignoring the real threats, such as Russian nuclear subs being parked off our coast.
None of the other stuff will matter if we don’t get that under control, I don’t think people realize just how serious this current situation is. We should all be building bombs shelters, especially Floridians being so close to Cuba.
It’s not just some ‘standard’ political unrest in the Middle East, it’s not just another genocide, everything is pointing toward a world war.
Israel is about to get its ass kicked, what are we going to do when that happens, since we don’t have any actual red lines and our dedication to them as ironclad? Iron rusts.
Plus, regardless of any political ideology, does any American really want to continually finance other countries wars with our tax money?
If Trump gets back in we’re all screwed. It feels like we’re pretty close to nukes being used, and a Trump win could literally mean the end of the world, he’s not known for his diplomacy, and he loves other dictators!
America is hardly a perfect democracy, but I don’t want to see any more of the freedoms we still enjoy end because we have a dictator filled with vengeance in the White House.
To ensure a win, the candidate might have to fall into certain stereotypes, and I hate to say it but Americans don’t seem to want a woman in charge of the country. I didn’t expect a black man to be elected president either though. Democrats are afraid to get rid of Harris because she does fit into the woman of color category. No way she’ll win, she isn’t popular for multiple reasons but she reflects Biden’s policies so it wouldn’t be a fresh choice. I personally couldn’t care less what someone looks like, I’d like to have a woman to possibly represent more of my values, but we can’t take any chances against Trump, we need a sure thing.
Newsom is the name that’s comes up the most and we don’t have time to sort out all the alternatives, if it was me I’d choose Bernie all day long but that’s not going to
happen. In this case someone that’s towards the center is going to be more successful than a progressive.
I’ve been sending Biden daily emails for months asking him to step down and to cut Israel off, maybe he’ll get more pressure to step down now because he sure as hell doesn’t want to put the brakes on this horrific genocide. Based on that alone he’s out of his damn mind. It would be nice to have a president with some common sense, and a love of humanity that’s more important than big PAC money and the munitions industry.
Millions of people could be killed in the Middle East and he could put an end to it with one phone call, and cut off the money and weapons. He won’t no matter what! Can you imagine if the situation was flipped and the Palestinians in Gaza were doing what the Israelis are currently doing to them? There wouldn’t be any question about it being genocide then.
Israel wouldn’t be picking a fight with all its neighbors except they plan on having a Trump win and the whole thing will be financed, including American boots on the ground. They already have most of the American politicians in their pocket and don’t even appreciate Biden ‘s financing of this ethnic cleansing, with no limits, since he is a dedicated Zionist.
He’s taken more AIPAC money over the years than any other politician.
When I voted for him I thought I was electing a president for America, not a special friend for Israel that would put their extremist murderous foreign government first.
Might at least ask Netanyahu to open the borders for a minute so little kids don’t starve to death, with mountains of food and other humanitarian supplies sitting there a couple miles away for months.
These people don’t have much time left, I wish we could get rid of Biden immediately.
They can start using our bombs in Lebanon now, since every bit of infrastructure is destroyed in Gaza, and although it takes a little longer people will still die of starvation so mission accomplished. At least the wheels are in motion now, so that gives me a little hope.
I’m hoping these Israeli people themselves will get rid of him, he’s destroying their country, I wouldn’t want to take a vacation there! Israel’s going to be a pariah state for many years even if the atrocities ended today. The government has destroyed them, the economy is collapsing, and people are leaving in droves.
Judy Barfell says
Absolutely false!
Pogo says
@Sinwar will save you
…just keep repeating.
Old Guy says
I wish we had two moderate 50 something candidates to choose from but since we don’t I’m voting for the non insurrection party candidate. Based on Pierre’s comments in another article, my wife and I are reregistering from NPA to REP so we can vote for more moderate candidates in the two local races with the sham write in candidates.
The Sour Kraut says
At least if Biden is re-elected, he will be surrounded by well educated professionals who will run things in the background. If Trump wins, what is left of our great democracy will be ground down to dust.
Dave says
That’s what’s wrong now. His puppet masters got the cost of living all wrong, interest rates are way up on people’s credit cards , Food prices out of control, home prices have fallen 6.5 percent compared to a year ago, medical insurance rates are up, Biden announcers New actions will bar migrants who cross our Southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum all in the time for the election. His puppet masters have gotten it all wrong. What we have here is two presidential candidates that one can’t think for himself and the other a cheater in all things, loves to brag about his lies and thinks with the wrong head. Is this the absolute best the US has to offer, the worst of the worst ! There has to be better choices out there. What I see here is Biden staying with the race and due to his failing health after this election, Harris becomes President , and on the other side, Trump if elected and if we are lucky goes to jail and his VP becomes President. So this election is all about the VP.
I’ve been a democratic for 52 years and this is a freaking mess.
tulip says
Biden had a cold and had been overly prepped for the debate. He looked exhausted. Still he managed to talk about some of his accomplishments and even got nasty with Trump in return. I watched Bidens speech in NC the next day ane Biden was excellent with a strong voice and very energized. The fact that Biden was doing badly made people listen more intensivley to him and that then made Trump look horrible spewing of all his lies . I have heard a lot of comments last night and this morning on various news stations except fox and there were many many people who stuck up for Biden and even a couple of Reps who were going to switch to Biden when they finally saw how dangerous Trump really is. Biden campaign also received 27 million in donations through Friday night. I am a registered Independent . Even though I do feel he is diminishing more, I will still vote for him. Also I have noticed VP Harris has improved greatly and will be a good asset to help him. I think when this all settles down, people will think more rationally. Trump regime will kill this country and the generations coming up will be paying the price for those ignorant enough to vote for an obvious physopathic liar and only likes himself.
FlaPharmTech says
We donated $100.00 to the Biden Harris campaign. It’s crucial to our democracy that trump loses.
Joe D says
Yes, Biden did poorly in the first debate. I’m still wondering if he took cold medications before the debate. I’m sure his raspy voice was due to “over preparation” for the debate. I’m not tossing Biden aside by ONE poor showing…I look at the integrity of the men on stage/their past behavior and statements / and what has been accomplished during one of the most difficult times in human history: a World Wide Pandemic that not only overwhelmed global health systems, but DESTROYED global economies!
Of course, no one is taking into consideration that in the last 2 months (while Trump has balanced his time between campaigning, trial appearances, and SPRAY TAN appointments) Biden has attended at least three European summits, dealt with Putin’s and China’s attempts to start WW III, trying to support the Palestinian civilians, while supporting Israel’s right to rout out HAMAS (it not ISRAEL’S fault, that HAMAS uses schools, hospitals, and refugee camps as HUMAN SHIELDS, without concerns about its own civilians). Biden and his administration has attempted to support Taiwan and the Philippines against Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. At home he has TRIED to pass a border reform bill that BOTH Republicans AND Democrats had agreed on after 1 year of negotiations…only to have Donald Trump sabotage its passage (not because TRUMP thought the bill was bad, but that he didn’t want the bill to get passed on BIDEN’S WATCH…Trump wanted it to be “his” bill, after re-election)!!!
Then consider the personal stress of Biden dealing with his son’s legal issues…no wonder he looked EXHAUSTED! I would be too!
Few people addressed that TRUMP didn’t actually ANSWER many of the questions asked by the commentators (“What do you plan to do about the childcare crisis?”….no direct response…”Will you accept the results of the 2024 election”…response was a long list of “if’s” and no direct “YES” or “No” answer!
I pay attention to the news (both sides ???), so I know the REAL statistics and FACTS. Trump got to the point where he was just making up statistics and “facts” as he was going along!!! Everyone talked about BIDEN standing there with his mouth hanging open….I was doing the SAME THING at HOME, because I just COULDN’T BELIEVE what TRUMP was spouting…
Thankfully there was a fact checking after the debate:Trump
30+ lies/ Biden < 5.
I FULLY agree with President BIDEN…. “How do you debate a LIAR”
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Really loving the blue MAGA types sticking to their guns and swearing fealty to the establishment because of a lesser of two evils argument. You’re still knowingly voting for evil to save what, exactly? The people that forced you into this choice to begin with? You should be livid that you’ve been placed in this position.
James says
Nope, like it or not, Biden is it… Whitmer or Newsom should have entered the race at the very start.
Again, no one seems to be questioning whether Trump should step away as vehemently as they are suggesting that Biden should do so… even after all that has unfolded regarding the former.
Sorry… not buying it dude.
Just say’n.
Btw, I didn’t watch the debate either.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
Oh, for God’s sake get a grip. I agree with Mark Cuban who in a post after the debate on X described Biden as “Feeble, Capable and Ethical” and Trump as “Vigorous, Unethical and Incapable of telling the truth.” And said he would “vote ethical every time.” I too will vote ethical every time. I find it appalling that the media, and I guess that now includes Flagler Live, has chosen to focus on Biden’s faults and ignore Trump’s because it’s just Trump being Trump. The unbelievable disgusting crap that Trump spewed should make everyone cringe and not sleep at night. Why not try to find something positive to say about Biden, it’s really not that hard if you do a little research. I think it’s just lazy and poor reporting to watch 10 minutes of the debate and read someone else’s article and then write an article when you are obviously not rational but quite emotional. It was widely reported that during the first 20 minutes of the debate Biden faltered and Trump was reasonable but for the next 70 minutes Biden improved and Trump melted down into his unhinged mode. I am extremely disappointed that you would stoop to this kind of reporting. I would expect it of Fox News and Steve Bannon, but not you, you can do better. And just for the record, I watched ALL of the debate.
FB Is My Home says
The left really does double down on their own ignorance. No shame on your game.
Deborah Coffey says
And, the right really does double down on their tens of thousands of LIES! No shame on their game.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
Ignorance is a lack of knowledge or information, you know like not knowing the real facts. Anyone supporting a rapist felon lying cheating wannabe dictator shouldn’t be questioning anyone else’s ignorance.
FlaPharmTech says
I agree completely. Joe Biden is and will continue to do an excellent job of caring for our democracy, and leading. He is doing the job for which we elected him, and no doubt will continue to do, surrounded by decent, capable staff. He shows up, trump lies. I, too, am disenchanted by the media. Not sure Flaglerlive will publish this, but for a voice of sanity check out Heather Cox Richardson Letters from an American on Substack.
James says
If the race should not be decided by one afternoon in January, then it certainly shouldn’t be decided by one night in June.
Again, just say’n.
Deborah Coffey says
You’re comparing a massive insurrection against our government with a debate? Yikes!
James says
Yes… isn’t it terrible that one man is judged by the outcome of one debate, while another isn’t for inciting a massive???… you’re words, not mine, but perhaps a sentiment shared in the delusional depths of the mind of the man that is Trump… insurrection.
That he’s allowed to even step foot on the debate stage?
Put on your “thinking cap.”
Just an opinion.
Tony Mac says
Republicans are Okay putting a Criminal in the White House…and the Media is Just Fine with It!
Well, there’s lots of hand wringing as a result of the recent debate between a convicted criminal, Donald Trump, and President Joe Biden. Some Democrats on one side are declaring that perhaps a new candidate should be nominated, Republicans on the other side are declaring that Joe Biden is a senile, doddering old fool who can’t articulate a complete sentence.
And the media types, the talking heads, the experts, are wringing their hands trying to determine how this election is going to continue now that Joe Biden failed – that’s their word – failed to deliver.
So, the media, those so-called “Gatekeepers of Democracy”, have all but declared that Joe Biden is not capable of being a Presidential candidate and should move over and make way for another. What are they overlooking and why?
Sure, they sometimes, speak about the fact that Trump lies, constantly, lies after lies. The Fourth Estate failed to check those lies except in a perfunctory way. They excuse Trump, they turn a blind eye to Trump and his mendacity, they fail to actually inform the American voters of the devastation this pretender and his followers intend to wreak upon this Nation.
Instead of focusing on Joe Biden’s gaffes, can we least get them to say that Trump and his Republican followers are going to be more than pleased to put a convicted felon in the White House? In the very position previously held by the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and numerous others who never, but never, had to ask the highest court in the land for immunity to commit crimes?
These politicians are going to be just fine with putting a man in the most exalted seat of power in this country, perhaps in the World, who openly brags about being a serial adulterer, a cheat with charities for children with cancer and veterans, who acknowledges that he will seek retaliation, retribution and revenge on his political opponents. And this is how we’ve now gotten to in our Republic? Is this how far the American Dream has fallen?
One only needs to look at history for a guide. Without citing all of William Shirer’s famous book – “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” …for those who doubt it can happen here as well. Eight-eight million Germans followed another deranged maniac off the cliff of humanity and it can happen here with the complicity of the American press and social media.
Time and again we’ve seen the so-called media types question Democratic politicians directly – “Should Joe Biden drop out of the race/” They are free to do so because they know that Democrats will never call them out for their duplicity, never say they are “fake”, never vilify them or demonize them. And so, the media feels free to put Democrats be on the defensive. Republicans, on the other hand, have called out the media, called them un-American, challenged their credentials, dared them to be truthful…and so…the media types, are loathe to actually dig into the responses given by Republicans and instead allow them to spew their hatred and lies to all Americans. The media gives them a pass, an “oh, so sorry you lied but we’ll move on…”
Recently, for example, MSNBS’s Steve Kornacki did a poll of some sort that alluded to the premise that Michelle Obama would be a more formidable challenger to Trump than Joe Biden. Why was this even pertinent, let alone necessary? Micky Mouse would by a more formidable challenger to Trump. In the days when I was on the Hill and at the DNC, we would have picked up the phone, placed a call and reamed somebody’s butt for even thinking of such a ridiculous “journalistic” piece. Now, without a dedicated “War Room”, the vision is presented that Michelle Obama may challenge Joe Boden for the to of the ticket. For the Democrats – no response.
The media’s message to the American public is – Joe Biden is a stumbling fool who can’t put together a simple sentence. The message the Democrats need to force on to the media – the message the media is missing – is that the Republican Party and its’ followers are ready to have a convicted felon in the White House – but then the Germans were ready to have a dictator in their leadership, as well.
If the media fails to do its job, if it fails to be the Gatekeepers of Democracy as envisioned by Edward R. Murro, Walter Conkrite, Eric Severeid, Huntley, Brinkly, and numerous others who risked their lives to inform the American people, then we should be ready to witness the destruction of this Republic, this City on the Hill for which so many have shed their blood and treasure to see…Rome failed, Greece, failed, the Third Reich failed because no one resisted…this Nation also will fail because Republicans and their followers are satisfied with putting a criminal at the very seat of power. And most importantly – they will seek retribution, retaliation and revenge against those who have opposed them… including the media they now so easily use to spread their message of hate. Think not? Remember those who rode Hitler’s trains to the death camps.
As the media “journalists” quiz Democrats about the suitability of Joe Biden to be President, they never question Republicans about their fealty to a man who cheated on three wives, who cheated on charities for children with cancer, who cheated on charities for veterans, who is currently under indictment in three jurisdictions. What makes them think Trump won’t cheat on them?
Ask a Republican politician if he or she is comfortable with putting a convicted criminal in the White House. The answer you get will surprise you – then offer the right arm salute – it will be all you have to survive!
That’s my view …welcome comments.
Pogo says
@Tony Mac
Thank you, bless you.
Pat Stote says
My dream would be for Michelle to run. I know she won’t, but I really love her. She’s strong, smart and Would be a great leader in some capacity of the Democratic Party.
UGH says
Big Mike!!!
Joe D says
Reply to Pat S.:
Personally I would LOVE to see Michelle Obama (eventually) run for President. However I would like to see her in a House of Representatives/Congressperson or Governorship FIRST.
I agree that (after watching her documentary on her book), she probably doesn’t want to submit herself (and her husband/family)to the rebukes, and downright RACISM they experienced during her husband’s terms in office. If you look at the BEFORE and AFTER office pictures of Obama…he looked like he aged 20 years in an 8 year period!
Perhaps she could be persuaded AFTER her daughters are finished with College and “out on their own.”
But, for NOW, I would vote for integrity/ concern for the common “man”/honesty/ compassion Biden displays ( the exact OPPOSITE of his opponent), and not a one night BLUNDER .
PatStote says
I AM livid and scared. We should all be this MAGA people are very scary And ignorant for the most part. They are in a cult and I don’t know if they realize it
Deborah Coffey says
Laurel says
Tony Mac: That’s the best comment I’ve read in ages, thank you. You hit the nail on the head. I, too, am tired of the focus on age and stuttering, and not the actual accomplishments of our President. Americans don’t know what President Biden has accomplished because it’s not as interesting for ratings as a painted man with outrageous babbling. Trump says absolutely nothing, but he sucks all the air out of the room with his outrageous bullshit. It is tedious how it is all portrayed, and actually sad. That, and the fact that we have a current VP running, (we rarely know what the VPs are doing and don’t acknowledge the fact that they support the President), but, oh, we don’t want a black woman as a possible President, yet, we have no idea who Trump’s VP running mate will be, and that’s okay. We do know he’ll not be a real support, but, instead, a suck ass.
What bothers me a whole lot, is that Americans are shallow. They cannot see beyond the orange makeup and stuttering. They show it every day, all the time. Totally superficial, and are only concerned with the unimportant stuff.
FlaPharmTech says
Thank you!!!!
Reallynow says
The Democratic Party showed they had been hiding Bidens decline for some time. They have been gas lighting us. Saying what we are seeing we are not. Other than his condition, it is his policies that is the greatest threat to this Country and Trump seems to be the only one to save us from certain destruction as a nation.
Jbeagler says
Agree 100%
Tired of it says
What exactly are trump’s policies? His tariffs ruined many American farmers and it took 24 billion tax dollars to save them. He promised a healthcare plan, over and over,again and it never materialized. He is a convicted ffelon, convicted by a jury of Americans. He had 4 years to do something about the border and accomplished nothing., When he thought the bipartisan border bill would help fix the problem he told his spineless followers to vote against it because it would make Biden look good. He praised communist dictators, increased the national debt “hugely” and on and on and on. He had stated that if elected he will embark on a “revenge tour”. He is unfit to be president, by any standard.
English language says
I don’t think you know what gaslighting is. Definition: Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition. After being in a gaslighting situation with a boss at work, this seems way more like Trump and his antics than anything Biden or Democrats have done. I’m neither, but know what the word means before you use it.
Atwp says
Didn’t watch the debate. I thought Biden would not do well. My mind is made up, Biden has my vote. I will not vote for a convicted lying guy. Trump is a loud mouth liar and only see things his way. Fox News was happy the Trump Campaign raised 8 million dollars. When the Democrat numbers came in Fox News was not to happy, about 14 million dollars after the debate. Good job Democrats.
Disabled veteran says says
But you will vote for a commander in chief who forgets veterans who died for country. You shameful lazy person. You have no idea what honor is.
Atwp says
Disabled Veteran you don’t know me. Am glad I don’t know you. I’m not a shameful lazy person. You maybe. Because of me and millions of other people working you are getting what you need. You sound like that group of people who love call people names just because they don’t say what you want them to say. This is the real world. Don’t label people you don’t know.
Deborah Coffey says
Better get your facts straight. Biden has done much more for veterans than Trump ever thought of doing for the “suckers and losers.” Who’s shameful and lazy if you don’t even bother to get FACTS?
Laurel says
Disabled veteran: Explain to me, please, how you feel about a man, running for President of the United States, Commander in Chief, saying about John McCain, a veteran hero for 50 years, “I don’t like people who get caught.” John McCain was shot down, held as a POW, tortured, and never once turned on his fellow prisoner soldiers. He had the chance to do so, but declined. That’s honor!
Trump skipped with five determents, claiming bone spurs, yet he could play tennis and golf. He has called veterans “suckers and losers” in front of Four Star General Kelly, and fired General Kelly when Kelly brought forward this information.
Yes, please explain this to me, because when I see a POW flag flying under a Trump flag, it baffles me.
Laurel says
Jim says
How can you say Biden has “forgotten” veterans who died for this country? Where is that coming from? Atwp did not say that.
Trump is the one who said those who died for this country are “suckers and losers”. That’s a confirmed quote from his former chief of staff who previously was a 4-star general. Trump is the one who didn’t go to the WWI cemetery because it was raining although the other European leaders did. Trump criticized John McCain because he had been captured by the enemy. Trump is the one who avoided service during the Vietnam war with “bone spurs”.
Sir, I respect that you are a disabled veteran but I would respond to you that you made need to reevaluate your definition of honor. If Trump meets your standards, I assure you that your definition is WAAAY off.
Edith Campins says
Perhaps if you actually looked up trump’s comments on veterans you wouldn’t sound so deluded.
Atwp says
Trump is still a greater danger to the country than Biden. Just saying.
don miller says
biden has been hidden from scrutiny for 5 years by the dems and media. they knew he was bad off. All he has ever done is dodge open pressers, dodge any longer than 15 min read it from a teleprompter, yell to portray strength. After the debate his wife ran up on stage to make sure he didn’t fall down the stairs and a CNN employee was at the bottom to catch him. They all knew and we all knew . Now the next thing will be they want Biden to continue regardless of his obvious impairment because of their fear of conservative. Now the curtain is pulled back, he is with out clothes and we are without national security. We have been gas lighted by the Dem party for 5 years.
Laurel says
don miller: I am not a Democrat, but I know that what you have stated here are talking points from unscrupulous TV commentators, who are told what to say for ratings.
JimboXYZ says
Let’s get that PPV, Trump vs Biden Golf Drive Distance Competition started. Gotta be Vegas odds line that Biden falls down trying to hit a golf ball ? Biden was the threat to the USA 4 years ago. He’s the threat going forward.
Mark says
Yet you stand behind a 34 time Convicted Felon, also Convicted of Sexual Assault, Multiple Bankruptcies, Multiple Failed Casinos (how do you bankrupt a casino), Failed Business Venture after Failed Business Venture and the list goes on and on…a grifter.
I’ll Vote for Democracy before a want to be Fascist Dictator.
don miller says
parroting. 34 felony counts like they were totally separate events not connected one to the other?? Gas lighting days are over . The real Americans know what they saw at that debate. OUR national security is at stake more than Ukraine’s.
Laurel says
don miller: Your statement shows that you do not understand allies, and just how serious Europe is taking Russia. OUR national security, as well as our allies in Europe, is at stake because of Russia’s (actually Putin’s) need to become the Soviet Union again, strategically overtaking areas of wheat and ocean ports.
OUR national security was saved because OUR military and brave soldiers fought and won for OUR ally in Europe, stopping Hitler. See how that works?
Jim says
You think Trump is going to protect our national security? Really? Did you not see the entire UN assembly laugh at him when he gave his speech there? Did you not see him cozy up to Putin (believes Putin over his own intelligence teams), Kim Jung Un, and the other dictators? Dissed our historical allies who have fought beside us for 50+ years?
Regarding Ukraine, you need to review history. Start with the preamble to WW2. Then go review Putin’s promises over the years not to invade Ukraine. Then review his justifications for the invasion. If you don’t realize Putin would like some kind of “settlement” with Ukraine “as is” so that he can rebuild his forces and take another shot at it, you are extremely naïve. And, if Trump is elected, that is exactly what will happen. Of course, if we don’t honor our NATO commitments (and Trump won’t), Putin will have the green light to go as far as he can.
And China will go into Taiwan at the same time.
I guess if your idea of US security is not having a foreign power actually landing in the continental US, Trump is your guy.
Jim says
You got it, JimboXYZ. The good Lord knows that Donald J. Trump was sent from Heaven to Make America Great Again! He’ll get rid of all the gays and transgenders, make sure women do as they are told (and stay barefoot and pregnant, by God!), give Ukraine to Putin, give Taiwan to China, build a hotel in Jerusalem, finally get Mexico to pay for that damn wall he never built, raise taxes on the middle and lower classes but make damn sure the rich folks get the tax cut they truly deserve, play more golf than he did the first time, maybe lead us into another pandemic and, hopefully, this time we can kill 2-3M Americans – after all we want to be first!
I don’t care if Biden can’t hit a golf ball. I see that’s the criteria you use for picking your candidate.
And you do not see Donald as ANY threat to the USA? Wow! How much alcohol and drugs do you ingest to form that conclusion (at least I hope that’s what is driving your mental mud pool)? If it isn’t drugs and alcohol, I think you’re a first class candidate for a litmus test of who deserves to be allowed to vote (or not)!
What an absolutely sad comment.
Hippy says
Hmmm…. you could have written this article long long ago. You knew it, everyone knew it. The only difference know is it can’t be hidden anymore. It is comical now to watch the left melt down and through him under the bus. I am loving it.
Pierre Tristam says
Two years ago I broadcast my commentary on WNZF saying Biden should bow out of a second term and let new blood prepare for 2024. I didn’t get around to publishing it in print, but you can hear it here. Of course we knew it. And of course you’re loving it, but your assumptions, once again, are wrong.
veteran says says
You obviously are not a veteran or even care at all about veterans. As a 100% disabled veteran I can tell you that Biden disqualified himself when he stated no one in the military has died during his presidency. You people who still support him dishonor all of us who served and dies for your lazy and unpatriotic as#. Don’t even pretend you support veterans.
Jim says
Biden made a mistake. Trump said those who died for this country are “suckers and losers”. That’s a quote from his 4-star general chief of staff.
So you think Biden disqualified himself for that yet you are just fine with Trump’s attitude towards vets? And you have no issues with the fact that he dodged the draft for Vietnam due to phantom “bone spurs”?
If you are a vet, I respect your service. However, your logic path to supporting Donald Trump despite all his disparage of vets (remember John McCain – Donald dissed him because he got captured) is just beyond any reasonable person’s understanding.
You might consider whether you are honoring vets by supporting Trump.
Tired of it says
Remember when trump didn’t want disabled veterans on stage with him? Then, even though other heads of state went, he didn’t to to honor the veterans at the cemetery in France? Remember when he insulted McCain? do you remember that he is a draft dodger?
Now what says
All I can say to you sick left tards, is CHOO CHOO motherfuckers, the TRUMP TRAIN is coming, and you better figure out how to deal with it, because you seem like them feelings got hurt. Biden is, and has always been a puppet.
Laurel says
Now what: How kind of you to talk that way about your fellow Americans. Trump has done a spectacular job of separating us. And of this, you are proud?
Sherry says
@now what. . . I don’t know why others haven’t called you out for your incredibly despicable comment. At first I thought saying anything was a waste of my time. Now that a few days have passed. . . you need to hear it from me. “You”, and the people like you. . . “brainwashed, filled with anger and hate” are the “cult members” that are destroying our democracy, our country and our civilization!!! Your hate is rotting your very soul.
Please get some much needed counseling immediately!
Pogo says
@Thank God
You can’t smell the breath of Trump’s shit eaters.
Jackson says
There are no perfect candidates. You will always be voting for the imperfect person you feel will be less bad than their opponent. I don’t know if that’s the nature of democracy or if it is unique to American politics. But, it’s true of every election. Do your due diligence, understand who and what you are voting for. Ultimately, it’s up to you to choose using your intelligence and common sense. Never, ever allow a candidate to convince you to vote your fears. That road leads to authoritarianism. Instead, vote your hopes for America. “Hope is the better choice.”
Laurel says
Jackson: Yes. “The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Trump’s fuel is fear.
Mothersworry says
WOW!! All the emotional bs. Biden had a truly horrible night. Now ask yourselves this: Would you rather have a president that has already stacked to S court and if elected may put two more of the same ilk as the ones he already appointed? Your apt to loose more rights with their rulings. Want more of his judge appointments like Cannon? Want a guy that every time he opens his mouth he’s spewing more lies? Want a guy that attempted to overthrow our government? I’m not going to list the crimes he has committed. Want a guy that cares only about himself? Then continue to beat the drum for trump. Me, I’d take Biden any day of the week rather than vote for the orange guy.
Edith Campins says
Yes, there are serious issues with Pres. Biden but gievn the alternative I will vote for the man who is not a convicted felon, serial cheater, liar and all around despicable man. I will not forget January 6. Biden will listen to his advisors, unlike trump who thinks he knows everything and actually knows nothing.
What A Crap Article says
Wrong. You’re just plain wrong and you know it. It was 20 min of him being over-prepared for debating a POS loser that should not be allowed to run for POTUS. The remaining 70 min, he realized that Trump wasn’t serious and abandoned the prep.
Trump is the biggest danger. Project 2025 is insane. The next POTUS will put at least 2 SCOTUS justices on the court. Look what’s happened after Trump put in 3 radicals. What will happen with 2 more? What will happen when Project 2025 is made law? You’ll look like a fool because you had a knee-jerk reaction.
Come on man. Trump is a convicted felon for God’s sake. I watched Biden’s Atlanta rally after the debate, his NC rally the next day, and he was on fire and fine for both. By the way, you know zero about politics. You’ve never run a campaign for anyone have you? You don’t and can’t replace Biden now. All you people fleeing from him will guarantee Trump. You weren’t alive when FDR was POTUS. He’d be pushed off the stage today. Biden is fine. He had a bad night. Democrats are so thin-skinned and disloyal. Obviously, we’re not in a cult like Trump supporters but they at least dug in and rallied behind “their” guy despite his obvious dementia word salad, his 34-felony convictions, his being liable for sexual assault, and the numerous other indictments. Biden had 20 min of (if you studied body language you’d know) being stunned and shocked that he was at a Trump rally and not a real debate. The debate team prepared him for a debate with a real candidate, not a moron that spewed over 200 lies in 90 minutes. After 20 min he realized, this guy is nuts, and CNN expected Biden to get everything out in 2 min and fact-check Trump’s lies. If you’ve ever known someone with a stutter (my uncle), when they get angry they talk fast, they miss words, they fumble…honestly if you can’t see that’s all that this was, then shame on you for being so ableist. Biden can and will beat Trump. He’s the only one that can and I’m proudly voting for him again. His accomplishments would fill more space than your BS phrases. He’s a good man. A smart man. Rhetoric like yours will make us an autocracy. Maybe you can live with that but I’m fighting like hell to keep this country one I love and respect, and that means making sure Trump never resides in the White House again. If he does, we will never have another election. To those saying it won’t happen, wake up, and read Project 2025. If you think you’re safe from it, you’re not.
I’m very disappointed in this crap passing as a thoughtful article. You should work for the propaganda times, I mean New York Times. Or maybe Sinclair. You’re a fraud. Biden may be old. He may not talk as smooth. He may not walk as good. But he is not a goddamn threat to Democracy. You are, actually. Be better.
FlaPharmTech says
Yeah, it is a CRAP article. Thank you for voicing sanity!
Local says
NO …BUT SERIOUSLY…shouldn’t someone be charged for elderly abuse for allowing Biden to get up there and embarrass himself? I watched the whole debate and after he zoned out and forgot he was in a debate, I knew it was over. He can read the hell out of a teleprompter…but the WHOLE WORLD 🌍 saw him last night and made our citizens look like fools for electing him. What a crap show embarrassment! Sheesh,! And this is the best dems have to offer?
Marlee says
Isn’t it weird that Biden is asked to step down because he is
“old and feeble”
BUT…who is asking trump to step down because he is a FELON??????????
Is it appropriate to have a FELON for PRESIDENT of the United States?
D W Ferguson says
Pierre, you struck a nerve with this one. No one seems happy with the two geriatric choices voters currently have available. The lesser of two evils decision ? If the President were to replace his VP , Joe Biden would improve his chances markedly. Succession…
DaleL says
Pierre, good article. I will never vote for a narcissistic mob boss criminal. However, Joe Biden needs to drop out. One clear sign of his dementia is that he appears to have bad days and good days.
He should release his delegates to choose whoever they wish at the convention. If Kamala Harris is chosen, then Biden should resign. That would allow Harris to run with all the trappings of President.
I judge the situation this way. Which man would you want to watch your house while you are away for a week? Trump would invite in thieves and split the proceeds with them. He would then burn the house down for fun and lie about it. Biden would inadvertently leave the doors unlocked and thieves would ransack your home. He would leave the stove on and cause a grease fire that would burn your house down.
My letter asking Biden to drop out of the Presidential race is in the mail. We need a chorus of such letters and emails.
The dude says
Just a boomer doing boomer things…
RBG also thought she would live forever, literally destroyed her legacy because of this way of thinking.
Joe, you’re definitely a better choice than the other guy. Just looking at the comments here proves that. But it’s time for you and your 20th century way of thinking to both retire.
Chip D says
Sorry to correct you Dude, but boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. Biden was born in 1942, part of the “silent generation”.
Pierre Tristam says
I’m surprised how so many commenters are taking this call to replace Biden on the ticket either as criticism of Biden’s tenure or as somehow a back door endorsement of Trump’s, or a denial of Trump’s unfitness for office, though it seemed to me that I addressed those points in the piece. To be clear: I am not saying that Biden is a bad president. Biden has been among the better presidents we’ve had, certainly more productive in four years than Obama was in eight, less cautious, more daring. His administration has been scandal free (Trump’s was a swarm of scandals), and you can tell that the people Biden surrounds himself with are consummate professionals doing their jobs because we never hear about them in any other context. They’re not in a reality show, as Trump’s sycophants were and will be again. If Biden were re-elected, that would continue. There’s no doubt. I admire Biden. Thursday’s debate did not change that—no tv show circus could. My point is not that Biden cannot govern or would not govern just as well in a second term. He can, and he would.
My point is that we have a fucked up, emotional electorate that doesn’t know its interests from its ass, and whose knowledge and analysis of this race is shallower than the hair on a tic. Otherwise, how could a lying racist rapist anti-Democratic felon like Trump have more than 2 percent of the vote? (The two percent representing the racist rapist felon constituency in this country, though I concede that once we add the liars and the anti-democracy constituencies, the percentage zooms up). So we have to look at the race from that electorate’s perspective, not from some idealistic vantage point. Of course Biden is the better man, the better candidate, the better president. No contest.
But can he win? Can he now, after Thursday’s performance and at the mercy of this dumbass electorate of ours (well, at least a consequentially significant segment of the electorate that falls in the dumbass category), can he win? No.
Loving Biden is not the priority. Keeping the rapist racist felon dictator out of the White House is. It is the responsible, democratic, moral thing to do. This is not the time to turn the other goddamn cheek. We need to be Machiavellian about this. That means getting a candidate in there who not only has a chance, but who can, in the words of my Seminole Woods friend, “wipe the floor with Trump.” As things stand today, that candidate is not Biden. It is Whitmer.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
Sorry, too little too late on your ” Of course Biden is the better man, the better candidate, the better president. No contest.”
That is not what your article says. This article’s intent is to incite a set your hair on fire and run around the room naked response to Biden. We are not going to be able to keep a rapist felon dictator out of the White House with this kind of reporting. What you say in this post should have been what was in your article. I respect your and anyone else’s opinion on whether Biden should be the candidate, but I still feel this article is irresponsible reporting.
Laurel says
Pierre Tristam: But, maybe we wouldn’t be in this decision situation if the media had not focused so damned much on age and stuttering as a cognitive issue. Trump and Biden are three years apart, yet the vast majority of age focus is on Biden, instead of all his accomplishments, and not the lack of accomplishments from Trump’s term. People see Biden as “screaming” while Trump as powerful. That rests solely on the media, along with many other misconceptions.
Sadly, Americans have become seriously shallow and prefer entertainment over substance. The media has literally cashed in on that, and continue to promote that. Comments here have claimed to only have “the lessor of two evils” to vote for, and as of yet, I have not seen any proof of Biden being “evil,” and I have not, yet, seen that debunked by the media.
The media is completely responsible for where we are today. Entertainment businesses will anoint a king.
jake says
Whoever said FL doesn’t have a sense of humor, was lying. By stating the obvious, and watching everyone’s brain explode, you made me smile. Voting for a person who can’t do the job, is more absurd, than as you all love to say, “I won’t vote for a convicted criminal”. (Every honest legal scholar in the country knows that verdict will be overturned.)
Newson and Whitmer are terrible choices. Newson has run California into the ground with a 1.6 trillion debt, when just three years ago they had a hundred billion surplus. Whitmer, on the other hand behaved like a mini-hitler during covid. Both of these are poor choices, and no one, wants Kamala running anything.
What you Dems need to do is find someone that will close the border (over 10 million illegal entries), stop giving away tax dollars for dumb shit (like student loans), which will help reduce inflation (over 20% since 2020), and stop lying about it. Also, stop saying the economy is good when people shop for food, and they aren’t “feeling the vibes” at checkout. Credit card debt is at it’s highest level in the history of this country.
You people spent 4 years propping up Joe, letting Obama be the puppet master, and listening to your lying mass media. You only have yourselves to thank for this debacle. So, please do better.
can'tfoolme says
Finally, a common sense, point of view minus all the defensive, hysterical, and nonsensical comments. Joe may be ethical and warrant protection and pity but why would anyone in their right mind vote for a President (who clearly can no longer handle the job) based on those emotions? That’s a very poor and selfish basis on which to jeopardize the wellbeing of a whole country.
can'tfoolme says
100 % truth!
palmcoaster says
I will always and again will vote for an aging man with normal cognitive issues but the experience of all his life serving us in congress, than never never for a totalitarian insurrectionist! Biden has being tainted by the Gaza-Israel disaster and whether he supported one side or the other would have been always blamed, no matter what! So now we have all the Gaza supporters mad at Biden and if would have been the other way around all Israel would have been beating on him…No way that our aging but honest POTUS not blamed for all the omen happening including inflation that is not either his fault and caused by the oil barons over greed! Better watch we do in November at the ballot box or we will have a China/Russia/North Korea style regime in our beloved USA.
Collapse aware says
That’s the plan. If trump wins it will be the last election and America will be dead. Enjoy the collapse. We have an embarrassment of candidates both old white men. But one is a least a decent human being and not a dumpster fire wanting ww3. So I’ll vote Biden all day cause literally the only other option is a convict, racist, ass hat.
jake says
Really, there wasn’t a Russian invasion of Ukraine, China wasn’t scratching at Taiwan’s door, and Hamas wasn’t massacring Jews in Israel, when Trump was President. Voting for someone like Biden, in his current incapacitated state, is more absurd than voting for the convicted felon. By the way, the verdict will be overtured, just ask any honest law scholar.
The sky isn’t falling, there will be elections every two years, forever.
Laurel says
Jake: Elections are every four years.
On the topics of Russia, China and Hamas, I would advise you to start fact checking. President Biden strengthened NATO against China and Russia. Trump wants to weaken it. There is a good reason Sweden and Finland recently joined NATO. Since the Communist took over China, after WWII, they have wanted Taiwan. It’s all about shipping lanes, and money.
This is what happens in America when we stop teaching history.
jake says
“On the topics of Russia, China and Hamas, I would advise you to start fact checking”.
Really, you denying the current state of the affairs in those regions?
“President Biden strengthened NATO against China and Russia. Trump wants to weaken it.”
“Donald Trump has said the U.S. will “100 percent” remain in NATO under his leadership so long as European countries “play fair. Trump reaffirmed his commitment to the transatlantic alliance — but warned European nations not to “take advantage” of American support.”
And finally, “Elections are every four years.”
“Members of the House of Representatives serve two-year terms and are considered for reelection every even year. Senators however, serve six-year terms and elections to the Senate are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection during any election.”
This, is what happens in America when we stop teaching history.
Laurel says
Jake: Oh I see. The topic is Biden and Trump, and you stated “The sky isn’t falling, there will be elections every two years, forever.” and when that is pointed out, you jump to congress. Okay, that straightened that out.
We are only going to “play fair” with our security if the NATO countries pay fair? Otherwise, screw them and us? Scandinavia has been neutral all these years, but they know Donald’s friend Putin is a major threat, so they joined NATO. Trump stated that Putin, and Russia, can do whatever they want to NATO allies if they don’t pay up, even encouraged Putin to do so. What, is the U.S. run by the Mafia? That is an extremely limited point of view.
Trump hates the Ukraine, a democracy, because he wanted Ukraine to “find dirt on Biden” and they refused. Payback’s a bitch, and not necessarily an honest, or smart, one, right? But that is Trump’s way. Trump is Putin’s useful fool, and it’s foolish to believe that strong arming Europe, in the moment, is somehow useful to us. Pointing to the moment is showing a lack of understanding history, and a lack of understanding how allies help.
Ray W. says
Does every FlaglerLive commenter understand that jake is just talking to hear his head roar.
No honest legal scholar ever predicts the outcome of any case. Plenty of lawyers will claim they can, particularly if they want you to give them money. If the Trump convictions are overturned, they will claim they all saw it coming. If the convictions aren’t overturned, they will claim that it was the wrong outcome and find someone to blame, usually the appellate judges.
In the nine years that I was in the homicide unit of the Public Defenders Office, I usually carried somewhere between a dozen and 18 homicide cases at any one time. Never more than 18, but occasionally less than 12 for a short period of time.
I also handled the occasional specialty case. Sometimes it was a difficult client who was badgering a young assistant PD. Other times, it was a unique case, such as the 11 Heron cases in Flagler County that involved construction contracting fraud allegations derived from the housing market collapse during the Great Recession. Somehow, just about every case with 10 or more banker’s boxes of paperwork found its way to my desk.
Nonetheless, I made the time to give each of my client’s a long discussion of my four rules to the practice of law at our first meeting. The second rule was that I was not smart enough to predict the future, so don’t ask me to do so. I would tell them that I have never been able to predict the future. I had never met anyone else who could predict the future. If you told me that you could predict the future, I wouldn’t trust you, and if you said you could predict my future, I would wonder what you wanted from me. I would end by saying that if you were to ask me to predict your future, I would tell you that I can’t. And if you were to get upset that I wouldn’t predict the future, I would tell you, so what! I told my clients that I would rather be honest with them and have them be mad at me than be dishonest with them and have them really mad at me. I would not stop on this point until my clients agreed that they would not ask me to predict their future.
There has never been a shortage of lawyers out there who will promise people things in order to get money out of them. I was not one of those people. You are gullible enough to believe that such lawyers are honest. Please disabuse yourself of that notion.
Dishonest lawyers predict the future. Honest ones don’t.
It is difficult for you to win an argument if you start from a losing position. You are 0-1.
Russia has been planning the Ukraine invasion ever since Putin assumed office during the Second Chechnyan War. That war lasted, officially, 8 months and 24 days. That’s right, the Russian Federation army was so weak in late 1999 that it took over 8 months to defeat a ragtag Chechnyan militia. The insurrection that followed the cessation of war lasted 8 years, 11 months and 15 days. That’s right, it took a total of just over 9 years and 8 months to suppress the Chechnya’s and install a Russian-allied strongman into power.
In 2008, the Russian Federation army took only 16 days to defeat the tiny Georgian army.
In 2014, the Russian Federation army took much of eastern Ukraine and Crimea, but the war ground to a standstill. Crimea was soon annexed into the Russian Federation. Eight years later, the lines were roughly the same. In February 2022, Putin attempted to finish the job with roughly 250k troops and a massive equipment advantage, but the offensive has so far been stymied at nearly every turn.
Your argument assumes that Russia decided to invade the Ukraine only after Biden took office. How does a minimum of an eight-year planning effort comport with your deeply flawed reasoning?
Ever since Putin took office, the Russian army, once in significant disrepair has been rearming and upgrading its Soviet-era stock, but it has taken 20 years. Russia has a relatively tiny economy; it just cannot pump out new military hardware at a rate that fits your fantasy.
It is difficult for you to win an argument when you start from a losing position. You are now 0-2.
China has been barking about wanting to take Taiwan since 1948. Yes, it signed a UN agreement to recognize certain international claims in the South China Sea that it now claims are false, but it has been building up its military for the last 50 years and it still doesn’t match our own, though they are closing the gap rapidly. I recall reading an in-depth article about China’s decision to build some 65 diesel submarines. Diesel submarines are sitting ducks around carrier task forces, but you don’t need the most advanced submarines to interrupt freighter traffic throughout the South China Sea. For the last 10 years, China had been dredging sand and pumping it onto shallow shoals in the South China Sea. They built airstrips on some of them and submarine bases on some of them. China now claims the vast majority of the South China Sea despite the World Court ruling in the Philippines’ favor during the Trump administration. Trump did nothing about this buildup. You actually posit that China just started claiming the right to the island. It is really difficult for you to win an argument when you start from a losing position. The One China policy dates from the late 70’s. Carter normalized trade with China during that period. China has been trying to undermine the legitimacy of the Republic of Taiwan on the world stage ever since.
It is difficult for you to win an argument when you start from a losing position. You are 0-3.
Hamas has been slaughtering Jews ever since it was founded. Its mission statement from the beginning has been the ethnic cleansing of Jews from all of Palestine. There has never been a time in the intervening years when Hamas ever changed its mission statement.
It is difficult to win an argument when you start from a losing position. You are 0-4.
Russia’s claims on the Ukraine never stopped during the Trump administration.
China’s claims on the island of Taiwan never stopped during the Trump administration.
Hamas’ mission statement to slaughter Jews never stopped during the Trump administration. Hamas struck on October 7th on the 50th anniversary of the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War. The symbolism is significant, yet the planning predated the Biden administration for years.
What a pestilential partisan member of faction you have allowed yourself to become! Even the slightest amount of effort would have told you how wrong you are.
Laurel says
Ray W.: Thank you again for the history lesson, which I always look forward to. You have the patience and experience that I don’t have. My husband wants you to explain Maritime Law to FL commenters.
Marty says
Pierre, what in the world were you thinking when you penned the article headline? “Biden is the greatest danger to the country.” Really? I believe that you should have restrained yourself and waited to write the article after calming down. I too, did not watch the debate, but read the various summaries early Friday morning. And, I too, went off the “deep end” initially, thinking that Biden needs to step down now. However, I never had the feeling that Biden is a danger to the country. You want to talk about danger to the country; well, the corrupt, lying Trump is the greatest danger to, not just our country, but to the world at large! Moreover, Biden has been a great president; nevertheless, with flaws, especially regarding his approach to Gaza. Biden has been dealt more problems due to no fault of his own, than most presidents in recent history. Nevertheless, for the most part, he has navigated through these troubled waters successfully. One of this administration’s major problems is the failure to communicate all the accomplishments to the American People.
As it relates to Biden’s poor performance Thursday night, he was obviously sick, and should have cancelled or postponed the debate. He was tested for covid with a negative result; however, he was still ailing, and was most likely given medication that resulted in a zombie type behavior, which seemed to wear off later in the debate. Should Biden have decided to run for a second term? Probably not; however, it’s a bit late in the game to back out now. Our democracy is at risk like never before….hopefully, Biden can bounce back and save us from the peril of a much worse second Trump term.
Pierre Tristam says
Marty, please see my comment a couple of boxes up.
Sherry says
Thank you Marty! My thoughts exactly!
I would add that our Presidential Administration is not completely controlled and run by “ONE” person. It takes a “team” consisting of the Vice President, the cabinet, attorneys, a large staff, and many other advisors. Personally, “I” trust the “TEAM” assembled by a person of “HIGH MORAL CHARACTER” than one put together by a “CONVICTED FELON”, who has also been found guilty of “Sexual Assault” and “Fraud” AKA ” lying, cheating, misogyny”.
donald trump is a “Convicted Criminal” who is the true danger to our entire country and who is hell bent on destroying our democracy! Read the terrifying 2025 playbook! Read it Again! The far right Republicans are planning to fire thousands of civil servants who are “experts” in their fields with fascist loyalists. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is their published plan. . . 1,000 pages on how to destroy our federal government: This from Wikipedia
Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of conservative policy proposals from the Heritage Foundation to reshape the United States federal government in the event of a Republican Party victory in the 2024 presidential election.[2][3] Established in 2022, the project has been most notable for how it aims to achieve its objectives.[4] It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil servant jobs as political appointees in order to replace them with loyal conservatives to further the objectives of the next Republican president.[5] It also adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States,[6][7] which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.[3][8] Critics of Project 2025 have described this as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to turn the United States into an autocracy.[9] Several experts in law and conservatives have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers,[10][5] and civil liberties.
Bob says
Unfortunately, in our day and age, a President might be required to make complex decisions on excruciatingly short notice at any hour of any day, and civilization could depend on the quality of those decisions. Our parties have given us a candidate who is morally and temperamentally unfit to lead, another who is clearly walking the road to cognitive decline, and one who runs around acting like he has a worm eating his brain. Our country’s leaders have failed us completely.
Laurel says
I am totally amazed at the number of supposedly informed commenters who did not watch the debate, or turned it off early. Too much of that going around the last several years.
James says
Well Laurel, I don’t have cable or satellite TV… I rely on old fashioned “over the air” broadcasts. Unfortunately the signal reception has (strangely) dropped “off the cliff” over the past few months.
One would almost think it were a deliberate news blackout. I doubt it’s intentional, I don’t tend to believe in conspiracies… but then DeSantis has signed SO many bills into law recently, one could have been to allow local broadcasters to lower their signal strength a bit.
The only “over the air broadcasts” I now receive are those “pirate station” broadcasts out of St. Augustine. At times I wonder if they’re not some holdover from the “RT” (Russia Today) news channel that was taken off the air a few years back.
But then they do carry one sub-station which has “Newsnet,” which seems ligitimate enough.
The other “news” shows that they run on another sub-channel are very pro-Trump, very conspiratorial in nature.
Most of the other material on the other sub-channels appear to be reruns from the 1990s (late 80s)… and a rather odd mix of material at that.
One can catch an old “Chip Taylor” racecar documentary one night on one sub-station, and flip to the “Action” channel a moment later and learn from an “infomercial” the benefits of using steel ball pellets over lead ones in ones air rifle… at least for “close range” targets.
Just some observations.
Fyi… the steel pellets travel at a higher initial velocity out of the air rifle apparently.
Allowing them to penetrate thick bone, like that of the skull bone (of an animal of course). But only at close range.
Skibum says
The 81 year old Biden would not have been my preferred choice for the upcoming election, but here we are. I will support whoever the Democrat candidate is, considering that the other candidate is a convicted felon 34 times over, a liar, a con man, a sexual predator, has been twice impeached, is facing even more criminal court proceedings including the taking and mishandling of some of America’s most classified documents after he left the White House, has disparaged and denigrated American servicemen and women as suckers and losers as well as true American heroes such as former POW Sen. John McCain, and has continued to make blatant racist remarks about minorities. Anyone who would support and vote for such an unethical, immoral and morally deficient man such as the ex president needs to look inward at their own ethical and moral issues. The MAGA’s “orange Jesus” is nearly an octogenarian himself who would be in his eighties during the next presidency, so the choice is NOT about age or ability for me, but about the future of democracy and saving our country from further decline into authoritarianism by a wanna-be dictator who has publicly promised to be a dictator “ON DAY ONE”!
Sherry says
Thank you Skibum. . . excellent comment and right on!
NJ says
McCain was a WAR-LOVER! I listened to one of his Campaign Speeches in which he DEMANDED that America INVADE Iran which would have started WWIII. Yes, started WWIII because Russia and Iran still a “Mutual Defense Agreement” which was signed during WWII. STUDY History or REPEAT the Same MISTAKES (Vietnam War, Iraq War, Appeasing Russia and China while they PREPARE for War, etc, etc). Today we have TWO Americans–Trump Supporters to Continue the FREEDOMS this Great Country was Founded on in 1776 and written in constitution while, Biden Supporters want to Control everyone in America like Chinese people in COMMUNIST China are Controlled by Xi Jinping ( Biden’s HERO). America FIRST Now & Forever!
Skibum says
John McCain served our country honorably as a Navy pilot, and was captured, held as a prisoner of war and tortured repeatedly during his long captivity by the Viet Cong because he refused to capitulate to their demands that he sign a written confession of supposed “crimes” against Vietnam. You are free to believe what you want about him as a person, but he remains as one of our nation’s true patriots. I didn’t vote for him for president, but I had a huge amount of respect for him when he was a senator and stood up against what Trump and the GOP were trying to do to get rid of Obama’s legacy health care legislation. He was a man of honor and anything he might have said in the speech you mentioned will not erase or diminish his legacy.
Laurel says
Skibum: Thank you, yes, McCain was a true hero, and served his country all his life. Trump was clearly jealous of McCain’s strength and bravery, both of which, Trump lacks severely.
Now, Trump wants to publicly invoke military tribunals against Liz Cheney and those who tried to show our country just who he really is. Talk about third world countries and authoritarianism. He is taking us down the tubes faster than anyone could imagine.
My God, I cannot believe Americans buy this shit, especially since we have lived in a free country, a free democracy, all our lives.
Hippy says
“His administration has been scandal free”…. for the same reason that everyone was “surprised” by Biden’s performance at the debate. The biased media only reports one side. Not saying it should not be posting about Trumps issues but should be publishing Biden’s issues. Do you really think if Hunters laptop would have not been suppressed and denied by the media that Biden would have won? The list goes on and on and you know it. We are “fucked” to use your description because the electorate does not get the facts about both sides. Both sides are corrupt, both sides are liars and thieves. Still loving the meltdown by the way. It is EPIC.
Pierre Tristam says
Biden laptop benghazi rev wright muslim obama vince foster whitewater blah blah blah. Both sides my ass. Some of us don’t give fabrications the privileged place you and your fox hounds give them, though without them where would you be?
The Geode says
The “border situation”, the “economy”, “CRIME” (apparently, in OUR neighborhoods alone because it is NOT a concern YOURS), and “gas prices” will get MY vote. I can care less about this “criminal shit” you people keep grasping at because I’ve been in jail with people more honest and have better character than the vast majority of you self-righteous and “Convenient Christians”
I want RESULTS. NOT politics. NOT platitudes…
Laurel says
Geode: We’ll, Trump stated migrants are taking black people’s jobs, so elect him and maybe those migrant jobs will be available to you, you know, like picking beans in the fields.
The Geode says
LOL. I make more money than YOU. My life is better than YOURS. A “migrant” or anybody else can’t take MY job because I AM MY JOB. You think because I am Black, I’m in the welfare lines or backed up on US1 along with the many white people visiting the food pantries? Think again. I am Black. I am “conservative”. I will vote MY best interest. Save that pity shit for that ATWP guy that will cast a vote for someone because “we are sheep and that’s just what we do”.
In the meantime, I’ll pay YOU to “pick my beans” and cut my yard. I have 4 bank accounts with “commas”. Two of them have two numbers in front of them. Let’s see you OR “the migrants” put your money where your racist mouth is…
Laurel says
Geode: Then there are also migrant jobs like dishwashing and maid service. Trump is going to preserve these jobs for black Americans, by deporting all immigrants. Great, huh?
Republican states are loosening child work protection laws, while trying to remove immigrants. Do you have any idea how this immigrant removal will effect the economy? Who do you think will replace them?
Look up Mudsill Theory, contemplate that for 24 hours, then decide who you will vote for.
The Geode says
Do you think that I care “who works what jobs”? A job belongs to whomever wants to work them. The SAME “jobs” were here before the migrants supposedly came here and “took them”. I have MY job and that’s all that matters. Anybody who doesn’t work deserves the NOTHING that they have earned. You do know that there are 5 times as many whites than blacks, RIGHT? You act like white people are beyond any work fitting for a “migrant” but “tailor made” for blacks. White people aren’t homeless? White people aren’t jobless? White people aren’t hungry? What makes you think that blacks are only meant to do “menial jobs” while white people drink “mint-Julep” and tisk-tisk under a parasol? LOL. I will leave you to your flawed thought process. “To argue with a fool is folly” and unlike you – my time is too valuable to continue doing so…
Laurel says
Geode: You completely missed the whole point. Trump said “migrants are taking black people’s jobs.” Oh well, enjoy your guy.
JW says
Two observations:
1. Having been in heath care all my life (I am 78) in numerous countries, I strongly suggest that Biden be medically tested, not like Trump (that was joke the way he talks about it) but an extensive series of tests of his physical and mental health and have it made public with comments by health care professionals (don’t have them say he is up to the job but be open about what conditions worry them and what happened at the debate evening).
2. At 81 years old there is always some increasing risk that an unexpected medical problem arises in the near future. It is pragmatic to be prepared for that and to have an alternate younger candidate ready. I think the party needs to seriously consider that and be prepared with alternative candidates (to say that the VP will serve that role only shows that we don’t want to THINK about that)
The American culture is positive thinking, but here is a strong undercurrent of insecurity and depression (particularly among VOTERS). Deep down they have a sense that they are missing out on something.
I believe we are not prepared for that option yet and it needs to be done SOON!
Callmeishmael says
All mortal greatness is but a disease.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Look, if Dianne Feinstein could be an effective senator right up until the end then Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. can be an effective president. Ronald Reagan was so senile in his second term that his handlers needed to remind him every hour that he was president, so instead of focusing on Biden’s inability to lead America the Democratic party should shower him with blessings because they finally got the Ronald Reagan they’ve so desperately wanted all of these years.
Laurel says
Trump gives those who are not confident, people who feel they are lesser, permission to be offensive and bullyish. This is obvious by commenters here who are ecstatic with what they believe is the failing of their fellow Americans’ hopes.
Today, we were exposed to a boat flying a large “Fuck Biden” flag. This was to show families, with kids, on a Sunday outing, the lack of respect people have for this great country. We are at a new low.
Debra says
While neither choice is optimal, I for the life of me cannot understand how anyone can have so much hate for a person they don’t actually know that they would be spiteful enough to vote for a a senile man to run the greatest nation in the world. Is that really what you think is best for this country?? I remember comments about being the laughing stock of the world because of Trump. What do you think the world sees in the USA when its own citizens vote for an incapicitated leader? Stop voting with pure emotion, and actually think about the repurcussions of voting in a dementia patient.
Former Democrat says
FJB!!! F the mainstream media
99% of these comments make me wanna puke. The TDS is strong on this website. You people are brainwashed by the liberal agenda / propaganda that is (sadly) everywhere. I used to be also. I voted Obama and haven’t voted since. I was uninformed and brainwashed by celebrities/athletes/TV/etc. But this time I will be voting TRUMP because FJB and F the Democratic Party Check out the YouTube channel “ Don’t Walk, RUN Productions”
Angry Millenial says
America needs to wake up and focus on what matters most, specifically, which candidate can hit a golf ball further and who has aced the highest number of cognitive tests.
The fact is neither Biden nor Trump is fit to be President. This country has been destroyed by gerontocracy. So to my dear boomers, enjoy your candidates! This will be the last time another one of you old farts gets elected.
Laurel says
Angry Millennial: So my dear millennial, does this mean you will not age? Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the future.
Charles says
A convicted felon should not be allowed to run for the highest office in our country. Trump is a danger to our country, our freedom and our democracy. I don’t care who the democrats have running in 2024 they have my vote. I don’t vote for losers like Trump who killed thousands during COVID, who has stolen classified documents and who worships dictators and wants to be one.
Jay Tomm says
Please explain to me how 2 dems that are fully responsible for running their states into the ground could ever be voted for president unless the fix is in?
Laurel says
Trump said, publically, “I love the uneducated.” This is what the uneducated want: Lauren Bobart, who grabbed her boyfriend’s penis while he felt her breast in a public audience at a family play. They were kicked out of the theater. Marjorie Taylor Green, who chased and harassed a teenage victim of a school shooting down the street, and apparently, she doesn’t know a respectable scientist from an ant, yet feels she has the qualifications to decide. Trump who is the biggest shister this country has ever seen. This is the Trumplican Party. We are at a new low.
T says
Trump and maga is a threat to democracy and values of America gop voted down 2 border bills so they can hurt democrats and also voted down Inflation act so how do they care bout Americans they don’t care use Mexicans as propaganda gop today is disgraceful
Sodamichael says
A President does not stand alone. A good President surrounds himself with a competent staff that can help realize his vision of America. Ronald Reagan said “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere…”.
40 out of 43 of the former President executive staff have said they will not vote for for him in 2024. Over 23 members of his administration have been either charged with a crime, or pled guilty to a crime. In his first year as President, he had the largest turnover of staff than any administration ever.
A lot of views here are calling Biden a puppet and being told what to do or say. But I think it’s more like he has surrounded himself with a very capable staff that gives him valid information so he can make the best decisions. He’s got my vote in November
Hammock Huck says
Wow, Pierre had a “Come to Jesus moment,” and the Trump haters are melting like their extremist left-wing climate change rhetoric. It’s a great day to be a patriotic Republican.
Laurel says
Trump doesn’t have a patriot bone spur in his body.
Land of no turn signals says says
JohnX says
As somebody that voted for Trump twice, and will no longer vote for him, I think there is a question as to whether he can win against anybody, Biden included. I’m not crazy about Biden either, but I just as soon put up with him for four more years and then put a decent Republican in in 2028 than elect this strange person that is only concerned with himself. I considered going to his stop the steal rally. His Most loyal and trusted supporters went. And he knew very well what was going to happen and encouraged it. He had several weeks after it happened to blanket pardon them. And he considered it. But he realized that it might be the end of his political career if he did. So he threw them to the wolves. There’s a man with a three-year-old child in Ormond Beach that got 17 years. She’ll be an adult by the time he gets out. That’s where I draw the line. Complete lack of devotion to anybody but himself.
Skibum says
Unless there is a surge of Democrat leaders and elite donors who are able to convince President Biden that he should drop his re-election bid, Biden will be the party’s nominee for the upcoming election. This needs to be resolved quickly so the entire focus can be put on winning instead of debating whether or not Biden is the best that the Democrats can put up against the 34 time convicted felon rival. In a perfect world, it should not, and probably would not be difficult to beat such a horrible, unethical, criminal minded opponent, but here we are. What I am reluctantly coming to terms with in my own mind is the fact that the Supremes have, with their most recent ruling on presidential immunity, given President Biden and his campaign the green light to think more outside the box as far as rules and norms for winning the upcoming election. For too long, the democrats have abided by all of the election laws, campaign norms and rules, while the republicans have done everything they could possibly think of to skirt the rules, cheat and create draconian laws to disenfranchise many, many legitimate voters in many states. Well, the Supremes have now finally given our current president the same leeway that DJT and the GOP have used to give them unfair advantages in the elections they have handily won, and it is high time that Biden’s campaign and donors start getting down and dirty and adopt some of the same underhanded, quasy-unethical but within the broad based law’s tactics that could be bended and morphed into the gray area of President Biden’s official responsibilities as president so they fit with the Supreme’s newly found “presidential immunity” that gives him broad authority to thwart his opponent’s ability to win the upcoming election. After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right Justice Alito? Right, Justice Thomas?
Michael says
Biden started this hate mongering against Trump, Biden is the greatest threat to this country and caused the assassination attempt.
Fact says
Bozo old man sleepy retarded fool Biden really is.
The True Facts says
Brain damaged Biden actually is.