Facing a deficit of more than $800,000—a sixth of the city’s revenues—the Bunnel City Commission in a special meeting Monday evening heard a proposal to eliminate the city’s police department and its grants department, leading to the layoffs of 16 full-time employees and two part-timers, among other proposed cuts. City Manager Larry Williams told the commission the cut-backs were vital if the city were to survive through the end of the fiscal year.
Williams didn’t quite get his way. A 3-2 vote that illustrated persistent and deep divisions within the city gave him authority to implement a list of 10 of the 12 cuts he proposed. Those include eliminating code enforcement and the humane society, eliminating the city’s lobbyist, freezing all salaries and starting a hiring freeze of all non-essential positions, cancelling a grant for a new cop car, charging numerous salaries’ portions to the city’s business, or enterprise, funds, as opposed to its general fund, and cancelling all events for the rest of the year.
But the police and grants department, the two largest items on Williams’s list—they would have saved $550,000 between them—survived. For now. Commissioner John Rogers’s motion to start the cuts calls for a two-week delay on eliminating the police and grants department, giving both departments a chance to make their case that they can keep operating and still bring the city within its budget. (The grants department is headed by Judi Stetson, who was passed over for city manager in Williams’s favor, and whose distance from Williams is as intense as her closeness to the mayor.)
The 3-2 Split Rending the City
Rogers, Elbert Tucker and Bill Baxley voted for the cuts. Mayor Catherine Robinson and novice Commissioner Bonita Robinson voted against at the end of an often dramatic, four-hour meeting that featured salvoes of accusations, blame, recrimination, anger and even some insults and sexism, as when Baxley, apparently unaware that he was displaying an older century’s chauvinism, said former City Manager Armando Martinez “had the women on this board hypnotized. They would follow him, they would cross the river on a paddle if he told them they could make it to the other side.”

(© FlaglerLive)
For that’s what Monday’s meeting turned on, beyond the deficit-ridden financial crisis the city must deal with: it was a pair of trials, one for Martinez, the manager whose obsequious charms ruled Bunnell for five years—and, in fact, thrived on the near-total and rarely questioning support of Robinson and then-Commissioners Daisy Henry and Jenny Crain-Brady—and the other for Williams, the manager who replaced him and who’s contended with Robinson’s contempt since.
Robinson called Williams unprepared Monday evening, as Williams could not answer numerous questions his list of proposed cuts brought up. Numerous members of the public also criticized the new manager, who had to, on several occasions, remind his questioners that some numbers, such as the hard costs and savings of contracting with the Sheriff’s Office, could not be nailed down absent explicit direction from the commission to negotiate with the sheriff. But the fluidity of Williams’s numbers have been a bane of his leadership even as he’s had to clean up the colossal mess left behind by his predecessor. And the list of proposed cuts Williams distributed to commissioners at the beginning of the meeting—rather than posting it with the back-up material to the meeting, on the web, for the public to see—looked more like a hurried outline rather than a studied document backed up by documentation for the gravity of cuts it proposed.
Yet despite the scarcity of documentation, Williams brought a clarity of purpose and a degree of grit that neither his critics nor commissioners could match.
“I don’t have a fan club here, I don’t think I will through this process,” he said. “I’ve offered what I consider 12 solutions that will get us through this year and also get us well into next year. I really feel that if these are not adopted by the council, I do not think financially, with or without grants, we will make it through the year. So we’ve given this a lot of heartfelt thought. This isn’t–. I’m going to tell you what’s happened. The city of Bunnell has lived on a champagne and caviar diet when basically we’re a hot dog and beer community. We’ve gone way beyond what we could spend, and it’s caught up to us. As the auditor pointed out, it caught up to us. Five years in a row, this is now the sixth year in a row. These are hard-core decisions.”
Williams on Trial
Since those proposals included cutting the police department, it enabled critics of the new manager to seize on an issue that could not be blamed on his predecessor—and that could, at the same time, deflect attention from the obvious.
“It’s obvious that he doesn’t know what’s going on,” former Commissioner Jimmy Flynt, making a rare appearance at the commission, said of Williams, drawing applause. “Any time you want to take a case of hot dogs and a case of beer back to where you come from, I’ll buy them.” But later in the meeting Flynt returned to the podium and apologized for that comment even as he said he did not like what Williams had said, and clarified that he was not being critical of Williams—that, in fact, he believed Martinez was responsible for the mess, not Williams.
Charles Gardner, the appraiser and member of the city’s planning board, said: “One thing that I heard that disturbs me is we don’t have figures in black and white about the change from the police department to the sheriff’s department. I think if you don’t have that, it shouldn’t be discussed any further.” He said the Heritage building that the city is about to acquire for its city hall, for $600,000, will cost the city $3,000 a month more than Williams has estimated. But, Gardner added, the building was acquired in part because it provides room for the police department. Why then acquire it if the police department is now to be cut? “There isn’t any way in the world that you should consider turning this over to the sheriff’s department.”
“It’s rather clear to me that nothing is very clear here,” Jan Reeger, the Realtor, said, a summation that would eventually color the final result of the meeting and dilute Williams’s original proposals. “There’s just way too many questions.”
Armando Martinez on Trial
Dwayne Sizemore took the mayor to task for blaming Williams for the financial crisis, when in fact, Sizemore said, the crisis is the result of Martinez’s tenure. That produced one of the frequent clashes between mayor and manager. (Robinson had an extremely close professional relationship with Martinez, with whom she spoke daily, usually more than once, a privilege Martinez denied other commissioners and Williams, leery of favoritism, has not replicated for any of them, including the mayor.)
“He’s responsible for what’s happened over the last 10 months, not five years,” Robinson said.
“Wow, wow, wow, wow,” Williams said. “I’m not responsible for this budget that we’re talking—“
“You’re responsible for administering the budget, you’re responsible for staying on top of it,” Robinson snapped back, “and knowing where it’s going, and in January, the city knew there was deficit numbers, and nothing was said.” But when Robinson presented her State of the City address on January 13, she did not mention the alarming figures, either, though she was aware of them.
Sizemore then interrupted, saying it was his turn to speak: “It’s clearly not his fault. This is not his fault. He’s trying to correct what’s been done here, and that’s what needs to be a clear picture.”
Mari Molina, who owns Flagler Cats in Bunnell, was not nearly as forgiving. “It seems to me we have a consultant and we have auditors. But it’s taken five years to get to this point, to bring out these issues that we’ve had all through these five years? I don’t understand why it took that long. That’s Number one. Mr. Williams, how long did it take you to make that list that you gave out today to all the commissioners?” Williams said he started four weeks ago. “It’s obvious,” Molina continued, clearly interested in the manager’s answer only rhetorically, “that you really did not think about who you should have contacted. You should have first contacted your head of departments because they better than anybody else know what they can cut. That’s number one. To think for a second that you should cut the police department and your grant department really makes me think and question your 13 years out in these small towns that you’ve been at.”
John Rogers Unloads
After a break, Rogers, the commissioner, took the floor and, this time clearly free of the inhibitions and minority status that had repeatedly allowed Robinson to shut him down on previous occasions, delivered a forceful summation of Martinez’s tenure as he saw it—a summation that doubled up as the release of three years of his own bottled-up anger.
Commissioner John Rogers’s Speech[media id=367 width=250 height=250]
“How did we get here? Five years, 60 months of deficits, five years of spending more money than we’ve taken in,” he said, starting on a how-did-we-get-here theme that ran through the eight minutes that were to follow, before speaking of how the county commission and the school board tackled the recession through cuts. “What did Bunnell do? We were sold a bag of goods. It was smoke and it was mirrors. Hutch was right, We have to shut the valve off. Some decisions have to be made. This is the aftermath of five years of an administrator that did not know what he was doing. And I will go on the record and say I did not vote for him. It was already stated who has. But five years of spending out of control. Five years. In fact, we paid that man over $650,000 in five years to put us in this position. Six hundred and fifty grand in salaries, in benefits. Five years of doing whatever he wanted to do with the taxpayers’ money because he had some people up here snowballed.
“Five years. Mr. Williams is here. Some cuts, some changes are going to have to be made. Absolutely. Do I want to get rid of the police department? No, I don’t. And I am disappointed that Mr. Williams don’t have a firm figure that says this is how much it’s going to cost. We need a figure. You can lie about figures, but figures don’t lie. You can’t make this stuff up. How did we get here?” He went on, describing a time when he asked that departments take a 10 percent cut but was “looked at like I had three heads.” He went on, declaiming how in the private sector a CEO soaked in red ink would have been quickly sacked, how the new finance director, Patty Larkin, quickly threw up red flags once she had the job, and how Williams has been cleaning up his predecessor’s crisis. He went on, describing how fellow-commissioner Bill Baxley has been “screaming” about deficits. He spoke like a commissioner who had three years of bottled up anger to release, as he knew—as all commissioners knew, he said—that the auditors were going to bring a dismal report this year. But that under the new leadership, “we will have a balanced budget.”
Wrangling Over Sheriff Costs and Claims
Much of the evening’s confusion focused on how much policing by the sheriff would cost, and what, precisely, Williams had discussed with sheriff’s officials. There was this exchange:
Commissioner Bill Baxley’s Speech[media id=368 width=250 height=250]
Bonita Robinson: “The one-on-one meeting that I had with you, Mr. Williams, you kind of gave me an estimate of maybe $800,000 for the sheriff’s department, and the paper that you issued tonight saying eliminating the police department could save us $400,000, so those numbers were way off.”
Williams: “We’ve talked since.”
Catherine Robinson: “Who’s talked since?”
Williams: “Myself and Mr. Staly.”
Bonita Robinson: “Mr. who?”
Williams: “Staly, the undersheriff. Again it wouldn’t be an official figure until there was a contract. There was no, I’m not sitting here with a black and white figure in front of you. But the latest figure that I, we’ve talked about, was under $700,000. Now also going toward the mayor said, the chief and I talked about possibly reducing the level of service and therefore cutting costs also.”
Catherine Robinson: “So can we look at dollar figures of all that before we talk about layoffs? Can we look at what the layoffs are going to cost the city before we talk about layoffs?”
Toward the end of the meeting, Williams returned to the issue “The sheriff has repeatedly told me, and I don’t know if he’s told other people, he doesn’t want—if Bunnell wants to go to the Sheriff’s Office, he’s willing to negotiate with us. He has given me a price, but he doesn’t want to give the impression he’s looking to take over our police department, either.” He added: “I can tell you a price that Mr. Staly and I have discussed, it’s $695,000. He will not put it in writing until council directs me to work out a contract with him.”
Staly was out of town Monday evening, but he heard of the discussion and emailed the following statement to FlaglerLive: “I was directed by Sheriff Manfre to provide an ‘unofficial’ cost of law enforcement services to Larry Williams. As a result of this direction I contacted our Sr. Manager of Finance, Cissy [Bertha, formerly Bunnell’s finance director], and asked her to provide a cost estimate for current service levels of BPD’s current on-duty staffing. This number was given to Sheriff Manfre who directed I call Larry Williams and give him the number, which I did. I was later directed by Sheriff Manfre to provide Larry Williams another cost estimate for reduced services. This number was again determined by Sr. Manager Cissy [Bertha] and was given to both Sheriff Manfre and Larry Williams. At no time did I negotiate a contract or pricing. I was a messenger of numbers as directed by my boss.”
Whatever the numbers, Bunnell Police Chief Tom Foster was quick to counter suggestions that the sheriff could provide as efficient a service as Bunnell: “A simple comparison of salary costs will clearly demonstrate the sheriff’s office will either require far more funding for this effort or be required to reduce the number of personnel that are currently dedicated to law enforcement efforts in Bunnell,” Foster said. He cited a cost of $104,089 per deputy, according to the sheriff’s contract with Palm Coast, compared to $52,548 for a Bunnell police officer, a figure that includes benefits but not training, equipment and insurance, which are included in the Palm Coast figure.
Closing Arguments
The questions were turned over to the administration, and will presumably get answered over the next two weeks.
Tucker, who remained silent for most of the meeting, spoke only at the end. He had on three occasions, one of them this year, proposed at least exploring eliminating the police department to save the city money. Each time, under Martinez’s and Robinson’s guidance, city officials and the police chief at the time would orchestrate a literal show of force before the commission, including the use of Palm Coast residents who’d speak in favor of the department, to repel attempts to shut it down. In one case, former Sheriff Don Fleming was embarrassed by one such orchestration, which took place at a workshop designed to give the sheriff an opportunity to explain how he would police the city, and at what cost. It’s because of that lack of decorum on Bunnell’s part that the current sheriff has kept a very large distance between him and the city.
But clearly, absent eliminating the department, the city will have to face up to other, yet-to-be determined cuts.
“This is not an emotional problem to me,” Tucker said. “It is a monetary problem. So you have to be able to separate the emotions of the events from the facts of the matter, from the financial facts. So I’m not opposed to keeping the Bunnell Police Department. Everybody needs to kind of get off of that route. What I’m after is to balance, help balance the budget, and that’s what’s been my driving force, my thinking in the past has not change. I’m still on the same page that I’ve been on since I first talked to Sheriff Fleming years ago. So it’s not an emotional matter to me, it’s a financial responsibility to you.” He added: “I’m not going to vote on emotion. I’m going to vote on a fact. The fact is we need to make some cuts, and if they have to be tough cuts, they just have to be tough cuts. So, Mr. Foster, you have a challenge. You’re the biggest budget. The Sheriff’s Office is also the biggest budget for Flagler County. So between you all two, I would love to see something different, something imaginative that will work.”
Charles Gardner says
Five years of incompetence, or criminal wrong doing? I’m wondering if the State Attorney’s office should conduct a forensic audit of Bunnell finances for the past five or six years.
confidential says
And no one mentioned that the city is bankrupted by the county commission advise of buying together the Plantation Bay utility and having to start a waste management department for it, all at least worth 5.6 million?
How come weren’t suppose to be the Plantation Bay residents users of the utility to pay for it with their rate increases..? Some Big Baloney!
Observer says
Tucker is right…stop all the emotional decision making. Three -four years ago when the sheriff made his proposal it was financially the right move, but the commission that was seated made an emotional decision to keep the bunnell police dept. Stop already, stop!!!!! Just let the sheriff in and wipe your hands of the expense, and liability, and move on. All the BS about loss of service is just that BS. Wake up Bunnell.
Watchdog says
Here is what no one seems to bring up regarding the police department. Even if they can match the proposal for the Sheriffs office by trimming their budget, they can’t match the resources that are available from the Sheriff office. How in Gods name can you compare a 12 man department with limited capabilities to the capabilities of the Sheriffs office, I mean this is a no brainer folks. Why would any sane person have to think twice, and why doesn’t, any of the commissioners bring this fact up. Why? Like Mr. Tucker said, stop letting emotion rule your thoughts
Heading North says
Standby citizens of Bunnell!!!
The Sheriff and his underlings have had their eye on Bunnell since the Sheriff (lawyer) took office!
He’s got Palm Coast, and has one of his henchmen running Flagler Beach, and another of the Undersheriff’s buddy’s running Bunnell PD!!
I feel sorry for Mayor Robinson and the others that are trying to question Mr.Williams, because they are fighting a losing battle! The commission has not had a reasonable voice on it since Pete Young left. At least he could do the research and present a reasonable debate, unlike Mr. John Rogers, who likes to hear himself talk about all topics he doesn’t understand!
Good luck Mayor Robinson! I for one recommend you give up before the headache becomes a migraine!!!
orphan says
Just watching from an armchair, I am first: astounded that this situation has gotten to this point, and second, quite happy that at least some of the Commissioners are willing to step up and acknowledge what started this landslide.
I was really happy with the last election. I have followed things since, and now I feel that the current Commissioners are doing exactly what they promised to do. And of course I’m only referring to Baxley, Rogers and Tucker.
Take it for what it’s worth.
concerned citizen says
Perhaps if commissioners and mayor are so concerned they should give up their salaries and become volunteer positions. Love how everyone blames someone else but they have all voted and approved past budgets. There are other cuts that can be done before we even consider giving up our police dept. Can we sell some of city’s possessions extra vehicles, machinery, etc? We should also be trying to get back the DOT contacts we lost to get extra that income into the city. Weed out city positions that we can do without.
BW says
There is no doubt that the fiasco that is going on there is going to end up costing the rest of the County tax payers. Enough is enough with this, and it’s time to clear house on that Commission. There is no way that Mayor should be allowed to continue in her position. She should do what’s appropriate and resign, and the people should demand her resignation. All of Flagler County should demand her resignation.
There is no way that Mayor was not aware of what was going on and the state of things. She allowed it to continue, should be thoroughly investigated for her part, and forced out of her office for allowing the situation to get where it is under her watch. If her and the former City Manager were in contact that often then what did they discuss in all of those meetings?
Step one towards resolving that problem is removing that Mayor from her position and demanding her resignation (which is the responsible thing she should do at this point). Step two for that City Manager is not laying off but laying the hammer down. The people of Bunnell should stand up because that Mayor and several others have truly taken advantage of them. What they were paying to that former City Manager alone with their population and finances was unreal to allow that to happen and go on.
bunnell boy says
No wonder martinez is so happy at his farewell party, if i got paid what the city handed him i would be happy too. I bet he has not stopped laughing yet !
ⓖⓔⓔⓩⓔⓡ Shalom y'all says
You wonder?
jennifer Lopez says
Better wake up Bunnell Residents you have been had. !
Jan Reeger says
I am horrified at the name callers and naysayers and “armchair” commenters that post in your articles. They so seldom understand government or have all the facts. I was also horrified at the bashing by the “gentlemen” Commissioners. The past can not be changed. Let it go. We need civility in government.
The problem is where we go from here. Flaglerlive, I wish you had posted “the list of proposed cuts Williams distributed to commissioners at the beginning of the meeting—rather than posting it with the back-up material to the meeting, on the web, for the public to see—looked more like a hurried outline rather than a studied document backed up by documentation for the gravity of cuts it proposed.”
It was careless and unprofessional and an indication of how the city is being run now. I have witnessed other times where the information is is inaccurate or incomplete or unknown. The “gentlemen” got their puppet who appears unable to provide the facts. The “ladies” AND the Public were asking for accurate details. A good restructuring plan in black and white should be developed and publicized..
I was ambivalent about the whether to keep the Bunnell Police or contract it with the Sheriff. It is unquestionable that the citizens want to keep them. For many reasons, I now believe they should.
Unfortunately, the Commissioners also do not care what their citizens want from them.
Bunnell Resident says
Flagler County should not be the resource we use for our Police Department. What happens when they once again treat us like a bastard child such as they did when the decided to evict the City of Bunnell from the potato Palace? We should drop the purchase of the water facility in Plantation Bay if this is still legally possible. The key to prosperity in Bunnell is to build some new homes and neighborhoods and to attract businesses to open their doors in the city. Tax dollars spent attracting economic activity and perhaps some multi year property tax exemptions for new homes and businesses should be looked at. Let’s make bunnell open for business.
Charles Gardner says
The Agenda for this meeting on the city website was one page. The City Manager returned from vacation on the day of the meeting. Just how much thought was put into the list given to the commissioners Monday night is anybody’s guess, couldn’t have been much. The “list” should have been made public prior to the meeting. Commissioner Bonita Robinson had the right idea, asking for real numbers. I think the motion to cut and the vote was premature, it could have been delayed at least a week.
Kurt says
It is humorous that the residents of this fine town insist on believing that the BPD provides them with a better service than the FCSO would. Where exactly do these citizens think that most of their best officers go? They go to the FCSO (former BPD Sgt. Gamarra just last month won FCSO Kiwanis Deputy of the year). I would hate to see the BPD officers lose their jobs, because there are some good guys working there presently. I would have to imagine that the Sheriff would provide an opportunity for the BPD officers to get hired so long as they meet the requirements.
The average BPD shift yields about 4 calls for service. The average FCSO Deputy fields 5 calls before lunch. This is not a good value for the citizens of Bunnell. The BPD admin needs to do the right thing and ensure that officers will not lose jobs, then turn it over to the FCSO. This should have happened a long time ago.
taxpayer says
Sounds like some people just don’t want to listen to what the auditor and Williams said. The ship is sinking and solutions were offered to bail it out. It’s obvious some thought was put in to it. Thank goodness for three commisioners who voted for some of the recommendations. You either turn your back on the problem and wait or you start to solve it!
One night of something is better than five years of nothing!
I hate that the citizens(like BW) does not have an idea how the commission votes,You have a Mayor with one vote and the commisioners have four votes.How in the world can you blame the Mayor when you have four other votes.Everything voted on is by the commisioners,learn the system before you put the blame on the Mayor.
Ray Thorne says
The resources from the sheriffs office are available regardless. Just as they are available to Flagleer Beach if the need arises.
Mike says
Obviously it is no ones fault in the City of Bunnell, what a shame that you do not have one decent politician in your city. The excuses and blame game are at the top of the heap, the citizens need to clean house and start with a fresh group. Cut the police dept and the solid waste division, use third parties for this to save money, its not rocket science just plain business sense.