Flagler County School Board member Sally Hunt and Wadsworth Elementary Principal Paul Peacock were orchestrating the firing of Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt as far back as February 22, a text Peacock sent Hunt two hours before a school board meeting shows.
All along, Hunt claimed she was doing her “due diligence,” and that she had not made up her mind.
On Feb. 9, two days after a school board retreat meant to bring the board and the superintendent closer together, Hunt told her colleagues on the board that “I want to make sure I’m doing my due diligence” on the superintendent’s contract. Less than two weeks later, she was feverishly working on how to fire her, with Peacock strategizing, encouraging and “regrouping” alongside her, according to a batch of her texts, examined by FlaglerLive.
Hunt received by text a literal script on firing the superintendent during a board workshop on Feb. 22, two hours before an evening board meeting when she could have followed the script. She did not do so, because she learned she would have needed four votes to change the agenda to enable the maneuver. She would not have had four votes.
Peacock is the Wadsworth Elementary school principal who a month later was to have his grievance heard by the board (over a $7,500 payment he felt owed), and who has threatened to sue the district. (He is represented by Michael Chiumento III. See: “Behind Principal Paul Peacock’s $7,500 Grievance, a Roil of Politics and Sideshow Maneuvers.”)
A trove of texts between Hunt and Peacock that Hunt disclosed after repeated public record requests show a far more involved (if strictly business) relationship between Peacock and Hunt, with Peacock calling the shots on who Hunt should speak with, what she should do on the board, what questions to send in board surveys, how to react to board dynamics: far from a casual, gossipy or informative role, Peacock had a direct line to board actions.
“I can’t believe they talked to you that way,” Peacock texted Hunt the day he’d sent her the script, after Hunt had discussed the superintendent’s contract but felt she’d failed to get as far as she wanted. “We have to regroup,” Peacock wrote her. “Gavin totally misrepresented Mittelstadt we need outside counsel too many thoughts to put down in a text.”
The next day he texted her: “Let’s regroup that was an ambush all four of them were part of it,” before adding: “I’m staying on it like a dog on a bone.”
The script Peacock sent Hunt was titled “script” and was an explicit parliamentary how-to on getting rid of the superintendent. It isn’t clear who wrote it. The fact that Peacock took a screen shot of his screen showing the script and sent the picture, rather than wrote the script out himself in a text, as he did all other texts, suggests he may have received the script from a more able legal hand. It reads:
“1. Make motion to discuss and address Super’s contract. If second, then you can discuss and address.
“2. After discussion, make the motion to terminate and get the second. Once there is a second, it has to be voted on or withdrawn.
“3. Chair or Gavin object that it is improper, have her cite where in Roberts Rules which governs board policy 206 C1 last [illegible] [Kristy Gavin is the school board attorney.]
“4. See the above as Roberts to allow new business or old business.
“5. If they object follow the above of process [illegible] above.”
The image as reproduced in texts (see the image at the top of the article) and copied in response to a public record request is a bit blurry, making one or two words illegible. The bulk of the text is clear enough.
Hunt has claimed that she spoke with Peacock no differently than she did many other people. She was the assigned “liaison” to Wadsworth Elementary. Every board member is assigned one or two schools as liaison. That role entails one responsibility: to attend the monthly School Improvement Council meetings and report back to the board. Hunt did not appear to know when the SAC meetings were when she spoke of the matter last Tuesday.
“There’s been a lot of chat about my speaking with Paul Peacock,” she said in a March 21 radio interview. “I mean, I’ve, I’ve talked with a lot of people and so to kind of have this idea that I’m just, you know, speaking with one principal at one school is is really just, it’s disappointing.”
Hunt’s phone, text and in-person contacts with Peacock are so copious that her claims that he was just another person she spoke with are between disingenuous and dishonest. So are her claims that she was doing her “due diligence” on the superintendent, as she continued to say as late as March 21: “I am doing my due diligence. It’s an incredibly important role. All I have asked for with my fellow board members is for us to get it on the agenda to publicly notice it so that we can all speak in detail to it, where the public has been made aware that we’re going to be talking about it.”
That’s not true, of course: the only thing keeping her from putting it on the agenda herself had been the fourth vote, and she didn’t want to just talk about it, but to make a motion to fire Mittelstadt.
After its discussion of the evaluations at the 5:30 meeting, the board will take a vote on whether to renew her contract and for how long, or whether to not renew–essentially, firing her.
Board members Colleen Conklin and Cheryl Massaro have already said they support continuing the superintendent’s contract. Furry and Board member Christy Chong have been mum, saying, like Hunt, that they want to do their due diligence, though ideologically, they fill the two seats of previous board members who had sought to fire Mittelstadt, too.
If Hunt might have claimed in public that her mind was not made up, she cannot make that claim now (unless she has changed her mind).
“I’ve been criticized that I’m not sharing. It’s like I’m hiding something or I’m not sharing, you know, my thoughts on on the current superintendent and so it’s again, it’s a little bit bizarro land for me,” Hunt said on March 21, when her texts show she was doing exactly that: orchestrating board actions and policies with a shadow board member who was openly antagonistic to the district and had a personal stake before the board. Peacock’s and Hunt’s interest in firing the superintendent had merged.
They compared notes after board meetings and strategized together for months, all in secret even as Hunt claimed on the board that she was all about transparency: She and Peacock had a “regular briefing,” in Peacock’s words, “biweekly,” though their contact was far more frequent. He gave thumbs up and thumbs down to people Hunt sought to meet (former principal and security consultant Winnie Oden, up, current Coordinator of Student Supports and Behavior John Fanelli, down).
She sought his help “drafting the best 7-10 questions to be given to administrators, community leaders, stakeholders like realtor assoc, etc” (“on it!” he replied). He coached her on board parliamentary maneuvers, she called him before school board meetings, she called him after. Their relationship had grown intimate enough that by the end of February, when she butt dialed him, she texted, “Well hello butt.”
Hunt last Tuesday asked to be reassigned from Wadsworth. She gave no indication that she was doing so out of ethical responsibility, again blaming “media narrative” rather than her own actions, or Peacock’s conflicts. But unlike Peacock, she has, after significant delays, complied with some–not all–record requests.
In those texts, Hunt revealed herself more than she knew: “Impartial!!! That’s the word I could not think of,” she texted Peacock at the beginning of February. She apparently could not think of what she no longer was.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Lies, decete,& more lies…. While the peacock struts around showing his true colors. Its a cryin shame the way they want to educate our kids, shit they cant even get their house in order. Oh…what a tangled web we weave, as the childern suffer & the parents are decieved.
Rose colored glasses says
You know i worked for a company where an employee went on a 3 day bender. He was driving a company vehicle stopped forca 12 pack lunch and from his own admission 13 shots of bourbon. Surprisingly he wrecked a company truck the 1st day we had it. When the cops get their they asked him a few questions about drinking. He admitted to a few. They asked open the van side door 30 empty beer cans poured out. Now if he had hurt someone our company would be responsible. We suspended him and waited for the DUI to take place. The cops refused to share bac so we had no firing grounds. He filed for unemployment because we werent letting him drive again. In the unemployment hearing the guy was honest drinking all tge time beer bourbon 24 hours. The guy was unbelievably honest. The supposed unbiased hearing officer said thats a lot of alchohol do you have a problem? The guy said no i drink this much and more no problem. He asked again you wrecked the van that wasnt because you have a drinking problem? Guy got pissed i dont have a drinking problem. Funny thing is CT LAW says if he said he had a problem. Our insurance would not pay for the van. We would have veen legally liable to keep him employed through treatment hire him back as a driver. And if he killed someone later driving while drunk would have been liable for all damages. So yes you need to make sure a problem gets fired with ts crossed and is dotted.
Rose colored glasses says
Wow one sided comments dissension gets erased of course the lemmings agree.
Why do I feel that Hunt and Peabody need to be fired immediately or their 2 butts need to be taken before an ethics committee!
John says
I was thinking the same thing. I think hunt should immediately be thrown off the school board. I believe principles serve at the pleasure of the superintendent.
Nancy N. says
The big question in all of this that there are no answers for is….WHY? Why is Sally Hunt seemingly incapable of thinking for herself on any board business and turning to Peacock to be the power behind the throne like some Rasputin? Why does Peacock have so much control over her?
Kat says
Questions I have as well, neither of these people seem to have their priorities in order.
DP says
If I was the superintendent Peacock would be immediately terminated for insubordination. And as a voter we should recall hunt. She should be worried about herself, as the voter’s voiced thier concern and didnt re-elect the last two self absorbed clowns. Maybe it’s time to clean house again. It’s not all about Hunt!!!!!
Concerned Community Member says
The plot thickens! As a elected board member she should be seeking knowledge not from a disgruntled employee. There are many other school districts with board members that have the knowledge that can be sought, St. John County, Volusia and Duval. Every school district in the state of Florida must following state statues. These other counties could and can give insight to a new school board member. My question is why Sally didn’t seek them out?
Mike says
Principal Peacock should be fired immediately. This type of behavior is an organizational cancer which needs removed.
Deborah Coffey says
Peacock should be fired immediately. And, Sally Hunt voters should all unite and call for her resignation. We were deceived big time!
Concerned Citizen says
Terminate Peacock for insubordination. Immediately Voters. Please initiate a recall for Sally Hunt.
These two people are in charge of modeling our future. And are acting like a bunch of 5th grade bullies in the school yard. At this point the Superintendent has enough to file a grievance for hostile work environment. And should.
To Hunt and Peacock. Grow up.
Either find your cause and terminate. Or let the Superintendent continue to do her job. At this point you owe us an explanation of why you want her gone.
And please stop wasting valuable taxpayers time on frivolous squabbles.
Stephen says
Why do school board members want to play politics with the kids of Flagler county?
Simon says
From StarWars: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Former Teacher says
I am extremely disappointed in Sally Hunt as a Board member thus far. Is there ANY elected body in this county that isn’t infested with back room shenanigans and quid pro quo BS?
Jim says
Sally Hunt is nothing but a liar. She clearly has an agenda to dismiss the Superintendent yet pretends to be doing due diligence. And she clearly is not capable of being on the school board; she can’t do anything without getting Peacock’s direction.
Mittelstadt must fire Peacock now for insubordination and failure to comply with public record requests. He is a spineless waste of humanity that should not be allowed children for another minute.
Why Flagler County and Palm Coast city governments are filled with such deceitful and despicable people continues to amaze me.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Sally Hunt should just resign immediately, no ifs ands or buts, she’s way over her head. Peacock needs to be fired immediately for insubordination, he’s going to sue anyways so big deal. Superintendent should be calling for an ethics investigation for both of them and any other Board Member who had contact with Peacock.
Wow says
Such a crooked bunch.
Dazed and confused in Palm Ciast says
Dear Ms Hunt, would you please explain your actions to the people who voted for you?
Stephen says
Dear Mrs. Hunt, why did you deceive the voters by saying you had an open mind about Flagler county schools. So I guess no open mind for you if you got pointers from the Peacock on how to fire the superentendent. I sure hope he does not become the new superentendent. Voters will not forget, even Liberty’s mom.
Whathehck? says
And to think that VandeBunte an educator didn’t get the job. Mittelstadt who seems to be an intelligent levelheaded one may be on her way out, willingly or not. Massaro and Conklin are out, enough madness for them. If Hunt resigned or is recalled another Q-anon from lala-land conspiracies would replace her, at this point maybe it makes no difference, the kids are screwed.
How about the Hitler loving book burning nazi mother? She could apply together with Jill notsobright then the School Board would be 100% filled with conniving liars. What a mess for Flagler’s children.
James says
It seems that Peacock made a PAL of Hunt… now Hunt will indeed pay the price. And what of Mittelstadt? In my opinion she can now turn around and sue the county if they vote not to renew her contract.
Eh, nice me$$ she’s gotten the county and herself into.
Tired of it says
What steps are needed to recall Hunt? How can one individual do so much damage in such a short time? She still doesn’t realize
that Peackock is just using her to further his vendetta.
anonymous says
Peacock has hurt so many people in the school district. He’s hired then fired teachers, staff members. He is a complete bully, people who work under him are completely terrified of him. They suck it up to keep their jobs. Nobody needs to work in this type of environment. I’m not sure why he hasn’t been dealt with along time ago. Yet he was promoted, then demoted. He sucks up to important people in order to advance his own career. He treats the little people like dirt. Karma kicking your but Peacock. I hope you are fired, as you have fired so many people. Teachers transfer out of your schools to escape you.
Now that you have been demoted by a woman, you can’t handle it. Like a spoiled little brat you tried to take down the superintendent.
It’s just pride messing with you.