The coronavirus has mutated into ideological variants. Its virulence is now worse than before, this time from our own doing. Fighting it as a united front was battle enough, exhausting and deadly. Fighting it while battling an uprising of premature abnegators undermining, defying and deriding virus-suppression measures will further scuttle what had already been a disastrous national response, with appalling and continuing shortages in tests and personal protective equipment, with the spreading of flawed tests and contradictory messaging, and with nonexistent federal-state-local coordination. As tea party-like danses macabre take to the steps of state capitols to “reopen America” while a president eggs them on, the virus is exploiting a widening gap between science’s warnings and ideology’s flaunting.
What has already been an unnecessarily large wave of mass deaths will be unnecessarily prolonged, masked by the false comforts of lesser spikes on the back side of an apex that has nothing to do with the virus’ undiminished threat. We are moving from a natural disaster to a man-made one, from statistically unavoidable deaths to deaths willed by indifference, ignorance, selfishness, and the political calculations of a single man. Every country is facing this pandemic. Only the United States is at war with itself because of that single man taking cleavers and flails to a nation’s lungs.
The black plague upon us that’s been the Trump administration for 1,200 days went turbo-bubonic a few days ago when Dear Leader junked the 10th Amendment and again mistook the narcissism in his mirror for leadership, declaring himself the ultimate authority on when to reopen America. Who needs facts, science and 35,000 corpses when you have Trump.
It took a few days for this latest unpresidential derangement syndrome to seem like it was working itself out, so that by Thursday Bubo-in-Chief was punting the decision back to governors as his transformation of America into the Houston Astrodome circa 2005 pivoted to fresher scapegoats (the World Health Organization, China).
Or so we thought. No sooner had he had a moment of lucidity, when he not only agreed to let governors call their own shots but issued a set of cautious guidelines on reopening, than, his eyes on the year’s electoral map, he was back to tweeting incendiary calls fomenting uprisings against governors’ stay-home orders in Democratic states (“LIBERATE MICHIGAN,” “LIBERATE MINNESOTA,” and so on). We’ve become so inured to the sleazy treachery, the pandering to mobs, the contempt for statesmanship or anything resembling solidarity in a time of crisis that we shrug this off as so many more symptoms of a presidency we all knew would be pestilential from day one. Why bother with surprise.
By then Bubo’s latest moronic messaging about how the American economy can magically restart had caused its share of copycat idiocy in a few states and localities, among them one of our own county commissioners emasculating our county administrator into unilaterally lifting a ban on park and trail uses in an alleged “experiment” late last week. The county took that pandering decision despite howls from all three city managers, despite opposition from city police chiefs and the sheriff, despite the opposition of the county health chief, whose facts and science are apparently less valid than a commissioner’s desire to suck the marrow out of Trump’s bubos. Not much later, the all-clear sounded for a limited reopening of beaches, too, this time with the health chief’s defeated assent.
Did I mention that we now have more corpses in a few weeks than we had in three years of war in Korea, when you could at least legitimately blame the Chinese? Well, yes, but how about this bugle call: just 700 or so deaths so far in Florida, and really only two in Flagler, so aren’t we doing swell? Not only should the county reopen its trails and parks. Maybe it can sublet the parks for those funerals that are so difficult to hold these days. Imagine the tourism draw for funerals in Volusia, where deaths have been a bit more problematic. Some of the pavilions at Bing’s Landing are just begging for coffins and eulogies, not to mention the “Focus on Flagler” blather to turn this pandemic to our advantage and get us moving again (as long as the coffins have wheels).
Arrogance and chaos define the federal and banking response to the pandemic. Too bad some local officials are so eager to replicate it, on Friday going full-bore propagandistic with a press release that literally boasted of increasing Covid-19 testing “significantly” in Flagler without resulting in as significant an increase in positive cases–as if it were some sort of sport or marketing feat. Never mind the traumas and devastation the significantly fewer cases are enduring, never mind those to come or those who died. The county’s numbers, of course, were false. So it goes when a government’s PR machinery is hijacked by backslapping, though for so many weeks there it seemed as if the county had put a premium on soberness and seriousness, to all of our benefit and to the benefit of county-city cohesion. Someone fell off the wagon.
A cohesive local response was critical because we had three years of catastrophes to know that the federal response couldn’t possibly be anything but cataclysmic in the face of an actual disaster. Even if the president had acted sooner, even if he’d transitioned into Cassandra in January, he walked into this pandemic with the credibility of a flea and the capabilities of a dead rat the flea would have jumped from. Whatever horrors other countries experienced, we’ve become the scourge’s true world champions of avoidable deaths, the federal government reminding us at every turn how much we’re on our own. We get it.
Of course we want the nation reopened. Our livelihood depends on it, and lockdowns are unsustainable. But it’s not just Trump who’s deluding himself about when and how to re-open America. It won’t be his decision. It won’t be governors’ or superintendents’ decisions, or even the decisions of public health and emergency management directors. It certainly won’t be that of Trump clones playing commissioner on Facebook, especially in counties where not even local governments could stay on the same page more than a few weeks.
The decision is going to be made by individual Americans in their own time, sometimes at great risk to themselves and others, knowing that while the coronavirus remains a mystery in many respects, living with it is not a mystery. That reality has been mapped out. We now know that no society can “reopen” without massive testing for the virus, massive contact tracing, and massive testing for antibodies. Despite months of crisis, none of that is available.
In the absence of more testing for the disease or its antibodies–a continuing catastrophe all its own–the choice will be driven by the needs of millions who can’t afford impositions of idleness (assuming they even have a job to go back to), and it’ll be driven by the luxury of choice for those who still have a choice, or those who contracted and survived the virus, though it’s not yet known if that immunity is dependable or how long it lasts.
The apex has nothing to do with individual lives. It has to do with pressures on our health care system, and whether it can handle a crunch. The crunch has passed. The virus hasn’t, nor will risks of deaths that have made the coronavirus the leading cause of death in the United States these last weeks. If the calculus is that we’re willing to put up with deaths as long as our healthcare system can handle it, we should say so, because that’s where we’re headed when we talk of “reopening,” also knowing that–drizzles of disingenuous analogies aside–this calculus is nowhere near the lesser disruptions or death rates from the seasonal flu, car crashes, guns, ladders and other risks of daily life.
So for most Americans the apex of the disease has little to do with any of that. The only curve that matters is a sense of assurance that even accepting a measure of risk, there’s a safety net out there to catch you if things go wrong. But what we keep learning is that the net is an illusion, the way rapid testing is still an illusion, the way unemployment checks have been an illusion for most affected Floridians, the way cohesive public health policy has been an illusion, especially with Bubo-in-Chief declaring his own Mission Accomplished moment from within sight of graves soon to be dug. For most Americans it’s not about recovery from the pandemic but avoidance—avoidance of this “American carnage,” to recall the phrase Trump so carelessly spat in his inaugural address, and that has now become his truest epitaph.
It’s his carnage now. Most of us would rather it not be ours.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece aired on WNZF and was syndicated by Common Dreams.
robert says
At the begining of this virus the democrats where trying to impeach this president where was their focus on the well being of the american people?
John Stove says
Really?….that is your reasoning? How about you focus on the person “in charge”? The president has downplayed the virus from day one until it hit the fan. The best B.S. line is saying that he “inherited faulty tests from the previous administration”…..he is too dumb to realize that Covid-19 (the “19” is because it appeared in 2019) was not around in the previous administration!!! This all happened on his watch and now we are finding out that the “faulty tests” he refers to where because his CDC screwed them up in December.
Wake Up….the president is not capable and never will be
joe says
Actually, the Democrats can do more than one thing at a time…Trump, on the other hand, was willfully ignoring intelligence about the virus, golfing, and having numerous rallies where he mocked the virus as hoax.
But, thanks for today’s Trump talking point…
Keith says
You’re right! The democrats can do a lot more than Trump! Just read the WikiLeaks .org to read all about it!
If you remember, we had to select the best of two opponents, Hillary or Trump. We all knew Trump brags when he was elected. He always has, and doubt he will never change. But we also knew Hillary’s track record too (now closely watching the nonprofit organization Judicial Watch pursuing their actions against all those lost emails). That’s all they gave us to choose from. Now you are getting the same thing. Biden who has dementia and Trump.
Its unfortunate that our small businesses that have been around for generations, have had to close and our employees laid off until further notice. But, we have taken many mini vacations in the last few weeks to exotic places like – Las Kitchenas, Los Lounges, Santa Bedroomes, Porto Gardenas, Los Bed, Costa Del Balconia, St Bathroom and of course La Rotonda De Sofa.
Thankfully although we all know that Taxation is Theft, its comforting to know that our democratic party made sure that $150 million would go toward singers, actors and dancers that will no doubt stimulate audiences to help stimulate the economy, right? (Because its a shame that the administrate staff of the Virginia Symphony Orchestra had to take a 20% pay cut; and the Austin Museum of Art had to postpone plans for a new museum downtown and the Milwaukee Shakespeare Theater Company had to close it doors in October when they lost their main supporter – The Argosy Foundation after cutting their funding).
And although the democratic House didn’t give themselves a raise; while the economy is spiraling out of control, its comforting to know that it was more important that they awarded themselves with state of the art IT equipment and services, plus $50 billion in grants and loans for passenger, airlines and don’t forget the $93 million for Congress and the $350 million to help refugees.
So while we are quick to point out the faults of one man, don’t forget to give the democratic party, credit for their input too.
I think we have all learned that we need to bring more jobs home and stop relying on foreign countries for our necessities. I think we have all learned that Big Gov and Socialism Sucks.
#turningpointusa #Project_knowledge #JudicialWatch #NikkiHaleyForPresident2024 #BlackVoicesForTrump #LibertariansShouldBeInTheTelevisedDebates #ObamaSpent$65KTaxPayersMoneyFlyingHotDogsFromChicagoForPrivatePartyAtWhiteHouse
diane says
Biden doesn’t have dementia…..that’s another Trump talking point.
people are so use to the fast, forked tongue of a salesman for President, they forget what a thoughtful, thinking Leader looks like.
Marty says
He has the beginning of dementia. There is no doubt that can’t even have a conversation about anything without losing his train of thought. They are using Biden as a front. The Vice President will assume the reigns if , God forbid,the Democrats win. America as we know it is doomed because of anarchist like Antifa, who no doubt are being funded by leftist liberal leaders to cause complete mayhem in our cities. This has absolutely nothing to do with RACISM. It’s all about power. The death of George Floyd was very tragic, the people responsible will be punished. Why is the whole country being punished. If borders are racist then why are there barricades in Portland at cop free zone??? The liberals want everyone to come to US unapposed because they want there votes and only votes. Democrats don’t care one bit about there well being unless it’s an election year. The whole party are nothing but hypocrites. I’m so sick and tired of hearing all the whining by the left because they lost the last election. The Snowflakes and Millenials are in for a rude awakening when Mommy & Daddy are no longer around and they must take care of themselves.
SteveWard says
HE clearly broke the Law/Oath and was subsequently cleared by a YES MAN Majority Senate. Get over it . Your Orange blowhard is just that.
Marty says
So Comey Strotz Brennan Biden Obama and all the other cronies didn’t break the law going after Trump. Read read read you’ll learn a lot by reading and not listening to the BS media. There agenda is Get Trump. The leftist media is destroying all of our American History. If you don’t know the past you will repeat it. Taking away all the Statues of our American forefathers is a crime in itself. The liberals are going to destroy our way of life by giving away everything, but watch the liberal leaders will give up nothing of there own, but won’t have a problem to give your property away. Wake up people. I wish the Snowflakes and Millenials would go and talk to there parents. There parents should explain to them that they had to work hard for what they have, roof over there heads and other possessions to help make there life’s easier. I think they should take the word FREE out of dictionary because nothing is FREE. Everything worth having is worth working for
Rick G says
Thanks for the insight Pierre… It is sound and based in science and pragmatism.. I am sure most comments here will reflect the overall maturity of those “lets get back to work” types that are carrying automatic weapons in their so called protests. One can only hope that my prediction will not come true.
Instigator says
“are carrying automatic weapons in their so called protests.”
In case you didn’t know, that is an outright lie. Automatic weapons are banned nation wide.
What they were carrying were fancied up deer rifles of the Semi Automatic variety. Must be a few hundred million of them in circulation. PA has 800,000 deer hunters alone.
Fredrick says
@Instigator how dare you point out that lie!!! They have to say that to fit their narrative. How many of those dear hinters in PA where shot on opening day or through the entire seasons. I am sure it was carnage.
Name (required) says
Semi automatic rifles that “resemble” weapons of war aren’t needed to shoot a deer. (Certainly shouldn’t need a clip.) My bolt action has never been inadequate. Zealots who think they need to open carry for their public “Protest” message of Just “words,” are not just thinking about “Deer.” Don’t be thick, it’s a message of intimidation. Period. Nothing more.
Robjr says
@Rick G.
You can bet your last dollar they’ll come crawling out of the wood work at any utterance that is not complementary of the draft dodger in chief. Flaglerlive has them programmed to salivate just like Pavlov’s dog. To say their behavior is predictable is an understatement.
That train is never late.
Daniel Lamperti Lamperti says
A very typical dissertation of big government controlling its population.
Since we are a nation made of of 51 states, it is only logical that each
governor be the best, along with their administration, to administer the back to work and reopen their states economy.
Your partisan writings are so obvious to us readers, that is funny that you actually believe you make a difference in our political ideas.
The Voice Of Reason says
51 states? Really? I missed one. That said, Gov Desantis is an obvious failure in the leadership department. Between Scott and him our unemployment department is a disaster. The slowest in sending out desperately needed unemployment checks in the nation. Trumpers have an insatiable appetite for feasting on his never ending buffet of lies. Our nations problems are based on wasting $$$ on tax cuts for the 10% wealthiest, the military, and the energy industry. As a nation we spend many times more on healthcare than any other nation with comparably worse health outcomes. We have more cases and deaths of covid-19 than any country in the world. Trumpers want to reopen the economy prematurely and reverse the progress we’ve made. One step forward, two steps back. Ignore science and healthcare professionals and listen to a lying blowhard who’s desperate to get reelected in a staggering economy. In a humming economy trump blew the deficit through the stratosphere before covid. Then covid hit and the deficit exploded further from there. In comparison, Obama ran up the debt repairing the economic disaster left behind by George W Bush. Trump is a whining, bratty, name calling 3rd grade bully. Republican trumpers have have expert marksmanship shooting themselves and the rest of this country in the foot with their high powered assault rifles and endless supply of bullets.
TR says
The voice of reason,
When you have actual fact to prove what your saying, then you can talk. But instead your just another anti-TRUMP puppet who probably believes all the fake news you hear on CNN & MSNBC and all the others. Well I can tell you that come November, your head is going to explode when PRESIDENT TRUMP wins again because of who’s he up against. A mentally ill candidate that by November he won’t even know what his name is. Your facts are completely backwards but this isn’t a surprise because for the past 3 plus years anyone with the same beliefs as you are pi**ed off because a business man with no agenda to anyone in Congress won the election and beat the best the left had to offer at the time which was (and still is) the crooked politician to walk the face of earth, Hillary Clinton.
steve says
Hillary was a slow mover on the used Politician market. Keep drinking the kool aid. Come November liar liar gets his eviction papers. Only pissed off by brainless folowers like you. Some one close to you should experience his failure
KR says
350 health professionals sign letter to Congress claiming Trump’s mental health is deteriorating dangerously amid impeachment proceedings
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Pathological liar, Other mental health comorbidities, uses “gaslighting” as a method of formal abuse of others.
Stephanie says
TOUCH’E Thank you for saying this out loud. We are in a very dangerous space. Which started 3.5 years ago. God Help Us All
Roy Longo says
Every newspaper, TV news and online news does opinion pieces. They all have their political slants. Don’t read liberal commentary if you don’t want to. It’s as easy as that.
Fredrick says
@Roy I would agree. Pierre and I are 180 degrees opposed but he has the right to to share his views (even though they are wrong :-) ). It’s his opinion. I will defend his right to do so. Only issue I have is while I am sure he tries not to but his “leanings” bleeds through to the other articles on this website. It would be nice just to have facts and not a view and let the reader draw his own conclusion. But it is his website. His site, his rules….. Pierre is a good man. He cares about his community and writes what he believes. And no Pierre I am not sucking up. It would get me nothing.
Yellowstone says
If they keep it up there will be no need for the ACA! The pasttime effort has be to eliminate the ACA, Social Security, Mediacre, and Medicaid.
So far the greatest costly human scarifice has been among the homeless, elderly, and the impoversihed. Though not planned the COVID-19 fits right into their agenda.
Let’s see who is eliminated this Fall . . . Go VOTE!
Citizen says
social security is a scam and should be abolished
Mary Fusco says
Welfare is a scam and should be abolished. Those receiving social security paid into it for many, many, many years. Those receiving welfare have paid into nothing and have a free ride as long as they can reproduce.
Not Drinking the JUICE says
How Old Are You??? That is my money, I paid in all my life…I get a pitiful $953.00 a month. Thanks I can pay my car payment and my light bill…
Trailer Bob says
OK…first of all, no one is even close to getting rid of SSI, Medicare (spelled the right way) or Medicaid. I know more about those programs and have worked with them much more in my past life than most likely anyone reading this article. If you are very young, well yes, those programs will either be replaced or vastly improved in the future. Most Americans have very little understanding about those programs, other than what they read in the media. So yes…there is a lot of incorrect info being written over and over all the time.
Also, those programs you mention are not sustainable infinitum, they will need to be addressed and improved to face the reality of changes in population, life expectancy, fairness, and many other issues.
Now, a President was voted in and he has four years in that post. Then those who can vote will have another crack at the game we call voting…in this case for a President. So some of us will vote, and that will be that.
The tantrums will not change who the current President is, so save your breath. Trump is certainly entertaining, to say the least, but his policies and commitment to make America great again are refreshing for some. Don’t let your heads explode, calm down, and I am sure everything will turn out fine for you all when Biden takes the rings. Just please try to stop the hatred and extremely rude and condescending opinions to yourselves and your friends. Neither “side” cares what other says, and that is no different in a local community rag. No one’s mind will be changed. We already know what we believe, we already no who we will vote for. And, we all ready know what you think…but thanks for the meltdown…it was fun.
Gary R says
Fact Check: Joe Biden Has Advocated Cutting Social Security for 40 Years. “When I argued that we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well,” he told the Senate in 1995. “I meant Medicare and Medicaid. I meant veterans’ benefits. I meant every single solitary thing in the government. And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time.” (A freeze would have reduced the amount that would be paid out, cutting the program’s benefit.)
Dave says
Laughable!!! Pure propaganda!
Jimbo99 says
To me it’s a deadly virus that everyone needs to take seriously. That said, the traditional flu s just as deadly. When did this world ever start to get religion or a conscience about spreading a virus that could escalate to Pneumonia ? There is no cure for the common flu. it’s morphed, and yet children went to school, people went anywhere they desired. Yet there was zero concern that whoever caught the flu wasn’t bringing it home to the grandparents or even their parents. So this strain was recently discovered, it’s a SARS-2, which means there was a SARS original ? 17 years later, not fast forward, just 17 brutally miserable years of Bush, Obama & Trump marked with fraud & abuse, apathy and whatever else and they have not done anything about the original SARS that is any more effective than what the SARS-2 rollout has been. Is it because the experts are baffled by it ? That seems irrelevant though at this point in the game. How much could be spent on that instead of a Department of Defense budget ? Could 2 programs have co-existed to get something better than the show that we’re seeing. This isn’t selfishness, at least not by the protestors of the quarantine. Many are barely paid enough to exist and can’t even take a day off, much more be told to sit on the sidelines and watch their lives spend to homelessness. I’d like to see the real big paycheck types donate their money towards those who aren’t paid much beyond a day to day existence. We’ll see how fast they work for free or how quickly they can resolve this ? It’s one thing to fail in the game of life and having tried, another to have some overpaid windbag tell you to sit the game out when you’re ready, willing & able. Nobody that has deemed themselves more essential and still getting paid what they were getting & possibly more is that essential. Ask Steve Jobs how essential he is in the grand scheme of it all. Jobs took nothing with him, couldn’t buy out of his destiny & demise.
nomoregop says
I don’t know nor have I ever heard of ANY flu that eats away lungs and blood vessel tissue, causes blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.
The editor is SPOT on. The nazi in charge of the white house is showing bigly signs of alzheimers and insanity and should have been removed from power in February, but that would not sit well with the republicans in power who are fiercely fighting to stop voters from voting any way they can. You can bet that if they retain power this cycle, millions will soon be unable to vote anymore, they will steal the trillions from social security for their own nefarous purposes (which social security, BTW, has been around since the 1930s, making it one of the most successful U.S. programs ever). Vote blue.
rich says
How do you expect businesses to still be around if you keep them closed? The government cannot afford to pay America to stay at home much longer. Perhaps you forgot the governments main source of income is the people and Businesses out of work. How exactly does the math work with all of that? Also I fail to see how riding my bike alone on a trail in the middle of the woods touching nothing but my pedals and handlebars puts me at any risk. You are usually over the top but this is your best liberal propaganda tirade yet.
Sickened says
I stopped reading at “when you could at least legitimately blame the Chinese”. You aren’t going to blame people who eat ridiculous wildlife and have a history of producing horrible viruses? Shame on you. What a ridiculous piece of drivel. What I can say is that this independent household will be voting Trump 2020, whereas we didn’t vote for him in 2016. You can thank the awfulness of the dems during this event for that. We are sure we aren’t alone. Keep at it Pelosi and AOC, keep blocking the Small Business PPP. You won’t have the White House in 2020 either.
John Stove says
Maybe the Democrats are trying to ensure that the PPP program has some adult oversight so that millions dont go where they are not supposed to….read the news about big restaurant chains(Chris-Ruth Steakhouse) taking big chunks of money when they realize they shouldnt have (Shake Shack is returning 10 million)….and oh yeah the president doesnt want any oversight of where the money goes…..hmmmm and why is that?
PPP was and is for “small business”……
Gina Weiss says
John Stove: YOU ARE EXACTLY RIGHT! It’s the small businesses that are decimated, just look at your local news feed small business restaurants having a rough time and some are unable to get the loans because the big ones already scoffed it all up, now how and why did that happen? Always the little guy who suffers while the fat cats either have the money to start all over plus get more on top of that. Should have been handled differently with oversight. I said it from the beginning with the PPE now let’s see how this plays out and it played out exactly how I thought it would, oh they will give it to some of the small ones for show but the majority of the money will go to the fat cats, and sad to say the small business owners who break their butts and keep this economy growing many will no longer exist, very unfair.
Gary R says
Great comment Sickened!
You always go to the source. When there is a mass shooting do you blame the person shooting the gun or the people for being there? According to Trump haters you blame the people for being there.
Here the source is China. People being there is the world sick or killed by coronavirus.
But, we know how you are.
Trump: Stopping travel from China into the U.S. is racist!
Democrats: Why didn’t you act sooner?
Democrats: tell people to use public transport and go to public events during a pandemic
New York: suffers from greater number of infections
Democrats: “it’s Trump’s fault somehow!”
Trump: “The earth is a sphere.”
Democrats: “Trump just lied again called our flat planet a “sphere”!
bunchofroses says
You have been brainwashed by the sicko right winger millionaires that dare call themselves ‘journalists’ on faux news. The Democrats stopped the last bill because all it had in it was a smidgeon of what they wanted to provide for the small businesses (thanks to republican antics). The republicans wanted NO oversight, and to also bail out wall street, oil corps and other zillionaire corps who are already welfare-queens. Also with no oversight. Note that despite democrats putting forth bills that would provide $2000 or so to each person each month, republicans wouldn’t even hear of it. To them, the taxpayers do not deserve a bailout, only the rich corporations. Open your eyes.
e. Randy says
Hi Pierre,
Your “analysis” is inane. Please put aside your political bias and help us get out of this mess.
Jimmy says
If you libs from the north think you can come and influence our politics, stay where you came from! We don’t need you here!
hemroyed says
Jimmy, allow me to translate your comment.
“If you civilized humans from the north think you can come and explain our backward, still mad over the civil war inbred guber thinking, stay where you came from! We don’t need you here! We had it all figured by enslaving people and keeping women barefoot and pregnant.”
The Gay Rancher says
hemroyed: LOL also, I think what this county is lacking is some good old drag queens from up north!
really says
IFF not for the Northerners wouldn’t have Politics. It would be the good ole white boy oppression.
Steve says
His weak muted response has driven home the false ideology that a media induced Pandemic to Politically desstroy him is believed by some still by reading comments here. To be so self righteous , unchained, self absorbed in their mission to obey at all costs is sickening. Wake up and smell the coffee.
Fake Leadership at the top and if this Crises doesnt bring one to the conclusion that the Orange blowhard is way over his head nothing will.
marlee says
I wish a trump supporter would answer this question. I am sincerely curious.
Aren’t you offended when he knows you will believe his lies?
….and you know he lies over and over…he even denies he said something when there is an actual video of him saying it.
Gary R says
@marlee – Your comment sounds just like Joe Biden. You don’t think Joe Biden is all over the place? Have you not seen some of Joe Biden’s videos? It’s all over the media. It is a shame his wife lets it go on. NEWS FLASH! They all lie. Did that answer your question?
Mike P says
Why are you running this left wing crap? This publication is turning into the CNN of Flagler County!
joe says
A sign of progress….maybe the FOX effect is lessening in this county. We can hope.
Wow...bubonic plague? Really? A new low. says
Goodness! I’m amazed that I’ve actually read this entire article without having vomited. This is simply the most distasteful and smug underappreciation of the reality that ‘if we don’t work, we don’t eat’. Care to report on the volume of Florida unemployment claims? Looming mortgage/rent missed payments/defaults? Current landlord rent forgivenesses or late-deferrals? The state and federal government have ZERO tenable option other than to support the opening of all businesses which employ us. Make the best of what China has given us…don’t become the authoritarian big government which the CCP embodies. Oh yeah, and Mr. Tristam, please let us unemployed and nearly out of food Palm Coasters know when you’ll be hosting a food pantry drive-by at your home if you continue to be delusional about reality.
reality check says
Who will care about their unemployment claim or their looming mortgage/rent payments if they are intubated in a hospital bed struggling to breathe and live? China dealt with their situation better by closing down until the situation was under control with testing and flattened curves. Trump’s Governor’s pleading for testing, but …alas, Trump sent our supplies to China because he thought he knew this new pandemic was just a Democratic hoax. Your reply makes me close to a vomit.
John N. Brady says
The only thing wrong with this article is that it is not printed. I currently have nothing to wrap my fish or line the bottom of the birdcage.
Although the jaunt through the thesaurus and diarrhea of vocabulary was pleasant, those pretty words don’t seem rooted in reality.
Yellowstone says
Some of you may be old enough to remember the era of the , “it takes a village . . . ” speech that reverberated over and over. Blasphemous! They screamed their loudest.
Years ago HClinton was publicly chastised for suggesting that the Federal Government generated and help flourish American businesses – both large and small. Blasphemous! Again they screamed their loudest.
HClinton suggested Universal healthcare? They said, “Absurd! Just another Federal handout to those who can’t afford good health.”
Well, look at where we are today. ACA on its way down the dumper. Federal handouts to those ‘special deep people’ who have run successful busineses worth millions. Yet those thousands of truly needy SBs now closing their doors left in the dust with no hope. “Them that gots, gets” .
Have any of you learned from the errors made by past mistakes?
Well, there is one thing we have all learned. It ain’t going away unless you do something about it. “Go VOTE intelligently this Fall.
John R Brady says
Please note the middle initial, he clearly has a different point of view
Barry Poimboeuf says
You should not even think about publishing this crap coming from a small town publication. Donald Trump is trying to save our economy and especially small local economies like Flagler county and Flagler Beach from permanent death. Do you want the economy to be like it was in 2010 with for sale signs up and done every street in Flagler Beach and Palm Coast, and businesses closed down forever. You should count your luck stars we have a president that cares about the working people out there. We need to open the economy up before it is too late. Remember t you have to have someone left around to read the crap you publish!
joe says
“You should count your luck stars we have a president that cares about the working people out there.”
No, not really..Never forget this. He’s going to be nailed by the state of New York the second he’s not president anymore for money laundering and tax evasion. It’s why he’ll do ANYTHING to win re-election. We have to be ready to combat that.
Richard says
ROTFLMFAO Exactly what I expected from a left wing radical editor.
David says
Another one of your hate-filled diatribes that automatically attach everything bad that happens in the country to President
Trump or his administration.
You have a deep embedded anger that clouds reasonable thinking,what possible public good does it do to continually
berate and demonize President Trump in these times of uncharted waters.
Flaglerlive is just another place for those who can’t get enough of the slanted absurdities of CNN and the rest of the
Marxist State Media.
Maybe instead you could take comfort in Abraham Lincoln’s words: ” with malice toward none, with charity for all…”
Trump 2020 says
Let’s mention cancelling the presidential elections until 2024 and see how quickly the virus disappears!
Shame on you Dems and shame on you FlaglerLive for running this political propaganda. One less reader…
C says
@Trump 2020
justbob says
Excellent piece.
Al68 says
So much drama……unfortunately, staying closed down is affecting more people than the virus has. The longer we stay closed down, the more likely it is that we will never return to the way of life we once had.
M.Robert says
Let’s focus on Florida as a state and we know that it is up to our Governor to call the shots. Personally, I think Florida will have a big problem if we open too soon. The reason are many fold, let’s see if I can outline them for you.
MANY northern states..NY, NJ, CT, PA have HUGE cases and problems. MANY would love nothing more than to find out sunny Florida is open for business! THEY HAVE tried and have been somewhat successful in escaping the hot spots to weather out the covid=19 storm here in Florida. Between spring breakers and snow birds, and people migrating south because it ‘seemed’ like a smart move to them, has been deleterious for the residents of Florida.
We are NOT at the APEX yet here in Florida. IT is suppose to hit around May 5th. People in healthcare KNOW this. WHY then would you open our beaches and businesses number one, and number two, ADD to the potential SPREAD of this virus to a state that has MANY people over the age of 65 and others who live here with maladies that puts them in a high risk of NOT ONLY catching the virus but…drum roll …DYING from it.
IMAGINE you have a family of 4, living in NYC, 2 kids not going back to school, Mom and Dad able to either not work or work remotely, see that Florida has reopened! YEAH YEAH YEAH….let’s pack everyone up and go see Grandma…or stay a week or longer in a hotel! You can just kiss our citizens goodbye now if Disney and the theme parks reopen!
This is from Dr. Fauci:“I think the message is that, clearly, this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics, from the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus,” Fauci said. “But unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery, economically, is not gonna happen.”
“If you jump the gun and go into a situation where you have a big spike, you’re gonna set yourself back,” he continued. “So as painful as it is to go by the careful guidelines of gradually phasing into a reopening, it’s going to backfire. That’s the problem.”
The guidelines Trump unveiled at the White House after previewing them in a video conference with governors call for a three-phase process of restarting economic activity, but only after states record a 14-day “downward trajectory” in their coronavirus cases after each phase. Trump has said on many press conferences said that the lives and health of our citizens comes first that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing.
SO now we have the States Governors and local government left in charge.
Florida is not IOWA … WE are a TOURIST destination. IF DeSantis opens Florida up, and the Theme parks start operating, WE WILL AHVE A HUGE PROBLEM. Why you ask? Oh because The northern States, the HOT SPOTS are closed down and will stay closed down. IT will be too much of an enticement for people to flock here. College kids are now out of school…gee …a never ending summertime for them…can you say road trip. SERIOUSLY NOT A GOOD IDEA! Not yet, and not now.
This should not be viewed as a political move, it would not be viewed as an economic move, it should be viewed as a health and human need move. Politics are driving HUGE chasms in the ground of many Americans. Friends against friends, family who can’t be together because of opposing viewpoints, everyone blaming everyone else for everything. Please, stop, and reflect on what we as a ‘people’ have become. No ONE can like all this acrimony. Let try and use some manners, common sense, love and compassion, and in doing so perhaps the world will heal, literally and figuratively.
When the beaches should open will be a local call…HOWEVER I do think it would be helpful if they were to open to local residents only if and when they do. That way it will STOP people from thinking they can come here to use the beaches. It wouldn’t hurt to have someone checking residency info before entering the beach area. GEEZ… in NY or any of the Northern States you can’t get on their beaches without paying or being a resident, so I don’t see why we can’t FOR THE SHORT TERM ban non residents from using our facilities.
Please everyone, be smart, thoughtful and safe.
Veteran says
Maybe in Flagler you haven’t heard but all vehicles are stopped at state line. If from out of state you must quarantine for 14 days. And hotels will require you to stay for 14 days. Same with flights.
M.Robert says
DeSantis has ordered that. Now, let’s use common sense. So out of staters, from NY NJ CT and LA get stopped at the state line. They are informed they must 14 day quarantine…great! IF they will even comply, they will need to go to our SUPERMARKETS and drugstores in order to survive a 14 day quarantine. GEEZ think they will spread the virus? Are they going to be policed?
Gary R says
@M. Roberts – Guess you aren’t up with the times. There are delivery services nowadays. Doordash, Grubhub, Aldi, etc. do deliveries. There is no contact between the people.
netafect says
Is it obvious “Politics are driving HUGE chasms …” as one looks at the article and the comments. We’ve done a great job of rushing into this trap. What a huge distraction from the purpose of being unified to work the problem. One shouldn’t have to be alike to be liked. It shouldn’t take an individual a loss before appreciating the magnitude of the risk we bring in disrespecting one another through our words and actions.
Sherry says
An excellent article Pierre! Unfortunately, of course, it will be wasted on the “Mindless CULT”. . . but, then again, most factual analysis and reasonable intellectual thought is wasted on those members of our society.
For those who choose to disregard the advice of medical experts. . . and, then proceed in their lives as if their asinine “God trump” will protect them, perhaps the result will be a sliver of a Darwinian silver lining. However, my heart will break for their victims!
Mike Cocchiola says
Good on you, Pierre. Trump has embarrassed the U.S. before the world. His complete incompetence and inability to lead this country have exposed America to not only unnecessary deaths but the enmity of friends, allies and even less friendly nations whose cooperation and support we will surely need in the future, whether for diplomatic, economic, health or military purposes.
I note that many of Trump’s supporters here and elsewhere follow his lead in conflating flu and coronavirus. After all, we don’t shut down the country over the annual flu season. Except that medical science knows COVID-19 is a new strain of virus with no human immunity or protective vaccine as with seasonal flu. Then there’s the “freedom” issue… the freedom to ignore medical science, authority or common sense. It means that some are perfectly willing to risk their’s and other’s lives before we are properly prepared with testing and other procedures that will minimize the risks of illness and death. Yes, we need paychecks, but at what cost in lives today and six months hence.
What we do need are patience and effective procedures in place with proper testing and the disciplined use of protective gear to reopen our cities and states to business or pleasure. No one should have to die to serve someone’s dinner or so that someone else can go to a bar and party.
TheTruth says
Great article Pierre and every word of it is so true. Those followers of Trump out in the streets are not true Republicans they are radical people that will protest anything because of the hate they carry in their souls.
Anyone that trusts and believes Donald Trump is ignorant to face the truth that he lies about everything and that he is doing this opening of the economy thinking it will get him re-elected. He does not do things for others he is selfish and greedy and only does things that he feels will help him personally.
Governor De Santis should not be listening to Donald Trump and think about the citizens of Florida that elected him, show those and others that he cares about them living or dying not trying to please Donald Trump.
Yes, the whole country wants to open but does that mean that we also want more lives to die and the hospitals and medical staff have a bigger outbreak then the first one? NO not of your intelligent enough to see that we need more testing and we need it before anyone will get back to normal.
This virus is deadly and it will kill this whole country even Donald if he continues to act like he is God because he isn’t. He is not for the people, he is a weak leader, and has proved his failures over and over again. Sorry but my life means more to me than believing Donald Trump or any politician that isn’t listening to the scientist and medical people this is their profession, not Donald Trumps.
Trailer Bob says
Sure, all of us who voted for Trump “carry hate in our heart”. Well I think you just proved what is in your heart if we “voted for trump”. Got a mirror to look in?
Barbara says
Ok Pierre, you are not a fan of President Trump, we or at least I get that, now lets quit the blame game and get back to what is the real problem and how best we can solve, or at least handle it to all of our benefit. I usually agree with your comments and enjoy them but this time, well there are much more important things to concern our selves with rather than blaming it on our President while I may not agree with all he’s doing I think he is doing the best he can with a situation relatively new to all of us. Sorry for the ramble, sometimes once I start, it happens.
Bill says
Pierre is so full of it.
Outsider says
Here is some real science for you:, from the right wing publications of abcnews and NPR:
It seems the infection rate is much higher than what is being reported. One-thousand eight-hundred inmates in one Ohio prison are infected, with zero deaths among them. I would note that many prisoners are in great shape, having nothing to do but work out all day, which could account for the lack of deaths. The real scientists recommend getting outside, getting sunlight and exercise to help fight viruses in general, yet we are arresting people for walking or surfing at the beach. If you are in a vulnerable class, then you isolate yourself. The financial aspect of this lockdown cannot be overlooked or underestimated; that’s just a fact. People have to work to survive; they will suffer a financial death if they don’t. The country will collapse soon, and I’m sure some on the left are hoping for that. If you don’t believe me, then listen to one of the left’s idols, Bill Maher:
Barbara Kipnis says
The lock-down “protesters” are a great example of Evolution in Action. During Matthew, we watched people leave the shelter when the eye was over us because “it was all over and safe to come out.” They’re probably protesting now, too.
Hammock Bear says
The dislike of President Trump continues as this article clearly demonstrates. I would like to know where to donate food for the people in Flagler County. The financial donation that I intended to give to Flagler Live is instead going to the Trump/Pence campaign . This is a time to help and show respect for each other.
C says
@hammock bear
How is it helpful or respectful when your city is trying to keep you safe and the President tweets “Liberate Minnesota, Michigan and Pennsylvania?” How is that supportive of what they are trying to do on the local level?
Hammock Bear says
Gee C, I missed that tweet . I am supportive of Flagler County Residents and intend to donate food items to the designated Drop Off location for the huge Food Give A Way that will be Sat. May 2. Palm Coast Observer has the details. FYI. Politics are not worth discussing in this time of Need.
Ruth Griffin says
LOL…the absurdity of the preverbal grasping at straws.
I needed a good laugh; thanks. See at the beach when it opens. ;-)
capt says
This whole push to get back to work for the dollar $$ without regard for human life, reminds me of the old Christmas Carol, when Scrooge makes that statement “”” If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.””” —from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….We can just substitute Trump and the Gov’s that want to open their state too early.
Trailer Bob says
Ya, well given that what would have been a nice $1,200 from the Government put into our accounts never happened as of yet, some people do need to either work, or lose everything they have now. No money coming in isn’t as easy as you seem to think. No food is a tough one, but who wants to eat food they made by someone they don’t know and have to go out and get in line to do so? The hole thing is getting more and more “this sucks” with each day.
Darksideofthemoon says
I’m really not sure what’s more entertaining – Steven Colbert, Don Lemonade, that south African dude, propublica pieces here – or Pierre.
Buy Local says
I notice a lack of factual information to those who oppose this piece.
I’m not surprised at all. Total parasitism is their main point.
In a battle of wits they are defenseless.
carolyn says
Let’s forget the bashing for a moment and think more locally…..
Where is the OUTRAGE that today 94% of the citizens of Florida have not received their Unemployment Checks yet? We as employers have paid into that fund and so have the very persons who can’t get it now when they need it? It is NOT the Government’s money, this is not a hand out, this is monies we have all paid our entire working lives and now when we need it the most, it is laughable,,, 94% of entitled working folks CANNOT obtain their unemployment checks in Florida…..
Where is the OUTRAGE that the small mom & pops businesses (of which Flagler Beach is entirely comprised of) is not able to get the Monies allocated to help them through this closure ? Over 2 Trillion dollars in bail outs to ultimately help large corporations, hedge funds, Ruth Chris (20million), Shake Shack (10million), publicly traded corporations…..local businesses….left with O.
Perhaps if the temporarily unemployed could get the checks they deserve at this point and small businesses, get the help, we wouldn’t be fighting each other & could focus on the real problem, a Pandemic which has taken away all sense of control from our normalcy and former lives…
Where were the Democrats while this spread across the Country? Pelosi didn’t hear the President on Feb. 4th during the State of the Union address when he discussed the Chinese virus. She couldn’t read about it because she made an ass of herself grandstanding and ripping the address up. Did she respond the next day Feb. 5th asking what she and her caucus could do to assist in stopping the spread across the Nation? NO, she went back to placing her full attention to impeachment. Pierre you blamed a whole lot of people for the way this virus was handled but not once did you call out the Democrats for their failings. Now as the Nation, it’s citizens and businesses suffer while Madam Pelosi sets in front of her $24,000 dollar freezer/fridge eating $52.00 dollar a gallon ice cream and you say nothing. Why did you fail to mention how Pelosi and Schumer delayed assistance to help those needing help so they could load the bill up with pork to support their Socialist agenda? Why did you not point out that Obama and Biden depleted the nations stockpile of PPE and refused to replace it when they had money to do so? There’s plenty of blame to go around but you refuse to call out the Democrats.
marlee says
No one here answered my question above.
I guess that is the answer because they can’t answer.
I wish a trump supporter would answer this question. I am sincerely curious.
Aren’t you offended when he knows you will believe his lies?
….and you know he lies over and over…he even denies he said something when there is an actual video of him saying it.
Hammock Resident says
It is so consistently sad to read Americans’ comments about “libs,” “notherners,” “dems,” and so on. I, for one, was born and raised in South Florida. We do not all think alike. Stop treating half of America as stupid just because we all don’t think alike. Thank goodness, and the USA, that we don’t! It’s trying times. TRY TO BE NICE! Take a shot at it! Work together! Together we stand, divided we fall! Vote for compassion, kindness, positiveness, togetherness, and not passing the buck.
Sherry says
From a true Floridian patriot : For those of you who dislike the intelligent, factual, open minded analysis of wonderful Pierre Tristam, the Owner and Editor of Flaglerlive, you are quite welcome to voice your fear and hate filled, mindless nonsense elsewhere. We won’t miss you for one second!
Follow the advice of the “Medical Professionals”, NOT the politicians! Take all precautions, social distancing, hand washing, grocery cleaning. . . stay safe and healthy. . . count your blessings! Have Another Beautiful Day!
B. Informed says
I am pretty sure that if everyone could pull really hard and get their eyes past their sphincter, and possible stop the chatter in their own heads which apparently blocks their eustachian tubes, long enough to be able to process information that perhaps may be accurate we might be able to have a civil discourse. But reality knows that there can never be 2 answers to a question logically. Therefore, acting as bullying children by calling everyone morons, and stupid does a disservice to yourselves.
EVERYONE has an opinion. THAT is they have the right to think for themselves. That is notwithstanding fact vs. fiction. What they don’t have a right to do is to bully or force, or ram down your throat their ‘opinion’. APPARENTLY no one realizes this anymore and everyone on every side feels that their ‘opinion’ and their thoughts count more than anyone else.
Social media, the media, these news outlets, online papers and the like are never middle of the road. They never see anyones opinion only their own.
we are hell bent…and I do mean that literally these days on dividing people…politically correctness, men, women, party choice. Sadly, most do not have any idea who or what they are backing…they are led and like sheeple follow! People have lost the ability to think for themselves. Everyone needs third party validation.
Fact….we are having a pandemic..(a disease that is prevalent over a whole country or the world)…that os true…that is a fact.
Fact… The Novel Corona virus Covi-19 is a NEW virus….this is true…it has never been seen before in the entire world, not this strain.
Fact…We have no historical information to base any kind of treatment, and little knowledge on spread and viability…True.
Fact…no leaders in any country has ever had to deal with a Pandemic of this spread and unknown biological origin within the last 100 years…True
Fact…We are global, the last pandemic was the Spanish Flu 1917…now it is so much easier to spread it Globally…True
Fact…The symptoms morph, or have no symptoms, or are different in many people…True
Fact…It is more contagious than previously thought…True
Fact…It can kill people within a very short period of time, if your are unlucky to have gotten a heavy viral load and with possible comorbidities…True
So there are just a few facts…NOT ever in anyone’s lifetime have we had to deal with this. Countries are trying to do what is right, but the optimal word is trying, because no one really knows how this virus is acting or reacting, and we won’t know for a while.
There are extremists on all sides of everything, everywhere. Extremes in politics tend to put the illness on the party of which they are associated with, and that leads to the old…1 bad apple spoils the bunch. NOT all conservatives love Trump, not all conservatives not following the rules, not all conservatives blah blah the list goes on. Just as NOT all Liberals hate Trump…not all liberals are not following the rules….So it is always a very small faction of everyone within the population that are extreme in their thinking. I think(my opinion) that MOST people want the same things in life, just disagree on how to get there.
Now back to your head and sphincter…pull your head out, unclog your mind and ears, and listen…not just hear, listen to those around you without YOUR opinion getting in the way. Have discourse amiably. MAYBE you will find more things that bind you together than divide.
That’s what this country needs now…MORE things to bind us together, and not divide. TOGETHER we are stronger, we are Americans, we can do this, we are all one people we just need to remind ourselves. Now start pulling!
Kevin says
If all the small buissnesses go out of buissness, more will open up in their place eventually. Its not that big of a deal compared to people dying.
Jack says
The other day after going to 4 different supermarkets, I was so happy because I was able to purchase some toilet paper, paper towels and even 2 pints of isopropyl alcohol! Man, what a lucky find I thought to myself.
Thanks Mr trump for making American great again!
To all you trump kissers out there, it’s time to pull your heads out of the sand and see what this guy really is; a lying, narcissistic, complete and total fool and get him back into the fertilizer business where he belongs!
Gary R says
@Jack – Grocery stores are only allowing one package of toilet paper per customer. In one day I went to Publix at Town Center and got toilet paper, then I went to Winn-Dixie and got toilet paper, finally I went to Publix at Flagler Beach. Now I have 3 packages of toilet paper.
The Bold Truth says
Thank you for the laugh. You are implying that it’s Trump’s fault that the crazies are buying up all the supplies. That shows the level of mentality you and the left possess, or lack thereof. Stop the blaminig already and for once can a Democrat or Liberal provide a SOLUTION to a problem instead of blaming everyone else for their poor decisions in life. See you at the polls. Trump 2020!
Fredrick says
Well… it will all be settled and Pierre will have more to write about after Trump is re-elected in November. I look forward to seeing an opinion piece when he appoints another supreme court justice. All I can say is after putting up such a terrible candidate last election, the best the left can come up with is Biden? Really? Joe Biden? That’s the best you got? The left has failed this country. The country needs two strong parties and the left has allowed themselves to become overrun and controlled by the far left. Get your shit together and run on something more than “Orange Man Bad”, or “We Must Beat Trump”. Provide some substance, a platform and plan for the people of this country. Not on make believe, everything is free, or that the government will take care of you. The voters of this country want to take responsibility for themselves, they want their government to put its citizens as more os a priority than people who come here illegally. Now those who will jump on that as a racist statement F off. Everyone is welcome here. Citizens are the priority, and all people who get in line and come here legally, are welcome. Just as my family did, just as Pierre’s family did.
C says
I would like to ask for your definition of “taking responsibility.” I would think it might contain getting a job, making your rent or house payments, arranging for healthcare, etc. But things might happen during the course of your life where you lose a job or have unexpected health problems or expenses and some of it could be not your fault, like this terrible pandemic.
Although you may not going through hard times, it doesn’t mean that others are not going through hard times. There has to be ways or methods to help people who need it. Government programs are quite similar to a church organized food collection or monetary donation. This pandemic is probably a good lesson to a lot of people who were responsible and still somehow ended up in a situation beyond their control with no means of assistance.
Fredrick says
@C – You have defined perfectly the definition of “taking responsibility”. And I completely agree that many of us at onetime in our lives may have needed, or will need a kind hand to help us. Many have to swallow their pride to do be able to do that. @C, as long as you agree with “taking responsibility”, I think we are on the same page. To be clear, government assistance and “church” organized assistance are completely different. One is from a donation, and the other is from someones hand in my wallet.
snapperhead says
So who should the left have nominated that you feel was a better candidate? And enlighten us as to why.
Instigator says
You guys run your own candidates….. So far it looks like dumb and dumber over there…..Joe can’t remember his middle name.
Please, When this President is reelected by the biggest margin in US Election history fall in line and pull the rope in the same direction.
Fredrick says
@snapperhead that’s my point. If that’s the best you have, your party is in big trouble and the left needs to fix it. Can’t you see that?
Steadfastandloyal says
Keep in mind – there were 89 confirmed cases on march 1 in the USA
mark101 says
I tell ya Trump is not perfect, far from it and so far I haven’t seen a democratic that is either. All we have on here, is Left vs right and you can tell who the lefts and the rights are. No agreements will reached. Only insults thrown both ways.
Land of no turn signals says says
This virus will be the new poster child for the liberals ,pure DIARRHEA.
Layla says
As usual, all fingers point at Trump, conveniently stifling any efforts to find out who in this country funded this and why. I think that’s what we’d all like to know right now. Those people are killing us.
Nancy Walsh says
You know what I found appalling is the need to belittle others for their opinion. Pierre is as liberal as they come, and he doesn’t hide it or his contempt for the President. Then the comments come in, from both sides of the issue, and many feel it necessary to insult other people. This is the real sickness we should deal with, not the virus. The virus will run its course and the ones in weak health will die while others will not. While, as our President said, one death is too many, people die everyday from illnesses and accidents.
The decision to open up the economy and live again has no definitive answer. How long can people stay home before their lives are irrevocably changed. Businesses are closed now and some may never reopen.
Instead of fighting, posting ridiculous comments, think outside the political stuff and decide from a neutral place what should be done.
Barn says
I wonder if all trump voters will be going to the beaches soon,if so,say hi to the supreme butt kisser,and by the way kids donald trump is going to build a wall so you can grow up a racist too! DeSantis and his kids are sure to be there.who got rid of the pandemic response team?,keep drinking the orange kool aid!
Ken says
Me and the family went to the beach..It was lovely, all the little children building sandcastles with the moats and walls around them… All the parents looked on with pride. One child asked how far the wall had to go and her mother happily said “all the way to Mexico”. Everyone within hearing cheered and broke into dance, the Macarena, I think its called. It was such a wonderful day don’t you think?
ben theer says
LOL…Securing our national border is now considered racist. Interesting concept. People have and still can come to this country any time they want. BUT you can’t sneak in illegally. NO COUNRTY in the world would allow you to walk into their country without documentation. THIS is common sense. It keeps people safe. Racism has nothing to do with it. IT is a security issue. Do you think you could walk up to the Canadian border and just walk right in without your passport? The answer is NO, they wouldn’t let you! Darn Canadians aren’t they racist!
Gary R says
@Barn – who got rid of the pandemic response team? As for funding, there’s no question that the Trump administration sought to cut key CDC budget categories. But thanks to Congress, that funding was restored and even increased in bills that Trump ultimately signed. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/feb/28/michael-bloomberg/did-donald-trump-fire-pandemic-officials-defund-cd/
Ken says
That is not true.. That was debunked a while back….It was merely merged with another section.
Regulator says
Pierre, are you getting a paycheck every 2 weeks? I’m not and neither is my wife. We’re still waitng for unemployment checks. Can you pay your mortgage , car loan, electric , insurance etc? Well I can’t. We need this lock down to end so we can get back to work. If you worry about getting the virus then stay home. I know people are going to jump all over this and they are entitled to their opinion .
Pierre Tristam says
Regulator, it helps to read the article all the way to the end. Nowhere do I argue that the lock-down must not end, or that it isn’t a catastrophe economically. And no, my paychecks stopped more than a month ago.
Outsider says
Well, it seems the governor of New York has hired a consulting firm, McKinsey and Co., to guide it through it’s economic recovery. It wants a “Trump-proof”recovery plan. Funny how they weren’t interested in a Trump-proof response plan, as they begged for and accepted billions in aid, new hospitals, and a Navy hospital ship. Now, for some strange reason they have hired a firm with a history of persuading American companies to out-source their manufacturing to China. This company is going to help New York re-establish it’s supply chain. I wonder where all those supplies will be coming from. No doubt they will be fighting against the American people, and the Trump administration to derail any efforts to bring home our critical supply manufacturing base so we are not threatened with a cutoff of vital drugs and supplies in any future disagreements. Remember, when China and the W.H.O. were telling us there was no risk of human to human spread, China was making alarm sounding whistle blowers disappear, and buying up the worldwide supply of necessary medical supplies to fight the virus, much of it from The United States. The Democratic governor of New York is working to ensure we are always at the mercy of China, one of the most repressive, racist places on Earth.
Sherry says
And. . . The “BILLIONAIRE” GREED goes on and on and on. . . how very “presidential”:
The Trump Organization is seeking bailout money from the United Kingdom and Ireland to help pay furloughed employees at its European golf properties during the coronavirus pandemic.
The company owned by President Trump is allowed to access government funding to pay most employees’ salaries, but it’s unclear whether the organization would pay the balance of the salaries for furloughed workers, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday.
Sherry says
Here are a few of the (NOW DELETED) tweets from foul mouthed, racist Michael Caputo. . . who is now trump’s Health and Human Services spokesperson:
Lovely! And, these are the kinds of people trump surrounds himself with , and we are suppose to trust?????? Really?????
Gary R says
@Sherry – Have you not seen the people Nancy Pelosi surrounds herself with? And, we are suppose to trust these people??? Her pet projects that had nothing to do with coronavirus. You should tell both sides.
deb says
You can’t tell the liberals on here anything They are just like Repubs, they are just as nasty and one sided. Biden will get elected and nothing will change. The country will go broke, not because of Trump, because of a virus. Everyone will blame the other , this one sided online paper will continue to print one sided Democratic positions regardless of the situation. You can’t trust anyone. Democratic or Republicans.
palmcoaster says
To all Trump fans I only can say this; you are risking yourselves and endangering us all as well. Are you concerned about something like this? : https://nypost.com/2020/04/21/man-dies-from-coronavirus-after-calling-it-a-political-ploy/ Aren’t 46,000 deaths in a short month enough to open your eyes on what your man has done to us all by calling fear mongering and fake news to the incoming pandemic and doing nothing to get ready? Further more now inciting to public uprise/ unrest against governors that care for their constituents well being and lives?
Thank you Pierre for your realistic editorial.
palmcoaster says
OMG and this is the latest one more of his horrendous advises! Ys he wants to kill us all from his podium at $2,000 a minute paid by us on prime time National TV. Ridiculous: https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/04/23/trump-floats-treating-coronavirus-patients-with-light-and-disinfectants/24083209/
Outsider says
So China, through gross negligence, at least, released a virus on the world, killing and sickening what is surely millions. They would not accept U.S. help early, when estimates say 95% of this could have been avoided. They withheld information that would have been useful in combating the pandemic. They stopped all domestic travel to and from Wuhan, while allowing thousands to travel from Wuhan internationally, thus seeding the world with the virus. All the while, they bought up the necessary medical equipment we would eventually need by telling the rest of the world it was not transmissible from human to human, so we wouldn’t need those supplies. Our economy is decimated, and yet, all these people here blame Trump. I’m sure the Xi Jinping is laughing at all of us, as we point fingers at each other and he just climbed another rung or two of the ladder to world domination. Who’s calling who stupid?
David S. says
All you Trumper fans out there don’t forget to use your lysol and chloroquine pills.
fuggetaboutit says
Pierre, your headlines regarding our President are becoming more outrageous everyday. You obviously are becoming more desperate. I guess you don’t have a lot of confidence in Joey Boo Boo unseating El Presidente’ Trump in November? That is understandable. LOL…. To you and the “woke”, open minded liberals who have wandered into our beautiful Red State, please understand that us old timers here will continue to love God, respect our flag, work for a living, pay taxes and respect the President. We will also continue to fight for our second amendment rights and never flush our unborn children down the toilet. You, on the other hand can carry on with these wonderful stories, and continue to enlighten us with more of your “woke” opinions. Welcome to the Gunshine State! Have a nice day!
Sherry says
This terrible virus is HERE in our country NOW! It is EVERYWHERE. . . all over the world! trump and his CULT are deflecting blame, because “HE” does not want to accept any responsibility for the thousand getting horribly sick and dying.
Yes, of course, we should investigate China and hold them accountable. . . hopefully that will help avoid future pandemics.
HOWEVER. . . finger pointing at China is simply “infantile”. . . IF we are going to just leave it at that, and not step up to the responsibility of saving the health and lives from a plague that IS ALREADY HERE!
Please, do us all a favor and “think” and comment BEYOND the usual FOX “talking points”. . . . GEEEEEZ!
Sherry says
trump Fact Checking From the Associated Press:
A review:
TRUMP, on the virus: “I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that … you’re going to have to use medical doctors … but it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.” — briefing Thursday.
The fact Trump would even flirt with the idea prompted a statement from Reckitt Benckiser, parent company of the maker of Lysol and Dettol, that “under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route).”
Clorox echoed that bleach and other disinfectants “are not suitable for consumption or injection under any circumstances.”
The U.S. surgeon general’s office moved to discourage people from thinking they can self-medicate from something in the house: “PLEASE always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/medication to yourself or a loved one.”
As the blowback unfolded, Trump said Friday he was being sarcastic the day before.
TRUMP, on an unproved theory that sunlight, heat and humidity can destroy the virus faster than inside the house: “I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that’s great. … And if heat is good, and if sunlight is good, that’s a great thing as far as I’m concerned.”
THE FACTS: Sunlight may be a disinfectant for the spirit and outdoor exercise is recommended in today’s social isolation, but there’s no proof it will make the pandemic go away. Without declaring that it would, Trump is again giving traction to a theory that could prompt people to let down their guard around others outside.
Wlliam Bryan, who leads the Homeland Security Department’s science and technology directorate, told the briefing about incomplete, “emerging results” from research that suggest solar light, heat and humidity might be effective at neutralizing the virus. Past studies have not found good evidence of that.
Dr. Michael Ryan, the World Health Organization’s emergencies chief, said in March that “it’s a false hope to say yes, it will just disappear in the summertime like influenza.” Trump said early in the outbreak he expected it to end with the warmer weather of April.
TRUMP, on the chances of the virus returning in the fall: “If it does come back — it’s not going to come back — and I’ve spoken to 10 different people, it’s not going to be like it was. … If we have embers of corona coupled with the flu, that’s not going to be pleasant, but it’s not going to be what we’ve gone through in any way, shape, or form. … You may not even have corona coming back, just so you understand.” — briefing Wednesday.
THE FACTS: His public health officials refuted his statement on the spot that the coronavirus won’t be coming back. As for his statement that it won’t be as bad in a second round, that’s more complicated.
“There will be coronavirus in the fall,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said at the briefing. “I am convinced of that because of the degree of transmissibility that it has, the global nature.”
“Next fall and winter, we’re going to have two viruses circulating, and we’re going to have to distinguish between which is flu and which is the coronavirus,” said Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
How bad that will be will be determined by a range of factors that can’t be predicted with precision. Redfield said the situation may be more difficult than now because the coronavirus and the flu will be circulating at the same time, unlike during the bulk of the current pandemic. Or it may be less difficult if preparations and containment are better than now.
VA SECRETARY ROBERT WILKIE, asked whether it’s safe to encourage people to take hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment: “Oh, I think so.” — interview Wednesday on MSNBC.
THE FACTS: That’s not what the government’s top health experts have said for weeks, nor what his own agency has suggested. A new alert Friday from the Food and Drug Administration further underscored why the drug cannot be considered generally safe in this pandemic and why it has not been approved by the FDA for treatment of COVID-19.
Last month, the FDA authorized the narrow emergency use of the malaria drugs for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who aren’t enrolled in ongoing clinical trials. But regulators said they are investigating life-threatening side effects reported to poison control centers and other health authorities.
In one such report, doctors at a New York hospital said that heart rhythm abnormalities developed in most of the 84 coronavirus patients treated with hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin, a combination Trump has promoted as part of his persistent and inaccurate portrayal of the malaria drug as a game-changer.
The drug has long been used to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. A few, very small preliminary studies suggested it might help prevent the coronavirus from entering cells and possibly help patients clear the virus sooner.
Wilkie, as VA secretary, leads the nation’s largest health system. His agency’s own health care arm has criticized premature assessments on the effectiveness of the drug for the coronavirus. In an unsigned response to an audit report last month examining whether the VA had adequate stocks of the drug, top VA health officials called it “inaccurate and irresponsible” to assume hydroxychloroquine would benefit veterans for COVID-19.
“There are active investigations into these drugs and many others, as discussed by Dr. Anthony Fauci,” according to the unsigned VA response to the agency’s inspector general. “Yet no conclusions have been made on their effectiveness. To insist that a 14 days’ supply of these drugs is appropriate or not appropriate displays this dangerous lack of expertise on COVID-19 and Pandemic response.”
WILKIE, on a nationwide study finding that a malaria drug had no benefit for treating COVID-19 among veterans: “That’s an observational study. It’s not a clinical study. It was done on a small number of veterans. Sadly, those of whom were in the last stages of life. And the drug was given to them. And I have to also say that the drug — we know the drug has been working on middle-age and younger veterans … working in stopping the progression of the disease.” — interview Wednesday on MSNBC.
THE FACTS: He mischaracterized the study’s finding.
Wilkie rejected a study that relies on his department’s own hospital data and finds no benefit from hydroxychloroquine. His claim that it helps younger or middle-aged veterans with COVID-19 is also unsubstantiated.
It’s true that the study, done by independent researchers at two universities with VA approval, was not a rigorous experiment. Yet with 368 patients, it’s the largest look so far at hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19, based on VA hospital data.
Researchers analyzed medical records of male veterans hospitalized with confirmed coronavirus infection at Veterans Health Administration medical centers who died or were discharged by April 11.
About 28% who were given hydroxychloroquine plus usual care died, versus 11% of those getting routine care alone.
Even though people given the drug tended to be sicker than the comparison group, researchers statistically adjusted for that and still saw no benefit from the drug.
There is no other published evidence that the drug is safe or effective for younger veterans with COVID-19.
Associated Press writers Marilynn Marchione in Milwaukee and Kevin Freking in Washington contributed to this report.
Sherry says
Good Morning! Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Why should we continue to completely “DISTRUST” the current federal administration and FOX ????? Here’s yet another Gem from trump’s brain trust:
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was on Laura Ingraham’s show on Fox News Thursday night when the subject turned to the coronavirus — and attempts in New York to develop a contact tracing system to be able to monitor future outbreaks.
That’s when this exchange happened:
Ingraham: Michael Bloomberg is gonna handle the tracing, army of tracers in NY we learned today from [New York Gov. Andrew] Cuomo.
Giuliani: That’s totally ridiculous.
Ingraham: The army of tracers.
Giuliani: Then we should trace everybody for cancer.
Ingraham: Yeah, army of tracers.
Giuliani: We should trace everybody for cancer, and heart disease. And obesity. I mean, a lot of things kill you more than Covid-19. So, we should be traced for all those things. I mean life possesses a certain degree of risk.