Note: all charges against Jerard Davis were dropped on Oct. 30, 2018. See the story here.
Last December Jerard K. Davis of Palm Coast launched incorporated a company called “Supernova Funworld Place” and opened a storefront this spring on Palm Coast Parkway called Super Nova Clothing and Shoes, not far from Sunshine Academy, the child care center.
It looked like something of a turnaround for Davis, a 32-year-old resident of 7B Buttonwell Lane in Palm Coast. Davis has twice served stints in Florida state prison, both times for manufacturing and selling crack or cocaine, among other charges. He was released from his last stint in July 2013, though his proclivity for drug offenses didn’t ebb. In April last year a county judge found him guilty of possessing drug paraphernalia and withheld adjudication of guilt on a pot possession.
He also had other issues with the law. In 2016 he was found guilty of violating an injunction against dating violence and was sentenced to almost a year in jail. He’d faced the same charge a year before, though the charge was dropped in that case, but a disorderly conduct charge stuck, as did a criminal mischief charge. In short, Davis is a familiar face at the Flagler County jail, though he’d not been seen there in almost two years.
The weapon was there “every day,” Davis told detectives, and he often moves it out of the way but he doesn’t carry it because he knows he’s not supposed to, he said. He did not appear to understand the concept of possession of a weapon in a store registered under his name. As for the video posting, he hesitated at first, according to his arrest report, then said the weapon he was brandishing there was really a BB gun that looked just like the Smith & Wesson.
Davis conceded that the crack was his, but he insisted it was for his personal use. “Based on the quantity, the packaging, the digital scale, the amount of empty baggies and the previous knowledge of Detective Rodriguez that the defendant actively sells crack cocaine,” Davis’s arrest report states, detectives concluded that Davis was in possession of crack with intent to sell–and that he was using his store to deal drugs. The drugs were valued at $400.
Previous undercover operations at the store confirmed that Davis was distributing a variety of narcotics from the business, including Fentanyl laced Heroin and Cocaine, according to the Sheriff’s Office.
When the Sheriff’s Office reported on the arrest at its Facebook page this afternoon, it referred to Davis’s “business” in quote marks. Sheriff’s detectives, the report states, “received numerous complaints about Davis being involved in suspected drug sales in Flagler County. Supernova Clothing and Shoe Store opened in early June of 2018, and [the Special Investigations Unit] continued to receive complaints alleging Davis to be involved in drug activity, specifically at his store and threatening other business owners.”
Davis was also allegedly selling counterfeit merchandise–counterfeit name brand clothing that was displayed for sale throughout the store. Davis advertised on his storefront brands including Nike, Polo, Gucci “and many more custom-made outfits!” His store hours were 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week.
Further charges by the Sheriff’s Office and possibly federal authorities are pending against Davis.
And there was this: Palm Coast officials discovered on June 12 that the store was operating with no business tax receipt. Davis was cited. And the store had received no occupancy permit and no building permit for a commercial interior alteration (the front counter had been taken out), a city spokesperson said. “They didn’t respond,” the spokesperson wrote in an email, “so our next step was to notify the property owner (owner of the shopping center) – that notice of violation was for no occupancy permit and no building permit for a commercial interior alteration. That occurred July 10. (We can’t cite the property owner for the business tax receipt issue).”
Davis was booked at the county jail on $12,500 bond, which he posted within hours: he was released just after 3 this morning.
He quickly took to Facebook: “Crazy how stereotypical the Flagler county sheriffs office can be going off of a person past to justify their actions,” he wrote between 2 and 3 p.m. today.”Never wanting to see a young black owner succeed is the truth in all of this. Thanking God/Yahweh that we have the support of the community and knowing that the truth will be really revealed once this is all said and done. They say don’t judge a book by its cover. You also shouldn’t judge a person from their past. People do live and learn and Do Grow up. We ask that you don’t give up on SuperNova clothes and shoe store due to these allegations. The REAL TRUTH WILL COME TO LIGHT. Stand by.”
He then posted an 11-minute video, taken live, of himself cutting someone’s hair as the person holding the lens echoes what he’d written. The video is shot in the store, which then takes center stage to highlight the fact that it’s open for business. (See the video here.) Several selfie-videos show him reveling in his new store. Several postings are illustrated with pictures of his young children.

Richard says
Once a criminal ALWAYS a criminal! Get people like this out of Palm Coast and possibly you will have a decent city. Too much trash running around PC which in the long run affects others that live there also.
USA Lover says
This town draws crooks,perverts,criminals,etc., like a moth to a flame.
Concerned Citizen says
Another product of light sentencing.
Stop cutting breaks on repeat offenders. Start maxing out sentences and sending them to tough prisons.
Charlie says
The “Fun” never stops in Palm Toast !
Anonymous says
Gangs playing Palm Coast like a fiddle. Bunnell was too easy.
All that and the prior arrest record and it’s already a joke. $12,500 bond. You got to be kidding. A reasonably person would look at all this and his prior criminal behavior and assume he would be held at no bond or at least a million dollar bond. And right next to a daycare center. What in the world is wrong with the criminal justice system in this county?
Anonymous says
So let me get this straight. The guy is a convicted felon, served time in prison and they found fentanyl laced heroin & cocaine in his store. Then why is he out on bond if all of this is true?
Anonymous says
You dont mix crack religion and guns…..maybe god told him to sell crack? If so he has the right to protect himself. Time served…damn i should’ve been a lawyer.
Trista says
A convicted felon gets caught with a gun, crack, weed, and scales and has the nerve to say he was arrested because people don’t want to see a “black owner succeed”. Is there anything the race card isn’t used for these days?
Great job to the sherrif’s Office. I hope they don’t take their eyes off this guy.
Really says
Really, cmon literally fun world
Justin says
Check out his 35 minute live video smoking and basically admitting everything…. but carry on everyone is just out to get him…
hawkeye says
why isnt he in prison for his past convictions? our judicial system is way too soft.
Cream Corn says
This dude is using the unpolished, ghetto version of Trumphs fake news defense. “I wasn’t selling “CRACK”! Yal got it all wrong, it was “CRACKERJACKS”! The media is lying, don’t believe your eyes and ears. Hahah!
Really says
Brazzen attempt but didnt work
whatup says
The real TRUTH did come to light, so he was right about one thing LOLOLOLOLOL what an idiot.
Hayride says
”Never wanting to see a young black owner succeed ” His idea of success is to open a store and sell drugs. To him its just business as usual. And of course a repeat offender. So if you grow up in crime and you live crime and continue in crime, all without knowing the world does not work this way.
This person will never change.
Beans says
He’s already bailed out of jail!!!!! Wow!!!
Anonymous says
They can’t be serious with that video. Caught with drugs and a loaded gun and claiming a set up. That business owner needs to pull his pants up.
FlaglerBear says
If you go to their Facebook page, you’ll find a litany of comments by their cronies, sometimes bashing Palm Coast residents; and even accusing the Sheriff of planting evidence. The level of delusion exhibited by some is mind boggling! But, they’ve vowed to stay, even in the face of all this so called..oppression (my words, not theirs). I’ve never seen this kind of chutzpah. This guy needs to go to prison!
Just me says
This is crazy…. Lock him up in state prison. He says the police put the crack there 😬. They can’t even speak property English
This man is going to kill someone selling his crap. Enough already…. Maybe we should all go stand by the store with signs and protest.
woody says
Playing the race card is trying to run the country.Where is this place on pc pwy ?
Bill Carter says
This guy should not have received bail and the store should be shut down His ridiculous comments about the Sheriff’s office and race should not be entertained. But, you “race card” commenters play right into this guy’s baseless defence. There is no deck with a “race card” in it. Please stop with that silly phrase. It seems to imply that racism doesn’t exist. Well, it does. It should suffice to say that the preponderance of evidence, in this case, shows the guy is a crook and was justifiably arrested. His arrest has nothing to do with race.
Johnx says
Yet we throw out Judges that we are afraid sentence too harshly
mark101 says
What a sorry court system we have. The guy is a repeat felon and the court keep letting him out. WHY ?
Who was the judge in the case, makes you wonder .
DRedder says
Another felon that walk through our failed justice system and yet another reason why rentals here in Palm Coast foster Miscreants and Pedophiles in such large numbers.
OEF/OIF Vet says
“Business orientated…” I love it. That video is eerily similar to a hostage video. A little weird in that aspect. But I love that she rips Trump and Trump supporters, then asks everyone to purchase at their store. I wonder what reception I would receive wearing my MAGA hat and shirt?
Born and Raised Here says
Obviously somebody in the City Government didn’t do their research and job before providing this man with approval to open up a small business, Time for an audit.
Resident says
Like I said it too, if a lawyer was present he would tell hi “STFU and stand your ground” not so smart after all! He doesn’t know how to play his cards right or left. Lmoa
Nancy N. says
Born and Raised Here – If you’d actually read the article instead of immediately jumping to blame city workers, you’d know that this guy had no licenses or permits for his “business”.
carol says
This is why we need to Make America White Again!!!!
BIll says
” a Facebook post brandishing a firearm, which would be a violation both of an active injunction against him and a felony, since, as a convicted felon, he’s not allowed to possess weapons. At the store, deputies and detectives found a firearm” “That’s not all detectives and the SWAT team found when they descended on the store Thursday in mid-afternoon. They also found several grams of white, rock-like substances that turned out to be crack cocaine, several grams of pot, ziplock baggies, pot in ziplock baggies, a digital scale, a rolled pot cigar and a ziplock style bag full of little bags.”
All this and his past record BUT yet Davis was booked at the county jail on $12,500 bond, which he posted within hours and this guy say’s – Never wanting to see a young black owner succeed is the truth in all of this.
Agkistrodon says
The City dropped the ball, if he had no license or permits, he NEVER should have been operating. They should know EVERY business operating in City limits.
KD says
Maybe if your lazy ancestors who thought we were barbaric for speaking another language left us alone and forged their own land you wouldn’t have to deal with us. What an ignorant statement, color has nothing to do with this.
Bill C. says
Is this where we are going with this discussion Carol? I thought this site was for constructive discussion. The bigots always find a way to get their garbage in the public forum. Have a nice life…p.s. get a calendar, those days are gone.
Nancy N. says
Apparently Carol isn’t aware there are tens of thousands of white people locked in our state’s prisons. Take that racist crap over to Breitbart, InfoWars or Fox News where it is welcome, because it isn’t here.
Well over 90% of prison inmates in this state are male. I’ve got a suggestion…let’s make America FEMALE. Since apparently it’s men causing all the trouble.
Agkistrodon says
How can anyone in their right mind take this guy’s actions, and then proceed to apply it to an entire race, political ideal, or matter of one sex or the other. Very sad. Pretty embarrassing I’d imagine when you sit down and think about it. If not, that is even more sad.
Really says
@Ag,, the race card, woe is me, and stereotypes thrown down by alleged. Its alleged actions, comments upon being busted no one else thats how
OEF Vet says
We all need to get off this argument. All ancestors are to blame. White men purchased slaves from Black men making money selling them (willingly) from Africa; none of which was/is okay. Slavery still exits in many of these countries, most African. We should completely uproot any form of slavery and move on from it.
hawkeye says
its as easy as this , he is a bad guy, doesnt matter about race at all.
Captain Obvious says
That’s not good when this kind of crap is happening right on palm coast parkway. It’s a sign of the times we are living in nothing surprises me anymore.