Donald Trump is rewriting the rules of politics, of time and of the English language. That much is clear. Transformational leaders do that. But so do madmen and incompetents in control of awesome powers. The resulting explosions are as false a dawn as those of nuclear blasts. Perhaps not immediately but certainly over time, the fallout will be as poisonous.
I made a few mistakes this week. I wrote my commentary much too early, as if the world were still going by time as something measurable in hours and days rather than shockwaves and double-takes. I wrote it after Donald Trump’s treasonous peddling of secret information about ISIS to Russia and his visit with that war criminal Henry Kissinger, but before his latest attempt at obstruction of justice and his most recent date with self-pity.
So that commentary was already old news. And between the time the radio commentary aired Friday and this print version was typeset, the man had again pirouetted a new scandal with the revelation that he not only called ex-FBI Director James Comey “a nut job,” thus adding an entirely new Icelandic-saga-worth of plot twists to the pot calling the kettle black, but he admitted that the firing was to relieve pressure from Comey’s investigation into the Trumpsters’ shenanigans with Ruskies. That revelation did not come from Comey’s memos, but from a White House document. From notes of conversations Trump had, at the White House, with his owns staffers, the day after he fired Public Enemy Number Take a Number (after the press, after Hillary and Obama, after Robert Mueller, after 11 million brownish skins and Allah knows how many Muslims, after whatever actor is getting on his nerves, and so on.)
There’s no doubt that by the time this appears it’ll be outdated already: my pieces tend to have a shelf life of about 10 minutes. This one expired halfway through the first paragraph. It proved again in Trump’s words that he is “a very active President with lots of things happening.” If the men and women of his Umpa Lumpa factory like Kelly Ann Conway, the guy in the bushes and the Huckabee with too many names can’t keep up with him, imagine us in the fake news world. We spend all day and half the night crafting thousand word fictions, only for his 140-character tweets to rise before dawn and make it all obsolete, dawn included, the way the scientists at the Trinity test site described the explosion of the first atomic bomb in 1945: “It blasted; it pounced; it bored its way through you,” one of the bomb’s creators said. “You would wish it it would stop.” And he was talking about something that, in his words, lasted all of two seconds.
We’re now sensing the shocks of those twitter blasts almost every dawn. It’s not only time they’re remaking but what we understand as language and sentences with beginnings and ends. I almost just caught myself writing the truth is, when those very words no longer mean anything. Donald Trump’s administration is officially the post-truth presidency. Science, facts, objective analysis, even historical perspective: dead. They were not in the best of health to start with, what with better mannered presidents speaking of fantasies like supply side economics and weapons of mass destruction with a straight face, but at least the pretense of truth was there. Not for Trump. What reality exists is what he wants it to be.
Russia may be arming and bankrolling Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, what a more imaginative president might have called an axis of evil in good old days. But to Trump, Russia is a chummier partner than his own surrogates in the West Wing, each one of whom sounds like those defeated captives of domestic violence anyway. Trump’s body language next to those Russian mafiosi bounces with the arabesque and ballonné of a ballerina.. Put him next to men of his own party like Paul Ryan or an ally like Angela Merkel and his posture apes all the finesse of a middle finger.
And when Trump is criticized, either he blames that witch Hillary Clinton, as do all his fans, or he blames it, as usual without a hint of irony, on a witch hunt. I was going to start the next sentence with the words it’s strange, but those words have lost their meaning. The Trinity atomic explosion immediately turned the sands of the New Mexico desert to glass. Donald Trump has turned everything to strange. Strange has replaced nitrogen as the seventh most common element in our universe.
There’s nothing strange about the man who campaigned on promises of being the toughest, the best, the bigliest and the most intimidating negotiator suddenly turning into a blubbering poltroon who can’t believe people are being mean to him.
Nor is it strange that his every transgression is now not only excused but subsumed to his bunker masons’ counter-narrative: it’s not Trump who’s doing anything wrong. It’s the leakers. The Trump White House has turned into a gallery of rogues who use the nation’s laws to shield their incompetence, their mendacity, their corruption or lawbreaking. It’s as if a bunch of brutalizing cops threw the book at those who’d out the footage of their bang-up chambers and called themselves victims. But this is America: most of the time, it actually works. Deflection is Trump’s greatest art of the deal. If he could turn Hillary Clinton into a candidate for a Nuremberg rerun, there could be nothing strange about his whiplashing transformation from–as Van Jones so archly put it–Trumpzilla to President Snowflake.
Trump isn’t wrong about the wood pyre. We’re all witches now. But he’s the one who started this bonfire. It’s about time he started feeling the burn of his own freak show. Unfortunately for us, tomorrow is just another false dawn.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here or follow him @PierreTristam. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
Give it up says
If hypocrisy was dirt, Democrats would be the earthworms
Veteran says
President Trump acts and speaks like a human being, kind of like me, not a politician. Sorry we are all not as intelligent and well educated as you Pierre.
ZitoO says
From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of strange
stranger; strangest
a archaic : of, relating to, or characteristic of another country : foreign
b : not native to or naturally belonging in a place : of external origin, kind, or character
a : not before known, heard, or seen : unfamiliar
b : exciting wonder or awe : extraordinary
a : discouraging familiarities : reserved, distant
b : ill at ease
: unaccustomed
I’ll take 1b and 2a – Trump is not a politician and perhaps that’s why, what, 64million Americans elected him. Strange? Yes. Elected President? Yes.
Makeitso1701 says
64 million Americans fooled? Yes
The rest of us brainwashed? No
A tiny manatee says
Merrill Shapiro says
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have most or all of the following symptoms, typically without commensurate qualities or accomplishments:
1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
2. Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
3. Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
4. Needing constant admiration from others
5. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
6. Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
7. Unwilling to empathize with others’ feelings, wishes, or needs
8. Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
9. Pompous and arrogant demeanor
NPD usually develops by adolescence or early adulthood. It is not uncommon for children and teens to display some traits similar to NPD, but these are typically transient without meeting full criteria for the diagnosis. True NPD symptoms are pervasive, apparent in various situations, and rigid, remaining consistent over time. The symptoms must be severe enough that they significantly impair the individual’s ability to develop meaningful relationships with others. Symptoms also generally impair an individual’s ability to function at work, school, or in other important settings. According to the DSM-5, these traits must differ substantially from cultural norms in order to qualify as symptoms of NPD.
Not everyone thinks like you says
I am tired of people like yourself telling me how I should think and how Trump is the devil. I do not have to feel ashamed or be told that my opinion is wrong because I love my country, believe in God, and believe in law and order. There is right and wrong, and no matter how much it makes you guys feel better to point out all of what you think is wrong with the rest of us, it does not change the facts. It is not wrong to want to protect our borders. It is not wrong to pose restrictions on who can and cannot enter this country. It is not wrong to believe that people are better off from feeling productive and valued by working hard and providing for their own family instead of relying on politicians to give them just enough to get by, and get nowhere in life for themselves and their future generations. I am a first generation American from a family of immigrants. My grandmother moved to this country legally, went through the process as a widow with 6 children for that promise of a better life if you worked for it. Never went on govt assistance. Everyone chipped in, worked and lived the American dream. I remember when my parents bought their first home, at 10 years old, I was finally getting my own room, not the hallway in their one bedroom apartment, where we lived until they saved enough money to make our dream come through. All of my fellow 1st generation American friends, similar stories…yet the American kids families (most not all), were happy in their rent controlled apartments that was “in the family” for years… you probably won’t post like all my other comments that don’t fit your narrative…like the rest of the media fooling the masses by not reporting facts, but spewing their hate and evil as doctrine. The only thing that Trump is guilty of is of loving this country and wanting to make the life of its citizens, all of them, better. Not forcing globalization is ok. We don’t have to be all the same, it’s ok to be proud to French, or Italian, Japanese, Czech, etc…it’s our uniqueness that makes the world a special place.. just as all science is just hypothesis that hasn’t been proven untrue, it is perfectly fine to believe in God and all his splendor, it’s not ok to ridicule my beliefs and say that because I believe in God, law and order, good and evil, that I am not as intelligent as you. As tolerant as your kind insist we need to be, a good hard look at what your kind practice And preach should also be practiced. I worry not about the actions of others as I cannot control them, I worry more about my reaction And own actions, as that is the only thing I can control Andy ultimately am responsible for.
Trump had an excellent speech today, historic. Again, there is but two sides to what is going on in this world, good and evil. It’s quite obvious to an intelligent eye which is which.
Nancy Allen says
It is so apparent how much you hate our President! Go eat a piece of pie, find some inner-peace someplace as your bitterness is eating away at your very core. This is the President of our great country. Not one thing you say about him is positive or optimistic. You’ve totally overlooked the good things that he has done or is trying to do. Your hatred is so vile and sickening that it consumes you. I pity people that wallow so much in their own misery as you definitely need some help.
Sherry Epley says
Thanks Merrill. . . of course you are certainly correct in your “facts” about the symptoms of the mental illness of trump. Unfortunately, his brainwashed followers care nothing for FACTS or any kind of “scientific analysis”.
Mark101 says
I can’t wait for the worldwide rebellion to start headed by and organized by the media to overthrow Trump. There will be rioters driven mad by the media no doubt people harmed along the way, buildings burned as the explosion of Trump hate reaches a fever pitch in America. Then you will see a new slogan Republican Lives Mater appear and the government will step in and yes, a new internal war of sorts will start. Give it time, the Trump hate is raising, keep going media your doing a dang up job.
I don’t like Trump and I hate Clinton but we got what we got before the whiplash of poison causes death in the US. Trump should be called , the real Doctor Strange.
Pogo says
@Merrill Shapiro
I think it’s worse even than that:
And then there’s the obvious prevalence of innumeracy manifest in the inability to comprehend that 65,844,610 is far greater than 62,979,636.
My father always recalled June 6 as D-Day. His son always recalls that too, but it is joined by a pang of grief for the day RFK died too. As far as condemning an entire generation, don’t forget, you’re very special – just like everyone else.
Brian says
You may be the editor but you are not going to become the PC police. It’s clear that you have extreme liberal leanings but the market you support is not. Trump one big in Flagler County, why don’t you talk about that.
Pierre Tristam says
Brian, I realize that Palm Coast occasionally feels like North Korea, but we’re not quite there yet.
Merrill Shapiro says
Sherry, can they, the supporters of the Petulant of the United States, be helped?
Traveling Rep says
Well, well, well…Big shocker here. I open FlaglerJive to find just what I suspected I would – Another Trump Hit Piece! One filled with Pierre’s own special brand of deftly described hatred and intolerance for *His President*, much like the rest of the MSM and the political left. Bravo, your true colors are showing…again! Just for added effect in the next one you write, could you please put on some antifa garb and mask? Perhaps a picture of you in said garb standing next to a cut-out of Trump? The hilarity (pun intended) of you lamenting about not waiting for extra Trump hating material for your weekly commentary in paragraph 2 &3…priceless! Big box of Kleenex, headed your way my friend…
Ws says
Pierre your stories of Trump are always filled with nothing but pure hatred. I can only wonder if you find any peace in your life when it is filled with obvious hatred. Donald Trump is our President whether you like it or not. You are doing nothing but trying to spit out hatred hoping to involve more people to fee the hate that you seem to feel on a daily basis. I hope someday you find some kind of peace and love in you life because right now something is seriously missing inside you. Why not encourage people with peace, hope, love, empathy and anything else that lifts people up instead of wanting to encite hated and violence. Very sad!
palmcoaster says
First time ever a communist in the WH, and the blinded defend that!
Geezer says
Merrill Shapiro says:
Your post is eye-poison to the ignorant, but a lovely chunk of text to the
sensible and pragmatic people who frequent this site.
It is an inconvenient truth which you have illustrated very clearly.
Brian says
@Nancy Allen: Nancy, you hit the nail squarely on the head. These left-wing butt-sore snowflakes in print and on TV are indeed consumed by their hate for Trump. Pierre doesn’t care about Trumps’ great speech when he arrived in Saudi Arabia. When Trump got off of the plane, he and the first lady were warmly greeted by the king. There were fireworks, and jets flying overhead with red, white, and blue smoke trails. The last time Obama went there and came down the airplane steps, he had to look for someone to shake hands with. I think it was the baggage guy. Yes, Pierre is right up there with the MSNBC and CNN lefty goofballs who are still mad and embarrassed that their queen Piggy-Pant-Suit was denied her coronation by the American people. I come here, and switch occasionally to MSNBC, because I sincerely find the left-wing spew and negativity highly amusing. Pierre’s best TV counterpart is Rachel Maddow – she wrings and flails her hands, bats her eyelashes, and looks up as if to the sky, as she prepares to spout something truly profound. Funny stuff indeed. These are the same goofballs that molly-coddled the worthless Obama and gave him a pass for eight years. But hey, Pierre’s a smart cookie – I hear he does quite well with his stock in Kleenex!
Katie Semore says
Crazy is as crazy does. No one in public does crazy better than Trump and the Trumpies eat it up and will continue to do so as he strips away their way of life and leaves them on the trash heap wondering what in the hell happened and what liberal can they blame it on.
bob says
Clinton still lost!!! HA HA HA HA HA
Geezer says
My goodness, just the other day I commented on the assault on intellectualism,
moreover like the book by Susan Jacoby: “The Age of American Unreason.” It seems
as if it’s become cool to not be educated.
There’s actually a commentator here who is boldly proclaiming that he’s not as intelligent
or as educated as the author and owner of this website. While I most assuredly agree,
I never expected to live in an age where people are proud to be intellectually challenged.
It’s tragic to see this trend in (proud to be not-too-bright) American society because
it’s a warning to us how this country is circling the drain. The citizens of the United States
are its greatest asset, they need to be the best-educated people in the world, which they
are not.
You select a president because they remind you of YOU? WTF?!!!
Look where we’ve arrived: “hello, I’m so-and-so, I’m uneducated and proud of it!
No wonder Trump was elected. He speaks like his supporters and by golly, they’re proud
to wear their scarlet letter hats proclaiming: “Make America Great Again.”
And those hats are manufactured in China, just like most American flags you’ll find at a
discount store.
Life’s too short to luxuriate in ignorance. Sad.
“Oh very young
What will you leave us this time
You’re only dancing on this earth for a short while
Oh very young
What will you leave us this time”
–Cat Stevens (YES, YUSUF ISLAM!)
Oh Very Young
Mothers Worry says
I’m amazed that people continue to support him. I guess that they have a hard time admitting they made a mistake.
Remember, when you elect a clown, your going to get a circus.
Sherry Epley says
Merrill. . .Greetings from our travels in Crete!
Just take a look at the ignorance of trump supporters like Brian. . . for example, “trump one” OMG! Also his completely “vulgar” language and name calling. We are now being “ham strung” by the completely “low life” and “illiterate” portion of US voters! Disgusting!
The Democrats need stronger leadership! Our problem is that we want “everyone” to have their say and “participate” to the point that we have completely “watered down” our ability to really LEAD! Our “open” principles have actually made us weaker.
Sherry Epley says
Dear Geezer. . . love it that we are reading such great observations from you. . . as always! Sadly, very sadly. . . you are quite correct regarding the “ignorant, and proud of it ” folk. . . just like “their” cult leader, trump.
Unfortunately our culture and society is “circling the drain” in many ways. . . a big fat sucking sound from the septic tank filled with “uneducated haters” who have even lost their moral compass. For so many who blame their, “self created” problems on “them” or “the other” . . . honesty, ethics, compassion, self determination, integrity, honor, dignity, pride, accomplishment, evolution. . . are all things they forgot, never learned, or never aspired to. . . such self loathing has been turned outward towards other human beings. How very, very sad for us all! I am often humiliated by the US citizens that spread their hatred in these comments.
Ws says
The circus is not from Trump, but from Hillary supoorters(I mean losers) who continue a nonstop witch hunt including the media which is always crazy and more crazy nonsense. Trump is our president and most likely he will win again in the next election so get over it and stop all the hate speeches every day. Why do the liberals have so much hatred to share? Now that my friends is the circus.
Sherry Epley says
trump is clearly psychologically unhealthy, and will never, ever be “my” president! He has always been a narcissistic megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur, and now. . . along with being a disgusting sexual predator. . . he is very likely suffering with inherited dementia. Certainly he is displaying all the symptoms.
Unfortunately, many of his brainwashed follower followers would continue in their unreasonable support of him. . . even if he actually did comment murder on 5th Ave. Why? Simply because they have thrown their own brains and morals out the window. FOX Cult.. . . . trump Cult. . . Same Thing!!
Hopefully, some trump voters are starting to see the error of their ways. There is still hope for the reawakening of “intelligent thought and FACT based analysis”!
NortonSmitty says
If you voted for that ferret-headed Shit-gibbon you are a fool. If you still support the Moron you are a stubborn fool.
Edith Campins says
How can anyone still support this disaster of a Presidency?