By Ann B. Shortelle
The St. Johns River Water Management District has launched a new year-long “Water Less” campaign to help raise awareness about water conservation and to communicate easy ways to integrate outdoor water conservation into our daily lives without sacrificing curb appeal.
While the cumulative rainfall total is 3.7 inches below the long-term average over the last 12 months across the district’s 18-county region, smart water use is a year-round tool to maintain and manage your investment in your home, family and future. It’s important to know that you can practice water conservation and still love your lawn.
Throughout the next year, the Water Less conservation focus will shift each season to reflect the unique water needs of Florida lawns and landscaping, starting with “Fall Back” in November to encourage once-a-week watering as we enter cooler weather.
When lawns go dormant this winter and need less water, the campaign focus becomes “Skip a Week,” to encourage skipping every other week of irrigation.
Did you set it and forget it? In spring, the campaign emphasizes taking control of your irrigation system to make it work for you while also saving water.
The summer Water Less campaign theme is “Watch the weather, wait to water” — a reminder in Florida’s typically rainy summer that there’s a good chance Mother Nature will water for you.
Many people don’t realize lawn and landscape irrigation makes up about half of Floridians’ daily residential water use. Improving landscape irrigation practices can save water and improve your landscape’s quality at the same time. Overwatering can encourage mold and fungus, weaken grass roots and promote weeds and undesirable insects.
Water is wasted when broken or misdirected sprinkler heads spray water onto sidewalks and pavement, and water runoff from oversaturated yards often carries fertilizers, debris and nutrients into natural waterways, which leads to poor water quality.
One of the most important ways to help meet our water supply needs for today and in the future is through water conservation — year-round water conservation is an easy way to invest in the future, while still maintaining thriving lawns and landscapes. Utilities, homeowners’ associations, local governments and municipalities, and individuals interested in water conservation all play an incredibly important role in this initiative.
We’re grateful to those whose water conservation behaviors are helping lead to big improvements for our precious water supplies. Visit the campaign website, waterlessflorida.com, and follow us on social media to learn more and help spread the Water Less message.
Ann B. Shortelle is the executive director of the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Linzey Chaffin says
Why does the city water all times of day?
Wasting water when it’s raining
blondee says
@LinzeyChaffin the city uses reclaimed water for irrigation. It’s not good for much else; think of it as recycled sewage.
mark101 says
Well if the county keeps digging these ponds and building subdivisions and current ponds and wells start running dry, well thats on the county . Its happening right now, ponds running dry next to new retention ponds.
Richard says
Do as I say, not as I DO! Bullshit! My Zoysia lawn, shrubs, flowers, vegetables, etc. would all be brown and dead from lack of water. I watered three times a week this past summer while gone and when I came back the lawn looked like crap and lots of shrubs had turned brown plus many flowers are now dead. SO much for water conservation. I pay for the water used and will use as much as needed to keep my property looking good. If the city wants to take over paying for MY water then they can dictate how much can be used for irrigation, etc. Until then stay OUT of my business. And that goes for others who think they can dictate how I should live and how I should manage my property. If you want to pay for the mortgage, taxes, insurance , electricity, water, etc. then you have every right to dictate how it should be managed BUT until then, mind you own business.
Percy's mother says
1. Wonderful outlook on life and conservation, Richard.
2. Perhaps a try at xeriscaping might be in order, Richard.
3. Perhaps by watering 3x a week,you caused fungus to grow and kill the lawn and shrubs.
4. Meditation and/or spiritual practice does wonders for improving one’s outlook on life.
Sad Times says
If water availability is a problem (plus problems with waste management)…WHY is the County and City allowing more building of homes and commercial buildings?
Right says
Don’t forget allowing destruction of wetlands also.