Several major Flagler County roads were the scene of a high-speed pursuit that started in Volusia County, where a man was wanted on a charge of aggravated battery on a law enforcement officers, whom the man allegedly tried to run over. The pursuit when it spilled into Flagler spread over I-95, Old Dixie Highway, State Road 100, State Road A1A and back to Old Dixie Highway.
The pursuit involved numerous Volusia and Flagler law enforcement agencies, including the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and Volusia County’s Air One, the emergency helicopter, which tracked the suspect’s vehicle–a newer-model Toyota Corolla–at all times. The pursuit in Flagler took place between 10 and 10:20 a.m. The man was apprehended in Ormond Beach.
The man’s identity is not yet available.
The pursuit had trailed as far back as State Road 40. One witness who had been on I-95 shortly after 10 described the suspect’s vehicle passing him at 100 mph, on the shoulder of the highway. The Corolla exited at Old Dixie Highway only to get back on and continue north, exiting at State Road 100 and going east, across the bridge to Flagler Beach, then back south on A1A.
The driver appears to have taken High Bridge Road and struck stop sticks at John Anderson Highway, but kept going toward Old Dixie Highway. The vehicle became disabled. The driver jumped out and attempted to evade pursuit, but was apprehended in a subdivision just south of Old Dixie Highway near Acoma Drive. The individual was being processed for booking at the Volusia County Branch jail. He will likely face a felony fleeing and eluding charge in addition to the aggravated battery on a law enforcement officer charge.
Sherri says
Great job glad none of our officers were hurt
A.j says
WOW. I didn’t read where any got hurt, that is a good thing. People please be careful on the roads.
SJD says
High speed persuits are very dangerous and in many jurisdictions, they are banned.
I think we have to ask, “What was the initial interaction that caused the suspect to flee?” Police tend to charge people with aggravated battery if they drive away from a traffic stop even if the police were not at risk. However maybe in this case there was a battery.
I witnessed the pursuit as it entered I95 in Daytona and seven police passed me, easily in excess of 100 m.p.h.
Sandy says
I believe the suspect tried to run over an officer…good reason to give chase.
BK says
No, that is not a good reason. Police officers understand the risk they sign up for. Endangering countless lives in a high speed chase is immature, reckless and irresponsible. The helicopter never lost sight of the suspect and helped law enforcement with the placement of the spike strips. There was NEVER a need for a high speed chase.
CE says
I agree, these high speed chases create a dangerous situation for the public on the roadways. My husband called me shortly after 10:oo that morning after witnessing this chase and almost being hit by the driver as he passed him on the right side shoulder of the SR100 bridge to Flagler Beach at almost 100mph. He said all of the above mentioned law enforcement agencies went racing by as well.
beachlover says
We need to stop putting the public at risk with these high-speed chases. Let’s all agree that there is no punishment for these criminals once caught. There is little upside arresting them only to have liberal judges and prosecutors failing to keep them incarcerated or quickly released with little or no bail so they can commit their next crime.