Chris Feeney is a Palm Coast resident and an ardent Trump fan who likes to wave Trump flags and go mega-MAGA in public. The Observer caught him in one of those street-side Trump eruptions back in January, where even his shirt was a kaleidoscope of Trump’s mug.
On Friday, Feeney caught the unhappy attention of Sheriff Rick Staly after Feeney called him “my buddy” in a Facebook video Feeney posted. The “buddy” comment was bracketed by Feeney’s recorded obscenities, provocations, calling Black Lives Matter “a terrorist organization,” all with a recurring fixation on demonstrators’ body parts.
The sheriff condemned the video in a call for calm this election season, and was soon joined by local Democratic, Republican and Trump Club leaders Friday who denounced the video in varying degrees. It was the first local expression of relatively joint concern about an especially brittle political climate in the country ahead of the Nov. 3 election–an election whose legitimacy the president has repeatedly refused to endorse, potentially adding fuel to kindling.
“I do not personally know this individual and I certainly do not condone his aggressive behavior. It is behavior like this that causes serious and sometimes deadly incidents,” Staly said in a release. “I have directed our Homeland Security Section to look into this troubling video.”
The video, which has drawn some 14,000 views and close to 450 comments as of this writing, is a little over five minutes long. Feeney took it as a Facebook Live clip on Sept. 19, when Democrats held what they termed a “Democratic Car Parade” in late morning. “Let’s show the Trump Club how to act like adults as we celebrate and support our candidates from Joe/Kamala to our local candidates,” Mike Cocchiola, who heads the local Democratic Party, wrote in an accompanying note to the announcement.
The video was rebuked not only by local officials but by numerous people commenting on Feeney’s Facebook page, many of them adopting the tone of a commenter who wrote: “I love Trump, but you are an embarrassment to our party.” Others called Feeney a “sad and angry man,” as “pretty idiotic and the only ‘triggered’ person” in the video, though he also got a share of support and commenters echoing his attacks on Democrats. “What’s with the language dude? Really?” one commenter asked. “Grow up.”
Cut to Feeney’s voice-over in his own video as he approaches the demonstration in his SUV. [Warning: Feeney’s foul language in the next few paragraphs is unredacted.]
Audio: Feeney’s Rant
“OK folks here we are, we’re going to see the Democrats. Town Center. Yup.” Feeney laughs to himself. “Oh, shit. I love it. They’re right up here, guys. Well, nobody’s watching me anyway, but, I wanna see, I’m going to drive really slow, I might even stop in the middle of the street.”
“No you’re not,” a woman riding with him says.
“Oh, shush, woman,” he says.
“Let’s see what we’ve got here. Look, it’s even got a Black Lives Matter flag. Oh, my god. Oh my god. Oh my–oh, they don’t have that many people. They got quite a few, but not that many. Are my Trump flags going? Yes they are, going beautiful. Look, look, look. Look. Hell no. Hell no. Hell no. I’m coming right in the middle of these mother-effers. Look at these mother-effers.” (He actually says “effers” in the video, though that soon becomes his only deference to discretion.)
“Touch my flag, I’ll fucking rip your fucking head off,” Feeney continues. He has purposely slowed his truck to a crawl. He rolls his window down and yells out: “[Get] the fuck out of here you piece of shit. Fucking touch my truck, I’ll fucking kill you.” There’s no hint of humor in his voice at that point. “Yeah, look at all these fucking idiots over here. Fucking idiots, get your brains out of your asses. Get your brain out of your ass. Sleepy Joe, baby, Sleepy Joe.” By then he’s stopped a few times. Some demonstrators are responding, but whatever they’re staying is inaudible over Feeney’s yelling about “Sleepy Joe,” 7-Eleven. At least one or two obscenities are heard hurled back at Feeney, which eggs him on. His voice rises in crescendo to joyful rage: “Aaaaaah, look at all the nut cases, look at them all, triggered liberals, yeah, Trump 2020,” and so on, his taunts seemingly fueled by his own bile. But he is not getting the attention he wants. “Yeah, ignore me, yeah, I’m coming back around again, haha, yes I am, I have to,” he yells.
“No you’re not, no you’re not,” the woman riding with him tells him. “Quit, quit, quit.” They go back and forth. “Yes I do.” “No you don’t.”
He U-turns and goes back through. The yelling starts again, a variation on the earlier theme. “And you guys support Black Lives Matter, yeah? Only if it’s a white cop, honey.” But he’s losing steam, repeating the same words over and over again until a man in a Stars and Stripes tie walks up to him and asks him if he wants the cops called on him. “Yeah, I know Staly, he’s my buddy, call him right now,” Feeney tells the man, who happens to be Clinton Curtis, an attorney running for the 6th Congressional District seat against Michael Waltz, the Republican. He eventually drives off. “I hope you guys enjoyed that video, it was amazing. They were going cuckoo.” He then tells his audience he’s going “to the real rally.” Feeney did not respond to a request for an interview messaged him on his Facebook account.
Cocchiola, who’s frequently appeared before the County Commission in appeals for civility got hold of the video and distributed it, eventually catching the sheriff’s eye. Cocchiola’s appeals have been driven in part by the frequent bilious outbursts of Joe Mullins, two of whose colleagues on the commission refused to censure him after he disrupted a commission meeting and a deescalation of a delicate situation by Staly and insulted his two other colleagues. Cocchiola has also met with the Trump Club and Jearlyn Dennie, who heads the Republican Executive Committee, to discuss reining in the more extreme tempers on either side.
Cocchiola knows Feeney from previous encounters at demonstrations, where Feeney, according to Cocchiola, gets in the middle of Democratic lines to disrupt them and wave his flag. There’s no rule, no law, against it, but contemporary conventions–in large part the result of law enforcement’s routine separation of different camps at demonstrations into distinct “free speech” zones–give the impression that only demonstrators of one stripe should be in any given group. From law enforcement’s perspective, it also helps reduce the chance of conflict, violence and arrests.
To Cocchiola, last Saturday’s incident with Feeney was dangerous (he did not witness it personally: he was elsewhere at the rally when it happened.) “It was physical intimidation with that truck, in other words he was driving through people, coming close to people in the street,” Cocchiola said, “coming right up to their back ends, that is borderline assault, and he was frightening people.” (There’s no evidence from the video that Feeney rode up intimidatingly to cars in front of him. Feeney’s focus is on the people on either side of his own SUV, and on keeping his own verbal assaults going.)
“I would ask, in fact demand that the Republican Party in Flagler County deal with this person and deal with anybody who would do that again,” Cocchiola said. “We have conducted classes on deescalation of confrontation, we have trained our people to deescalate situations, and certainly the Republican Club and the Republican Party here can put on a similar program.”
Dennie said Feeney is not in any way connected to the REC. “I don’t tolerate any of that,” she said in an interview this afternoon. She’d been told of the video but said she hadn’t yet seen it. “I do know the individual that’s involved is not part of my group, but I don’t know him. Those are the types of things I’m really hoping and wishing to avoid.” Addressing Cocchiola’s comment, she said: “We don’t have issues, what he’s talking about has nothing to do with the party, my group.” She then spoke of innumerable Trump signs being vandalized and sprayed with obscenities, accusing the Democrats of not keeping their own people in line, and saying those instances of vandalism are reported to police. (The claim could not yet be verified with the sheriff’s office before this article initially published.)
After getting a link to the video from a reporter and watching it, Dennie issued a more restrained statement in writing: “The Flagler County Republican Executive Committee has no authority over Chris Fenney just like have we no authority over those who have vandalized Trump signs on the personal property of great American citizens in Flagler County. We appreciate his enthusiasm and support of President Trump, however, we do not endorse the use of inappropriate language or disruptive behavior. We are looking forward to unity in our nation following the re-election of Donald J. Trump.”
Speaking for the Trump Club, Ed Danko, a candidate for city council who’s also in charge of the club’s public relations, was more blunt: “The Trump Club highly condemns this type of rude and offensive behavior.” “It’s something we all want to rein in,” Danko said. The club, the latest iteration of the county’s tea party faction, has both Democratic and Republican members. “We constantly tell our people not to be rude, not to swear at people, not to give them the one finger salute even if they’ve been given that. We tell our people to say something like, God Bless, have a nice day.” Danko later confirmed that while Feeney had been at a couple of Trump Club meetings, he was not a Trump Club member.
Cocchiola said disavowals of Feeney-type behavior must be public, immediate and uncompromising. “I don’t expect the sheriff to arrest anybody but I do want the sheriff to issue a stern warning that this will not be tolerated,” he said. “We’re looking for an example the sheriff can use to scare the crap out of them so they don’t do this anymore, because we are filming, we are filming everything anymore, because we are tired of the abuse. And we are going to take legal action. It goes on routinely.” Cocchiola said that as far as Democrats are concerned, “There’s never been an incident of us disrupting anything. Never.”
A local Republican, however, cited the case of a 13-year-old demonstrator with a Trump sign recently being verbally abused by a a woman who was part of a passing Democratic group. But the Republican acknowledged that it was only that one woman who’d been abusive, and said it was the sort of lone “bad apple” that happen on either side of the fence.
Flagler County has its ardent supporters of candidates on both sides of the year’s election divide, but the county and Palm Coast have on the whole not experienced incidents more significant than the sort that happen at every election, like sign vandalism or the occasional flock of dueling birds. The feeney incident stands out precisely because it has been unusual, at least in documented form. The sheriff’s almost Solomonic message, carrying particular weight because of his status and the broad respect he commands from both sides, appeared directed at keeping it that way.
“Emotions are high this election season,” he was quoted as saying in a release that refrained from citing either Trump or Joe Biden supporters by their candidate’s names. “If you choose to support a political candidate, please do so peacefully and respect the rights of others who may not agree with your views. We will protect everyone’s First Amendment rights. If there is a peaceful assembly taking place and you do not agree with their stance, don’t go to their gathering, don’t drive through it and don’t antagonize people. This kind of behavior only hurts your cause and can be extremely dangerous for everyone. You don’t have to agree with someone to be kind to them.”
The release ended with this: If you encounter suspicious activity, please report it to the Sheriff’s Office by calling 386-313-4911. For emergencies, dial 911.
Sarajane says
Wouldn’t this go against our governors new law regarding protest or if you are a Trump supporter it is okay?
Bill C says
Excellent and most relevant point. Under Desantis’ new law, Feeney could have run over the bystanders with his truck and claim he was fleeing the protestors, that he thought Clint Curtis meant to harm him when he approached his truck to tell him he was going to call the police.
ASF says
Not only that–this guy self-styles himself as a “Preacher” and “TV and radio personality.”
Tim says
Here’s something hopefully we can agree on. The woman whose voice is heard in the video can do better than Mr Feeney.
Zuffalina says
This is an appalling example of the success of Trump’s devisive strategy to destroy our democracy. Trump wouldn’t shake this “disgusting” man’s hand according to his (Trump’s) own comments. There should be no partisanship in the battle to preserve the American democracy. Many of us have generations of family members who fought to preserve our democracy and we should all be horrified.
mary fusco says
This has nothing to do with Trump. This guy was nuts long before Trump. This guy is a loose cannon and very dangerous. I would never want to cross paths with him.
Really says
I disagree it has everything to do with him. He enables these morons thru his actions
Outsider says
And Democratic governors and mayors allow their cities to be burned down and people to be assaulted and killed. I’m not defending this guy, but one fruitcake doesn’t cancel the actions of thousands of “peaceful protesters.” It took six months before Biden even found the courage to say rioting and looting is not acceptable, and he only did so because it was affecting his poll numbers.
Gary R says
@Really – Who enables people attacking people who wear MAGA hats and attack people out for dinner?
Really says
See it happens on both sides and I get it but IMO Trump is the the buck stops with me guy and the continual divisive rhetoric accusing AllProtesters as Antifa or terrorists or Anarchists with out acknowledging any knowledge of a potential systemic problem offering no solutions just fanning the flames. So never one violent protest in a Republican run City? Yeah I thought so. So its taken 5 plus years and POTUS stilll hasnt given us the Taxes. Though some are leaked allegedly.@OUTSIDER DJT ignored the C19 knew it was aireborne potentially lethal in an attempt at better his polls and continuously only refers to the Economics of it. In case you havent heard this heres a news flash control the Virus we control our lives again.I could go on as infinitum . He blew it, fact. @ GARY to answer the question no one
Been There says
Still our acting Republican Commissioners continue to reinforce this type of behavior. If we aren’t going to hold our elected officials accountable for the same types of behavior, we empower these honyocks. VOTE OUT THEIR LEADERS!
deborah s mott says
Eva says
Dear God help us. I can only pray if this man has children someone is watching out for them. :( I love all the Trump supporters pretending this is not acceptable to them. They just not happy this lightbulb video’d it. Just read Mullins page and the comments anywhere these Trump people post. As if we needed any more reason to vote like our lives depend on it!! #bidenharris2020
Right says
Not true. And you have a skewed view of Trump supporters. We can look at all the fires, looting and murders and blame you then with your thought process.
That said, this video and the behavior of the person making it is asinine. He should be embarrassed and should have listened to his passenger. I also find it funny that our Sheriff can strongly address the behavior of this person who’s relatively a nobody, but the local politician who has fueled this behavior continues to get a pass.
Bonnie Harris says
Are you out of your mind? How did ANYONE there have any responsibility for this asshole’s behavior except himself? All he did was parrot trump and his cronies and act like a three year old. He has no position, no thought process, no information. He is pure hate, like the rest of you.
Further, it is well documented that the white terrorists incited almost all of the violence at the protests. I saw that for myself. Then when protesters try to defend themselves, you people scream-“Look at those violent terrorists!” The FBI has recognized these white terrorists as the most serious threat to the USA today.
You’re right, he should be embarrassed. But if you want anyone to think that he is not typical of a trump supporter, you had better chase another fairy tale with more teeth.
BLM is protesting police brutality and the still present systemic racism in law enforcement. All they want is for their own civil rights to be recognized as much as all these asshole white pigs civil rights. That is why the white pigs are angry.
The white terrorists are protesting the very heart of the USA-liberty and justice for all. All equal under the law. The right to live your life unmolested by white people who have decided to be afraid of you. Or, like with women AND POC, white people who have decided that they are just worth more than you in every way.
You and yours are on the wrong side and history we will never forget it. Just as we never forget the Nazis and other fascists. You descendants will never forget what you are doing now-supporting a fascist coup on the USA government. All generations going forward will despise you for what you are doing now.
And you still won’t win. The USA will prevail against any enemy, even domestic ones. Even if there are millions of them. You will lose.
And we, also, will never forget who you are and what you tried to do to destroy this nation.
Patriot 911 says
One of the things I hate most of liberals is their smug and mocking arrogance. They truly think of themselves as superior beings who by rights should always be in charge of we who they see as Neanderthals. It is partly that which started the American revolution against the smug, arrogant and mocking English aristocrats who looked down their noses at the colonials and treated them as inferiors. They got what was coming to them, and Trump delivered and will continue to deliver what’s coming to the arrogant, smug liberal leftists of today.
White Bronco says
You need to turn off your tv and social media too. There’s a mass delusion being created by your falsely conceived ideologies. I hope we can find a way to make politics boring again because people have injected FARRR too much fanaticism into it. Stop salivating like Pavlov’s dog over politics, People.
Edith Campins says
So, foul mouthed, mocking low life people like the one in the video are preferable to intelligent, educated people who can actually reason and see through trump’s constant lying? You must obviously have very low standards.
Carol C. says
Bobby Azarian Ph.D. explains what is really going on here. So how exactly are Trump loyalists psychologically or neurologically different from everyone else? What is going on in their brains that makes them so blindly devoted?
1. The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Some believe that many of those who support Donald Trump do so because of ignorance — basically they are under-informed or misinformed about the issues at hand. When Trump tells them that crime is skyrocketing in the United States, or that the economy is the worst it’s ever been, they take his word for it.
The seemingly obvious solution would be to try to reach those people through political ads, expert opinions, and logical arguments that educate with facts. Except none of those things seem to be swaying any Trump supporters from his side, despite great efforts to deliver this information to them directly.
The Dunning-Kruger effect explains that the problem isn’t just that they are misinformed; it’s that they are completely unaware that they are misinformed. This creates a double burden.
Studies have shown that people who lack expertise in some area of knowledge often have a cognitive bias that prevents them from realizing that they lack expertise. As psychologist David Dunning wrote in an op-ed for Politico, “The knowledge and intelligence that are required to be good at a task are often the same qualities needed to recognize that one is not good at that task — and if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at the task. This includes political judgment.” Essentially, they’re not smart enough to realize they’re dumb.
And if one is under the illusion that they have sufficient or even superior knowledge, then they have no reason to defer to anyone else’s judgment. This helps explain why even nonpartisan experts — like military generals and Independent former Mayor of New York/billionaire CEO Michael Bloomberg — as well as some respected Republican politicians, don’t seem to be able to say anything that can change the minds of loyal Trump followers.
Florida Voter says
Please go find a mirror and take a look.
Also, your comment highlights the findings of one sidewalk study that I’ve heard (I can’t find a link, so it might be “leftist liberal propaganda”). Some people (some, not all) like Trump not for what he supports, but because he “deliver what’s coming to the” people they don’t like.
Think about why you want to support Trump. Look at what he does and says. Look at how he denies the truth of history and current events. November 3rd, you have a choice between Don the Con, or Honest Joe.
Trailer Bob says
Eva, you sort of allowed yourself to make dishonest judgement on the rest of us sane conservatives. I do not condone this behavior by anyone of any party. The guy is an idiot radical with a low IQ. Growing up in a Democratic state up north, in a Democratic family, The Democrats back then were pretty much like the Republicans of today, or should I say they simply were typical Americans with respect for the Country, they worked hard, and they were not “radical” (I don’t even recall ever hearing that term back them.)
Today BOTH parties have a percentage of whackos, sad to say.
This moron should have been arrested for “something”. Way out of line for sure.
DO NOT LET EXTREME IDIOTS LIKE THIS GET TO YOU. The vast majority of us, on both sides, are decent and sane.
Bill C says
Talk about channeling Trump! Excellent imitation Mr. Feeney, you nailed it.
L says
Trump 2020
rst says
Where in the world do you find these characters? I swear; only in Ruby Red Flagler County. We must be so proud. (sarcasm)
Trailer Bob says
One idiot. Don’t let him get to you. It isn’t about party affiliation for this guy…he is simply nuts and ignorant.
And Flagler is no longer so “Ruby Red”. New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey are leveling the playing field here.
Right says
Not so. Almost a 10,000 voter difference between Reps and Dems. It has climbed in the Rep’s favor over the years. The numbers were near even 10 years ago.
Tim says
NPA’s are also increasing their share of the County’s voters. We have to hope they are disgusted enough to vote for common sense, and send the “Russian Tool in Chief” where he belongs, Jail (preferably) or Moscow.
Steve says
Wow this guy is off his rocker and will hurt someone or vice versa
The Cult lives on in the small minded ill informed. May he not have a good day soon SMH
The Geode says
Another “small penis” Northerner trying to play “tough guy” to people he KNOWS that won’t match his “wanna-be crazy”. I just LOVE to punk guys like this…
Laila says
Why can’t this man be arrested for threats and intimidation? There is no place here for people like this.
Trump supporter
Trailer Bob says
Me too. And I agree, he is an embarrassment to the rest of us who are educated and kind.
Longman says
Funny this is that he actually posted this on Facebook.. like he was proud of the way he behaved… old dude like that should know better. What a tool.. for everyone to see.
Wayne says
This guy is a dick !! Whether your a republican or a democratic! Keep it to your self … get a life dick head !!!
Patriot says
Is this the type of republican Mr Lowe attracts, this is what he wants for my city!? Did anyone listen to his poor me lies on Tiger Bay Thursday night?
So Mr. Lowe really thinks his past 20 or 30 years is irrelevant?
Apparently, his past is great when he refers to it in his fluff about me pieces, “I had a company with 40 employees, negotiated with foreign investors, Prime Ministers and environmental groups…”
Impressive until you hear the rest of the story: “Alan Lowe was arrested and pulled off of the American Airline flight by Dominican authorities in January 2002 with $23,000 US dollars in cash on his person, after liquidating company equipment as well as embezzling payroll from the 40 employee company, Applied Marine Technologies”.
Mr. Lowe defrauded the “foreign investors” he so proudly mentioned, want to talk to them because they are ready to talk. Mr. Alan Lowe was put into the Dominican Prison Service and had to reimburse the investors before he was sent back to the United States in disgrace.
This link below is funny because Alan illegally sold the generators that keep the water filtration system working, thereby causing the environmental hazards himself.
How about this Mr. Alan Lowe, you take more than 90 seconds to draft a letter debunking the “hit job” by clarifying:
Your imprisonment in Dominica and how it was a big misunderstanding?
Or perhaps how SunTrust bank deserved to lose the $20,000 you borrowed because you didn’t sign the right line on the loan?
Maybe just clarify your fraud lawsuit with the IRS?
Being imprisoned for theft 17 years ago isn’t irrelevant! Stealing from SunTrust bank isn’t irrelevant! You were convicted of embezzlement and theft!? Is your name Hunter Biden?
Leopards don’t change their spots Mr. Lowe and you are a pure piece of hypocritical trash. I hope Republican voters here in Palm Coast understand how corrupt you are before they vote you into office so we don’t have to spend a lot of time and money when you get caught/convicted.
CallMeIshmael says
That dude’s f%#ked up.
George C says
Seriously? Why don’t you report on the endless incidents where dems spewed hate, and more, at Trump supporters? Oh, I forgot FlaglerLive is a far left opinion publication. Overwhelmingly, the party of intolerance is the Democrats.
Diana L says
Please post the videos of those instances. I’ve asked and asked for proof, and have gotten nothing. Is this just made up to try to justify the poor behavior that we see on this video?
Outsider says
Wow! Ever heard of “google?” I found this in about three seconds.
Concerned Citizen says
What do you expect when you have a non committal BOCC allowing it’s members to act in a similar way.
I have noticed that when people can’t debate logically they resort to making threats. And sometimes carrying them out. This man thinks his opinion is the only one that matters sound familiar? (Our esteemed BOCC member Mr. Joe Mullins) and will use force to get his view across.. It’s only a matter of time before he hurts someone. And will Mr. Trump come assist him after he gets locked up? Support your candidates all you want. But do it peacefully and without shoving your views in my face.
Glad to see the Sheriff taking a stand against this. Although it’s probably a slippery slope.
Right says
If the Sheriff were really taking a stand, he’d go further than harsh words for this nobody and address the fire starter of a commissioner we have who emboldens this type of behavior. Think that’ll happen? Nope. The Nobody will get the attention and the harsh words…but the Someone with some status will get the kid glove treatment.
Mr. Gambini says
Feeney sounds like a squeaky cross between a goofy Saturday Night Live character and a bad Joe Pesci impersonator. His entire aura and demeanor didn’t even fit the situation. Put him back in his toy box and call it day.
Rxx says
“Sleepy Joe Biden wants this sort of divisive America!”
We really are the sh*thole country, aren’t we.
Mr. Gambini says
Okay, after pinpointing what part of town this clown lives in, I’m trying to figure out where and how in his life has Trump helped him?
Don’t drink and drive says
Yes, this is what being a trumpeter looks and sounds like. Coked up and probably drunk too. Yelling and spitting and screaming like a banshee. He went there to provoke people, made several racist remarks and threatened others. Such a perfect example of the low life stupid, low class POS we don’t need here. The thing is, he’s the only one upset. Hysterical even. Everyone else at the gathering was calm.
Grow up and stop driving under the influence. You’ll soon get a DUI and lose your license. I see jail time in your future. 😁
Right says
“Yes, this is what being a trumpeter looks and sounds like. Coked up and probably drunk too.”
So what’s a Bidener look like? Looting, setting fires, destroying property and killing people?… see the problem with that thought process? Should you be lumped in with those who are committing these acts? Of course not…so don’t do it to anyone else.
Jeff Sica says
Sounds like just another of president Moron’s illegitimate spawn, they seem to be strewn all over the country. He’s clearly the most amped up I’ve seen or heard, so far. I’ll pass one of their traffic impeding intersection rallies and for a simple “thumbs down” gesture, I’ll hear some similar vitriol shouted my way by some of the, let’s say more demonstrative, Trumplicans exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Albeit, without the deep concern for my personal hygiene. It’s very sad, and dangerous, that there is so much hatred being fomented by Trump’s entire administration. I have friends who are Republican, as well as a very few who qualify as Trumplicans (including an actual sibling…who may have been adopted) but we all remeber that in our United States of America, we can agree to disagree, and move on. It’s not that difficult, folks. I do have a question for Sheriff Staley regarding his “open carry” preference. Is this the good guy with the gun, or the bad guy with the gun?
Jj’s White Bronco says
Oh man, wow, what an embarrassing public display. It’s like the man had no regard for his position in society, his name, face, his entire life or how he fits into it.. Jus wow! .He probably earned a few “likes,”’ and got that little endorphin pumped piece of cheese, but the fallout is gonna be exponentially harsh. I mean, what sober or sane individual actually does this? ? Be cool everyone, hopefully we can land this planet somewhere decent. People should stop acting like Pavlov’s dog when they’ve turned on their news, or their phone or their godforsaken social media. Soft landing, folks. That’s the goal. Duh!
You Chris, I’m so disappointed in you, you can lose my number!
hawkeye says
The guy who did this is a horrible example ,who is an embarrassment. One thing though , how about a little fairness, I was in flagler beach and happened upon a pro trump rally ,where I stopped to talk to a casual friend, there was a car that kept going around ,white woman driving , black man passenger , yelling “fuck you assholes” and other derogatory things,racial slurs, shooting birds and basically doing the same thing as this guy,including swerving towards people.One lady,(my friend) was very upset and called the cops,even though she had the tag #, the people in the car and all the things written on the car on her cellphone the cops said that they broke no law.I think people on both sides need to calm down and you Pierre, should do as you advertise and be fair to everyone.
Right says
I’ve seen it as well. Difference is, this idiot put himself out there on Facebook live.
Dennis says
Wow. Lost his marbles for sure. Sad.
john stove says
What is wrong with this guy?……sadly this type of behavior is common place. Try flying your Biden flag from your boat and anchor at Matanzas Inlet with your family and see what happens (I did)….grown men and women coming by and yelling obscenities at us and calling us “un-american” (I am a 5 time combat vet), telling us to “love it or leave it”…etc, etc
My family pleading with me to take the flag down…..scared faces on the boat…..Is this the America I defended?
I am all for defending your right (and mine) to have different opinions on who we want for President but dont try to ram it down my throat and tell me that I dont have the same level of patriotism just because I dont fall in to lockstep with you.
Once upon a time we used to be able to debate each other (without resorting to threats) on the merits of all types of things but now we find ourselves at the brink of “my way or the highway” if you dont support the current president.
Embarrassed former Republican
Boris says
Weird Al Yankovic for President
Mythoughts says
Why do all Trump supports have to use foul language and act aggressive to those that don’t agree with who they support? Oh, how silly of me they are just imitating Donald Trump who treats those that don’t support him the same way.
It is unprofessional, makes them look weak, insecure, not to mention totally ridiculous and very immature bullies.
Trailer Bob says
It is not ALL Trump supporters. That was a very disengerace comment. There are two major political parties, and both have their share of whack-jobs. I am not one of them, but merely vote not always for personality, but for which candidate is closest in line with my personal business, economic, and other factors of belief. Simply put…I believe Biden would be bad for the economy and weak on foreign affairs, while also raising taxes beyond the point of reasonable. I DO NOT support childish behavior, hateful language, or radicalism, which is what this moron consist of.
Carl Lewis says
Bob, as I asked Stars & Bars, below, what exactly has the Trump Administration done for you, personally, in the last four years? The nominal tax breaks for the middle class are about to expire, as only the tax breaks for the ultra-rich are permanent. Any assistance with health care costs has been under constant attack.
Can you afford $2,000 or more a month for health insurance for yourself? Will you be able to survive in old age without Medicare or Social Security?
Unless you are independently wealthy (and I mean really wealthy), I just don’t see it!
Jeff Sica says
Isn’t that the same childish behavior, hateful language, or radicalism, which is promoted by president Moron and his administration? As far as Biden is concerned, wasn’t he VP during our return from the edge of the recession abyss during the previous administration (a growing economy which Trump inherited and took full credit for)? Who for years has helped forge alliances with both friendly and adversarial foreign governments (albeit with varying degrees of success, but hey, that’s real politics) and has clearly stated his plan is to raise taxes only on those making over 400k per year? You sound rather rational, but it might be time to ease up on the FauxNews prime time delusionists (their real journalists have once again begun to recognize reality). I’ll watch Carlson or Hannity on occasion, then watch the same amount of Cuomo or Maddow and once you get past the dramatics on all sides, I still find it hard to see any shred of facts or reality coming out of the Trumplican mouthpieces on Fox.
Mike Cocchiola says
This is notice to the virulent Trumpers that we will not take it any more. We have a right to our space just as they do, We do not disrupt their rallys and we will no longer tolerate their disruption of ours. We will film all of our events and report vile, crude, insulting and intimidating behavior.
Trumpers… you now know the rules. There will be legal consequences to your behavior. “Staly’s buddy” my ass!
Doug says
Being a registered Republican and Trump supporter, I must say that Chris Feeney, you’re an embarrassment to the party. Grow up please and listen to the female voice in the vehicle.
Robjr says
It is called learned behavior.
This joker does not exist in a vacuum; he has company.
If you think he is an aberration you are whistling Dixie.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Respect Please says
For every a hole Trump supporter, there is an ahole Biden supporter.
It doesn’t matter what political party you endorsement can all be sane and civil toward one another
And yes, Flaglerlive is a blog, not a legitimate news source
Trump in 2020
EVA says
That is not even close to true. I am neither party anymore, having left the GOP way back when I watched my party devolve completely. Conservative values? Gone. Balanced budget? Gone. Christian values? GONE. On the other hand, the Dems I know are good people who want to help others, especially those in our community who need a hand up. And you are no judge of what is news LOL, pretty sure faux news is your source of info. It is incredible to watch grown people attack any news that does not fit their narrative. Wah wah wah.
Enough says
I’m surprised Mullins wasn’t in the back seat. Just another fanatical ignorant Trump puppy. Sad, indeed!!
HereWeGo says
He sounds just like the man he loves and all those people shown at the lemming rallies. He feels that his behavior is appropriate and justified because the man in the Oval Office encourages it with his tweets and rhetoric.
This POTUS is a man who thinks secret operatives are traveling the country to disrupt his snake-oil pitches. This POTUS thinks the Revolutionary War would’ve been easier if we had more airports. This POTUS thinks, “It’s good. Good stuff. Great things, you know. It’s-it’s something no one has ever done before. It’s good. Wait until you see it,” about pretty much everything. He speaks like a child to his supporters who get riled up when he talks about abuse against reporters, or saying racially-tinged statements, or sexist statements, or calling Biden, Sleepy Joe (oooooh how scary).
Biden will run circles around Trump at the debate. I don’t even like Biden but I’m voting for him because good lord, I can’t take five more minutes of Trump. He’s a disgrace. He’s a pig. He’s senile, I mean he’s seriously losing his marbles. That AXIOS interview and Woodward tapes prove he’s no leader. He’s running this country like it’s his personal business and he’s running it into the ground. He’s done nothing but act like a petulant child that thinks the constitution is optional.
In all my years I have never seen such a disgusting display of not only what he’s done (adding family to government jobs, charging taxpayers for misuse at his hotels, pushing foreign leaders to find dirt on opponents, lying about covid while it kills more than 200,000 people, and on and on), but of how he talks about people that disagree with him. It encourages his supporters to do the same. It encourages them to cross state lines and shoot someone, like in WI. What is this world now?
I remember debating with Bush republicans and it was a blast—we’d point and counterpoint and argue and laugh but then we’d switch topics to sports or entertainment, finish our dinner and see each other again in a few days. There was a time disagreement and discourse was politely, if not passionately discussed but there was never any fear a Bush supporter would pull out a gun because they didn’t like me simply because I disagreed with him. These MAGA groups, on the other hand, they take it as a personal indictment against their own beliefs, many of them sucking up QAnon theories like a giant milkshake.
To be fair some Republicans vote Republican because they fear what the Dems will do—socialism, guns, god, gays, abortion—the same lines spoken for decades. Well, guess what? The US is a totalitarian nation with a socialist underbelly. Look around you? The rich get richer while the poor and middle class suffer. The police, fire, library, military, Medicare, and so on, are all socialist programs funded by taxpayers. Gays are here and not going anywhere nor should they. If you believe God created everyone in her image, then that means everyone not just straight white people. Guns aren’t going anywhere, maybe AK and AR will but what do you need those for? The 2nd amendment is there to take arms against a tyrannical government not your neighbor that has a different opinion. Abortion is here to stay as well for the simple fact that you make rulings by the “climate and not the weather.” Women have the right to choose. It is their body. Their decision. Their choice. If anti-abortionists are that passionate about the children, why are there so many kids without a home and without a loving family? It’s not about the life of an unborn child, no it’s about telling another human what they can do with their body. These anti-abortionists will say in the same breath save the innocent souls but fuk masks, it’s my body and my choice. Twisted logic if you ask me and really solidifies it’s not about life at all.
We are at a very interesting moment in time. I took out my crystal ball and if Trump wins again, he’s never leaving. He will do something that completely undermines the sanctity of democracy, more so than he’s already done. Think he won’t? Think again. He’s been sowing the seeds of election fraud for months (even though he and all White House staff vote by mail). The circus is only beginning.
Eva says
This is so intelligently expressed and exactly how I remember the old days, and feel about today and this President, thank you. And it is terrifying and sad. #Biden2020 #voteforyourlives
Carol C. says
I watched the video, very immature and ignorant, and I noticed one thing the police need to notice. In his hurry to get to the gathering to act like a fool he ran a stop sign. Flagler County Sheriff need to give this man a ticket!
Stars & Bars says
Just the beginning. Wait until the week of the actual election. Every NUT CASE on both sides will be out causing trouble. When the rioting starts and the BLM losers start their B.S. marching up Palm Harbor Parkway, I truly hope no one gets SHOT !!!! I heard anti-fa saw this article and is headed down here to Palm Coast to riot , loot and burn the city down. Gee, hope all you all are ready for a CIVIL WAR !!!!
Carl Lewis says
What exactly is it that President Trump has done for you since he took office? Are you better off? Do you have better or cheaper healthcare? Anything?
Only if you are ultra-wealthy have you benefited from anything that this White House has done in the last four years.
Are you currently on Medicare or Social Security? You do realize that if you are, or are one day intending to be, those programs will all be dismantled by President Trump if he is re-elected? He has constantly tried to do just that the last four years. So be prepared for a very sad old age.
Do you like fishing or hunting? Well, you better enjoy all that quick, ‘cause Trump has revoked over 100 environmental laws during the last four years and soon there will be no more fish or wildlife for you to enjoy if he is re-elected.
Think about it!
AndytheNuke says
What has Trump done for me:
(Apologies on spellings)
hawkeye says
401K went from $213,000 under obummer to 0ver $500,000 under Trump, in less than 3 years ,thats all the liberal 1/2 of me cares about.Since I am retired now I am not paying $700 dollars a week in taxes to support the moochers in this country and other countrys who refuse to get off their ass and work. Thats what Trump done for me.
Freeyourmind says
You should be thankful to the Obama administration for the measures they took to pull the country out of the recession that the current criminal occupying the White House has been able to take credit for. However, due the selfishness of many like you, who only care about how you are doing and not the country on a whole, you missed understanding or recognizing that the economy began turning around during the latter part of Obama’s time and continued on that trajectory. I hope you have cashed out on some of your profits because the market does not go up in a straight line, it fluctuates. So shameful that there are so many selfish people in this world, that’s why a con artist was able to become President.
Carl Lewis says
According to MacroTrends (https://www.macrotrends.net/2324/sp-500-historical-chart-data), the S&P 500 went from 900 at Obama’s inauguration to 1,505 at the 3 year mark. That’s an increase of 67%. (I used February 2009 to January 2012)
During Trump’s first 3 years, it went from 2,522 to 3,251, for an increase of 28%. (February 2017 to January 2020).
Biden has promised no tax increase for anyone earning under $400,000 a year, so unless you are above that income bracket, you should be fine.
On top of that, seeing as you are retired now, you are probably drawing Social Security and are also enrolled in Medicare. Unless you feel that you could afford to live off your nest egg without Social Security and pay upwards of $2,000 per month for medical insurance for yourself alone, you should rethink your political leanings. Trump and the Republican Senate have repeatedly tried to destroy both of those programs and if he is re-elected you can be sure to be losing some if not all of those benefits.
No one, except the ultra-wealthy, least of all retirees, should vote for Trump in the upcoming elections. Trump is only interested in helping his ultra-wealthy friends. He doesn’t care for us, the ordinary people, and has done nothing to help us.
We could use your vote, so please do think about it.
Get Smart says
Thanks for giving us yet another example of an unhinged trump supporter. Good job.
You heard it here Sheriff…
Gina Weiss says
STARS and BARS: STOP INCITING, The people in this county have done nothing to deserve to have their hard working businesses burnt to the ground on both sides of the political aisle , let alone someone getting killed, this is a heated time in politics so stop being and alarmist and fear-mongering the public!
Jack el perro sabio says
Welcome to Flagler county, home of a corrupt, republican led county government, with trump supporters driving around with large trump flags flying from the back of their lifted, way to loud pick-up trucks, trump supporters refusing to wear masks and not caring about spreading covid and to top it off, we have our own trumper; a screeming manic to remind of us of how bad things have really gotten under a corrupt trump government.
All of this is just a microcosm of what’s going in in our once great country. For this is whats happens when voters put republicans in charge.
What an idiot! says
Embarrassment! A verbal threat to kill? I think jail time in needed for this idiot. Chris Feeney is an idiot! LoL! Dude, way to ruin your name in a small town, lol. Hey, look at the bright side, you can move, but you’ll end up acting the same in your next new town.
Also, please run out and buy more made in China Trump flags, I love seeing them and seeing all you Trumpers supporting the China economy – oh and the red hats, too – MAGA all the way baby (lol)
Steve says
An inordinate amount of these types in such a small place. To me the only thing to do is dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. IFF Mullins heads up the BOCC (I believe it is) like the song goes You aint seen nothing yet.
Steve says
An inordinate amount of these types in such a small place. To me the only thing to do is dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. IFF Mullins heads up the BOCC (I believe it is) like the song goes You aint seen nothing yet. Watching that Video one needs to Hope its taken down no wonder Companies dont want to set up shop here. Glad this jerk was publicly shamed but he wont get it WOW Get a life
Jane Gentile-Youd says
As a currently registered Republican I am actually frightened by the un-American, totally disrespectful and vicious behavior of an apparently growing group of members of my own party, here in Flagler County, who seem to be missing only the white cloaks worn by the KKK.
Carl Lewis says
Good for you Jane. I see you as a Future Former Republican!
Carl Lewis says
This is not surprising given that President Trump himself often resorts to name calling, racial slurs and divisive language.
Any self-respecting Republicans should distance themselves from anything to do with President Trump and not vote for him in the upcoming election. He and his enablers have high-jacked the Republican Party and its high time you took it back. History is not going to be kind to those who supported President Trump.
Say NO to Biden says
I think you have TDS really bad. If Biden gets elected America as We know it is OVER….. You can kiss your money goodbye. You can kiss your private gated communities goodbye. You can kiss your RIGHT to the 2nd amendment goodbye…….. If Biden gets elected, CIVIL WAR will happen and millions will die !!! So you go right ahead and you for Biden and hope you like what happens to OUR COUNTRY !!!!!
Carl Lewis says
Did you just threaten Civil War? You’ve just proved why I am very afraid! Trump has managed to fill your head with all kinds of lies about Biden. You should do some better research and watch some TV other than Fox News and you’ll see that everything you just said about Biden is untrue.
Stephen Smith says
Just more proof that this country needs to wake up and elect politicians of both parties that will bring us together as a nation to address the more important issues of the day as a people, not as a collage of special interest groups looking out only for themselves.
Agkistrodon says
Common trash, as are those yelling obscenities back, but not much decency these days from humans. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
just Me says
Why doesnt this article say that this guy Curtis came to the guy Freeny when he was stoped waiting on another car to move? Also the Curtis guy did call the FCSO and make a complaint that Freeny tried to run him over?? When we can se nothong of the such happened. Yes this guy has a foul mouth but so do just as many biden supporters.
Carl Lewis says
“Our world is not divided by race, color, gender, or religion. Our world is divided into wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion.”
Not sure of the origin of this quote, but something to think about.
Duncan says
This is more serious than some idiots support of Trump; not calling Trump supporters idiots, just this dangerous and deranged individual. If I were the Sherif I would want to speak with the individual and put him on notice.
This is in no way normal behavior. Whoever the women is heard in the video, you might want to reconsider your life choices.
jane doh says
He sounds like a counter-protester. Maybe a bit loud for the amount of people protesting. I have heard worse from the other side in the past. At least this counter-protester did not bring bricks, bats, or Molotov cocktails to the protest. Nor was he breaking into buildings, setting fires or looting like some protesters.
Duncan says
What are you talking about? This was a peaceful political event, not a protest turned violent. You need to be wise enough to know the difference. Since when is Palm Coast a fair comparison to Seatle or Chicago. This type of behavior should never be minimalized no matter what. This individual behavior is threating and abusive and plainly indefensable. Its idiotic to suggest anything else.
Happening now says
JMHO says
Did anybody notice the City of Palm Coast sticker on his windshield? Hmmm, curious. And I had to LOL when he said twice that Biden couldn’t run a 7-11 much less the country. Welll, I seem to remember that tRump went bankrupt THREE TIMES with his casinos. Who the heck bankrupts a casino?! Think about it…the house always wins, doesn’t it? It takes a special kind of stupid to bankrupt a casino once much less three times. And people think he’s capable of running our country. Sheesh. SMDH.
Jeff Sica says
A special kind of stupid, or a special kind of corrupt. And if there’s anything president Moron has been good at to this point in his life, it’s being corrupt.
JMHO says
He reminds me of the protester at The Villages yelling “White Power”. Could be a relative.
Steve says
hahaha lmao Cowards all of you. Civil War . Its an Election. Once the Vote are in and processed its a done deal either way. You peopke crack me up. Bring it I got something for you lol
BIG Neighbor says
Dennie’s response is typical of those that continue to insist they don’t control people. Branding and loyalty contradict this. And getting played by nefarious or even genuine actors that insist they’re insulated from the rippling effect of their followers when leaders have set a course for deliberate disruption are a nuisance. They jeopardized public safety of those beyond their cloak of protection at everyone’s expense to brand themselves. DHS basics on getting played:
deb says
For a minute I thought this article was about Joe Mullins. :) another out of control person.
Joe says
I don’t see how this guy broke any laws? He’s no worse than the BLM and Antifa “peacefully” protesting breaking and smashing cars and buildings….TRUMP 2020!!!!!!
White Bronco says
Well, at least we all have the grocery store line. the deli, the pharmacy, the mail deliverer, the pool guy, the business owner, the garbage pickup, the lawn guy, the patio screen repair guy, the mechanic. The valet,
The greens keeper, the golfer the person that looks you inThe eye with fair and honest intent.
On and on. At least we’re cordial to each other in the grocery store line. I just wanna be perpetually in line at Publix. Smiling, while we’re all just…
nice to each other. Thanks dicks. Everybody just want the same thing. Seriously. That all we want is a little love and happiness. Just sayin. : (
Lance Carroll says