Wednesday morning (April 20) three buses with 46 seventh graders visiting from Tallulah falls school in Georgia pulled up to the shore in Flagler Beach for breakfast at the Beachhouse Beanery and a greeting from Flagler Beach Mayor Alice Baker.
The Tallulah falls school has a unique history. The Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs founded the school to serve mountain children who lived in the area and had little or no opportunities to get an education. The first classes were held on July 12, 1909.
The federation has supported the Tallulah Falls School through the years. The school has served both as a public and private school. In 1970, the school officially became a private, chartered institution, and began serving students from Georgia, from other states and other countries.
The seventh graders have been coming to Daytona Beach or St. Augustine for several years running, for three-day, educational trips. They watched the maiden launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour in 1992, because in one of the school’s many moments of fame, Tallulah had been one of the winners, in a national competition besting 6,000 schools, in naming the new shuttle, which was the replacement for the Challenger, lost in 1986. President George H.W. Bush invited the students to the White House to recognize them in person.
On this trip, Tallulah students will go to the Space Center, MarineLand, and St. Augustine for tours. They decided that Breakfast on the Beach would be fun on their way to MarineLand. So 46 people picked up brown bag breakfast from the Beanery at 7:45 a.m.–“breakfast sandwiches, blueberry muffins, fresh fruit cups, and orange juice, sitting on the picnic tables on the boardwalk at the Flagler Pier,” as Beanery co-owner Carol Fisher described it.
Charlotte Marten reports:
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Charles Ericksen Jr says
The Beanery folks are a real plus to the downtown area of Flagler Beach. Share the beach and the atmosphere..
Phil McElrath says
Cool stuff. The Beachouse Beanery rocks!
If anyone here ever gets the chance to visit Tallulah Falls, don’t miss it. The hike down to the falls is well groomed and has steps and staircases where needed.
The BBC News lead in music was a nice touch to the video. Now I need a Guinness.
Jackie Mulligan says
Way to go Mayor Alice Baker! I am sure you were a friendly face for the youngsters from Georgia.
And If I am not mistaken… maybe you too have a little history in Tallulah Falls???
I hope the students came away with a wonderful experience of how small towns welcome visitors.
Jackie Mulligan
Camille says
I am in this broadcast, it was fun to know we were being filmed for this. This trip was amazing :)
Vanessa says
I was one of the 7th graders on this trip!!! It was….AMAZING!!! Of course Kennedy Space Center was the best part! I <3 NASA. I had the time of my life. :)
James Davis says
I am a Tallulah Falls School seventh grader. This was so cool thank you so much Flordia for making last week great!!
Camille says
Vanessa (Atlantis) NASA was AWESOME!! I love you girl!!!
Camille says
:) Best trip ever! :)