With the approaching retirements of Division Chiefs Kim Burroughs and David Williams, Sheriff Rick Staly asked his Executive Team to conduct a critical review of their responsibilities and provide him with suggestions to enhance the Sheriff’s Office. As part of this review, he asked them to look at ways to streamline service delivery, identify any functions no longer needed, new initiatives that may be needed because of the impact of a fast-growing community, changing crime trends, and any personnel enhancements they recommended. Any changes recommended were required to have a net neutral fiscal impact and ideally a cost savings.
After receiving their input, Sheriff Staly streamlined the Agency by eliminating four leadership positions that were no longer needed. These are:
- The Organizational Services Division (OSD) and Division Chief position eliminated. The Chief of Staff will now be responsible for the functions previously assigned to OSD’s Division Chief.
- The Investigative Services Section was combined with the Homeland Security Section, which eliminated one Commander position.
- The Community Policing Division’s Executive Officer/Relief Watch Commander position was eliminated.
- The OSD Special Projects Commander position was eliminated.
Staly also combined three functions – Digital Forensics, Criminal Intelligence, Cyber Crimes/ICAC into the newly formed Cyber Crimes and Criminal Intelligence Unit. This streamlined unit will focus on the growing threat of cyber and technology related crimes and criminal intelligence.
The sheriff also announced other organizational enhancements to ensure the Agency remains focused, has experienced and well-rounded supervisors that are ready to serve a fast-growing community amid changing crime trends and service demands.
“The public elected me to deliver law enforcement services at the most cost-effective, efficient and streamlined manner as possible,” said Sheriff Rick Staly. “Government agencies, including law enforcement, must be willing to look introspectively for opportunities to streamline and adjust when service demands or organizational needs change. Agencies that don’t do this will not excel and set themselves up for failure or stagnation.
“Blackberry Corporation is a great example of what occurs when you stagnate and don’t adjust to a changing environment. It is my responsibility to constantly assess the Sheriff’s Office and its staff to make sure it is ready and capable for the service demands and criminal element we face today and in the future. Just like a private business, sometimes this requires making hard decisions.”
The anticipated cost savings will be used to absorb expected shortfalls in the FY2024-25 fiscal year in areas such as employee healthcare, inmate medical costs and grants.
Sue says
Isn’t it nice that Sheriff Staly took the initiative to see where savings could be found and in doing so will save 650.000! Now if our city of Palm Coast could do the same …….. I’m sure when we get new elected people they will look into this idea. Can only hope.😀
Skibum says
I’m pleased to hear about the reorganization of FCSO and the elimination of some command staff positions because, having been in law enforcement myself for nearly 30 years myself, it has seemed to me from an outside perspective that Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has had “too many chiefs and not enough Indians” as the saying goes. The sheriff’s department I worked for out west had more deputies than FCSO, and not nearly the number of administrators as are in the command structure for FCSO. I realize that things have changed in law enforcement since I retired at the end of 2012, but have things really changed that much to require such a large number of commanders and chiefs in a relatively small county sheriff’s office? I doubt it, so it is good to hear that there is a cost savings that will result from this reorganization, and I applaud the sheriff for what he calls an ongoing effort to seek out efficiencies within his agency.
Duane says
What took him so long to figure out what was right under his nose?
Broken justice says
Third world countries treat prisoners better than merica where we lead the world in percentage of population locked up. Sad if they only had money to buy defense.