Flagler County School Board member Sally Hunt would rather parents follow what she calls the “chain of command” before emailing her. Even then, she remains uncomfortable receiving certain types of communications questioning her.
Hunt made the startling assertion toward the end of Tuesday evening’s board meeting, placing parents and constituents in a subordinate role to what she twice described as a a board as “super boss,” and in effect reversing the roles of elected officials and constituents: she as an elected official is the boss. She wants constituents, her subordinates, to follow the chain of command, starting at school and through the administration, before their case is elevated to her level.
Hunt does not appear to have been aware of the elitist arrogance her statement projected, nor of the apparent misunderstanding–14 months into her tenure on the board–of her role as an elected official. She admitted to still not entirely knowing what the role of the School Board is in relation to constituent services. Those services are central to the responsibilities of elected officials at any level of government, but seemingly not for Hunt, who does not return calls and has had an automatic reply on her emails directing correspondents to communicate with the administration through the district’s portal.
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“As I have now been on the board for over a year, a recurring kind of theme that I’m seeing as we get emails from parents, for instance, is maybe this idea that this board is almost like a super boss of of the operation side of the house, right?” Hunt said. “So I you know, if it’s a parent who has worked with the district, and they either don’t like the outcome, or maybe they’re not getting information as quickly as they would like, a lot of times they’ll come to the board, right? I just wanted to really discuss with my colleagues whether we have a position or what maybe your understanding of our role is, because for me, I don’t see–I see Superintendent Moore handling her side of the business and in the schools and that would always be for me, I would want a parent to continue to work through the administrator at their child’s school, and then work up through, up through and including the chain of command.” (Her remark was first reported Tuesday evening by Flagler Schools Parent.)
Parents and constituents, of course, answer neither to school administrators or the superintendent nor to any kind of “chain of command.” They take their concerns where they think it is likeliest to be addressed. While some elected officials may be adept at evading constituents, most welcome direct contact, since it’s the most effective, unfiltered way to keep the pulse of their community, and the “chain of command” may be more frustrating or bureaucratic than necessary.
Hunt, however, remains perplexed by the demands put upon her as a school board member–a role she clearly is not relishing. “We got an email recently that said, hey, board members, where are you? And I don’t like that,” Hunt said. “I don’t want that to be the case. But I also don’t see us as being super boss over this district. And so, whether it is a communication, clarification, you know, how do we communicate with our families of really what the role is of the school board and what the role isn’t.”
Hunt was also being remarkably disingenuous: last year as she machinated with then-Wadsworth Elementary principal Paul Peacock to get former Superintendent Cathy Mittlestadt fired, she never followed her own school board’s chain of command, operating on her own–and possibly with some of the other board members–in a shade of her own making, so that by the time of the vote to get rid of Mittlestadt, it was a done deal.
Will Furry, who chairs the board, embraced the “chain of command” terminology, applying it both to parents and students. But he appeared more instinctively aware of his role as board member. “There is a time when a parent, their issue may fall through the cracks, right? And that’s oftentimes if that happens, they come to the board,” he said. “It’s when it gets to us and we bring it forward to Superintendent Moore and the appropriate staff, it gets attention. And I think that’s what we can do is bring attention to these these issues.”
Furry then schooled Hunt: “We got to let our leadership follow policy and we’re there to make sure that policy is being enforced and it’s being followed. Right? So you as a board member are an advocate for your constituents, and many of them are students and parents, right? And so you can get involved in that way.
Colleen Conklin, who has been on the schoolboard since 2000, described how she’s typically steered constituents through channels(she, too, used the words “chain of command”), but at the same time, she does so by copying top administrators to ensure that the issue is being addressed, while telling the constituent to follow up if necessary. But she was very clear about constituent expectations: “I can tell you in the 24 years” she’s been on the board, Conklin said, when constituents “send an email to the entire board, they expect the entire board to answer.”
Hunt’s chain-of-command wasn’t the only startling statement she made Tuesday. In an earlier meeting, she revealed that she was making decisions based on what would best support Furry and Board member Christy Chong.
The board met three times on Tuesday. At that morning’s workshop, on selecting new legal representation, Hunt made a cryptic remark about her future on the board: “I’ve been going back and forth on whether I’m going to share this or not, but I feel just I like to be transparent. You know, I’m not going to be on the board that much longer,” she said, without elaborating. It wasn’t clear if she meant she would not be completing her term–she has once resigned than un-resigned, and has since considered resigning–or if she was limiting herself to one term.
Hunt made the statement in the context of her ranking law firms vying to represent the school board, and to say that her ranking was to support Furry and Chong, who will continue to be on the board beyond her. In other words, she was putting her vote in the service of Furry and Chong.
“It’s really important for me that they trust, that this legal counsel works for them,” Hunt said of Furry and Chong, “because they are the ones who are for sure going to be here, right? So I just felt like I wanted to share that. A little bit of where I’m at is that I certainly I still have a vote and I still want to make the best decisions with my vote for the district. But I’m also very mindful of the long term, who the board is going to be.” Board member Cheryl Massaro, who is running again, did not enter into Hunt’s calculation. Conklin is not running again.
Skibum says
What a ridiculously misguided assertion! Sally… may I call you Sally? Because you are NOT my boss, nor am I in your so-called “chain of command”, dear. The voters, the constituents, are NOT your employees, and you are NOT their boss. Don’t believe it? Well then, Sally dear, I hope I am being disrespectful enough for the moment, in this comment at least, that you find that I have committed insubordination, which is an acceptable reason to be fired. So, I would like YOU to go ahead however it is that you somehow think that as your subordinate, you can fire me. Please show me and all of the constituents that are “below” you, how that works!
Linda Morgan says
That needed to be said and I agree. There is so much “wrong with everything she, um, like says!!!
Mothersworry says
WOW!! This is like the Gong Show of old! How about the next time this clown tenders her resignation accept it and be done with her.
c says
@Mothersworry ;
How about we accept the LAST time she pulled the ‘I resign, no I don’t’ crap ? And charge her for wasting the time on the Board?
Justbob says
Our school board seems to be a magnet for the incompetent, the extreme, the silly and the downright weird.
Chris Conklin says
She is 100% useless as. Or the 3 other board members. Let’s go back to the days upcoming conclusion. Jim Guines, Trevor Tucker, Andy Dance. Who had one on a percent class? You can keep them all, they suck.
She's off her rocker says
To put it very plainly and succinctly, this woman is off her rocker.
Who is it who has been quoted as saying, “When someone shows you who they really are, believe them”.
Samuel says
What planet did she come from. It seems all the Bd of Ed Members seem to have issues that they really need to resign and work on for their own benefit.
They sure don’t seem capable at all to be doing anything to benefit the children of Flagler County. They all need to be fired. Taxpayers of Flagler County of sick and tired of seeing them on the front pages of newspapers, they are a disgrace all of them.
Mark says
I regret the day I voted for her and I can’t wait for the last day this so-called “boss” is gone.
Never cease to amaze me says
You can’t be serious Sally! You are an elected public official! Just resign already as you are an embarrassment and a disgrace!
Eric says
Aside from aiming to make this school board a comedy show, why did these 3 imbeciles run for these positions in the first place? They are truly beyond inept and it amazes me that we as voters allowed this to happen.
Linda Morgan says
Wow, just, wow!! Does anyone know how to initiate the removal of Ms. Hunt? I don’t expect that calling and talking to someone in her chain of command, will provide any clues or I would call. She has got to go! The sooner the better. All of the members of the board that voted to fire our school board attorney should be held responsible for any law suits that are sure to come. What an irresponsible financial decision that was.
bob says
the Queen has no clothes
William Moya says
If she’s a Democrat I’m not surprised, since their motto seems to Promise them Anything but they’ll just keep doing samo, samo.
Deborah Coffey says
You might want to rethink your comment. Here’s the ranking of America’s worst presidents. https://www.usnews.com/news/special-reports/the-worst-presidents/articles/ranking-americas-worst-presidents
feddy says
And that list is accurate? Carter is not regarded in the bottom 10?
Carol says
She’s incompetent….period end of story….. party affiliation has absolutely nothing to do with this poor excuse of a school board member. There has to be a way to vet potential school board candidates who are running for this most important position…..
How about experience as a teacher or another education professional who understands what their job actually entails?..?
Marek says
There was one . But DeSantis crowned Furry, all the Republican idiots followed and she lost.
Tired of it. says
No, she is not a Democrat. She is a lying psychopath. Look out Ms. Moore she may fire you next. She doesn’t realize how incoherent she sounds.
Lorie says
That’s both parties. Where is that Wall?
Mike Sasso says
Givin’ em hell, as always Pierre!
I once reported on a town in Louisiana that had its “real” council meetings in private 15 minutes before the public meeting, then sealed the deal when the public arrived. Sounds like this, in a way.
DP says
Mrs. Hunt,
Let me remind you who you work for!!!!
1. The children of the Flagler County school board.
2. The citizens of Flagler County. IE: Parents, Taxpayers, Voters.
What does all this mean? You are an elected official, elected by the same aforementioned people. That means when an email is addressed to you, you reply. You address the issue, forwarded the issue to the appropriate people. You follow up when needed. The worst thing you can do, is turn a blind eye to the aforementioned people. Now if you seem to can’t handle that. Then instead of going off script, with comments of not being here for much longer, or you “making decisions based on what would best support Furry and Board member Christy Chong”. Then may I suggest from a “VOTER” (and who didn’t vote for you) that you stop the BS and resign effective immediately. For being on the board as “YOU” claim just over year. You’re as dumb as a box of rocks. Because come hell or HIGH water, this voter will mount a campaign against all three of you monkeys to get voted out. You’re a “DISGRACE” to this community, the students at Flagler County schools, and the voters/taxpayers. Shut your mouth, do your job, or get out!!!!!!
Sad but true says
Unfortunately, Sally probably doesn’t read the comments because she probably doesn’t read Flagler Live because, you know, Furry runs around wearing a T-Shirt emblazened with “Flagler Lies”, and Sally can’t think for herself and goes by what Furry says.
Sad but true.
Lorie says
I was one of her biggest supporters. I pride myself in reading people. I was duped. It won’t happen again!
troy says
when i grow up i want to be a super boss.
Stephen says
Sorry to hear you are leaving. Will there be a special election for your replacement? When is your last day?
JEK says
Please please please resign. Your incompetence is staggering!
Deborah Coffey says
I only want to know one thing about Sally Hunt. How much did the Republican Party pay her to run as a Democrat? She has been MAGA since the minute she was elected.
Sherry says
Right on Deborah! I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the GOP paid Sally to run as a Democrat. Certainly she is a DINO. . . she doesn’t represent ANY values of the Democratic party.
As an elected member of the local government. . . Sally is a “paid public servant”. . . NOT the other way around. The citizens of Flagler county are her bosses, she answers to them!
JustBeNice says
Leave already, Sally! Did you run for the free salary and insurance? Not a good reason. You should be fired immediately!
Pissed off NPA Voter says
To borrow a line from The Princess Bride … “Have I gone mad?!” (paraphrasing) or did the words Super Boss just come out of her pitifully incompetent mouth?!!!
I thank (insert your preferred deity here) every day that my children are adults and not in this bastion of educational insanity! Do any of the Three Stooges read these comments? Doubtful that Hunt does, for starters. I am registered NPA and vote both parties based on candidate qualifications. Boy did Hunt pull a fast one on ALL of us. The wolf in sheep’s clothing slithered onto that Board like a snake and now won’t communicate with anyone, including those who voted to put her in that office. For those of you family with social media acronyms ……….. WTF?!!!!!
Thomas Hutson says
Sally Hunt’s Chain
Ms. Hunt, I have worked around political figures most of my professional career, over 50 years. I have seen many nut cases, some were really, really nuts and power hungry. I now unfortunately have to place you at the very top of the Politicians with “BIG HEADS” or in your case I will pick “BLOWHARD”. I have a great saying for people like you, “IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT AND LEAVE PEOPLE TO BELIEVE YOU’RE A FOOL, THAN TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT.”
Ms. Hunt, you are a “Boss of no one”, and you are surely not a “SUPER BOSS”, you work for your constituents, the voters that elected you., THEY are YOUR BOSS. They do not need a “Chain of Command” in order to speak to you. Since from your statements, you fail to realize your position and are obviously too immature to conduct yourself as a representative of the Flagler County School Board. The distain that you have for the Voters that elected you, I suggest you “RESIGN” your position on the Flagler County School Board. Please do the Flagler County Voters a favor, do the right thing, you are in way over your head, RESIGN!
Willy Boy says
Hey Einstein, You are a PUBLIC SERVANT! The public does not work on a chain of command structure. You are noting but an elected Board Member and subject to the complaints of the public. Can’t stand the heat? Get out of the kitchen and resign. The only chain of command you are involved in is within the School Administration at the county administrative offices. The school principal’s and teacher’s don’t fall under your so called chain of command. They as well as all the non-instructional staff fall directly under the School Superintendent’s responsibility….not yours! If you have an issue, you direct it to the Superintendent. Not the school Principal or teacher. Got it Bozo!
palmcoaster says
School Board members get good pay for their positions and now one doesn’t want to work for her pay?
Kendall says
Ms Hunt gladly took my money when I donated to her campaign but she doesn’t want to hear from me as her constituent?
Who in the hell does she think she is?
Please do leave Sally. Quickly. You have desecrated the school board. You have lied to an entire community and you have actively contributed to destroying the careers of two outstanding women. I’m sure you are compensating for your inadequate “squishy” brain by going after women who are competent; something you will never be. You are not worthy to even share space with the women you terminated or Ms Conklin or Ms Massaro. You are a bumbling idiot.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
One more wacko destroying Flagler County.
coyote says
Compare what Sally had to say (and not say) whilst running in 2022 against here irrationality of today:
CC says
The only member of the school board who has the decency to respond to emails is Cheryl Massaro. I know this from first hand experience emailing them all about an issue awhile back. She is the only member of that board worthy of that position.
Tim says
We are all voting out the school board right?
Wobie says
Perhaps a tsunami of emails to Ms. Hunt might be in order so she can support her constituents and work hard for that money she receives. I wonder, has she ever considered she might have someone else’s job.
Laura says
Ride Sally ride- Far away from here! Your arrogance paired with the incompetency you demonstrate is an utter embarrassment and disgrace to yourself, your position, the children of this county, and your constituents.
They say some make a place better by entering, others by leaving. Please resign.
Concerned Citizens says
Just out of curiosity, can anyone tell me why she wasn’t at the TOY EOY gala last night. Embarrassing that she NEVER is seen at major event celebrating our rockstar employees. Must have slip through the chain of command.
Kendall says
She blew off the graduations last year too. She’s too important for the people she serves.
Catherine says
She is probably afraid someone will talk to her at an event.
Joey G says
This person is down right crazy. Could you even imagine what her personal life is like.
To talk and act like this in the public eye she’s gotta be a real winner on the outside.
She does not have a chance in hell of another term.