Sure Rush Limbaugh‘s had the kind of week usually reserved for Syrian civilians these days, getting bombed from every side for calling a Georgetown University law student a slut and a prostitute and losing a reported 98 advertisers. But don’t worry about Rush bleeding sponsors. He wants you to know that he still has “great American companies” sponsoring him, like the Syria Tourism Board and the Mosquito Breeders of America, not to leave out “Depends for Racists: if you pee a little every time you see a Mexican, you need Depends for racists.” Watch last night’s cold opening on Saturday Night Live:
See “Rush Limbaugh, Slander Slut,” and this, too:
Angela Smith via Facebook says
“Laughing matter”? Perhaps, in a twisted sort of way; but he is DEFINITELY not funny.
The Truth says
Saturday Night Live, does anyone actually watch this anymore?
By the way, she attended Georgetown, not Georgia University.
Lynn says
Obama was hammered by the blow back from religious institutions rejecting his policy of FORCING them to
give birth control when it was against their religious beliefs. Enter Sandra Fluke…she is the gal that made the entire issue move from religious rights to: poor college student torn to shreds by Rush. Now Rush gave the Obama administration a gift…that gift was his outrageous comments, but the truth is Fluke was no fluke…the Obama administration needed her to repair THEIR mistake. Notice that no one is talking about the US government pushing against the right of separation of Church and State??? Think about it.
Roseann says
Fluke’s issue is not about a “poor college student.” It is about the right a woman has to her own body, which includes contraception. Why is viagra covered under medical insurance, but contraception is not? Thank about that for a moment. Ironic, huh? And as far as the U.S. government pushing against the right of separation of church and state. That was an idea implemented by the forefathers of our Constitution at the beginning of our country. It made sense then and it makes sense now!!! No religion can govern our country – it is a ridiculous and preposterous thought. Wake Up
jespo says
i’m sending rush boxes and boxes of Crispy Creme donuts…lots of em. And my recipe for Alfredo sauce. Also, vouchers for free tacos, cookies, cakes, ice cream, Mcdonalds, and Burger King. I’m trying to prove that Rush has a heart somewhere….
Will Allen says
I just don’t know what to think of things these days. Gone are the times of decent criticisms and
respectful, but opposite opinions. A certain meanness defines point making, and less reason
is used in things considered. Diversity used to be a quality of multiple choices, not divisional
hatred. Makes one wonder where we’re all headin?
My biggest fear is the ole ballot box may not be big enough to solve the problem. All this hyperbole
and vile talk from just about everybody is rusting the bumper. Pretty soon some hate spiller’s goin
take the wheel and run anybody over who doesn’t agree. You think, “It Can’t Happen Here?” (ala
dictator). Where have you gone…Eric Sevareid?
Christie 2012 says
Why should it be the governments responsibility to hand out birth control to woman. Whats wrong with paying for their own birth control if that want be sexually active.(condoms are cheap) If you can’t afforded it, than keep their legs closed. Everybody wants the government to take care of them and Rush pointed it out to his listeners. The moocher class of this country is destroying us. $16 trillion in debt and we want more $$$ from them.