Rebecca Wight, daughter of Billy and Kim Wight, a senior from Matanzas High School, was selected as one of 15,000 finalists from around the nation for a National Merit Scholarship. Rebecca is the first student from Matanzas High School ever to receive this honor.
“I am thrilled to be selected for this.” said Rebecca. “I have been waiting for a year and a half to find out if I qualified, and now I can’t wait for March to see if I’ll receive one of the scholarships.”
The National Merit Program will select 8,400 seniors to receive a scholarship based on their academic history. Since its founding in 1955, the program has awarded 350,000 scholarships valued at $1.4 billion. Rebecca, who is also a member of the Girls’ Flag Football Team, DECA and the school’s Key Club, plans on attending either the University of Central Florida or Auburn University in the fall. She will pursue a career in either bio-medical or structural engineering, in line with her love of mathematics.
Mike says
Quick! Blame the schools! Blame the teachers! Cut funding for public education, quickly!
Whoops…wrong article.
Congratulations to a world-class student.
Barbie says
Rebecca is an amazing person!! I can’t think of anyone more deserving than she.
Yay Rebecca!!!
Jim Guines says
Rebecca’s oldest brother was one of our scholars.
palm coaster says
Congratulations to Rebecca and her future of excellence. Also congratulations to our Flagler County Public School System and “her teachers” that instructed her and developed her skills.
Ryan M. says
Kaitlyn Gore, a 12th Grade Senior at Flagler Palm Coast High School is also National Merit Finalist. Congratz to both students. Our school system is full of some very bright kids. Gives the future hope (:
DJW says
Kudos to the parents. We all know it starts (or doesn’t) in the home. Brother Will also went to the finals of the National Spelling Bee in Washington, DC and did well. Congratulations, Rebecca, and keep up the good work!! Congrats, also, to Billy & Kim, for the fine job they have done in parenting.
Julie says
Great job, Rebecca! You have worked hard!
Haw Creek Girl says
“The prayers of the righteous availeth much”James 5:16
This little girl has had praying parents. Praise Him for His answered prayers.
Congrats, sweet Rebecca!