Last Updated: 2:23 p.m.
An 18-month-old girl was killed by a single gunshot wound to the head from an automatic pistol at 2 Ranwood Lane in Palm Coast shortly before midnight Sunday. The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and two other agencies are investigating. The victim had not handled the gun.
“We do have a person of interest,” Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly said at a midday press conference, identifying the person as C.J. Nelson Jr., 21, who was arrested this morning on an unrelated probation violation charge. He was arrested last November on a felony charge of illegally carrying a concealed weapon and a marijuana possession charge. He pleaded and was sentenced last April to six months’ probation.
“He has not been charged with this death–yet,” the sheriff said.
There were eight adults in the house, in addition to the victim, when authorities arrived (not six, as previously reported). “No one has been ruled out. The biological mother was present. The biological father was not,” Staly said.
“The gun used [is] known as an American tactical multi caliber assault pistol–not a rifle but a pistol,” the sheriff said. “At this time, we’re still determining the caliber she was actually shot with, and that will be up to forensics since this gun can fire many different caliber ammunition.”
Authorities also seized 420 grams of marijuana and 11 grams of “a white powdery substance that we believe is either cocaine or heroin,” the sheriff said, suggesting–between the presence of the gun and the quantity of drugs–that there may have been drug activity in the house. But the shooting, Staly said, was not drug-related. Authorities twice responded to the house this year, once in connection with a stolen vehicle, once on a 911 investigation.
The sheriff did not release the location of the child in the house at the time of the shooting, but he said the victim never touched the gun. “The child is an innocent victim in this case, with no actions by the child’s part, playing in to effect her death,” he said.
The case has not been ruled accidental (to the extent that the shooting of an 18-month-old child can ever be accidental) but there are various ways of qualifying a shooting: it may be “accidental” or, more accurately, unintentional, but it may also lead to charges such as manslaughter or negligent homicide. It has not yet been determined whether the weapon was legal, only that it wasn’t reported stolen, though that doesn’t mean it hadn’t been stolen, the sheriff said. Part of the difficulty of the case is the eight residents’ reluctance to cooperate with authorities, because of fears that someone would get arrested, Staly said.
“All eight people inside the house have not been totally cooperative,” the sheriff said. “So this will be based on forensics, and good police work, and continuing interviews with the eight individuals in there. That’s why we’re not ruling anyone out in that house. While we have a primary person of interest, it would be a lot easier if everybody would tell us the truth and exactly what went on in that house. But here’s what I do know: I have a phenomenal agency a phenomenal major case unit. Forensics is also very strong, and we use the [Florida Department of Law Enforcement] lab, so this case may not be solved in the next 24 or 48 hours. But we will get to the bottom of this and we will hold somebody accountable for the death of an 18 month old child.”
Palm Coast Fire Chief Kyle Berryhill said the department responded to “a report of a gunshot wound, a child,” 20 minutes before midnight. The girl was taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast (not Halifax, as originally reported). “We’d have to have been actively performing life saving measures for her to be transported,” the chief said.
Rescuers considered calling in an emergency helicopter, Berryhill said, but, “based on the condition of the patient,” determined that “going by ground immediately was the better option, in accordance with our protocols.”
“At the scene, all of Ladder 25’s crew and all of Rescue 22’s crew, five paramedics, helped with the transport,” after providing life-saving measures. The child was pronounced deceased at the hospital, a Flagler County Sheriff’s spokesperson said.
“It’s possible that it was accidental, that’s what they were reporting originally when they got the call, but not confirmed it was accidental,” the sheriff’s spokesperson said. A Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s Crime Scene Investigation unit, along with investigators from the State Attorney’s Office, are assisting the sheriff’s Major Crimes Unit in the investigation.
The home is a rental in Palm Coats’s R-Section. There did not appear to have been a social event at the time, the spokesperson said. Early this morning, the Sheriff’s Office posted on its Facebook page: “There is a large law enforcement presence on Ranwood Lane in Palm Coast. There is no danger to the public.”
The same team of responders who went to the R-Section home also responded to the unrelated drowning of another child of about the same age, a boy, in Seminole Woods during the same shift.
“Not a good situation. It’s one of the hardest parts of the job,” Berryhill said.
C.J. Nelson Jr. is the son of C.J. Nelson, the father of eight who was accused of child abuse in a confrontation with a juvenile at Epic theaters in palm Coast in 2016. Nelson was exonerate of the charge at trial, and served a month in jail and two years on probation on a misdemeanor battery conviction.

Sparks says
When are people going to lock up there GUNS!!! To many accidental deaths that shouldn’t of happened.
Bryan says
Correction for your article. She was taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast not Halifax.
Prayers for family.
Nelson says
Palm coast full of crime,gangs,drugs.
Sam says
dave says
This is so very sad. An innocent toddler killed by a bullet at the hands of irresponsible person.
Michael Cocchiola says
This is the devastating result of lax gun control. According to the Pew Research Center: “gun deaths since the beginning of the pandemic includes an especially stark rise in such fatalities among children and teens under the age of 18. Gun deaths among children and teens rose 50% in just two years, from 1,732 in 2019 to 2,590 in 2021.”
This is a gun pandemic, but like COVID-19, I expect the red states will deny the problem and protest against any safety measures. Children’s lives are the price of freedom… or is that mayhem?
Concerned Citizen says
My heart goes out to the family. And ALL First responders working the scene.
In my 30 plus years of working in that field child cases were the hardest. Those who immediately worked on the patient will always second guess if more could have been done.
ASF says
I wonder where the mother of the victim was located inside the house at the time of the shooting?
Steve Robinson says
What a story. I hope there is counseling for the first responders who may need it after dealing with the deaths of two toddlers during the same shift.
As for yet another shooting death in our gun-infested country, how about a Federal law that even the gun nuts might support: Any firearm violation–from an accidental discharge to an unsecured weapon to illegal possession to displaying during a dispute to using during a robbery–means prison time. No plea bargaining, no probation.
Something has to change.
Mary Fusco says
I have never owned a gun or touched one. However, the article states that the victim (the child) never touched the gun. When are yahoos that think that owning a gun make them more masculine going to be stopped. Whatever happened to this innocent child was not accidental. This house was full of drugs and useless human beings.
Brian says
No, Michael, this is the devastatimg result of people being stupid. I’m pretty sure the gun used here didn’t remove itself from the drawer or the closet, and seek out the infant.
Pogo says
Regarding, “…The gun used [is] known as an American tactical multi caliber assault pistol–not a rifle but a pistol,” the sheriff said. “At this time, we’re still determining the caliber she was actually shot with, and that will be up to forensics since this gun can fire many different caliber ammunition.”…”
A. Start
B. Next
C. With the enormous resources brought to bear, by a multitude of entities, cannot one picture bare the actual “tool” involved?
D. Is it still, “…not a rifle but a pistol…”?!?!?!
“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche
Skibum says
A house with guns + drugs + children = horrible outcomes. Don’t even go there with the 2nd Amendment BS when an innocent child has lost their life, once again, due to pure negligence and stupidity of at least one adult, maybe more, handling a loaded firearm irresponsibly and results in the death of an 18-month old. Then the additional total lack of morality of all 8 people present when the child is shot and killed, who have no problem not cooperating or telling the truth about how a toddler happened to get shot in the head. Absolutely disgusting examples of humanity’s worst.
Shelly says
A felon with a gun, how legal is that? That right there says it all.
Atwp says
The sad news is it will get worse.
M says
You don’t walk around with a loaded gun and your finger on the trigger unless you plan to shoot it
Wow says
And if it hadn’t been in the house in the first place???
Concerned Citizen says
Mary Fusco,
About Four years ago I re-entered the work force as an armed Security Officer working for a Government Contractor. Prior to that I had a lengthy career in the Airforce then Law Enforcement. Finally retiring out of Fire Rescue. As a responsible firearm owner, I take precautions to secure my firearms when not in my possession. I do not think that they make me masculine. Nor do I chomp at the bit to have the opportunity to use one. On the contrary I hope I never do. I have been in combat and have had to use deadly force. It changes you forever. However, society has become such that makes my type of work necessary. And I am grateful I might have the opportunity to defend myself and others if necessary. But pray every day I don’t have to.
Bill C says
No, Brian, this is the result of irresponsible people being able to get guns. Florida has no law generally requiring a background check on the purchaser of a firearm when the seller is not a licensed dealer. You’re right, the gun didn’t remove itself from the hypothetical drawer. Someone who should never have been able to get a gun in the first place put the gun in the drawer.
Eileen Araujo says
God bless these babies taken to become angels. Prayers for the families. May those babies rest in peace. Definitely want to commend these first responders who had to endure the death of 2 babies during a short amount of time. Please know our prayers are with you also. Please know they are being well cared for now, we thank you for your service
JimboXYZ says
I doubt anyone is coming forward with what happened. That much is evident or they would’ve made an arrest beyond probation violation.
Greg says
6 months probation for having an illegal gun. If the judge did his job and locked this guy up for a year, this child might be alive today. Looks like the judge has blood on his hands? Too soft on crime. Very sad.
Someone says
Two things…One because of the law, the individual was arrested because he was a felon on probation. If it wasn’t for that no arrest would have happened immediately. Two, Florida has loosened it restriction on guns and now anyone can conceal carry without permit and training. I hope this would be the last time we hear about “accidental shootings.” However, based upon what we have in front of us we may not.
Foresee says
@ Brian Another way for you to say the NRA mantra “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. How dare you use the tragic death of an 18 month old to push your sick agenda. People with guns kill people.
Charles says
I am wondering if this was an accident when the child was shot in the head, doesn’t sound that way.
dave says
Its not lax of anything. A criminal minded person could careless about gun laws and laws in general.
Samuel says
I can’t believe a parents child is shot dead and the people in the house are not cooperating with the FCSO investigation.
Why is that?
dave says
Every adult in that home at the time of this horrible tragedy should be jailed for pure negligence and all should be charged with 3rd degree murder. And the person that had the gun and pulled the trigger, lock him or her up for life. Freaking guns and stupid people just don’t mix and this country is full of both.
Ban the GOP says
more guns equals more opportunites for things to go wrong. Weve only made guns easier to access since Columbine so odds are these things will continue. Guns are a leading cause of death for children. Terrible tragedy, thoughts and prayers for the family.
Just Asking says
Wouldn’t gun shot residue been on someone’s hands that were in the house?
Just a thought says
What’s your point? FlaglerLive just quoted what the Sheriff said in the press conference.
vince g says
not an assault pistol or rifle. regardless ‘assault’ is noun and a verb, not an adjective. made up term by the left.
so sad that this happed; drugs are biggest probllem
PeachesMcGee says
Once a year, I let my pistol sit outside on the porch. Locked and loaded. Just chillin.
Not once has my pistol shot anyone.
Dave says
Oh yes, but at this time FCSO is not releasing info that could actually pin-point the shooter,.
Pogo says
Did you use the enclosed links? Staly is mistaken, or lying. I happen to think it matters — either way. Don’t you?
Does the goddamn gun deserve to have its picture withheld?
I would hope FlaglerLive would follow up with an inquiry to the sheriff.
Staly’s remarks are being repeated nationwide, hell, worldwide. Mistake, or lie, it begs clarity. Words matter.
Michael Cocchiola says
Hey, Dave… most gun violence is unrelated to crime. That is unless you consider each gun to be a crime unto itself, as I do.
Sunshine says
Gun shot residue could possible be on everyone that was in the home. Think of GSR as dust, it lands on everything that is nearby. GSR would be on anyone that touched the child after the shooting as well.
FlaPharmTech says
Powerful comment. Thank you.
FlaPharmTech says
I support your logic. Thank you for posting.
Ban the GOP says
lol wow Vance did tucker carlson tell you that? drugs didnt kill the child but a gun did. Its the leading cause of death of children and guess what kids cant buy firearms well law abiding kids anyways.
Which lefty made that up? Please provide names.
Should of got that patent on it so they could charge money everytime a magat commits another atrocity.
Love the ignorance of the right wingers. So forced births are good right in all situations?
John says
Lock all eight of them up since they aren’t cooperating with law enforcement.
Thomas. says
Before renting out your property think twice about who you rent to because this could happen to you. Do background checks on who you rent to and you can always check FCSO website to see if they have an arrest record and what it is for.
Mary Fusco says
Concerned Citizen, I understand what you are saying. My son in law was a NYPD narcotics detective for 25 years. He and my daughter had 3 children. He brought his weapon home every night. When he came home, it was locked in a steel box with a combination lock on the top shelf of the closet. This protected his children as well as friends or relatives who may be in the home. I am talking about yahoos that sit around on a couch in a stupor waving weapons around. I didn’t mean to offend anyone.
Matt says
Gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in the USA.
How shameful for our country.
The Geode says
“I have a phenomenal agency a phenomenal major case unit”. Those Keystone Cops couldn’t solve the FIRST murder that happened in that house. As usual, if it’s not a slam dunk case where the perp is willing to confess or there’s a chase and every police car is involved in the chase – they are inept
billRich says
if you are a “Home Boy” you do . very stupid people
Skibum says
I strongly disagree with your remark that FCSO is inept. But they are hampered by a lack of cooperation from victims and witnesses, and most importantly by some of the very backwards, outdated state laws, access to technology, and a seriously underfunded and almost broken state criminal justice system. After spending nearly 30 years in my criminal justice career out on the west coast in two different states and then retiring here in FL (not my preferred place to retire, but necessary due to my disabled spouse’s desire to be near my in-laws), I see a number of this state’s criminal justice shortcomings. I don’t think it was coincidental that when my new doctor here in FL met me for the first time and he found out I had just arrived in the state from WA, he asked me how it felt to go back in time 30 years! To compare this state’s criminal justice system and law enforcement resources to some other states, particularly out on the west coast where I spent my law enforcement career, would be like comparing the U.S. to some of the 3rd world countries… the difference is that great. So in many respects, law enforcement here in FL tries to do their best with a blindfold on and one hand tied behind their back. But to say they are inept is totally wrong.
Concerned Citizen says
I agree.
I have rented in the past. And offered a full background check to my landlords. And I have also asked for background checks on landlords. Due diligence goes a long way.
The Geode says
You sound crazier than hell. Do you NOT know what goes on in other states? That’s right, YOU don’t have a “real interest” in what goes on beyond your neighborhood. You spend all your time angrily typing, arguing, and angry at the world. This place is a resort compared to comparable cities. ONE kid. That’s it. You people talk as if this is Baltimore, Chicago, or Philly. Not. Even. Close. You said you don’t want to be here. How come nobody wants to “be here” yet stay here and be miserable? Go to a big city and see how that works out for you. You people must have come from Gilligan’s Island if you think this country BS is “real crime”. I call the FCSO and those other Keystone Cops out because they can’t solve the SIMPLIEST murders in a town the size of a shoebox. You don’t need a chorus of people cooperating – you need someone who doesn’t need “900 hours” to do a job that takes 5. Yeah. I’m going to KEEP calling them inept as long as they can justify flying helicopters and flooding the “hood” for dime bags but can’t put those resources to find killers unless they are still in the house when they get there …and they STILL didn’t arrest him then. Whatever, man…
BTW – YOU BRING UP THE WEST COAST AND THEIR “LAWS”??? Do you mean the places where you can steal $900 worth of stuff without consequence? The place where you can flash mob stores while the employees and cops scratch their heads? The place where “justice reform” is coddling criminals? The place where there is no bail? Rampant murders? Unchecked assaults? Abusing the elderly?
Yeah, you’re right – our laws are like a 3rd world country …but your ass ran from a “first-world country” to the safety of this third-world country. You talk that silly shit, but YOU know you are safer here
Whatever, man…
feddy says
Hey, Michael… Most gun violence is unrelated to crimes? Ok, but a few things that need to be considered.
1. Was the gun owned legally?
2. Was the individual who has the gun legally able to own it?
If these 2 things were followed then statistics would be a lot less. Just like drugs, alcohol for under aged individuals and guns if someone wants to obtain them they can.
Brian says
6[Do not use this site to spread disinformation. Thanks.–FL]
Thank you, Foresee, for reinforcing my point – people with guns kill people. Stupid people, irresponsible people, mentally disturbed people, scumbags, gangbangers, etc. And please tell me when was the last time that an NRA member was found to be responsible for a murder, a mass shooting, or any firearm crime. Thank you.
Bruces says
This is such a sad story another child killed. senseless no reason for it
when i was growning up in Bklyn we were taught three people had guns
1. the police officers
2, the Mob
3 and the criminal
My step son just purchased a gun who lives in st augustine on 2nd ave
not the best of areas near the prison but they do have a nice house
no reason for it, Desantis has just made it easier for peope to purchase a item
have another one who has a auotmatic weapon and ex felon no need to have gun
in state of tn the laws need to be changed
Mona says
To Wow.
This is exactly what I wanted to say.