Next Tuesday (Dec. 4), Palm Coast will begin major roadway improvements on the 1.19-mile stretch of Pine Lakes Parkway North, hooking north and northeast from Belle Terre to Palm Coast Parkway. Improvements will include repaving of the road and adding a 10-foot-wide multi-use path for bicyclists and pedestrians similar to the one paralleling Pine Lakes south of the parkway.
The $1.52 million project, funded through the city’s street-improvement fund, will take approximately nine months and is being constructed by Halifax Paving. The city signed its contract with Halifax on Oct,. 23 and held its pre-construction meeting with the company on Nov. 6. The money for the project is generated from the city’s share of a half-cent countywide sales tax, from its share of the local fuel tax, and from state funds generated through revenue sharing of the state’s sales tax.
The city originally approved a work order to design the project back in 2007, and approved a couple of change orders along the way. It gave the go-ahead for construction last year. In December 2011, it signed an agreement with Florida Power & Light to bury the utility lines, for $310,000. FPL had buried utility lines in the four-laning of Belle Terre Parkway North, and had granted the city a $255,000 credit, but that was contingent on providing an additional mile of utility lines to be buried. The Pine Lakes Parkway segment fit the bill. The net cost of the burial of the utility lines was $310,000.
No significant traffic impacts are expected along Pine Lakes Parkway, though minor delays may occur when lane shifts are needed during certain parts of the construction work. The City asks residents for their patience, understanding and cooperation.
In addition to the repaving of this section of Pine Lakes Parkway, the shoulders will be widened, streetlights will be added, and new swales will be dug and landscaped. A crosswalk will be added across Pine Lakes Parkway leading to the neighborhood near Brookside and Brushwood lanes. The entire project has been designed to improve safety along the roadway.
The new 10-foot wide multi-use, asphalt pathway will be constructed on the northwest side of the roadway. Along the new multi-use path, spaced approximately every 1,000 feet, there will be six landscape islands – each with trees and other plantings and a park bench. A pair of recycle and waste receptacles will be placed nearby.
Darrell Mcdonough says
Yeah. how many people have to get run over before we have a proper sidewalk in Seminole Woods?
Geezer says
At least 125. Or one city official.
Deep South says
It’s all based on what areas of Palm Coast are more congested, as Seminole Woods becomes more developed they will get the needs.
Eric J says
There might be a quota Darrell, not sure though.
Then there’s the R & Z sections. The Z section is well beyond dangerous.
glad fly says
i thought the town was in the red. silly me. funny they can find money when they want to.
Tamara Sellazzo Moshier says
We should of never become part of the city. They treat us like we don’t belong anyways just saying !!!!
downinthelab says
Sorry Clint, your swales are gonna have to wait!
Riley says
@downinthelab. Don’t they tax water front property at a higher rate?
Who Dat says
Stop bitxxing – this is needed and adds beauty, not only to our City, but a means of access to people who exercise and ride bikes. No Utility poles – woo-hoo along with much needed lighting on our roads. Man is it dark at night.
Say What? says
“The $1.52 million project, funded through the city’s street-improvement fund, will take approximately nine months and is being constructed by Halifax Paving”. What the heck? It takes nine months to construct a trail 1.19 miles long?! Might as well make it one year then.
Riley says
@say what. That must be the mountainous area of Palm Coast. They need a lot of heavy equipment to get the job done.
GoodFella says
So when does Seminole Hoods get their sidewalks Palm Coast?
mark says
How about putting in some more red light cameras to help defray the cost?
Ben Dover says
These fools got their priorities all messed up , no one even lives on that part of Pine Lakes Parkway , they`ll probably put 40 lights on it too , I`ve almost hit like 6 people on Old Kings by the hotels , its soooo damn dark down there , people are constantly walking in road to go to Kangaroo , or coming out of them apts across from them, but these money wasting clueless fools will put in side walks and lights on a road hardly ever used , pathetic!!!!!!!!
Bobbie Sue Walton Vaught says
It is ridiculous!
trebor legrej says
Why does the west side of town get all of the improvements? Been agitatinmg for the repaving of Old Kings Road south for years. Its a washboard and the only Norrth-South road in the east. I fguess its because the City Manager lives on he West side.
real people says
they can spend half million dollar easy to redesign bulldog drive so they can screw the business man there even they had spent $375k to design it in the pass wow God where is the citizen of Palm Coast to stop this abuse and spending of the tax payers money for what ever Jim Landon heart desire, this Jerk needs to go so is this Mayor how’s giving him the green light and protecting his ass
Brook Sider says
I have lived in the area for 4 years and there have been many many accidents at the big curve on Pine Lakes North. The sidewalks are need there. But I do agree than Seminole Woods Parkway issues need to be addressed soon.
The Doctor says
First common sense. IF the road is dangerous DO NOT LET YOUR KIDS RIDE BIKES ON IT! If the road is dangerous do not ride your bike on it. Pretty simple. When I was growing up there were certain roads I was NOT allowed to bike on.
Second is most of the population lives in the central part of Palm Coast not Seminole Woods. You can not expect to move to the far away part of the city and get the same stuff as the population center. All communities generally work that way.
Third Pine Lakes Parkway is a VERY busy road and there are by far more bikers, joggers and people along it than Seminole Woods Parkway.
I would like everywhere to get sidewalks and such but they have to prioritize and the math just adds up that there are more people in Indiana Trails than Seminole Woods.
Anonymous says
What about the C section ,where that poor woman was hit walking her dog on the side of the road , that is one of the oldest sections of Palm Coast , they should have side walks by now,she`d still be alive if they had them, people in Indian Trails already have all of Belle Terre Pky to walk and ride their bikes on , from Matanzas Woods Pky all the way down to Rte 100. Just think if someones dies walking dog in street on dark roads in older section of town , it should be priority to make sure no one else suffers the same fate , it is very dark on them streets up off Colorado , not to mention Belle Terre`s sidewalks have been moved 3 times, then they put another one in on other side of road, waste , waste , waste, its what these people do best
Ralph Belcher says
I’m a bit surprised my neighbors in Seminole Woods, looking at what remarks are posted here, that the Sidewalk coming down from Rte 100 is already in the works. It will come in phases, but we are about to get the first significant segment soon… I think not many are aware of this.