The Palm Coast government administration is recommending dropping trash hauler Waste Pro after 15 years and signing on to a $32 million, seven-year contract with Houston-based FCC Environmental. The Palm Coast City Council is scheduled to vote on the proposal Tuesday morning.
The charge for a single-family house would be $32.32 a month when the new contract kicks in almost a year from now: on June 1, 2023. It will be a 7.8 percent increase from the current rate of $29.97, but a 59 percent increase from the $20.36 fee Waste Pro had charged between 2017 and last May, when its contract expired. The $29.97 fee is intermediary.
The proposed contract with FCC calls for continuing twice-a-week garbage pick-up, once a week yard waste pick-up (maximum 2 cubic yards or 50 pounds, down from 4 cubic yards until last year), once a week bulk pick-up, and once a week recycling pick-up. Residents and businesses remain responsible for providing their own garbage cans (residents can put out up to five cans per pick-up). While the city is abandoning its previous requirement that at least some garbage trucks run on natural gas, the majority of FCC’s fleet is powered by compressed natural gas.
When the monthly garbage hauling charge increased in 2017 from $18.62 to $20.36, there was no inflation adjustment built in. Now there is: a potential annual inflation increase, capped at 4 percent per year.
The change is not a surprise. Palm Coast and Waste Pro have had a frayed relationship in the past several years, with numerous on-the-job failures by Waste pro and a threat last year by the city to sever the contract and opt for other options immediately. Waste Pro, which at one point went so far as to shift blame to workers for staying home (one of its workers was killed on the job and another severely injured in its last contract period), has been in repair mode for much of that time, regarding its Palm Coast contract. But the city’s patience appears to have run out for good. Beverly beach’s patience ran out in 2019, when it dropped Waste Pro and returned to contracting trash hauling from Flagler Beach.
Palm Coast should have had a new contract in place by now, whether with Waste Pro or with a new company. The city had, in fact, gone through the bid process last year, when only Waste Pro and FCC environmental placed bids. FCC won. Waste pro filed a bid protect, charging that the process was flawed. Palm Coast agreed and restarted the entire bid process, delaying a resolution for more than half a year. (See: “Palm Coast Was Set to Recommend New Garbage Hauler. Waste Pro Protested. City Will Re-Start Entire Bid Process.”)
Waste Pro’s contract expired on May 1. To tide the city over until it had a new contract in place, Waste pro and the city negotiated a one-year extension to Waste Pro’s existing contract, along with a 47 percent price increase Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin called “shocking and staggering.” (Alfin dissented in the 4-1 vote approving the extension.)
Rates increased on May 1 to $29.97, and Waste pro cut back service. The amount of yard waste residents were allowed to put at curb side (from 4 to 2 cubic yards per pick-up). The recycling rewards program, which had qualified residents for perks, was abandoned. The fines Waste pro would have to pay if it provided poor service were cut by half.
When Waste Pro and FCC Environmental first submitted bids last year, Waste Pro was proposing a monthly charge of $32.23, a 58 percent increase from its price at the time, and FCC Environmental was quoting $33.43, or $1.20 more than Waste Pro, a 64 percent increase over rates at the time. Either way, Palm Coast residents were in for far higher rates. The one-year extension with Waste Pro has in effect cushioned the blow of the expected contract by enacting the lion share of the increase. Seen another way, it has masked the shock of the permanent, higher fees the council will consider and possibly approve on Tuesday. But those higher fees are not by any means particular to Palm Coast. They’re the new standard in the industry, as garbage haulers in the field, rarely well paid–especially in the South–are demanding better pay, fuel costs are exacting a price, and customers are demanding better service.
When Palm Coast put out the bid the second time, to fix its mistake, eight haulers attended the pre-bid meeting, three companies filed: FCC, Waste pro and GFL Solid Waste Southeast. Only Waste pro and FCC were invited to make a presentation to the selection committee, which consisted of five city employees. After the companies were ranked by the selection committee, Waste Pro and FCC were within two points of each other, with FCC ahead, but GFL was 25 points behind. A tipping point for FCC: its “proposed resources,” meaning staffing.
The contract calls for the use of “competent, qualified, sober personnel” personnel, with an appointed district manager who is to be the point of contact with the city, and field supervisors with at least five years’ experience managing a similar service. The city’s contract manager “reserves the right to disapprove and request removal of any Contractor personnel assigned
to the City’s work,” according to the contract. The contract does not set out employees’ pay.
Other advantages the city cited in favor of FCC: More routes proposed resulting in fewer number of residences per route and a portal for viewing video from routes. The city may also be looking for a fresh start with a new company, after recurring customer service problems with Waste Pro over the years. Waste pro has contended that the problems were systemic–lack of drivers, hurricanes, Covid–not specific to its own brand.
FCC did not have the lowest bid. Waste Pro’s bid of $32.33 came in lower than FCC’s $34.64, but FCC’s was negotiated down to $32.32, including a 20-cent administrative fee. This time, no one filed a bid protest when that deadline expired on June 3. The Palm Coast procurement office announced its decision to award the bid to FCC on May 31. But that decision needs city council ratification. While not impossible, it would be unusual for council members to override the city’s procurement process and either request a restart or opt for a bidder other than FCC, since the council members will not have been privy to the extensive process that led to the administration’s decision–and an override could carry the whiff of political favoritism.
It is not yet clear where FCC will operate from locally. Flagler County government for the past 16 years has piggy-backed on Palm Coast’s contract, to provide trash-hauling service to the unincorporated portion of the county. It is not yet clear whether the county will piggy-back on the FCC contract. But it is also not the first time that Waste Pro’s fate has seemed sealed in palm Coast, so news of its demise may yet be premature.
The Documentation on the Bids:
Teresa says
I don’t think twice a week waste pickup is necessary. Oftentimes, we don’t have enough to put on the curb on Sunday Night. And our recycle bin is fuller than the trash container. Seems that would be a great place to cut … less fuel used means helping the ozone a bit.
tulip says
Twice a week for garbage and trash is definitely needed. We are a couple of two and sometimes our garbage bags are superfull and sometimes 3/4 full. Either way garbage and trash gets smelly, especially in warm weather. A large amount of the population are families with one or more kids and trash accumulates fast. I agree about the recycling–no country wants it anymore. Get rid of it in the regular trash and lower the bill a bit.
Hmmm says
I agree. It amazes me that i see the same houses with heaps of garbage every pick up day. Three days after the last pick up, 2 full over flowing cans. How does a family of even 4 produce that much garbage in 3 days?
Geezer says
What is a “waste pro?”
Is that someone licensed to toss trash wherever they feel?
Is that a person who overspends professionally?
Is it a four-flusher?
Perhaps one who runs the water just for fun?
Can it be that a waste pro is just another term for “politician?”
Leila says
This company has the contract for Orlando and residents there are NOT happy. WHY would you do this? This is a foreign company, in 35 countries. It seems that raise to the council may have been premature.
R. S. says
But it’s definitely time to pay for the volume of trash one produces. It’s patently unfair to have everyone pay the same price for vastly different amounts of trash that are being hauled. It’s unfathomable to me that for trash we, like communists, assume that everyone is equal while for, say, health care or energy or daily food everyone is made to pull his/her own weight.
john steven goebel says
The guys who come on Cameo Court are the best, why take a chance, Waste Pro has a 15-year record no one is perfect!
elizabeth says
I agree john…. the men are hard working and responsible…..I want to keep them on the job and not try some fly by firm that will probably be worse. Why change? something stinks
Jp says
I disagree. They’ve two of my recycling bins because the decided to chuck them into the air rather than put them down where they were.
James says
Looks like this is it, this will probably put my monthly water/garbage bill over my self-imposed limit. I’ll wait and see for sure, but yeah, this will probably do it.
Adios Palm Coast, I wish I could say I enjoyed the experience of existing here for the last 20 years, but I can’t.
Goodbye, and good luck to this f***ed-up, loonie bin.
Shark says
The biggest waste in this town is the money they piss away on plants and trees. It’s just plant – die – and replace. The people in charge of the plantings must be graduates of trump-university !!!!!
Weldon Ryan says
I prefer to continue Waste Pro. Same trash higher cost? I like to keep my small bit of left over cash of $32 dollars for my milk, eggs and bread. I hope the council sees the comments on this matter here at Flaglerlive!
Tina Olive says
Once again you can thank the illustrious city council……How much of a kick back are they gonna get for hiring this company? How much did they get for letting Cypress Knoll walse in and run out The Marlows???? Waste Pro decided they were not going to let these block heads tell them how to run their company especially when they cant run this city….So that’s the bottom line of how this cluster$$%% started…..7 years is waaaaay too long for a first contract…..3 years and if it works out then they can have 4 more…..Once again…You are making a HUGE MISTAKE hiring another company….No company is perfect. There will be problems with them also…..
Anonymous says
I say the City of Palm Coast pays the fee for all of us being that they think we’re all rich and it’s a drop in the bucket. Smh
A.j says
Rid Waste Pro. Never liked their service. Please get rid of them. Time will tell hiw the city vote on Tue. Please get rid if waste pro. Please.
Jim Dana says
We have no problem with Waste Pro – we have been here 7 years – one time per week garbage pick up would be fine with us. What is with this city and the way it is run? Can’t we get it together – why are we NOT putting this to a vote? These decisions seem so out of left field.
We all need to keep voting – and that is right around the corner. And let’s show some respect for one another at the same time.
Old Guy says
The city should spend the next few years ramping up to bring trash collection in house. Single crew lift arm trucks with the large wheeled bins. Join the 21st Century.
Lawyer up! says
Glad to hear this! Next up Joe Mullins! I expect on time pick ups new company – or I’ll help to chase you out too! :-) I also have 24/7 video surveillance.. do not bust up my driveway like Waste Amateur did with my neighbors with your 5.5 ton commercial trucks and tell me the footage from the cameras on your trucks is “unavailable”… I will not need your “footage”.. lol. ;-)
I'm just a mo mo says
Once again bad management on the City’s part. It’s easier for the City get a new company than deal with the management of the current contract. Waste Pro lost this contract because of their local management.
The City needs a competent Director to manage the contract a well seasoned waste professional that knows the business.
Someone that won’t get the wool pulled over their eyes.
Either way we are all paying more because of the incompetence of the City Manager. Let’s continue to give her a raise as I pay more for trash services.
Cynthia says
I for one feel $32.53 is WAY to high for our monthly trash/Recycle bill. The company the city government is thinking about our FOREIGN . They have 100’s of Law Suits against them in Orlando and surrounding counties. I swear this city government is run by Biden people. They just love spending America’s money.
Jessica says
You REALLY think this local government is Blue? You must not pay any attention.
Mark says
“Biden people”? You might want to take a closer look at the make up of this city council.
FlaPharmTech says
Yet another something going up up up in cost. If only my pitiful essential worker paycheck could keep up. Ummmmm, what exactly does the council do for Palm Coast citizens?
Dennis C Rathsam says
Dont waste your time or effort, to reason with this council! They do what they want…when they want, reguardless of public opinion.They piss away more money on such dumb things…One that really erks me all the spriklers, so close togeather, watering the grass and 1/2 the street….Overkill at its finest!
MarWoo says
It’s simply time to vote every single clown holding a position out. They literally have screwed up everything that comes across their desk. Whether it be The Green Lion, trash pickup, Fireworks, shopping at Wal Mart, driving like a maniac and acting like an ahole to authorities… the list goes on and on. It’s simply time to send every elected official in Palm Coast packing.. Adios MF
Jimbo99 says
And the council will continue to give themselves raises & awards for these type of screw ups. Ever notice these inflationary services all started with the Biden era of lies to extort tax revenues & fees in the local Holland => Alfin transition. Works for those that gouge the masses as the victims. Never had a problem with Waste Pro until beginning of Biden/ end of Holland/Alfin era of government. Now it’s a waste contract war. The council sought competitive bidding, found out they had the best price & services, & since has gone out of it’s way to go find the losers of the competitive bid process as the new solution. Those that overutilize curb side trash pickup are the complainers. We all see the neighbors that dump furniture, several garbage cans. It’s always the one’s parking cars in the swales & yards, overutilizing a 3/2 single or 2/2 duplex. And I’m sure they’re complaining yet again about waste pickup. They’ll never see themselves for being the problem they cause. The growth is a ruination of Palm Coast & Flagler county. Where are these impact fees that are supposed to take care of the financial aspect of additional waste, law enforcement, etc. ? The population of 120K that already live here are hostages in this crisis. Sub standard has become rewarded & business as usual. What’s going on with the splash pad ? Is that attraction to the area, because that’s what the cost justification was to build it was, is that a stagnant law suit still. Just add it to the list of moldy buildings that were purchased that was a waste of taxpayer resources.
James says
Please cut down on you fox entertainment brain washing !!!!!! You sound like tucker !!!!!!!
Mark says
You might want to take a closer look at the make up of this city council instead of Biden. This was brought to you by the way Palm Coast voters cast their ballot.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle says
Failed again. We don’t need twice a week pick-up when you’re recycling. Simple 96 gallon wheeled containers (one for refuse, one for recyclables) picked up once a week like many communities across the United States of our size. They even offer smaller 45 gallon containers for those that don’t produce as much. Fine and dandy that some of their fleet uses natural gas but you’ll still have twice the necessary truck traffic in the neighborhoods. Thought they just paid a “consultant” to advise them on going forward with refuse pick up, waste of money.
December says
IMO persons should be charged for the amount put out, there are two of us, yes we fill the recycle bin with the cans, bottles, news papers etc, I put out lawn & tree clippings maybe once a month and regular everyday trash, we 1/2 fill one barrel once a week in other words one kitchen trash bag size bag which less than 1/2 fills the barrel, thats it. So why do folks like us, I’m sure there are many, on my street alone more than 1/2 only put out one barrel a week pay the same as someone who fills two barrels, at least once and sometimes twice a week. Sad. Palm Coast is not what it was when we moved here nearly 30 years ago.
Skibum says
I don’t understand the thought process of this city’s government. I have lived in my home in the F section for 10 years, and although there have been a few minor glitches with garbage pickup over the years, and I reiterate ONLY a few, I have overall been completely satisfied with Waste Pro’s service. For the city to drop that company and go with a new garbage hauler and at the same time drastically increase the rate that residents have to pay, is GARBAGE! I read the Dilbert comic strip religiously every Sunday, and although it perfectly defines a dysfunctional workplace, I am coming to believe it more aptly defines the dysfunctional incompetence of our city’s “leadership” with all of the very public, boneheaded decisions coming out of our city hall recently. While I think we have some very good, dedicated city employees who strive to help the public, those at the top who have decision making authority don’t seem to be making their decisions with the public interest in mind, at least from my perspective, which is regrettable.
JustBeNice says
City Councilors- NO NO NO to FCC. More money for less service? Really???? So I guess I’ll leave my yard waste out front for weeks until it weighs less for pick up. My Waste Pro guys are first rate!! I read above that FCC is a foreign company. Really guys? Stick with Waste Pro.
Dave says
I have NO issues with WastePro. Where I live they come Monday and Thursday for home trash and Wed for yard trash. Great job, IF something drops they pick it up., If people have such a pain with this company or any waste company, try taking your trash and yard trash to a dump yourself. Then you will appreciate the job these guys do.
Celia Pugliese says
In 2020 or 21 with Holland there was a survey and 68 percent of residents wanted to keep Waste Pro. They are excellent in our Carlson Lane and Palm Harbor!! What is wrong with the city administrators and why did they waste our hard earned tax dollars in that survey if now they are tossing the results Ms Bevan? I think is time to boot the masterminds of the city administration that want to take away our good Waste Pro services from us for a higher fee, half amount of our very large lots weekly yard debris and God knows what service and on top promoting a foreing owned Spaniard FCC environmental versus USA owned Waste Pro!.! Why spent on the survey then, just because is other people s monies…what is wrong with you people? the ,maliciousness of some city administrators is unbearable lately…including the one’s that want to stick a 150 ft tall cell tower in our residential zoning by masterminding an exception to the master plan!. That cell tower next to our brand newly installed over $800,000 sewer lift station that if in a hurricane topples over damages our homes and our Poo running lift station and can cause a land spill very expensive to clean up and equipment repair to be paid “not by the tower owner/landlord, but by the utility company aka us the users”, as sits on its parcel! What also about the proximity to the nursing home one lot over and the gas station pumps next to it? Some toxic proposals to take away our quality of life and the value of our homes manipulated by city adminnistrators! Again my unansuered question to councilman Klufas absent in the last two meetings when tower issue discussed: how many towres planned 150 ft from any home in Grand Heaven and other gated communities?
MMM says
The guys on Canarsie Pl are the best. Work hard even on the 4th of July!
Danm50 says
This is the biggest POS contract I have ever seen. Ronnie Van Zants agent could have got a better deal.
Laurel says
Lucky Palm Coast! I cannot tell you how many times over the last dozen years that WP has simply passed our street by to leave the pick up until next time. I have battled WP and the county many, many times over the lack of service from WP. They are the worst company I’ve come upon, for waste removal, in all the different Florida places I’ve lived.
I’m not picking on the employees doing the work, and I’m upset that the company is. Responsibility lies at the top. We’ve been red tagged for having too much plant debris when they failed to pick it up the week before! Of course the debris doubled! I can guarantee that they didn’t get away with that one. We’ve seen them throw recycling, that I’ve rinsed, unfolded and sorted, in the garbage that they passed by the week before.
The two best places for garbage pick up that we’ve experienced is Lake Worth and Flagler Beach. Both are city employees and city run. The Flagler guys are the friendliest, too. Flagler Beach is trying very hard to do honest recycling that we can believe in. Around here, that’s a serious project.
Come on Flagler commission, piggy back on Palm Coast and say bye-bye to Waste Pro once and for all.
Deborah Coffey says
I’m angry, too. But, you know what Palm Coasters? If you don’t like the way Palm Coast is being run, STOP voting for Republicans…because this is what you will always get…raises for themselves and more costs for you. Just STOP. Give Democrats a chance; they actually like people and care about them.
Cary says
Who is allowed to negotiate a bid to replace the one they submitted? No one! This is a back room deal! I am sure someone has some skin in the game. FCC is still behind in picking up trash in Datona! Now the same people who gave themselves a 300% raise now want us to pay more for their stupidity?? How can they justify their raise when they don’t have our best interests at heart! The employees of FCC don’t even live in our city. How is this going to effect our local businesses? FCC doesn’t even have the manpower to do the job currently! Wow what a great Mayor Palm Coast has! Maybe a recall is in order! For all of city hall!
R. S. says
I understand that WastePro had difficulties hiring people. They, too, need to make a living. I’d be all in favor of paying more if workers were to benefit.
Absolutely Done says
Once again making a poor decision for the residents. Bringing in a company unfamiliar with the area at a higher rate does not mean you still won’t get complaints. The majority of the residents are fine with Waste Pro – they just don’t call you every week to say so. I haven’t hears the mayor or the city council members complain about the trash pickup – you just seem to want to change everything to make your “mark”. You don’t give a damn about rising costs to your average family living in Palm Coast. Not all of us are retired and living off of fat pensions.
Ralph says
Why is this news outlet helping the corrupt government of Palm Coast by not posting a lot of comments? I wrote a post about trash and they will not let it be viewed @
FlaglerLive says
Moderation is behind. Note that we need the occasional minutes off from time to time.
Ronald G. Schrein says
Don’t ask any member of the Palm Coast City Council to buy a car for you. They’ll pay$50,000 for a 1998 Ford Pinto!! They have no idea what anything should or does cost.
Gary R says
Good luck finding a 1998 Ford Pinto. The Ford Pinto is a subcompact car that was manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company in North America from the 1971 to the 1980 model years. The Pinto was the first subcompact vehicle produced by Ford in North America.
Its fuel-tank design attracted both media and government scrutiny after several deadly fires related to the tanks rupturing occurred in rear-end collisions.
Mark says
Pinto production ended in 1980 but I’m sure this council would be willing to pay for a 1998 Pinto just the same. LOL!
James says
Stick with Waste Pro. The trash business is horrible, mistakes happen. Waste Pro supports our community AND IS THE CHEAPER OPTION!!! What’s the conversation, here?
celia pugliese says
Unfortunatelty Palm Coast city administration has a history of doing this type of forced switch on our garbage service as 15 years ago they got rid of Waste Management excellent service for Waste Pro and also a higher fee…for no real reason except maybe a hidden one? The few complainers versus the 68 percent of us satisfied with their service does not justify the change. Also take in consideration that trolls here against Waste Pro obviously have conflict of interes including those calling for additional beaurocratic new costly position of an unneeded Waste Director.., someone desiring it? We never needed it since 1999 why now that along will cost us over 120,000 and for what, to write down the few complains in his recliner bucket office chair? Too many chiefs and few indians to do the work our tax paid services need. Why is the current city administration imposing on us all these unreasonable changes. For one, regarding the intended cell tower in Club House Drive needing and special exception to the master plan as logocally is a zone residential will deteriorate the value of our homes and will make it difficult to sell or rent them as studies show: Cell Phone Towers Lower Property Values: Documentation And Research on Cellular Base Stations Near Homes – Environmental Health Trust (ehtrust.org)
Even the Florida League of Cities is not fond of these towers to be located near homes…as we do not fight the towers but their location! file:///C:/Users/intam/Downloads/zyy-wireless-5g-all%20(5).pdf. We elect Mayor and council to represent us while seated and they turn against us in favor of special interes forcing us to spend in attorney’s to defend our quality of life, safety and the value of our homes! So here we are trying also to save our good trash collection with Waste Pro…in today’s 6 PM council meeting at the city hall in Lake Avenue Town Center!
Laurel says
Celia: We are discussing garbage pick up here, not cell towers.
First of all I am not a troll, that was a very rude assumption. Clearly, WP does better pick up in some areas than others. I will repeat that they are the worst company, for garbage pick up, that we’ve ever experienced. Here in the Hammock, they have repeatedly bypassed our whole street for scheduled pick up. We will put our trash out on Sunday night for Monday pick up and they are a no show until Thursday. Full cans up and down the street for a week. We put out recycling the night before and either they pick it up with the next garbage pick up, not in the recycling truck, or pick it up the next week. Same with plant debris. So we would have to carry new garbage or recycling out to the road, where our cans still sit, rather than to take our trash back to the house. Days before hurricane Matthew, when I called about missed recycling, WP told me to take it back to the house. This has nothing to do with Covid or Biden, this has been going on for over a dozen years.
City operated garbage pick up has been much better in our experience. I’ve even written a letter of thanks to Lake Worth. Flagler Beach is great; I’ve thanked them as well. Oakland Park and Ft. Lauderdale were good. Some private companies are good. Boca Raton was okay; they never missed a pick up (they wouldn’t dare). Solid Waste Authority is excellent, but they only cover Palm Beach County.
Again, I do not blame the workers, I blame the upper echelon in the company. Upper management is always responsible, but WP blames their workers, or have some other excuse.
Waste Pro sucks, we hope the county gets rid of them as well.
Timothy says
Hey Pout C taxpayers remember when the City of PC had us do a survey about Waste Management and we voted to leave them be. Of course the council is ignoring us again and will change companies with a rate increase to the taxpayers of PC. Let us vote on that one now, not the officials of PC they do whatever they want and don’t care about its taxpayers only when they are up for re-election.
tulip says
Mayor Alfin thought the 47 percent increase for trash was “shocking and staggering”? He sure didn’t call the 150+ percent raises that the mayor and council gave themselves staggering and shocking. Typical hypocritical politician.
James says
How’s the ordinance reconsideration and charter amendment petitions coming along? Still need a few more signatures?
MM… Anybody?
protonbeam says
Were in trouble. City management has decided to change nothing about the collection system, method or metrics – yet is believing a different result will ensue? A company based globally – where are there closest back up assets (trucks and people) if. Something goes wrong.
Said it before, say it again…we have zero competence running out City Hall and operations. When the wheels come off you can be sure of 3 outcomes –
1. No accountability for staff.
2. No plans or contingency planning in place.
3. We will pay more to cover number 1 and 2 above.
The Voice Of Reason says
Waste Pro does a great job in Quail Hollow. Above and beyond the call of duty. My trash problem involves construction workers and contractors leaving their trash along our roads, mostly food and drink related trash they can’t be bothered to throw out properly. Complete slobs. Lowlife workers.
Pissed in PC says
Personally I started having problems with Waste Pro right after the Hurricane Matthew. They took over 2 months to pick up my yard debris pile and since I live at the end of the culdesac all my neighbors piled on there debris on my already huge pile as I lost a double oak. They only picked up weekly for the trash and recycling for 3 long months. There were many weeks in 2017-2019 that they would completely miss the culdesac like we didn’t exist. The city always said we couldn’t call till after 5pm but when our pickup was scheduled for Tuesday and Friday many weeks they would either pickup the Tuesday on the next scheduled day or on Friday we had to wait till Monday to call and they wouldn’t come until Tuesday. Sometimes they would pickup on Saturday in 2020 and 2021. Every time they didn’t pickup I would notify the city so they would be fined but I never got a refund on any missed pickups. This year they have put my recycling bin and trash can on my neighbors driveway area several times which I’ve complained because I’m disabled and struggle to walk some days and having to chase my can and bin 20-40 feet from my driveway is ridiculous! Is it really that much of an effort to put my can and bin back at the end of my driveway when they back their trucks down my street and rear is right near my driveway and not my neighbors? Yeah I’m not happy about the higher prices but they were notorious for only paying their collectors $9 an hour and drivers $15 an hour up until this year. That was why they couldn’t find help. Yet my neighbor one street over they would pickup her can and bin by her garage because she would give them gifts of alcohol and money cards several times a year (she’s not disabled either) which indicates to me that by her doing that resulted in better service. I’ll look forward to a new service and if you examine FCC Environmental they are based out of Dallas, TX so I’m not sure where everyone is coming up with this foreign company stuff just because they have services in other countries. I’m sure the first month they will have to learn but hopefully I won’t be complaining as much as I have been. Now if the Mayor who came to meet me will fix my swale and easement I won’t be Pissed in PC.
Karen L & Curtis W. Phipps says
I would hate to see Waste Pro go. We have been here in Palm Coast for over 10 years and they are the best as far as I am concerned.We have lived in Jacksonville, Fl. (they weere horrible) and Kennesaw, GA. We have truck 0133133 and I know the driver is Eric Thomas. He and the guys he works with have been so kind, compassionate and empathetic, especially since I am a handicap senior. I love them and have never had a complaint about the so I hope this city changes its mind before it’s too late.
Elizabeth says
Thank you for shedding light on this transition in waste management for Palm Coast. It is interesting that the city prioritized improved service and accountability over the lowest bid. I agree that residents deserve a fresh start with a company committed to better reliability and transparency.
R.S. says
Doesn’t really matter to me who hauls the trash; what bothers me is that no one pays their fair share of the cost. The person with piled high mountains of trash twice weekly pays the same as the one who sets out trash once a month. I think we should meter trash and encourage composting and recycling. It’s a bit amusing in a very sad way that we’re all gung ho about sharing the cost of trash hauling in a socialistic way but rail against doing likewise for health costs. I wonder who gains on either of these propositions [as though it weren’t obvious]?