The rumors had been flying about all week that Newcastle Marine was finally to launch its latest mega-yacht from its shipyard in palm Coast on Thursday evening. We called Newcastle Thursday afternoon to check. The Palm Coast office told us that no, no launch was planned: the ship had been moved on the rail only to perform repairs on the track itself. We double-checked, calling the Palatka office. Same story. No launch planned.
Naturally, Newcastle Marine, a 12-year-old company, launched the yacht that night, in as much secrecy as it could muster, sieving the ship between a full moon’s tide and the Intracoastal’s brackish ink.
Many people weren’t fooled, as a flotilla of boats and boatlets reportedly greeted the massive thing launching into the Intracoastal with more force than intended: a critical cable snapped.
The next morning photographer David Pickard was on the Intracoastal, shooting the yacht as it passed on its way to St. Augustine. We’re grateful to Pickard and the following shots. If anyone has information about the yacht, its ownership, its destination, its history, please feel free to share.
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NortonSmitty says
I have it on good authority it’s going to a Republican.
SAW says
Norton, Not to worry Obama probably has plans to have it cut into millions of small pieces, and then to give everyone a small sliver.
palmcoaster says
Probably Norton.
palmcoaster says
Congratulations to Mr. Huizenga a CEO among other ventures of Waste Management, Miami Dolphins etc…Also we should all appreciate him to have his super yacht built right here in Flagler County creating the jobs that we need. Thank You Mr. Wayne Huizenga. We need more CEO’s like him. There should take example our Government buyers, the TDC, also the FCCOC, the School buyer Mr. Campanella, And also Mr. Ottatti our hospital top VIP. Use our local suppliers to create jobs! A big hand for Mr. Huizenga!
jack black says
LOL – none of you who posted have a clue what you’re talking about. Glad to know after the years that it has been under construction, nobody knows anything more than they did when it was started.
The only thing I can confirm, is the owner is definitely a Republican!! And yes, fancy toys create Jobs. Lots and lots of jobs. A project like this involves close to 500,000 hours. Not to mention countless services like shipping, insurance, hotels, car rentals, food and anything else you can think of. Maybe one day the Obama clowns will learn that fancy toys which the rich love are good for the economy and they will encourage building them vs despising the people who own such awesome works of art!
NortonSmitty says
Palmcoaster, you even had me going and made me read it twice. But you gotta’ sharpen up that sarcasm sword buddy. I bet 90% of the people reading your post thought you were being serious!
You were not possibly being serious, were you?
palmcoaster says
Norton …wether Huizenga as I read your note, gives sufficient Health Care Coverage or other benefits more or less to his workers (which I believe are unionized…hope so), to me, the fact that if true, he had his boat built right here is a big plus and a good example to all wealthy executives like him. As per my surface research I find out that most millionaires and billionaire buy their yatchts overseas unfortunately including Oracle CEO and many more, creating wealth and jobs needed here. Please don’t miss understand me as I am not super familiar with Mr. Huizenga’s policies of employment in his ventures. If I err feel free to correct me as I believe that many wealthy have made their $$$ mostly the honest way. I would really have to spend ours reading about Wayne H. in detail to get a real picture and I am not retired yet, time is limited for me.. Maybe you know something I don’t about Huizenga. Feel free to share here with us. I just like the fact when they make their $$ here and spend here as well.