The joint local government committee of county and city representatives that met for the second time approached at arm’s length Palm Coast City Council member Theresa Pontieri’s proposal that Palm Coast annex into the city the county beach and access at Malacompra Road.
Pontieri first presented the idea to her council Tuesday, where the reception was surprise dewed in frost. With one tentative and possibly misinformed exception–from the Marineland mayor–it wasn’t any warmer at the joint committee. Few of the participants from the county and its five cities and towns were willing to weigh in, their silence speaking louder of their hesitation to touch this sudden emergence of a third rail between Palm Coast and the county than anything they might have said.
Joint Committee Chairman and County Commissioner Andy Dance at that committee’s meeting on Wednesday questioned whether there was consensus from the Palm Coast council to push the idea. There isn’t, but there was consensus on the council to allow the idea to be presented to the committee to gauge its receptivity. Nevertheless, there wasn’t complete rejection from the committee, at least not yet. The elected representatives on that committee don’t have the authority to accept or reject an idea without approval from their own full governing boards.
The most notable discussions in that regard will likely soon take place at the County Commission, which holds all the cards to annexation: The county would have to approve it. The commission is not especially stocked with individuals eager to surrender county assets to the city, nor is the administration disassociated from a sense of legacy and identity in such places as Malacompra park. County Administrator Heidi Petito, who was at the committee meeting, said in a brief interview outside the chamber that she doubted the idea would have legs from the county’s perspective. Dance’s guarded response was also a hint of the county’s coming response.
“Until the city actually formulates a proposal that has buy-in from all the members, we should probably just limit our input,” Dance said, all but echoing the same words Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin said on Tuesday, when he suggested to the council that it should hang fire before hearing from the joint committee. Meanwhile, the idea percolates.
Pontieri isn’t wedded to a single approach, or even to Malacompra Road. “I’m open to any ideas that would accomplish this end goal,” Pontieri said. “It’s an end goal of beach access for the residents of Palm Coast. So if there’s another mechanism to get there, I’m all ears.”
The next step, she said in an interview this morning, is to speak to the governments’ attorneys. “I need to maybe get with somebody in the county and talk to them about the different mechanisms that can be used, whether or not that’s a joint agreement, kind of like what the county has with Marineland for the River to Sea [Preserve],” Pontieri, herself an attorney, said. “Or if annexation is possible, and then come up with a more specific plan as to what that would look like. also reach out to stakeholders in the community and try to allay some of their concerns. I think what everybody is looking for is a more detailed plan that provides for certain deed restrictions, so that they can make sure that we preserve the integrity of Malacompra, which is what I think many people’s concerns are.”
Beyond the committee, the response to Pontieri’s idea so far, judging from comments on this site, on social media and beyond, has not been kind, and has not gone as far as the intricacies of restrictions or legalities. The response has focused on the idea of annexation, and Pontieri’s claim that the city is “entitled” to its own beach.
Flagler Beach unwittingly fueled the idea at the previous joint government meeting, which that city initiated, to discuss the crush of visitors and cars on Flagler Beach. The city needs relief. It asked Palm Coast and the county for help diverting visitors further north, on the unincorporated parts of the shore, as one way to alleviate the crush. (See: “Flagler Beach Achieves One Goal in Meeting With Other Governments: Agreement that the City Needs Help.”)
Pontieri seized on that to frame her idea as a way to help Flagler Beach, even though Malacompra Road is not a swimmable beach: its topography is more coquina rocks than sand, its attraction more appealing to sandaled rustics and romantics than to Speedo-slinked rompers and revelers. That, and the severing of the beach’s links to the county’s historical heritage, is what the county fears could be lost with a transformation of the park into a more visitor-intensive beach.
“The problem is right now, Palm Coast doesn’t have any vested interest in any shoreline without relying on a third party,” Pontieri said. “So we rely on Flagler Beach, we rely on the county for maintenance of parks, upkeep of parks, creating parks that are on the beach.” She said annexation could include deed restrictions and other measures to ensure that local residents and legacies are protected. “I wanted to be very clear that this wasn’t my effort to say we want to do a land grab. This is just an idea and initiative and I haven’t heard many other ideas out there of how we can spread people out on the beach, other than Well, let’s look at lifeguards and paid parking.”
Flagler Beach Commission Chairman Eric Cooley stayed away from discussion Malacompra itself, limiting himself to discussing Flagler Beach’s interests: how to have broader beach access, which is “in line with what our initiatives are,” he said. “It’s up to Palm Coast how to get there.” He said he appreciated Pontieri’s effort. “I don’t know anything about the nuts and bolts of it though.”
Mark says
“Pontieri seized on that to frame her idea as a way to help Flagler Beach, even though Malacompra Road is not a swimmable beach: its topography is more coquina rocks than sand, its attraction more appealing to sandaled rustics and romantics than to Speedo-slinked rompers and revelers. ”
Now I’m really doubting she has ever ever spent time there.
Amy says
Mala compra is already beautifull!!! Let it alone!!! We dont need palm coast developers to come in and level everything for parking lots, gas stations and strip malls!
Foresee says
Perhaps Mala Compra should be designated as a Nature Preserve, restrict deeds to forbid further development or expansion to houses there, and to any new development.
DP says
” Pontieri said. “It’s an end goal of beach access for the residents of Palm Coast. So if there’s another mechanism to get there, I’m all ears.”
Here’s hint Pontieri,
We already have beach access anywhere in Flagler County. It’s time we stop electing these FOOLS, and put individuals into positions, that are geared to supporting thier respective districts and the tax payers!!!
Fernando Melendez says
As a candidate for Flagler County Commission District 1. I do not see it happening and will not be in support of any move towards annexing Malacompra Park. Increase in taxes, due to an increase in services that some residents do not want. More restrictive ordinances, regulations and licensing requirements.
Laurel says
Pontieri states “It’s an end goal of beach access for the residents of Palm Coast.” What baloney. Is someone checking residential qualifications of beach goers, and turning away Palm Coast residents? Is there a gate at Malacompra that only Hammock residents have access through?
This is a land grab for annexing the Hammock into Palm Coast for development, pure and simple.
The reason Flagler Beach has so much new congestion is that Palm Coast practices uncontrolled growth immediately west of the beach town that was not set up for such growth (of course with the new Margaritaville hotel going up in the middle of the once quaint town, they have willfully screwed themselves further, and want to pass it on to us. Terrible planning from both towns). So the ridiculous logic here is that if Palm Coast annexes land, abutting Bing’s Landing (new possible annexing), and zipping across A1A, scooping up the Community Center and Sheriff’s substation, Palm Coasters will miraculously gravitate to a less swimable beach, will have to pay more taxes for, that they already have access to now. Oh, and Palm Coast will preserve it.
My God, she thinks we’re stupid.
By the way, if you are one of the residential owners along Malacompra that would get annexed in, be prepared to pay City of Palm Coast taxes too. Get ready to follow Palm Coast’s restrictive rules. From what I read, Palm Coast doesn’t do a very good job maintaining roads. With new development, you’ll get to share your road with delivery trucks, tourists and others, and people who have been drinking at the new hotel, or bars.
Meanwhile, we’ll be showing the exit door to any county commissioners that go along with this fiasco.
Don't Cull Me says
Are there any better maps of the land the city is thinking about stealing or should I say annexing? The map posted this week sure looks like it runs through part of my back yard and NO you can’t have it!
Thomas Hutson says
Why no fatal response from the joint committee? Palm Coast “Lightening Rod” Pontieri annexation issue was added to the agenda at the end of the meeting. It was very obvious that none of the other government’s representatives were prepared to deal with it, EXCEPT Palm Coast. The main topic was the parking problem in Flagler Beach.
After attending the combined County Government Workshop on September 13th, it became very obvious to all, that Flagler Beach has a real parking problem (say it’s not so} who would believe that?? Flagler Beach was looking for some positive input from fellow Governments, not happening! Flagler Beach is on its own, it is their problem!
Palm Coast’s “LIGHTENING ROD” Council’s Pontieri was given the opportunity at the workshop to relate Palm Coast’s intent to “ANNEX” Malacompra Park! Why the need to annex Malacompra Park? So, Palm Coast can have “Its own Beach” for their 97,000 residents. Besides there are only a few residents affected. Never mind the “Gerrymandering” needed in order to make it happen their {Palm Coast| residents need access to their own beach!
Hey!! Palm Coast residents already have access to the beaches; State Road 100 to A1A North or Hammock Dunes Bridge to A1A North! Say What?? But if we annex Malacompra Park we can help relieve the “Parking” problem in Flagler Beach. Really ?!? Pontieri believes that! Not so fast, Pontieri is just the “Lightening ROD” for the rest of Palm Coast Council!! Why say lightening rod for Palm Coast?
When Pontieri was making her presentation to the workshop members, County Commissioner Dance asked about the presentation being presented prior to any agreement among the entire Palm Coast Council. Good Old Mayor Alfin then came to Pontieri’s defense advising Commissioner Dance that Palm Coast Council had agreed to her speaking about “HER IDEA” of Palm Coast annexing Malacompra Park!
Come on Mayor Aflin, put on the big boy pants and admit “Pontieri’s Startling Move” was not really startling at all. However, it did allow for a “Plausible Excuse” for Palm Coast Council when the Hammock Area, and other County Residents “BLOWBACK” Occurs!! Hey it wasn’t us; it was Pontieri’s doing! Really???
Adam Frank says
I am surprised that Palm Coast City Council member Theresa Pontieri would suggest annexing Malacompra Park, which is in no way even remotely contiguous with any property in the City of Palm Coast.
Malacompra Beach, and it’s Community Center, horseback riding and bicycle trail access, paved and unpaved parking, and ample shower and restroom facilities, are just great as they are.
This idea should be especially troubling to current Palm Coast residents, since this would be a net deficit for residents- still reeling from the City of Palm Coast water park fiasco.
Laurel says
Adam Frank: Look again at the proposed map. The city commission wants to buy the property north of, and abutting, The Sanctuary. This would make the city property contiguous, and allowing the legal jump over the ICW. The city commission would have to also annex the county property abutting Bing’s Landing, which would allow the jump over A1A, and Malacompra road and properties would be able to be annexed, along with the park.
The only reason to annex the property to the north, and abutting, The Sanctuary, is make this happen. This north county lot has no other purpose as it cannot be developed.
This also makes it easier for Captain’s BBQ to get sewer, allowing it to build bigger. With all the annexed land abutting county properties, it makes it a hell of a lot easier to annex the Hammock. More uncontrolled growth. A developer’s dream. Hammock, as you know it, gone. The beach stuff is a ruse to do just that. No one seriously believes Malacompra Park will suddenly become appealing to Palm Coast residents when it’s already available to them now.
Besch Tim says
Maybe Flagler beach shouldn’t have let the state take away all the parking along the beach side of A1A .
Laurel says
Besch Tim: They have no choice. All of A1A is state owned (FDOT), and never taken away. However, I believe Flagler Beach can put in parking meters as I’ve seen it in many other places. FB should have built a two, maybe three story paid parking garage on the proposed hotel site. The hotel doesn’t have enough parking for its guests and workers, yet the city still gave it their okay. Bad planning, as they knew they had a problem before. Instead of revenue for the residents, who could have parking stickers, they bowed to the hotel developers.
James says
“… Flagler Beach can put in parking meters…”
Parking meters on A1A! Knew it! … Saw it coming for quite some time.
That would mark the end of the “old” Flagler Beach as far as I’m concerned.
Btw, I do agree with your observation/suggestion regarding a paid parking garage.
Let's do this! says
Okay. So, involuntary annexation is not up to the county – it’s up to the affected persons to approve it in referendum. But, backing up some, the property to be annexed must be substantially contiguous and coterminous and the time of the annexing government’s proposal. It can’t be “made” contiguous to be annexed, which was exactly what Dumb Barbie/Legally Blonde actually said. Some attorney she is. Even if somehow she successfully argued that it was contiguous, an ordinance must be passed – which means the other concil members would have to agree. Pretty sure 2 of the 5 are nays. That just leaves the Mayor, which could be a wildcard, because his ignorance is just as similar. If it becomes an ordinance, the affected electors get a say. Why would they want more taxes? They already have water. The only next benefit would be waste water, which who wants to pay those tap fees??? Oh and the city would definitely have to get waste water to those residents because they can’t be left out of city services…..they no longer are just utility proprietary customers. They’re actual citizens now. But forget the additional taxes and the city services, say it actually would add new beach goers to the area. That’s just what they want when they already have to deal with more people in the area going to that beach. Then the horses go up and down the road everyday smelling up the place and walking on top of them at the beach, with their uncaring tourists. Next there is pickleball. The area now has to deal with the crazy pickleballers going by everyday with their convertibles like there is no other place to play in the county. Wait. There’s more. The deputies fly up and down the road like it’s not actually a residential road. What could require so many trips to the little hut??? Yep, the residents on that road are totally going to vote to be annexed in the City of Palm Coast with their crazy council members yelling at each other with no professionalism, added taxes, and more people traveling up and down the road at excessive speeds.
Laurel says
Let’s: Again, look at the proposed map. If the city commission gets the county property abutting The Sanctuary, and the county property abutting Bing’s Landing, then the proposed annexation will be contiguous. They want those properties for no other reason, other than to develop the Hammock.
This helps the city get their sewer system in, and charging the Hammock residents 25% more, over Palm Coast residents, for sewer like they now charge for water. That being said, no one would ever convince me that the water and sewer rate would go down if the Hammock were to be annexed. You know that sort of thing never happens. They have new reasons why it should stay high.
This is not about a beach park that anyone can go to now.
Denali says
What am I missing here? Annexation does not involve the transfer of ownership. If Palm Coast were to annex the park, the park area would still belong to the county. City rules, zoning, trash and other services would have to be provided but the control of the park area remains firmly with the county. The residents of Palm Coast would be no closer to ‘owning’ their own piece of the beach . . .
Now if the city were to cough up a few million to purchase the property that would be a different story. Of course there would then be entrance fees, parking fees, beach access fees and potty fees all to cover the costs the city spent to purchase and now maintain the property. I am sure that there would also be a few new employees; rangers, lifeguards and maintenance folk plus their associated vehicles.
Still sounds like a cover-up for something much more clandestine than the residents of PC being entitled to a beach front park.
Willy Boy says
Mala Compra “bad deal, transaction, bargain” amigos.
DaleL says
By looking at the interactive map that’s available at the Flagler County Property Appraiser’s website, it is obvious that only the Malacompra Park beach access has the potential for the project that Pontieri wants. Without a huge parking lot, there can be no meaningful diversion of Palm Coast residents from Flagler Beach. Despite any “promises” from Pontieri or others about deed restrictions, the County property along Malacompra Road would eventually be under pressure to be developed in some manner. The beach itself can be kept swimmable by repeatedly adding sand to keep the rocks covered.
As noted in the story, the Flagler County commissioners have to agree to any of this. Annexation does not change the ownership of the land. The hypothetical annexation does not appear to comply with Florida law. In addition, to be practical, access across the intracostal waterway would need to be greatly improved. A bridge similar to that of Flagler Beach would need to be in place. Either the Hammock Dunes bridge and its connection with A1A would have to be massively improved or another bridge between Palm Coast and The Hammock would need to be built. (The Hammock Dunes bridge already gets backed up during peak hours and it is a toll bridge.)
This isn’t going to happen anytime soon, but with continuing population growth it could eventually.
Laurel says
DaleL: No bridge will be built. Hammock Dunes bridge will continue to be the access. As for ownership, all they need is an agreement between commissions, and commissions and mayors, many of whom are in real estate, love developers and development.
Robert says
Everything palm coast touches turns to sh t. Pc wants to tear any natural area down and put up parking lots or houses. Uncontrolled growth, overpopulation is there goal.
I made a huge mistake retiring here. Was told such a nice small peaceful town! Not!, exact opposite. I am planning on retuning back to north carolina asap!
Celia M Pugliese says
Not is doesn’t. Look at the needed city utility sewer desperately needed on miles of A1A now from The Hammock Dunes bridge to Marineland to serve you all , residents and businesses!! No one wants to put houses there in Mala Compra Park, just to improve the parks as should be two: Mala Compra and also Jungle Hut that then can provide lifeguards among other positive additions. NC is a beautiful state dotted with gorgeous Rhododendrons and Azaleas beaches and mountains but occasional snow and pretty cold in winter if you like it. Palm Coast< the name says it and in anyone's imagination and incorrectly implies beaches…even our logo has deceiving waves…and that is because were taken away from us by then county county commission in the late 90's. Away form us blocks of ocean front in a very stripping and damaging trade to benefit Bobby Ginn Company development of the Ocean Hammock and its golf course and for few hundred acres in the swampy boondocks and a $200 check for practically a public access to the beach that is Jungle Hut today (no rocks). So yes Council Lady Pointiere and Mayor Alfin, we want our beach front back!
Laurel says
No. You don’t get to steal land from the locals because you let it go decades ago, but you are welcome to sit on it any time you want.
Denali says
Why do you keep talking about the county stealing land from the city for Bobby Ginn? While I agree that whole deal stunk to high heaven, it was before the City of Palm Coast existed. The Palm Coast Service District was simply another part of the unincorporated area of Flagler County. The city never had a beach.
Celia M Pugliese says
With all due respect Mr. Hutson I still agree that Pointieri’s proposal is right and fair for Palmcoasters. Maybe you were not here when PalmCoasters had that beautiful ITT-ICDC ocean front pool, cabanas, small clubhouse with bar serving events and tennis courts that Palmcoasters enjoyed thru the ITT Susnsports affordable membership and was taken away from us by the County Commission to trade that very valuable ocean front facility and blocks of ocean front beach for some acres in the swamps! We have the most fun community fundraisers events held there. probably Mr., Hutson you were not here then! We need county commissioners, that also look to protect and benefit Palmcoasters given the ad valorem taxes we contribute 44% to county and only 24% to our city that gives us all our primary services (like roads building and resurfacing) except Sheriff and EMS provided by county at additional millions cost to the city outside of the contributed ad valorem. County needs to collaborate more with its cities. Pointieri and Alfin supporting her are right as among other things city can provide for us the much needed Lifeguard services in Mala Compra and also Jungle Hut, that should be also requested annexation or whatever other ownership by us the 97,000 residents of Palm Coast! We are the bulk of this county revenue and all these beaches are controlled by them only? Locals and visitors also concentrate in Flagler Beach as are the only beaches with lifeguards so needed for families with children. Have you thought about it? Palm Coast owned beaches will provide additional lifeguards promoting safety for locals and visitors attracting tourist revenue as well. PC can look for ocean front parks Fed, State and TDC grants to help improvements and maintenance. We would love to have lifeguards in ocean front Palm Coast Parks! Kudos to council lady Pointieri’s request! Please lets support her. I will nit vote for any candidate running for county commissioner that does not support the need of Palm Coast to have its two own Mala Compra and Jungle Hut parks with the much needed lifeguards for PC locals and visitors. We 97,000 Palmcoasters need to get on board appluding Pointieris and Alfin supporting her request! Now is the tine as we are once more providing the Hammock residents and businesses wioth their much needed miles of sewer connection on A1A!
DaleL says
Much of the County land on the north side of Malacompra Road was part of the mostly failed Johnson Beach Subdivision, 1955. Further north, Armand Beach East was platted in 1971. October 29, 1970, the ITT Corporation held its grand opening for the Palm Coast development. The Hammock Dunes toll bridge did not open until 1988.
Had the ITT Corporation intended Palm Coast to be “Palm Coast Beach”, the corporation would have presumably acquired undeveloped land in The Hammock in the 70s and would have built a bridge to get to it. Palm Coast residents have the same ability to go to the beach as those of any inland town or city, including Bunnell.
If Palm Coast’s taxes are too high, amenities too few, development too little, then MOVE. People, like my wife and I, live in The Hammock because it is not developed. As for the sewer, businesses may want it, but residents do not.
Laurel says
DaleL: With you 100% The Hammock residents do not want this. You see, Miss Pugliesi is already spreading to Jungle Hut beach as well. Yep, that’s how it works. She figures it’s “fair” to right a wrong the citizens allowed decades ago, and do a hostile takeover of our sanctity.
Absolutely my husband and I moved here because it was quiet and still natural. The purpose was to get away from over crowded south Florida, our lifelong home. Development over took it, and it’s very difficult to get around there anymore. Flagler County doesn’t seem to learn from that, and wants to cut down trees, pave every area they can and over develop.
The whole sewer down A1A is another ruse to bring in development. Palm Coast should literally clean up their own act first, and they are doing a bad job of it. They have those grinders that go out with power outages, allowing sewer backup. Yeah, they want that here too. Brilliant.
Palm Coast is doing a poor job as a city, and now they want to do the same to us. Westward Ho! Hammock No! Hammock residents will not vote for anyone who partakes in this charade.
Thomas Hutson says
I respect your opinion and your support for Palm Coast and Council Pontieri. However, your opinion makes several statements that I and many Flagler County residents disagree with.
Many are for a later debate as the election cycle nears. The one-sided Sheriff’s Budget for one, but that will come. This debate deals with the annexing of Malacompra Park. Just to set the record straight my family {wife and step-daughter) lived in Flagler County, they both grew up here and graduated from Flagler Palm Coast High School and ran the A-1-A beach area long before it was popular.
As for the County Commission today, and Palm Coast City Council, I and many other residents feel Palm Coast has it covered. As for Pontieri’s 97,000 residents deserving their own Beach, how about the rest of our residents, approximately 20,000 in unincorporated areas.
I am sorry to have lost your possible vote prior to even getting started with my campaign to “Be the Choice for Your Voice” for ALL residents of Flagler County, especially the residents without proper representation. I will not, if elected as Flagler County Commissioner District 3 during the 2024 election, support the annexation of Malacompra Park or Jungle Hut Park into Palm Coast. I have a very bad habit of challenging the “Big Elephants” that think because of their size they are deserving of whatever they want!
It’s a tried-and-true procedure, when you want to hide your true feelings. Send out someone or something as a “Lightening Rod” to gauge sentiment before committing, Palm Coast Council?
Bartholomew says
Make it a clothing optional beach. We need one in Flagler County.
The dude says
Yeah… no.
Celia M Pugliese says
As a Palm Coast resident I will not vote for any of you two running for county commission or anyone other candidate that oppose the request of Council Lady Pointieri on the achieving by any legal means the City of Palm Coast ownership of Mala Compra and Jungle Hut access. We need more lifeguards close to Palm Coast for our residents in those two locations among other needed improvements and we should only fund it if we own those two beach front locations! Enough we have contributing our ad valorem (yearly real estate homes) taxes unfair split 44% county and only 24% city. To make it more clear why I won’t vote for any County Commission candidate that opposes Mrs. Pointieri request or also do not support the affected Palm Coast residents to stop the abuse of these ever increasing airport flight schools lead and noise contaminating overhead. Simply because looking at the realistic numbers the county commission represents the interest of their screaming here, maybe 800 or less Hammock and some county residents. Just look as the latest 2020 census shows the county with 115,378 total residents out of which the 2022 census shows 98,411 are Palmcoasters, 5500 are Flagler Beachers, 2,850 are in Bunnell, 908 are in Crescent Beach…Then rest spread all around unincorporated Flagler County. Actually the County Commission governs and serves (including sheriff and EMS that PC also pays additional millions) only maybe 6,900 residents still reduced by the 7 to 10 residing in Marineland…and for this the city of Palm Coast has to split our ad valorem 44% county to 24% city. Even right now Flagler Beach is begging for help to the county probably ( with the same maybe worst ad valorem split than Palm Coast has) for help on the tear and wear of the crowds going to the only insufficient lifeguarded Flagler Beaches. They are right to ask the county for more help as should be provided by the FCBOCC given the taxes unfair split that we all county cities endure and that should be looked into asap, as to start with Palm Coast needs to repave its roads among other things. Flagler Beach needs a county acquired beach adjacent public parking garage with a beach shuttle that can be self sustained by a minimal parking fee. People to go to FB restaurants like myself would sure use the parking and shuttle that also can be helped by the businesses to increase attendance. Also Flagler beach needs the same orange flags both sides of A1A for pedestrians safety crossing to the beach that St Augustine adopted…and paid by county too. Sure also needs Pointieri’s request accepted to deflect some of the public away from Flagler Beach into then lifeguarded Mala Compra and Jungle Hut that I personally love! Keep up the fight Ms. Pointieri the over 98,000 Palmcoasters should back you up! Lets do not forget history when the burden was too much, what Jacksonville did with Duval and Miami did with Dade!
Laurel says
Well, that was a rambling, all over the place, comment.
Whether it’s road right of ways, Flagler Beach properties for beach expansion, or county beaches in the Hammock to make up for the Palm Coast and Flagler Beach desire to over populate, a small portion of people want to steal land for their own purposes.
Celia, you keep mentioning the “98,000 Palm Coasters” as if you represent them all and they are all in agreement with you and Ms. Ponieri. It seems to me that about 97,996 are not too interested in your hostile takeover of county land, opening us in the Hammock up to annexation and development that we don’t want.
Plenty of comments, on this site, about how Palm Coast is failing people, over developing and ignoring infrastructure needs, so I seriously doubt Hammock folk want the same kind of treatment. If you have issues with taxes, take it up with your government. We don’t want additional Palm Coast taxes. We also don’t need over population, we have too much now.
Palm Coast never had a beach. The Sheridan existed before Palm Coast was incorporated, on county land. If you love Malacompra, and now Jungle Hut (want the already available to Palm Coast residents Salt Park, Bay Drive and Varn Park too?) the way you say you do, then leave them the way they are. You want lifeguards, talk to the county about hiring lifeguards.
Thanks anyway, though.