Weather: Mostly cloudy. Patchy fog in the morning. A chance of showers with a slight chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs around 80. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent. Wednesday Night: Partly cloudy. A chance of showers with a slight chance of thunderstorms in the evening. Lows in the mid 60s. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.
To include your event in the Briefing and Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
Today at the Editor’s Glance:
Early Voting and voting by mail: Voting is ongoing for the general election, culminating with Election day on Nov. 8. See a sample ballot here. Early voting is on, through November 5, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at four sites in the county, listed here. You may vote early at any of the four sites regardless of your precinct location. To vote by mail, request your mail-in ballot here. Because of the Legislature’s new law, restricting voting convenience, drop boxes are available, but only to a limited degree. The ballot drop box at the Elections Office will be monitored by a staff member beginning 60 days prior to the election, through Election Day. This drop box will no longer be available after office hours or on weekends, except during the early voting period. Other drop boxes will be available at early voting locations, but only during the days of early voting, and only during voting hours. Mail ballots must be received in the Elections Office by 7 p.m. on Election Day in order to be counted. If returning your ballot by mail, please allow at least ten days for delivery. A postmark does not extend this deadline. You may track your ballot here. All other election-procedure related inquiries can be answered at the Elections Office’s website.
Will Furry Courtney VandeBunte Flagler County Commission Jane Gentile-Youd (NPA) Leann Pennington (R) Palm Coast City Council Alan Lowe, District 2 Theresa Carli Pontieri, District 2 Fernando Melendez, District 4 Cathy Heighter, District 4 Background Flagler County Voters Will Vote on Whether to Retain 11 Judges Will Furry Chooses Sleaze. Again. Elections 2022 |
In Court: Civil docket day.
The Palm Coast Code Enforcement Board meets at 10 a.m. every first Wednesday of the month at City Hall. For agendas, minutes, and audio access to the meetings, go here. For details about the city’s code enforcement regulations, go here.
The county’s Affordable Housing Advisory Committee meets in workshop at 3 p.m. at the Emergency Operations Center, 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 3, Bunnell. The board is meeting to discuss construction incentives.
The Circle of Light Course in Miracles study group meets at Vedic Moons, 4984 Palm Coast Parkway NW, Palm Coast, Fl every Wednesday at 1:20 PM. There is a $2 love donation that goes to the store for the use of their room. If you have your own book, please bring it. All students of the Course are welcome. There is also an introductory group at 1:00 PM. The group is facilitated by Aynne McAvoy, who can be reached at [email protected].
Weekly Chess Club for Teens, Ages 9-18, at the Flagler County Public Library: Do you enjoy Chess, trying out new moves, or even like some friendly competition? Come visit the Flagler County Public Library at the Teen Spot every Wednesday from 4 to 5 p.m. for Chess Club. Everyone is welcome, for beginners who want to learn how to play all the way to advanced players. For more information contact the Youth Service department 386-446-6763 ext. 3714 or email us at [email protected]
In Coming Days:
5th Annual Hidden Treasures at Hidden Trails Community Sale, November 5, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Hidden Trails Community Center and Park, 6108 Mahogany Boulevard, Bunnell (in Daytona North.) The event is in cooperation with Flagler County government. Aside from endless treasures, there will be live music, food vendors, and tons of fun. Support small business, and give those who share treasures the opportunity to gain from it, as well as those who take them home. There will be Antiques, Appliances, Tools, Jewelry, Art of every genre, Crafts of every kind, Vendors who have small businesses to encourage prosperity, and so much more. You can make new friends, listen to great music, eat delicious food, enjoy raffles and family fun, and so much more. Bring your Mom, or buy her something beautiful and unique. If you are a Flagler Resident, Artist, Crafter, or Vendor, please sign up, and meet us there.
Call, Text, Email to 386-295-0611, or [email protected] or visit the event “Hidden Treasures at Hidden trails” on Facebook.
FEMA Assistance Reminder: If you were impacted by Hurricane Ian and live in one of the 26 counties designated for disaster assistance, Flagler County among them, FEMA may be able to help. To apply you can visit a Disaster Recovery Center, go online to disasterassistance.gov use the FEMA app on your smartphone, or call 800-621-3362. The line is open every day from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Further: A little context for the cartoon above, inspired by Magritte. From the Magritte website: “The Treachery of Images is painted when Magritte was 30 years old. The picture shows a pipe. Below it, Magritte painted, “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” French for “This is not a pipe.” The painting is not a pipe, but rather an image of a pipe. This masterpiece of Surrealism creates a three-way paradox out of the conventional notion that objects correspond to words and images. […] Magritte sought to overthrow what he saw as the oppressive rationalism of bourgeois society. His art during these essential years is at times violent, frequently disturbing, and filled with discontinuities. He consistently interrogated conventions of language and visual representation, using methods that included the misnaming of objects, doubling and repetition, mirroring and concealment, and the depiction of visions seen in half-waking states-all of them devices that cast doubt on the nature of appearances, both in the paintings and in reality itself. The persistent tension Magritte maintained during these years between nature and artifice, truth and fiction, reality and surreality is one of the profound achievements of his art. Along with Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, The Treachery of Images has become the most iconic image of Surrealism Movement.”
Now this:
Flagler Beach Webcam:
The Live Calendar is a compendium of local and regional political, civic and cultural events. You can input your own calendar events directly onto the site as you wish them to appear (pending approval of course). To include your event in the Live Calendar, please fill out this form.
[MEC id=”163848″]
For the full calendar, go here.

The majority of youths, male and female, no longer need to be told how to earn their living. Days after the law that sets limits on child labor leaves them free to work at the machines, they will be earning big practically as much as they ever will earn. There is little to earn; the mills can teach that better and cheaper than the schools. The pockets of these children are full of money at an age when their fathers earned less than a living wage as apprentices. They are economically independent of home and of social control. They have the eternal belief of youth that the preceding generation is fossilized, and the buying power to act upon their belief. They buy pleasures, buy companions, buy glad raiment; they try – desperately – to buy happiness. And fail. Yet they are splendid raw material for citizens. They met every war need more than half way; fought and fell; sacrificed and saved – during the emergency. Their faults are those of youth plus affluence. Herein lies the explanation of our youthful delinquency.
–From “The Iron Man in Industry,” by Arthur Pound, The Atlantic, October 1921.
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