Weather: Partly cloudy. Showers likely with a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Highs in the lower 90s. South winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 70 percent. Sunday Night: Mostly cloudy. Showers likely with a chance of thunderstorms in the evening, then a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms after midnight. Lows in the lower 70s. Southwest winds around 5 mph in the evening, becoming light and variable. Chance of rain 70 percent.
Today at the Editor’s Glance:
Sept. 11 commemoration: The Palm Coast Fire Department invites the community to attend the September 11th Remembrance Ceremony in commemoration of the 21st Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. at Heroes Memorial Park in Palm Coast.
“Pippin,” at the Daytona Playhouse, directed by Robin Bassett. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays, and at 2 p.m. on Sundays. There’s magic to do when a prince learns the true meaning of glory, love, and war in Stephen Schwartz’s iconic and unforgettable musical masterpiece. Pippin is the story of one young man’s journey to be extraordinary. Daytona Playhouse, 100 Jessamine Blvd., Daytona Beach. Call (386) 255-2431. Tickets: Adults $25, Seniors $24, Youth $15.
Grace Community Food Pantry, 245 Education Way, Bunnell, drive-thru open today from 1 to 4 p.m. The food pantry is organized by Pastor Charles Silano and Grace Community Food Pantry, a Disaster Relief Agency in Flagler County. Feeding Northeast Florida helps local children and families, seniors and active and retired military members who struggle to put food on the table. Working with local grocery stores, manufacturers, and farms we rescue high-quality food that would normally be wasted and transform it into meals for those in need. The Flagler County School District provides space for much of the food pantry storage and operations. Call 386-586-2653 to help, volunteer or donate.
Notebook: So it is that date, that cruel date, that opposite of 1789 and 1989, and now that irony so well illustrated by the cartoon above: those non-medieval terrorists may have tried to damage democracy, but what a poor job they did of it–what a nil job they did of it–compared to what we have done since, first with the second Bush (echo of that second plane, the first having been Reagan’s and sidekick Bush I), then with Trump’s mudslides. But why belabor the point. I prefer that wonderful “First O Songs For a Prelude,” the Whitman poem excerpted in yesterday’s brief of today’s Sept. 11 ceremony at Heroes Park, those lines especially:
(O superb! O Manhattan, my own, my peerless!
O strongest you in the hour of danger, in crisis! O truer than steel!)
How you sprang—how you threw off the costumes of peace with
indifferent hand,
How your soft opera-music changed, and the drum and fife were
heard in their stead,
How you led to the war, (that shall serve for our prelude, songs
of soldiers,)
How Manhattan drum-taps led.
The date also put me in mind of an excerpt I recently read in an Isaac Bashevis Singer story, as one of his characters–they’re always verging on hysterics, Singer’s characters–goes off: ““They are all insane: the Communists, the Fascists, the preachers of democracy, the writers, the painters, the clergy, the atheists. Soon technology, too, will disintegrate. Buildings will collapse, power plants will stop generating electricity. Generals will drop atomic bombs on their own populations. Mad revolutionaries will run in the streets, crying fantastic slogans. I have often thought that it would begin in New York. This metropolis has all the symptoms of a mind gone berserk.”
Now this, as only this can do.
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Let us make the position clear. We can begin by saying, not only that we respect Muhammad, but that no serious person could fail to respect Muhammad–a unique and luminous historical being. He remains a titanic figure, and, for Muslims, all-answering: a revolutionary, a warrior, and a sovereign, a Christ and Caesar, “with Koran in one hand,” as Bagehot imagined him, “and a sword in the other.” Judged by the continuities he was able to set in motion, Muhammad has strong claims to being the most extraordinary man who ever lived. And always a man, as he always maintained, and not a god. Naturally we respect Muhammad. But we do not respect Muhammad Atta.
–From Martin Amis’s The Second Plane (2008).
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