Leroy Rashad Gadson is–was–a resident of 106 East Short Street in Bunnell. He will be a ward of the Florida prison system for the rest of his life following his conviction Friday on a second-degree murder charge and an armed robbery charge, and his sentencing to life in prison, plus 30 years.
Twenty-one months ago–on April 16, 2011–Gadson, according to court papers and prosecutors, arranged an ambush for a known drug dealer at the Pilot’s Lodge Motel on Ridgewood Avenue in Holly Hill. Gadson’s target was Lawrence J. Kloc, 22, who was to come to a motel room, presumably by himself, to conduct a transaction.
Kloc did not come alone. With him were Chauncy Gilmore, 17 at the time, and Jamie Evans, then 20. But Gilmore and Evans stayed in the car when Kloc initially went into Room 3.
Gadson was inside Room 3, along with Donnell “D.J.” Ellis and Darshawn Broadwater.
Evans would later tell cops that he, Kolc and Gilmore were to go to Room 3 “to engage in a drug transaction.” The deal was to be between the registered “guest” of Room 3, Jerry Roy Crew, 56, and the trio. But when Kloc entered the room, Gadson, Ellis and Broadwater began to beat Kloc. Gilmore and Evans noticed the fight. Gilmore got a .380-caliber gun and the two went to the room, at which point Ellis came out and began shooting a 9 mm handgun.
By the time it was over, Ellis was dead from a gunshot to the chest. Evans was wounded in the arm. Broadwater and Gadson were also wounded. At first Broadwater, Gadson and Crew claimed they were the victim of a drive-by shooting. But video surveillance and the statements of other witnesses contradicted the story. Gadson did not shoot Ellis, but Ellis died during the commission of the robbery Gadson orchestrated. Under state law, the people responsible for the robbery can be held accountable for a death that occurs during the robbery.
Crew is serving 30 years following his conviction in December on a felony murder and robbery charge. Kloc is at the Volusia County jail on two counts of aggravated battery charges and a charge of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. Evans faced no charges. Gilmore faced a minor charge.
Gadson was tried in October, but that trial ended in a hung jury. On Friday, after a four-day trial, a jury took just 50 minutes to find him guilty. The trial took place before Volusia County Circuit Judge R. Michael Hutcheson, who immediately sentenced Gadson.
Assistant State Attorney Ryan Will prosecuted Gadson with co-chair Assistant State Attorney Joe Warren. Gadson’s mother and grandmother were in the courtroom during the sentencing and, according to the News-Journal, reacted angrily to the conviction and the sentence. “It took two trials for them to get their lies together,” Edith Johnson, Gadson’s grandmother, a Bunnell resident, told the paper. “Volusia County railroaded my grandson. He is not guilty of nothing.”

P. Skelt says
This man, probably in his early 20s, will be housed, fed, given medical attention, recreation, etc. for the rest of his life on the public dime. This is why it is so costly to not invest in kids when they are younger and instead we let them grow up on the street and fend for themselves without a good education or role models. We as society need to provide all children with a strong start in life no matter what situation they were raised in. If for nothing else, we should do this for selfish reasons so that we don’t have to spend so much taxpayer money on the criminal justice system.
Magnolia says
Why are we losing these kids? We’ve got to do better. What a waste.
daveytickle says
If one understands that any concerned family member or friend WANT’S to believe in a person’s innocence, then I accept that.
My observations over the last few years here in Flagler County have shown that a massive amount of ‘grandPARENTS’ are actually feeding/funding the very ones that are involved in the drug trade. The grandparents fill prescriptions whether they need them or not-sell same to their children/grandchildren and…
Our country has gone bananas!
Put them ALL in cages and do it as fast as possible! White/black/pink/purple! I don’t give a hoot! Just DO IT!
I will NEVER understand how so many intersections around Flagler County are designated “deal-zones”! There are so many of them within sight of Fire Stations and other very open and public areas! WHY!
This post of mine is about what is wrong-so wrong-with our country that we allowed this situation to happen?
Is there anyone out there in law enforcement with an answer that will at least let me sleep at night?
I bet ‘not’.
Deep South says
It seems to me as a society it would be far less of a cost on taxpayers if we could have provided education, shelter, food, and housing for these children who are deprived these necessities. So that at least they have a chance of growing up and making something of themselves, and become a contributing productive member of society. Instead we forget about their cry for help and let them live in a hopeless, careless, and loveless condition where they must fend for themselves. They didn’t ask to be brought into this world, but were already facing challenges from the first day they were born. Now it is going to cost us taxpayers a lot more now to feed, house, and shelter this person, as he spends the of his days in prison, with no return or productivity from his now useless life.
Responsible says
It is now a scam, retired Grandparents raise their grandkids and receive $money from the government for each kid still in school and the parents run around making new kids. If you have a kid and your parent adopts them or keeps them you should still be responsible for their upkeep not the taxpaying citizens.
Anonymous says
This young man did NOT grow up on the streets and had a great education with SEVERAL good role models right at Bunnell Elementary. He went to an A school and had food, clothing, educational opportunities, health care and dental. He also had realtives that did sooooo much for him, especially his grandmother. I worked at Bunnell elementary for many years and the teachers there give 150% to ALL students. Above and beyond….
It is a tragedy that it turned out this way.
Geezer says
These are the punks that ruin it for good young men of color.
It shouldn’t be that way.
But it is.
Down South says
When u have a Governor that wants to pee test everyone for everything and wants only specialized areas of study such as engineering, he has eliminated or wrote off 95% of young adults. Not everyone has an analytical mind for those kinds of jobs. Perhaps it is time to bring back compulsory draft. Every male 18 serves 2 years compulsory military obligation whether they graduated or not. Make a man out of them. Gives them direction and respect for themselves. No more denying young men because they don’t have a High School Diploma. This is what changed many a wayward teenager in years gone by. After all, they arrange for fighting and shooting guns legally. Time for Mommy, Daddy and the Grandparents to let Tommy grow up to be a man and learn respect not for others but for themselves.
jespo says
Cry me a river…good riddance….
Samuel Smith says
Legalize drugs, this won’t happen.
Sorry Geezer, the PEOPLE who ruin it for GOOD young men of color are the people that stereotype and prejudge based off of skin color. I would dare to say every white person on earth is painted with the same brush as Skinheads, Slave-owners, Klansman, Neo Nazi’s and so on because they share the same pigment. Totally unfair to put this young mans actions on the shoulders of one race. Bottom line is this is a social problem. Jails, drugs so-called tough prison sentences have been primarily aimed at the underprivileged and this is the repercussions of it. Unfortunately most of these young men get confused as to what success or a real future is supposed to be about, add drugs some fast money self worthlessness and we have instant crime statistics.
P. Skelt says
You are referring to the elementary age boy you knew almost two decades ago. For a man in his 20s, its not realistic to think that his role model is still a former elementary school teacher. I guess we should just all accept that this is the fate of some, heh?
By the way a 50 PLUS YEAR-OLD WHITE MALE was also convicted for his part in setting up the robbery.
Geezer says
Yes indeed, but I’m still correct. I said “shouldn’t be that way.”
Most people are racist to a degree, “blacks” or “whites” and hispanics etc…..
Most white people won’t venture into mostly black or hispanic neighborhoods after dark.
If the police see your pale face, they think you’re buying drugs!
That is the prevailing mindset and there’s no sense in kidding yourself.
Your words are quite nice, but that and $1.00 still won’t buy you a Starbucks latte.
Go Figure~ says
The teachers response was in regard to an earlier comment about early aid for children while young. We are all taught right from wrong since birth, this young man knew better. No matter what your surroundings you have a choice, you can choose to rise above the crime, lead by example and show a better way of living or you can join and end up where he is today. Even if this man had no positive role models to follow I’m sure in the Bunnell hood he had a chance to see other jailed for the very same acts he committed. His Grandmother says he was guilty of nothin..if she was the one who raised him then this is the partial reasons for his crime. Even after she has learned of his organized crime which involves weapons, drugs and human lives at stake she feels he is not guilty. Loving your grandson no matter what is understandable even supporting him after he has done something so awful but to say not guilty of nothin..come on, had you held him accountable for other actions/crimes in his life you may not have lost him to the prison system. Wake up people and get a clue~
Linda Tillery says
The problem with your statement is that white people don’t go to jail for dealing drug, only Back people do. I am not surprised that you comfortable jailing f21 year old, so that you can sleep- I can’t even imagine how folks like you leave with themselves. So you want Florida to continue using our tax$ for ethnic cleansing and enriching the prison industry?I am a police officer, I know this is not right?