State Senator Travis Hutson, Chair of the Flagler County Legislative Delegation, announced a public hearing and legislative deadlines for the Flagler County
Legislative Delegation. An Organizational Meeting and General Legislative Public Hearing will be held on October 1, 2021 at 3 p.m. until adjournment, in the Flagler County Commission Chambers at 1769 Moody Blvd., Building 2, Bunnell, Florida.
The purpose of the meeting is to elect a Chair and Vice Chair of the Flagler County Delegation and take public testimony on legislative issues, appropriations and local bills. Local governments in the past few weeks have set their legislative goals for next year. The legislature convenes on Jan. 11, 2022, but interim committees will be convening over six weeks between September 20 and Dec. 3.
Flagler County Delegation meetings are open to the public. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Chapter 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the meeting, including agendas, interpreters or assisted listening devices, shall contact 386-446-7410 the office of Senator Travis Hutson no later than two (2) weeks prior to the meeting so that accommodations can be satisfied.
Interested citizens wishing to be placed on the agenda for the October 1, 2021 public hearing are asked to contact Senator Travis Hutson’s District Office staff listed above prior to
September 24, 2021. Those wishing to provide materials or handouts to the Flagler County Delegation members can mail them in advance of the public hearing to Senator Travis Hutson’s District Office located at 4875 Palm Coast Parkway, Suite 5, Palm Coast, FL 32137.