An Open Letter to Joe Mullins
By Chris Goodfellow
One of the great things about American democracy is that we all can have and express our political opinions freely, associate with like minded individuals and run for public office.
However, when we assume public office, whether it be the humble position of County Commissioner or that of President of the United States, implicit in assumption of office is that we are entrusted to execute the duties of that office on behalf of all citizens, whether they be of your political suasion or not. This is the basic trust of democracy that must never be shattered. Democracy is about fair play, not willful oppression, lies, fraud and perhaps worst of all in today’s context–intimidation.
There is no doubt you hold very strong opinions for our current president, and you are entitled to do so. But I am somewhat concerned when as a sitting Flagler County Commissioner you would make such statements as “Flagler County is a Trump County. Love it or Leave.” Irrespective of whether it is made on your own private Facebook page, a comment in local paper or on a county website, I want to remind you as a commissioner, anything you say or do has impact beyond your actions as a private citizen.
I do not know you, your character or past associations and affiliations beyond thanking you a couple of weeks ago on Facebook for getting the bike path out here in the Hammock cleaned up, which demonstrated your goodwill and concern for getting things done in the county.
I would not have bothered to comment or engage you today except that the subsequent comments about chartering busses–or worse, trains–to remove all so-called liberals out of Flagler was again uncalled for, and brought to my mind, and I am sure to the the mind of others, a different period of history where certain people were loaded onto cattle cars and banished.
Was this just braggadocio banter or perhaps a revealing Freudian slip on your part? Because in either case it was a reprehensible comment coming from you, because of its historical connotations. I am sure you can understand my concern, and I think as a commissioner you need to make it very clear.
There are great people on both sides of the political divide here. There are whites, blacks, Latinos, Asians and others, all of whom are good citizens. There are moreover veterans on both sides of the political divide, and you are certainly not going to run them out of town. In fact no one is going to be run out of town or invited to leave. You know why?
Flagler is an American County.
Chris Goodfellow, a retired pilot, is a resident of the Hammock.
Imogen says
Doesn’t this kind of talk break some sort of rule or oath? Can he be removed for this commentary?
Michael Ryan says
I wish Mullins….makes me sorry I voted for him the way he sold out to developers.
B says
Sorry I voted for him too. We need more intelligence running the city.
Layla says
Only by the Governor. Please send all complaints to Gov. Ron DeSantis in Tallahassee.
Ben Dover says
Oh yeah Desantis will do something , maybe take the guy out to dinner with the money he took from Lev Parnas…..SMH
Mike Cocchiola says
Please explain “this kind of talk”. Removed from what? I’m interested in your perspective.
Nico Bergraat says
Joe Mullins is completely and totally out of line/control. Ludicrous and ignorant comments, like our President he has obviously lost all sense of what it means to be an AMERICAN!
CB from PC says
What does it mean to be an American? Please articulate. Joe Mullins was stupid for what he said, but his right to say it is protected by the Constitution. Of course, the outcome is not. For the past 3 plus years we have had to put up with BS Mueller Report, the BS Brett Kavanaugh hearings And the relentless Trump bashing investigation based on inferences, interpretation, etc. Get over it.
The electorate has spoken. Yeah, as an American I put up with it.
free and fair says
yes, get over it. the electorate has spoken, Biden won. Trump is a loser. Facts are facts.
Deb Reilly says
“The kind of talk” that celebrates divisivness, disrespect for people who hold a different opinion, and a level of arrogance reminiscent of the 1940s. Get it?
Mike Cocchiola says
Thanks. Agree wholeheartedly.
BB says
I agree too. Free speech is a two sided coin. It can be good and it can be bad. If your not careful what you say it can come back and kick you in the backside.
Mark says
Remember Joe, all opinions count except yours!
Spunkylas says
I believe we live in a free world and I don’t know who posted what on where. However, I find it inappropriate for Joe Mullins to basically say keep your mouth shut.
Cindy says
If he would have said that about Obama, or Joe Biden, or Hillary Clinton, his statement would not have been an issue.
Chris says
Correct.. because none of those you mentioned promote hate, segregation or superiority over another individual..
Veteran says
Hillary just promoted hate against Bernie Sanders!
Bill says
LOL Chris LIKE ds dont promote “hate”. Thats ALL they have for anything Trump does or says. Is Trump perfect NO nobody is BUT what he is DOING as president id good if not great for this republic and its people
Ben Dover says
Bill , you obviously watch Fox Fantasy Views , Trump is a Russian Asset , he screwed our troops that have been fighting with the Kurds for years now to keep Russia out of Syria and topple Assad `s evil regime, the man gasses women and children , We spent billions trying to liberate that country, then Trump without talking to our military, but instead gets ordered by Putin and Erdgan to pull our troops, wasted all that time and money , lives lost for nothing , they threw potatoes at our troops as we left , lost the respect of our allies and left the Kurds to be slaughtered after they fought side by side with us to take down ISIS , oh and Trump also let all the ISIS terrorist we caught out of prison by doing that traitorous move , and if that is not bad enough, he`s also under the Saudi Princes thumb , they are the ones that attacked us on 9/11 , not Iraq or Afghanistan, so what does Chump do he gives the Saudi`s the contracts to build our Raytheon Nuclear Guidance Missile Systems..At the summit in the spring the Saudi Prince and Putin both looked at Trump , laughed and high fived each other , Trump is their little bitch , you don`t think Saudi is going to share that technology with Russia , South Korea, possibly use our own weapons against us and our allies , Trump is making us weak , he and when he is not screwing us globally , he`s poisoning our food , air water and soil with deregulation, you Trump supporters really need to turn Fox off , it`s a Russian Propaganda station , you people have absolutely no idea the horrors this man is doing to our country. Reagan is Spinning in his grave.
Laurent StaineGerm says
I will always respect a person who makes an effort to be familiar with the facts. There is so much misinformation out there and it appears that if you repeat it enough times it is treated as fact. Very discouraging. It drives me nuts all those who yell “He won. Get over it”. Knowing full well that this president is not and never will be of the people. If at any time he had made an attempt to be our president instead of the non-stop deplorable attitude towards all but the sacred few (because let’s be honest, he said he prefers stupid people to smart people and he has repeatedly disrespected our POW’s. He only cares about what you can do for him and enriching himself. We deserve a person who wants to represent allour citizens and that is why I won’t ever vote for Joe Mullins. He only cares about people who think like he does.
Andrew Bacchi says
How sad that a Flagler County Commissioner who is supposed to represent ALL the people in Flagler, appears to only be concerned with his own party and their beliefs, no matter how archaic and narrow minded they are! If you are such a strong believer in this President, maybe you should take residence in Palm Beach County to be near your idol.
Me says
I think you suck Mullins !! Sorry !! It’s no Trump country !!! Watch your mouth !! You will be voted off of every thing !! And if you don’t like it ?? You can leave ! ,,, not ever voting for you any more for anything !!
Respect says
And now he has helped organize busses to the January 6 attack on our capitol! how disgusting and still sits on the commission? How is that possible? He says he wants to cut off the heads of all liberals and take them away. But yet he still sits on the seat of commissioners in Palm Coast? I have written the mayor, and other commissioners and only response was from one, and that was from Mr. Sullivan, and his response was appreciated. I guess the others have too much to do trying to change the vote, Guess what guys and gals? Biden won by over 7 million votes. Get a grip here.
And the election was in November 2020. So why is it that Mullins organized the busses for the Flagler people to go to this insurrection in DC after the election was over? For what? To be part of the illegal takeover of the Capitol? Oh, but when he heard a gun, he said they better leave. Please. What is wrong with this county? Maybe you need to go Mullins. not the liberals who don’t stand on street corners with F…k Biden signs, who don’t have any desire to cause an insurrection or carry weapons. We care about each other and our country. We have children to raise and not to be bullies or to go against our own country. Sad. and sad that even the Mayor would allow this to happen. And no one says a thing. Why?
And I so agree about why this guy and possibly others only represent the Republican party of Trump. We all don’t love Trump, sorry, we know who he is and he isn’t a nice guy. That is why more people voted for Biden. Fact… just like wearing a mask helps prevent the spread of a deadly disease called co-vid. You are supposed to represent all of us, but you don’t. And honestly I wouldn’t want you to knowing what you believe in. So step down and let a bipartisan person take the position to represent all of us. And someone who doesn’t want to cut off heads because someone else believes differently. Wow, this is still happening? We taught our children to accept all people, colors and nationalities. Also to accept that people will always have different beliefs and that is ok as long as you are respectful of each other. ” Let it begin with me.” A song song in our church. Something to think about.
Duncan says
As an independent I think Joe Mullins comments represent what is wrong in Flagler County and North Florida “ultimatum politics” – It’s my way of the highway.
I have no plans on leaving Flagler County even though I despise Trump, not so much for his policies but because he has made it obvious (IMO) that he is a divider, a terrible example of a good citizen and simply put is just not a good person. Although, I have issues for “over the top” Trump supporters, I don’t disparage them and would never suggest that they leave the Flagler County because of their beliefs; I would expect the same treatment as law abiding tax paying resident of Flagler County.
Even if our President is divisive, our local politicians should know better; after all we are a smaller community family and they interact with us in their daily lives. Mr. Mullins’ stock just dropped significantly in my portfolio – we deserve better.
CB from PC says
Obama set back race relations in this country with his corrupt DOJ under the likes of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch…wonder what her golf handicap is?
Total LACK of support for law enforcement. No wonder he bought another home in Massachusetts, Chicago hometown is way too dangerous.
Sally says
Well I agree race relations suffered under Obama. All the racists came out of the closet.
CB from PC says
Racists are not in closets. They reach “across the aisle” to other racists like Joe Biden did with Hilary Clinton’s “mentor” , Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond and Al Gore Sr., to name a few.
Billy C says
It is hilarious how you have take the conversation that was centered on this article and turned into opining on Obama, Hillary and Racism. Your comments about all three show that you jump at any opportunity to air your political view no matter how unrelated they are to the topic. Mr. Mullins should recant his statement and refrain from such language in the future.
Edith says
Yes, when you can’t defend Mullins, trot out some old, unfounded claims that have nothing to do with the issue. Poor attempt at deflection.
CB from PC says
If Joe Biden stating as such on the “we got things done” video is an unfounded claim, along with his glee over the fired Ukranian prosector while VP, then I am a Democrat.
David says
Flagler live is a liberal site run by democrats in a mostly conservative county.
There I said it politically correct.
Lori says
I agree with you 100 % !!
Average citizen says
Yes it is. The bias here is worse than what they proclaim is bias.
Deborah Coffey says
You did! And, we liberals are very grateful for it. That doesn’t change what Joe Mullins said and it doesn’t change what he’s doing to our county. His resignation should be forthcoming immediately.
Billy C says
Thank you. Whenever an article leans right they cheer and whenever it leans left they boo. Where is their since of fairness? Facts should matter and the Mullins issue is at hand so why the criticism of the messenger? I have found this site to be fair and factual
PCMerry says
When elected officials aka “politicians” use such poor judgement, speak before thinking about what they’re about to say, and/or simply don’t care what their constituents think or of the consequences of their attitude and behavior, they have no business in public service. They do more harm than good.
Layla says
Amen! This man fooled A LOT of people. Voters, know your candidates.
Concerned Citizen says
No, he did not fool me one bit. When I learned that his sign wavers during his campaign were paid to stand there and do that…not devoted volunteers like what was implied…that made me wonder. By the way, a few of these sign wavers told me they were paid, this isn’t hearsay. Then I heard he lived out of state, bought a place in Bunnell shortly before the election. Why?? Why would someone do that? Why go to all that trouble for a small, insignificant county? Unless..of course..he had some kind of plans for this county that no one else knew. Whatever is going on with him, it stinks. It has stunk since he was running as a candidate and people were not paying attention. Now his words and actions are put out there for all to see (like his hero trump). Now we have to suffer through until the next election to get this carpetbagger OUT.
Wanda Dial says
I have lived and worked in Flagler County for six years. I it very distressing that an elected official would find it appropriate to suggest that if I do not support a particular party or candidate that I am no longer welcome here.
Patricia A Brooke says
I agree with you, Wanda. I didn’t know it was a prerequisite that I be a Trump supporter before deciding to live in Joe Mullin’s neighborhood aka Flagler County. I thought this was America. You know, the one Trump wanted “To make great again”. I thought it was pretty great all along even with its flaws.
Joe Mullins. you will NOT get my vote and I will do my best to make sure you do not get reelected. You are devisive, hateful, and actually kind of dumb. That remark, sir, will come back to bite you in the ….foot.
Kelley Jones says
Thanks for your comments Chris. I think you have spoken for many of the Residents of this county that are appalled by Mr. Mullins statements. We will see Mr. Mullins at his next Town Hall in Palm Coast and I am hopeful that he has prepared an apology for his constituents.
Don says
He need not apologize ……. 1st amendment …… That’s what you liberals always CRY about !!!
Cory says
1st amendment says you can say what you want. What conservatives don’t seem to get are their are repercussions to what you say, and you can’t cry about those repercussions.
Patricia A Brooke says
I wouldn’t believe an apology anyway.
And yes, he’s entitled to his opinion but put the shoe on the other foot and imagine one of your elected officials saying “This is NOT a county who believes in Trump and we don’t want you if you are a conservative Republican! We’ll get you a ticket out of town!”
I would see an outraged bunch of people screaming at that, for sure!
It’s just divisive! Why would you say you can represent the people of Flagler County with such hate filled attitudes?
And no, I am not one of “you liberals”. My views are neither liberal not conservative as represented in the media. I think I speak for many when I say I will not be labelled as such. I’m not sure I even know one of “you liberals”. We all want basically the same things: fair representation, fair taxes, accountability, and pride in our community.
Mr. Mullins makes me cringe with his attitudes and the voters will ultimately have the last word.
rich santomassino says
On I see Don, you are talking about that 1st amendment that your buddy Trump (as well as mullins) tramples on daily! I understand now. If it is about the ignorant talk that spews out of these politicians mouths, then you scream “1st amendment protection!”. But if el trumpo is saying “the press is the enemy” or “those politicians that disagree with me can just go back to their country”, then you agree with that as well.
You really can’t have it both ways or you are what is know as a hypocrite.
Been Here a lot Longer says
My money is on him saying Haters gonna Hate, though not as eloquently. If he apologized for anything, I will be Fainters gonna Faint.
He will double down on Jesus, babies, Trump and typos, but probably not in that order. And then he will let his small band of devotees (many of whom do not even live in this so-called Trump county) say all of his most vicious, vile and ugly things for him, and he will not say a word about THEIR hate needing to be muzzled.
The truth is he was getting less attention lately so he had to stir things up, and we are playing into his mustache-twirling hands. It’s sad for us, but it’s mostly sad for him, that he needs the attention that badly.
Joe, I heard Trump has a sticker waiting for you. Good job! Calm down now. (It’s a sticker he gets for being a donor. Shhh – don’t tell him.)
CB from PC says
Why is it ok to clear the bike path in the Hammock, an affluent area where the author of this letter lives, but ignore clearing the overgrown utility right of says where the rest of us poor folk live?
This is not Trump Country, it is Chump Country…and all taxpayers are the Chumps.
Accountability…Regardless of party affiliation.
And Btw, the corruption in this County pales in comparison to that attached to Joe Biden and “family”. Joe has more baggage than a Samsonite factory, but he’s missing a few latches.
Don says
Spoken like a true AMERICAN !!!!
Linda Hansen says
Commissioners have no influence under requests like this one to FDOT. They are done according to a state schedule. When my own husband was first asked by Mr. Goodfellow to submit this request, which he immediately did, he was told of the rotation schedule but promised they would do a good job. That doesn’t make them corrupt. They are doing their jobs. This is not County property, it belongs to the State of Florida.
Happy Hammock says
The Hammock is a diverse community that gets along very well. There are a variety of neighborhoods in the Hammock and not all are affluent. I doubt you know where, in the Hammock, Mr. Goodfellow lives and it doesn’t matter. Affluence had nothing to do with clearing the bike path. The Hammock bike path is available for anyone who wants to ride, skate or walk…feel free to come over and enjoy yourself. Hammock residents are friendly, helpful people who love living here.
CB from PC says
All I am saying is that several employees with the City of PC have stated they will not clear utility rights of way of overgrown trees preventing direct access, and creating a hazard to homes next to them. But, they have no problem bringing heavy equipment through adjacent private property. That’s BS.
Try doing that in The Hammock, and see how many calls are made to City Hall.
Kathleen Brady says
Well spoken, Chris. Mr. Mullins has embarrassed his office innumerable times already. I hope his constituents remember this when he comes up for re-election.
Michele says
Joe Mullins, do you know what tomorrow is?
Monday, January 27
International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020
You’re an absolute fool for even mentioning carting people, who don’t agree with your politics, out in trains.
Dave says
Joe Mullins has come out as a Facist and does not deserve to work anywhere in this county. He expresses hate speech openly and has intentions of dividing our county. Shame in this man.
Fredrick says
Lord know that no one with liberal views has said anything disparaging about people who don’t agree with them….
Then Maxine said “wait, hold my beer”….
“Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere. We’ve got to get the children connected to their parents,”
`Maxine Waters”
We get you don’t like Joe, don’t know many on either side of the political spectrum who do but surely you are not trying to silence him… or do we silence all people in politics, BOTH sides… wait that might be a good idea. I also like people who view is FB page get offended. Then stop looking at it….
Pierre Tristam says
Once again with the false equivalencies, the quickest way to whitewash a point. Goodfellow’s letter, which says nothing about silencing, is specific. He’s not referring to just anyone’s social media account, or to any old disparaging remark, but to what this latter-day know-nothing is evoking and proposing. That’s the point. You find either of those things remotely defensible? Or comparable to other forms of critical political discourse? Those equivalencies you hide behind are just so much endorsements of the debasement. Address the point for a change instead of finding sly ways to defend the indefensible.
Billy C. says
We are talking about YOUR representative in YOUR community. Ms. Waters is in California. How is that pertinent? Try to stay on subject.
Jeff @flagler says
Everyone was warned while he was running That he creates chaos wherever he goes for attention. Stop giving him attention folks! It’s pretty simple!
He is a lost little boy in a little man body that has no friends. They ran him out of Augusta, GA because he burned all his bridges.
So he comes to Flagler and spends a year having the P.C Observer post him giving away big cardboard checks and attending anything Newsworthy “acting” as if he cares. ( I hope the observer has caught on to his exploiting tactics)
Then he was voted in by default due to his excessive campaign spending.
Flagler Citizens need to wake up and look deep into his creepy eyes and say to yourself ”this man has access to County information” Seems Scary what he could do with it right? With such an aggressive personality. Does he have access to Flagler citizens information? Scary!
I wander if he is a disguised ”snowflake”? Could he be a “liberal Mole”? He is a hypocrite because He is very dividing and thats not what America is built on.
Mullins is a professional con man. All he wants is for Trump to notice him. Do not let his seemingly Bi-Polar personality fool you.
Steve Robinson says
Jeff, you’ve put your finger on a tough issue: Do you help bigots make their case by focusing attention on them, or do you hope that if no one shines a light on them they will eventually slink away? If we have learned anything from the history of the last century it is that racism and xenophobia do not shrivel up and die if good people excuse it or rationalize it. It persists and eventually emerges from the shadows to become too powerful to stop. Ignorance and bigotry need to be called out wherever and whenever they arise, whether they emanate from the mouth of the President of the United States or a Lilliputian like Mullins. Bravo to Chris Goodfellow!
Outsider says
Not all derisive commentary can be lumped into the racist/xenophobic catch-all drain basin. Trust me, as a grape in the basket of deplorables, I know.
Paula says
Mr. Mullins has proven with his affirmative votes on such projects as Beachwalk that he doesn’t represent the citizens of Flagler county.
But, he’s not alone. There are other commissioners who do the same – as long as it’s a business, it seems vote for it, unless the outcry is so huge that they have to back off.
Mr. Mullins should be up in Tallahassee convincing the legislatures there should be local control in Flagler County, rather than disparaging residents who do not like Trump.
Veteran says
America is a republic, not a democracy!
Gary R says
@Veteran – United States remains both a republic and a democracy. https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/is-the-united-states-a-republic-or-a-democracy.html
OurVotesCount says
Let the dbag say whatever he wants. 1st amendment. His words may or may not have dire consequences at the voting polls. I say we need to quit whining about things people say that we don’t agree with and just carry on and cast our votes. My parents taught me that sticks and stones may break my bones but names (and saying stupid crap) will never hurt me. USA needs to be renamed to The Great Divide! Social media has turned neighbor against neighbor. I, for one, am sick of all of the noise from both sides. I can’t stand trump, but if you want to stand behind him, have at it. I’ll see you at the polls come voting time. Let’s let our votes do the real talking! The rest is just posturing in my simpleton opinion.
Joe says
Just google joe Mullins name and see what P-O-S , he is, no wonder he a trump lover birds of a feather
SteveWard says
Just another coward Hypocrite with a big mouth who conned people into Voting on his behalf and now its little Napoleans chance or shot at the brass ring. His bigtime. Like all bullys he would run and hide or blame or cry, whatever. Just remember when it comes to the next Election this Power hungry twerp gets the hook. His statements reveal true narrow mindedness, lack of Social skills, intellect, and any regard for others but himself. Very limited mental capacity for Politics or public life.. He like others is unfit for Office with no vision for future of this place only himself .
Concerned Citizen says
By the way, he is now denying he said this was trump country and the rest of us could leave. Well…here is his own words, copied from his FB page..
My favorite shirt and hat! Proud to represent a conservative Trump area that will defend its 2 Nd amendment right, Prayer and pro life! Flagler county is a TRUMP county. Love it or leave!
FlaglerLive says
We have the screen shots, linked in the article.
Mike Cocchiola says
Chris… you have eloquently said what needed to be said so that Flagler County can see what Commissioner Mullins’ rhetoric can do to a community. He has brought his brand of divisive politics to our community and has caused turmoil. We have always been able to talk in this county without implied threats or ugly insults. Many of us have reached out to Joe offering to work with him on important issues like the homeless, workforce housing and mental health. Then he wilfully broke all the bonds of cooperation and cohesiveness by spewing the most disturbing insults, calling his more liberal constituents treacherous, treasonous, godless and the like if we didn’t swear allegiance to Trump and his religion. Yes, he has sworn he’s going to put his version of God into our government and schools, despite a mountain of case law to the contrary.
I don’t know what set him off, but he has gone too far. He has abandoned his constituents and broken his oath of office to serve Flagler County.
mausborn says
Trump loves the poorly educated for a reason. Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way
through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
Sherry says
This is a copy of an email I sent to my friends and family earlier today. . . we should NOT wait till election day. We should hold our political representatives accountable NOW!
Dear Family and Friends,
Regardless of any political leanings in this complex and partisan world, should we not all hold fast to our moral teachings and convictions, and require that our political leaders do the same?
My deepest fear is that we are rapidly becoming so self centered, busy, uninvolved, disenchanted, angry, fear filled, hopeless. . . that we lack the courage and energy to put any effort into upholding values that we should be treasuring and protecting:
ALWAYS STRIVING TO DO THE RIGHT THING . . . and on, and on. . .
No matter where we acquired our personal core values, isn’t it time to stand up for them?
We can begin by taking the time for some personal introspection. Each of us is much more powerful than we know.
If your political representatives are not representing your moral principles, now is the crucial time to contact them to make your expectations known. Together we can pull our society towards a more healthy, moral place. It begins with each of us, personally.
Don says
Your right……. I’m voting for President TRUMP !!!!!
Billy C says
Three dots, Don and I think you meant “you’re right” not YOUR. Now see what mausborn meant in his/her comments earlier in this thread?
Edith Campins says
What a disgusting, divisive man. The arrogance of thinking he can tell anybody to leave their homes because their views are different from his. I have been a homeowner here for 23 years. He arrived here a few years ago with his message of hate, if he doesn’t like it here he can go back where he came from. This isn’t about party affiliation or the 1st Amendment, this about a lack of respect for those of us who have worked hard to make this a good place for all to live.
Jim says
Was he lying ? No In the 2016 election Flagler went to Trump- Most likely it will go that way in 2020- If you are so offended you may want to move to Palm Beach or Broward County to feel more comfitable.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
After the election in 2018 my husband meticulously stacked all my campaign signs in our garage where they remain today. He stands by his prediction that Joe Mullins will ‘self destruct’ during his term in office. Mullin’ s remark, especially today during the ceremonies remembering the anniversary- the 75th since the liberation of the world’s most heinous concentration camp, ” taking people away in trains” proves his total stupidity or bigotry or perhaps both in addition to his blatant disregard for the responsibilities he assumed when he was sworn into office. If the opportunity does arise my husband and I will work harder than ever for the sake of Flagler County ; my signs are ready to go back up again,
Nenemalo says
Good luck to you. This would be an opportune time to enrich our minds on how exactly is it that you will make Flagler County better while keeping its residents and voters interest aligned in the direction of our needs. Please don’t make promises you can’t keep just to get the votes, we’re sick and tired of the nonsense and the political smiles that are formally used to reflect a character that builds on wishful thinking but get nothing done. Taking up space and enjoying a salary on a taxpayers dime is as good as theft by deception which is a commonality amongst the majority of those running for public office. How are you going to convince the voters that you are far different from the rest and how will you accomplish what you say you stand for. Again, good luck with the election process and give it your best.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Nenemalo….you can watch commission meeting replays on ‘flaglercountytv’. I speak and have spoken for years on issues of concern and spearheaded several successful citizen initiatives and am currently lobbying against Vacation Rentals taking away Home Rule; against Captains Barbeque making a fortune on county owned land for almost no rent at all; finding new homes for sheriffs and how to put those in jail who stuck us with the old hospital, the Sears building; the 5 times higher than value cost of Plantation Bay Utility; an ordinance prohibiting dog tethering, better water for Plantation Bay, I-95 resurfacing at a faster pace; just to name a few of my volunteer projects which I am very proud of
Agkistrodon says
Maybe You should stop with the “floriduh” comments if you have any aspirations of politics. You cannot infer people are idiots and expect them to support you.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
To Agkistrondon… when you have some time go to flaglercountytv and watch on u-tube every single county commission meeting for the past several years – and the agendas are on line. You can always fast forward to listen to comments made by the public and the commissioners on all items brought up for public hearing.
You will be able to see and hear my presentations first hand to the numerous county issues I have been, an am involved with for almost 18 years. Currently my pet peeves are the Vacation Rental bills which will destroy our local governments; the scams and money wasted on our Plantation Bay water system; the free ride the owners of Captains Barbeque are getting becoming rich on our backs; the lousy real estate investments abandoned by the county – the old hospital and old Sears Building… and yes, trying to undo the damage Joe Mullins is inflicting on his own constituents… by not caring that 5,000 people have only 2 ways in and out of our community and denying that we need a third entrance…
Agkistrodon says
You conflating what I said with your issues. I simply stated. If you want folks to vote for you, perhaps do not infer they are idiots. You have on numerous occasions made comments about “floriduh”, You wrote that. Not me. Facts Trump feelings.
Name (required) says
Joe Mullins sounds and acts like he’s got problems that are far outside of “political zeal.” There’s something els going on here. I mean. As a county commissioner, I’ve never seen the likes of his engagement with his own”constituents.” What a Kamikaze character. Good luck with that, Joe. Wow….
Patricia A Brooke says
Google “Joe Mullins Evans , GA” Eye opening.
Roy says
I worked 30 years in Flagler County and while I lean liberal, I also support many conservative policies. However, I am disgusted one of my ultimate leaders proudly speaks so negative about me and my liberal brethren. While still working for the county I could not speak my mind but now I can say this piece of shit has no place making decisions for the workers or residents of Flagler County. Move on. Find another place spew your hatred of some of the people that actually voted for you.
Flyingbird says
Mullin was elected into office by us .we did not head the warning from Georgia paper that he was not to be trusted .fFlagler county got what they voted for .He sold out plantation Bay by voting for ICI Along with 3 other commissioners allowing builder to open new area for construction with the water system in deplorable condition .we know what he is all about . Time To ship Him Out . Enough…….
Whatdoiknow says
This seriously divided country on the federal level is now filtering down into local politics. We are all Americans first. We have more that unite us than divides us, its overdo for Everyone, all sides, to remember that and all leaders are needed that can be healers and uniters , no further division.
Heidi says
I am a Trumper but when you serve the people, it is all of the people. You can have your own beliefs and your own thoughts but you must stand up for those who stand with you or opposite you on the political stage. A world with only one way of thinking is a scary thought full of no checks and balances.
Let’s hope it was said quickly without much thought and an apology is on its way. We certainly would not want Flagler county to be one sided throughout, whichever side that may be.
marlee says
One would think this is a “trump” county with all the Trump/2020 bumper stickers in Palm Coast!
Mr. Deeds says
Mullins is just another Neanderthal promoting hate and ignorance.
Charles m Burgan says
Joe is a carpetbagger. anyone remember that term? Google it.
Jay Rhame says
Is it any wonder that Flagler County has a problem attracting businesses that offer high pay. We can’t even bribe some to come here. A long time ago after Daytona Beach had gone through countless efforts to revitalize the downtown area they hired a consultant who told them if they wanted business to invest they would need to be a place where the CEO would want to live. Living in “Trump County” would appeal to some but just as many would look elsewhere.
Just me and my opinion says
Very well written. He needs to go. Get out and vote!
John Yankovich says
It’s great to read all the comments! The remedy to “offensive” speech is more free speech from both sides of the aisle! Good job Flaglerlive!
Justme says
Thank you Mr. Goodfellow for speaking up regarding Mullins comments that Flagler County is Trump country. I hope other Flagler County Commissioners read his comments because he has no business representing a Flagler County Official. If someone wanted to move to Flagler County but read his statements that would sure change their minds. He comes across like Donald Trump as a bully and we don’t need more bullies in politics we need people they work with both sides. I took his comments very insulting as I see others did also.
William Moya says
I sense, by most of the commenters, anguish and anger at this man, which I share, but keep in mind he is one of the 43% who are fascist, misogynist, xenophobic, a perennial profile in politics that abounds in human history. Trump has given, this group license to come out of the closet (double entendre intended) and show themselves for who they are “the proud boys”. This, alas, is the New America, and they are not going away, neither am I, Joe.
David Schaefer says
Mullina and Trump are both in the same stupid uneducated fools….
David Schaefer says
Correction. Mullins
Optimist prime says
Correction. “Mullania.”
LOLOLOL. It was too easy not to??!?
John Moreno says
Make me ! Convince me why I should move . What’s going to happen if I don’t.
Weldon Ryan says
The 2016 election was a statement that Flagler is for Republicans as a cult and not a county for progress. I saw qualified candidate ousted out for ridiculously unqualified candidates solely because they are Republicans. While I do understand voting for party I have voted for candidates that meant or had the best qualification to uplift and improve of our community for the good of everyone.living here despite party. I am a registered Democrat and I have been since I was eligible to vote. I felt it was shameful that this had happened in this way since we all as residents should vote with respect to everyone in our community. To sell out to a ganglike philosophy of party has hurt us as a whole. My main point of this is that Republicans like Mullins support a President like Trump with all the harm he’s done to this country with zero concern about anyone while steadfast with a crooked agenda. Republicans circuling their wagons around Trump despite all of the evidence that had surface, with his blatant racism, lies and his greed along with how he’s gutted so much for the middle class and the poor? How could anyone be so cruel! Mullins doesn’t belong in office because this is not being a serant of the people.
PDE says
Here’s some more articles about ‘ol Joe.
This guy has more baggage than an overbooked flight.
Judge Cites Lack of Evidence in Complaint Against WGAC, Augusta Talk Host Austin Rhodes. After a complaint from local businessman Joe Mullins suggesting that WGAC, Augusta, Georgia talk host Austin Rhodes’ words on his radio show caused him to become concerned for the safety of himself and his family, a judge has ruled that there is not enough evidence to suggest a crime may have been committed. According to a report by WJBF-TV, Mullins complained to authorities that Rhodes compared him to a snake on his February 27 broadcast and said, “Snakes have to be dispatched or killed.” The story notes that local police listened to a recording of the entire segment provided by Mullins but concluded that there was no direct threat to Mullins.
Donald T says
augusta Georgia sent him packing Mullins could not get elected dog catcher with all his scandals from illegal campaign donations to a series of Anthony’ Weiner creepiness news stories and where does the choose to re invent himself , Flagler county time for joe (dangerous) Mullins be sent packing elsewhere
Trailer Bob says
Hard to believe Mullins is the Representative for Bunnell. Once he was elected we never saw him around. Seems like we are not represented out here.
The Mondex (if Joe still knows where it is) needs “real” street lights or more people will get killed out here. We all play this new driving game called ” try and miss the huge potholes” or just drive down the center of the road. What too many drug issues out here that need more resources to control.
But no elected officials to be seen or heard.
Maybe I should run for the position that currently seems vacant out here.
I have started non profit 501c3 businesses and been an elected official in my home state.
It is time that someone truly represented us out here, acted like a representative of the people, and respect the decent working and retired people who live and work out here.
wow says
A county that depends on it’s water for tourism should be aghast at what Trump is doing to destroy environmental protection laws. People who have children should be aghast. People who believe that world does not end when they die should be aghast. People who like clean drinking water and clean air should be aghast. I don’t get it at all.
Bobg says
Joe Mullins…the man whose only claim to fame was that he was the candidate with the most campaign signs. I would say he’s purely an empty suit, buy it’s actually filled to the lapels with stupid.
Name (required) says
This article has made me realize that Facebook and social media has become completely saturated with middle aged politically charged zealots, addicted to the smug self satisfaction of endorphin filled “likes.” Maybe throw that phone in the toilet first, before you sit down folks. Sit. Reflect. Resist the distraction of superficial, emotionally charged crusades. Maybe after, take a walk in the woods. Think. Hug a tree. “Log out.” Its sad to see people have such an endearment for such a garbage, vomit worthy American pastime. Ahh, baseball; hurry up…. ALL of you. You’ve ALL lost your collective minds.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Joe Mullins
Mr.Trump is without a doubt one of the worst Presidents we have ever had. So much so that I refuse to even call him President Trump. I also completly disagree with all of your politics and sentiments. I also refuse to move because you say I must do so. So what will you do about it? I’m waiting? Will you have armed deputies/troops escort me to that train or bus?
I cringed the day you got elected and had hoped someone would start a recall. What ashame it didn’t happen. I didnt vote for you last time and I will do my best to make sure you don’t get re-elected. You have come across as nothing but a con man who had to leave Georgia for less than stellar reasons.
@ Flagler Live
It would be interesting if you all did some investigative journalism on Mr. Mullins. And ran an article. It’s time to start shedding some light on these nefarious Commisioners of ours.
Let’s start breaking this cycle of empire building this next election. Vote these incumbents out who only represent special interests and developers. Lets get someone in there that will represent their constituents.
Trailer Bob says
I am thinking about it. Wonder what disaster he would throw at me if I do? But he is NOT a representative of us Republicans at all. And I actually DO live in Bunnell and work for a living in this community. Back in my days of politics I actually worked with both parties and got a lot of support from Democrats as well. We need some hard work and also kindness out here, not hate and ridiculous comments.
Sherry says
Thank you William Moya. . . very, very well said. . . as usual! DITTO HERE!
Slim says
It’s sad to see the downfall of ones behavior and given the past history of Mr. Mullins his recent very public behavior is indicative of a addict in relapse. I hope for the sake of his health that maybe the city council would intervene and put a stop to his very predictable choices that are unbecoming of a elected official.
halfbreed says
Everyone seems to vent against and hate this guy,(for good reason) makes you wonder who voted for him
Optimist Prime says
Well Joe,
All I can think of here, is that scene from the movie “The Campaign.”
– “Welcome to the Fu**in show.”
David Gillon says
Can we please vote this man out of office. Please. Surely we can do better. To say Joe Mullins is an embarrassment is an understatement. Besides, his ugly comments pretty much speak for themselves.
capt says
Well written Chris and so very true. Mullins in my opinion, doesn’t have ALL the citizens of Flagler CTY in his best interest as noted by his comments.